

The Palcorith galaxy is an isolated, spiral galaxy that is approximately 13.08 billion years old. The Palcorith galaxy has no neighboring galaxies (aside from the Tsourian Cloud which is a relatively small cloud of stars when compared to the Placorith galaxy) that conventional space travel warp drives can reach. Due to this isolation from other galaxies and galactic cultures, the Palcorith galaxy is plagued with unique cultures and creatures. Often regarded by most non-Palcorian galactic civilizations as a myth, the Palcorith galaxy has a legendary tale of evil intertwined with the myth of the demonic Palcorians. This myth has inspired many to believe that the Palcorith galaxy is the galaxy of origin of the god-like being called Death that has disappeared into the supposed multiverse. These myths are derived from the Death Scrolls created by Bolohkmir, the supposed only sentient being to have meet Death and lived to tell about it.

The Palcorith galaxy is said to have looked like an average spiral galaxy, and to not have any anomalies that made it different from every other galaxy. The galaxy was said to have had a brownish-bluish tint that shined brightly. Partially Ruined documents from some long-deceased civilizations that inhabited galaxies that had a clear view of the Palcorith galaxy suggested that the Palcorith glalaxy was often seen as beacon of hope and as a god-like sprit.

Palcorian Civilizations[]

According to the Death Scrolls, the Palcorith galaxy had many dynasties and empires that contributed greatly to Palcorian conflicts and affairs, but none of them were like the two most important civilizations, the Palcorians and the Merotuns. The Merotuns, apparently, managed to establish a great galactic civilization that encompassed at least 1/2 of the Palcorith galaxy. The Merotuns are said to have regarded scienctific endeavors as one of the most important civic duties of a Merotun. Eventually, the Merotun golden age (an age of increased scientific and cultural accomplishments), came to an end as the Merotunian economy began to plummet because of resources that were becoming scarce in their territories. Without the scientific capabilities and technologies to reach galaxies that were far-away, but yet the only neighbors to the Palcorith galaxy, the Merotun Galactic Confederation was dwindling in strength and size. Eventually, a smaller civilization called the Premorphians (later known as the Palcorians), that valued science more than the Merotuns managed to conquer the weakened Merotun Galactic Confederation thought their use of superior technology, abundance of resources, and stronger economy. They later called themselves the Palcorians when they managed to conquer the remaining, smaller empires and civilizations left in the Palcorith Galaxy. The Palcorians were the last official civilization to rule the Palcorith galaxy, before its destruction.

The Destructinon of Palcorith[]

The story of the destruction of the Palcorith destruction is best understood with a brief outline of the Palcorian Universal War. After gaining control of the entire palcorith galaxy, the Palcorians established a galactic empire that focused on developing extremely complex scientific technologies that were sometimes seen as god-like by other beings. With the resources of the Placorith galaxy dwindling, the Palcorians decided to focus all their efforts on creating a massive and extremely technologically advanced fleet to invade the entire universe. With this fleet, they intended to do what no Planarian civilization had done before, travel to another galaxy. The Palcorians invaded the Trieme galaxy first and breeze-fully conquered it due to the lack of a unified civilization controlling Trieme. The Palcorians went on and invaded many other galaxies (they are rumored to have invaded 236 galaxies, according to the Dark Scrolls) and managed to establish strict Palcorian control on all their conquered colonies. The Palcorians used slavery on planets with agitated, conquered populations in order to keep their war efforts at full production. Eventually, the Palcorians established brutal slavery policies on most of there conquered worlds, and they were rumored to have kept invading other galaxies with little until the Palcorian Rebellion. The Palcorian slave-worlds were well kept secrets from the generally Palcorian public that believed the Palcorian government to be just and merciful. The higher rank Palcorian officials had different ideologies form the Palcorian commoner. The Palcorian officials recognized that the Palcorians would need a large, military, and industrially strong empire if they were to have a chance at surviving amongst the ranks of civilizations that they assumed controlled tens of galaxies. Palcorian commoners were taught of strict duty to the state and that the Palcorian empire would survive given each individuals fullest efforts and sacrifices. In order to prevent the public from knowing that the Palcorians used barbaric practices like slavery to keep production high, the Palcorian officials kept the Palcorian commoners in the dark about their use of slavery on conquered peoples. Eventually, Palcorian opposers managed to leak information and evidence of slavery practices on conquered worlds to the Palcorian public. Massive revolts in the Palcorian homeland of the Palcorith galaxy occurred and caused much confusion within the ranks of the Palcorians. Palcorian military efforts were instead focused from invading newly discovered galaxies, to fighting rebellion armies and protests. The Palcorian government began to win the 246 year Planarian Rebellion and the leaders of the Palcorian rebellion realized that the only way to achieve a victory was to destroy the industrial capital of the Palcorians, the Palcorith galaxy. By using a MGGWDB (Massive Galactic Gravity Wave Destruction Bomb), that had never been manufactured nor used by the Palcorian government before, the Palcorian rebels managed to commit the ultimate sacrifice for freedom, the destruction of quintillions of their own brethren and worlds. The Planarian rebels successfully used a bomb that had been so meticulously designed over the course of 50 years to destroy the main arm of the Palcorian government. Once the Palcorith galaxy was destroyed, many slaves that were forced to work for the Palcorian government on slave-worlds revolted against the weakened and thin-spread Palcorian Empire. Eventually, the rebellion managed to succeed, and after 973 years of galactic wars and enslavement between the Palcorian Empire and other civilizations of other galaxies, the Palcorian Empire was completely destroyed. Most importantly, the Palcorian Eradication Alliance (an alliance focused on destroying every Palcorian remaining) was formed and continues to search for any Palcorian creatures left to this day. Palcorian numbers are rumored to be in the low thousands, and the Palcorian Eradication Alliance has officially labeled them as demons and dark beings that wish to brutally enslave all life in order to inspire fear and hatred toward any Palcorians. Palcorian numbers today are so low, that the last time any official member of any Palcorian Eradication Alliance affiliated government has entered in contact with a Palcorian, was 2,000 years ago, in a brief shootout. Nowadays, the Palcorians are regarded as a feared myth, and no living being is said to have seen one alive. They are rumored to still be alive however, in small bands trying to survive on the asteroid belts of undeveloped star systems, plotting for a return and to recreate their Palcorith galaxy.
