
I pledge everything I own, everything I have left, my heart included. I want my humanity back.

- Phase-Hunter

Phase-Hunter, born Wade Simon Pweza, is a human male from Earth, a strong Essence user and one of the Gen'Droi, a group of Essence using Knights who cloak themselves in fluid, symbiotic beings, that feed on their emotions and adrenaline while improving their skills in battle. The Gen'Droi originally restricted their emotions, to avoid their Symbiotes becoming addicted to their lust for sex, violence and mayhem, but in time, most were seduced by Terikalinra and became champions of the Brotherhood of Darklings.


Early Life[]

Chains of Darkness[]

Joining the Pact[]

Second Great Cyrannus[]

When Kirta Clett journeyed into Cyrannus, Phase was at her side, bringing his incredible powers to bear for the armies. Though he kept himself hidden from direct fights, seemingly fearful of Tyrómairon, he provided intelligence and spying for the Pact, and would participate in the battle against Zhinjar's forces, helping kill quite a few Dark Side Adepts and Inquisitors in his service.



Wade is dominated by two seemingly contradictory personalities. Sometimes, he is short-tempered, easily annoyed and vengeful, driven by shame and anger at himself for his past and inability to do better. At other times, usually during the highs and heights of fighting, he becomes a motor-mouthed, taunting and never ceasing his talking, constantly mouthing off and smarting off even when fights turn against him. No matter what, he is deeply protective of, and almost violent, about those closest to him, refusing any harm to come to them, and vengefully seeking those that harm his friends and what family he has left. Losing those close to him causes him extreme bouts of self-loathing, anger and depression, lashing out at others and going silent, isolating himself for long stretches of time. When he gets over this, he switches to a personality of extreme out-going and hedonism, pretending everything is fine and never letting others see another side of him.

Few know how insecure, uncertain and determined he is, his projecting of a personality of hedonism and self-indulgence a way to keep others from getting too close. He tends to view concepts of redemption and repentance cynically, and looks down on those that try and follow such attitudes, seeing it as pointless, and, more personally, acts as a way of projection, viewing himself as too twisted to be saved, and projecting that onto others that have made mistakes as well.


Play with matches, and you can get burned!

- Phase on his appearance


Phase-Hunter is noted for his incredible physical strength, able to overpower Skordi, some of the strongest creatures in Mirus, and tear apart Catharhinii and Kulaung. Combined with his incredible martial arts and combat training, and he has torn apart entire hit squads without trouble, often with his bare hands.

Like all Gen'Droi, his powers of Essence are incredible, enabling him to blend into shadows, teleport, fire blasts of energy, read minds through physical contact, and cause feelings of dread and terror in people who come near him. His suit can form tentacles to lash out and penetrate bodies, and can form the feared Codex Blade to cleave through targets. The blade is anathema to other Essence users, and just the smallest cut can cause incredible pain to them. The suit feeds on the souls of victims, especially powerful essence users, and can grow stronger from this, though Phase learned to curtail its addiction to violence.

Due to his many killings in his past, combined with his age, his Symbiote has evolved to a point that he is easily one of the most powerful mortal essence users in Mirus, the likes of Darklings the only ones to outdo him in that regard. This power does not add to his ego, but rather plays into his fears about himself and what he could do.



Green face Family[]

I was born to love you.

Blue face Friends[]

I'm in your shadow. Whoever follows after you, I'll be tracking them.

Yellow face Neutral[]


Orange face Disliked[]

You keep pushing, and I'll push back, and that means pushing my hand into your guts.

Red face Enemies[]

Guess what? I'm already dead. So when you go to Hell, I'll be waiting.

  • Phlebotomist - I'll mount your head on a spike.
  • Bolgarak - Everyone you've eaten, everyone you've kiled, I owe it to them to get revenge.
  • Tarkaan - No brother of mine!

Quotes from others[]

  • add your own!

Slade, Wade, Blade...Uh, what now?

- Oji'b

In spite of your attempts, I always will view you as a second father.

- Barda Clett

And THIS is why people don't take proper mercenaries seriously these days. Someone pay me to shut this guy up permanently.

- Admiral Kaios

Completely insane. But...Hrm. I think there's a reason for it. A logic to his madness. Gah! If i didn't know better i'd think he had contact with a major EDBE!

- Ortior Iklas

And now...your death is marked.

- Khazurhal Angazhar

Hurry up and die will ya? I'm sort of craving human flesh now.

- Queen Si'daal


- King Lavern

And then they say I'm crazy. Yeah? Woohoo? This guy is like 10 times more crazy then I am. I might actually reduce that to 5. Or 1. Or actually I might be more crazy. All those possibilities! They all make my head spin!

- Zakton

Nice weapon collection. Don't worry when Zakton steals something out of it, though, I'll get it back for you...If you ever learn to shut up! If you don't, I'll kick you out of the airlock. And that's a promise.

- Okagg

I only like Queen. I don't worship them, I'm agnostic jack'o lantern face.

- Niyra

No, no relation to no mere mecha pilot or fighting dude. But god herself!

- Ibari

If...he...doesn't...shut up...I'LL TEAR HIM APART!

- Random B.A.C Evolved

Woo! Someone as crazy and deadly as me! I still have pointer sticks. And bigger guns too.

- X-30


- Bloodlust responding to Phase-Hunters quote

Q/A section[]


Ask Phase-Hunter anything. If your crazy enough.


  • Wade was based initially on Deadpool, before shifting to a more serious, gruff character hybridizing aspects of the Al Simmons Spawn character.
  • Pweza Meat is a popular dish in Zanzibar, the country Freddie Mercury hails from, and is designed to reflect his obsession with the latter.


