

The Phrovans have only just started to take their first steps into space, the population is fairly optimistic and excited to explore it. They are a scientific civilization, and tend to make harsh decisions to avoid war with others.



Augment Crystal:[]

A crystalline object that produces a time augmentation field between it and the nearest other crystal when induced by an electric current. Further research is still required to fully understand them, but they are theorized to create this field by sending tachyons as a form of data transfer.

"Spyarnyk" HMG MK3:[]

A large HMG, a leftover from the Cold GPO war, can be scaled up to ship size, but normally takes 10mm tungsten flechettes and fires them at a rate of 5 darts a second. Slightly useful as shield puncturing weapons, but practically useless against ships with decent hulls. Designed for ground use. Due to the mostly pacifist nature of Phrovans, they haven't seen use for almost 5 decades.

Carbon Leather:[]

Part of Phrovan armor and a part of most of their hulls. (alongside ordinary steel) It's a woven network of carbon nanotubes, soaked in a strong, flexible steel flaked epoxy to bind them together. Sometimes a thin coat of steel is applied, to further protect the epoxy, with the cost of being less flexible and more expensive to produce. It's strength is roughly on par with titanium hulls, but it is prone to chipping.

Velocity Augmentation System (VAS):[]

VASs are the basis of Phrovan space travel, used in every interstellar or intercolonial ship they've made. It uses the aforementioned augment crystals strange property of creating time augmentation fields when split apart to speed up temporal flow in the bubble, thusly creating the illusion that the ship is travelling at FTL speeds, when in reality, it is speeding up time, therefore cutting off the time needed to travel from one star to the next. A stabilizer (part of the VAS) is required to make a bubble in the field, however, as the time augmentation would cause anyone in it to die of old age almost instantly.

Star-Moving Megastructures:[]

The PSR recently theorized a stellar engine (a Shkadov thruster, to be exact) using a VAS in propel a star system at near the speed of light (reflecting the photons at increased speed). It is generally agreed that FTL speeds would not be possible, due to it exceeding the speed of gravity, flinging all the planets away from the star system. A Caplan Thruster type engine designed in the same fashion was proposed, but due to the effect of the VAS, it would most likely cause the star to age at ludicrous speed, resulting in imminent supernova or implosion. The designs for the SMM are currently being drawn up and calculated, mainly for costs and the VAS field. The other proposed option would be to create a large field, encompassing their entire system, and use a rotating stabilizer ring in orbit around all the inhabited worlds and star, and activating a Caplan Thruster to propel the system, then relying on the bubble to move the whole system forward. Almost every Phrovan scientist favors this idea, as it would be less dangerous and faster overall, despite the obvious negatives of this plan.



The PSR was created after a 14 years long cold war between two factions in the main governing body of the Phrovans, (the Global Phrovan Order) called the Socialist Comrades Party and the Conservative Phrovans Party. The two factions had engaged in deadly civil war before, which lead to the creation of the GPO, but it really only helped fuel the fire that was burning between the two parties. Eventually the Socialist Comrades essentially won the conflict after managing to create the first interstellar colony, then becoming the PSR that still holds strong today.

The personal life of the first two leaders in the PSR is a bit of a different matter. Jiisi Vorov was the vice president of Zeffran Heugnov, who led the Sociaist Comrades through the cold war. Vorov was elected president after Heugnov's death of old age and enacted many of the Comrades key policies, (UBI, better tax equality, abolishing first past the post, and of course, changing the national greeting to "Hello Comrade!") and facilitated much of the early space travel around their small chunk of nearby stars. The current president, Sifkrii Domanoff, was elected after Vorov decided to retire to the colony he helped create (also setting the term length to 5 years just before he did so). Domanoff continued space travel and expanded the Phrovans foothold in their own system, as well as facilitating more research to be done on the Augment Crystals. Meanwhile he kept the public morale high and made the Phrovans excited to explore more of space.

In modern times, the Phrovans have been building a megastructure so move their star. The structure has been fired and the PSR has been relocated to the Milky way galaxy.


The Phrovan military is split into two groups (similar to WW1 England). Their main line of defense is the Phrovan Volunteer Militia, their largest army that the PSR commands. The PVM is mostly ceremonial, with some basic knowledge of weaponry and some fairly simple fitness regimens. The PVM has 400 million troops, but they are not too well trained for combat. The other side of the Phrovan military is the ancient Dahkra clan, a sub culture of Phrovans that see advancement in military strength as more important than scientific strength. The Dahkra are a semi democratic militocracy that has followed through much technological advancement of the Phrovans, the Dahkra were created after the Phrovan Industrial Revolution.


The PSR has three main types of spaceships:

-Vagabond Class: The Vagabond Class is a small conic vessel, with one fusion reactor, an internal gravity wheel for long term occupation, a small nuclear engine, and the VAS for practical interstellar travel. It is commonly used as a science vessel, or a somewhat large crew and civilian shuttle. It has a carbon leather hull coated in titanium, and no weapon systems.

-Discovery Class: The Discovery Class vessel is a large, cylindrical ship, with somewhat similar internals to the Vagabond, just scaled up, or increased in number. Specifically, there is a large fusion reactor, two gravity ring crew areas, a zero-G multipurpose room, a large nuclear engine, VAS, and a small viewing area in the front. It is armored with a carbon leather, titanium, and steel hull, and has a ship grade Spyarnyk MKIII HMG and a somewhat unconventional plasma discharge system, which will fire a plasma bolt at the enemy ship, but draws from the fusion reactor, cutting the power for a few seconds. It is mainly used as a large scale exploration or science vessel. It has been used as a colony creation ship in the past, and was in fact the ship that established the colony on Heuganov's Planet.

-Defender Class: The Defender Class is a large rectangular ship, a lot bigger than the Discovery Class, and designed with war in mind. The most recent addition to the fleets, it has two fusion reactors to fuel it, three gravity rings for crew storage, an organized bridge area, four nuclear engines and one massive metallic hydrogen engine for evasive maneuvers. It has more space for fuel than most of the other ships, thus having a larger range to fight in. It has thick carbon leather and titanium layers, along with an anti missile steel layer, slightly separated from the rest of the hull. In terms of weapons, it has multiple small turrets on its hull, two side mounted missile cannons, and on the front is a large laser cannon,the strongest weapon on the ship, but it can only be fired once every 10 minutes, as it is extremely power heavy to use. There are only 10 in the PSR fleet.




Green face Honurable Comrades! We humbly present you an alliance.
-Waptoria Alliance of Species: Good people, they have given us land in the Milky Way.
-Algolurn Popular Republic: Fellow socialists, they are willing to protect us from harm.


Blue face Comrades!
-JCompany: We did trade, and they helped us obtain some infrastructure for our projects.
-The Purity: Despite our ideological differences, your intentions can be very similar to ours.
-Sovereign Republic of Gradesia: We've heard good things, comrades!


Yellow face I hope we can ignore each other.
-Plaxti Empire:Their idiotic lawsuit has made us lose hope in their leader, despite their use of socialism.


Orange face Are you attempting to provoke us?


Red face Our relations are utterly degenerate... you swines!

At War[]

-98B6192E Get punctured, barbarian.

Quotes (Add your own here!):[]

They are good people. They understand why we didn't except the alliance and we appreciate that.

- Platixi Empire

They're good JFriends! We learned a lot from each other, especially about science! And our JTrade Route will certainly benefit now that they are closer!

- Tycoon JOmnivore of JCompany, during interview in the JMTV, about the relocation of the PSR to the Milky Way Galaxy


- The Maker's Shadow


-I acidentally made the Comrades abbreviation SCP oof -Every single acronym the PSR uses has three letters for some reason (GPO, PSR, CPP, SCP, VAS, and SMM)

Territory gifted to the PSR in the Byzan Sector