
Soon, my new empire...shall begin.

- Kradik

In the opening year of the Second Cyrannian Galactic War, many factions arose, or traveled to, the Cyrannian Galaxy. What ever their goals, one other empire, had slipped in from the shadows. This empire, was the mighty Zarbania Powers. Leading their fleet, was the brilliant and powerful, Lord Kradik. A native to this often war-torn galaxy, Kradik sought to bring his race to heel, hoping to use the chaos not only to conquer his people under the Zarbanian flag, but also bring glory to the entire galaxy, and make it his.

However, an old saying has it that "Small steps destroy", and this would be no different. In the Forgotten territories of the Bygorians, while hyper-powers clashed, the rival empires that sought mastery of the Bygorian Race fought in a titanic duel, that would only gain the further destruction of their people.

But not everyone would have it that way...


KP 01

Kradik discusses things with Gorash.

Kradik, massive leader of the Zarbania Powers, sate in contemplation within his monstrous vessel, Ulciscor. For so long, he had plotted, waited, hungered, to finally return to Cyrannus, to see his homeworld once more, to clash with the other races he had studied for so long. Yes, today was a changing day, and he would oversee this. His plan was simple, bring the galaxy to heel, under his fist, for Zarbania.

However, he had to take this slow and steady. No conquest could begin rashly, and this was no different. Clicking his massive fangs together, he felt his ship lurch a bit, as his fleet came out of their worm hole.

His commanding officer, Gorash, contacted him from her flagship, the Devastator Frigate, Destroyer. The Deutzalanian stood at attention, standing within the holographic projector within his command room, deep in the bowels of the massive Ulciscor.

  • Gorash - Lord Kradik, sir! We have arrived safely in the Cyrannus Galaxy, and await your command. No ships seem to have detected our arrival, and we have found no native ships nearby. All is well.

Kradik clicked his claws together, slowly, as he made his first order.

  • Kradik - Send our survey drones, and find an appropriate planet near by, one that we can hopefully use to begin our conquest.
  • Gorash - *bows her head* Yes lord, it shall be done.

As she closed the transmission, Kradik's visual scanners aboard his vessel allowed him to see the hundreds of machines sent out to find a suitable world. While he had established a base back in the War against the Troodontids, to assist his ally, the Imperium of War, that base had since been abandoned, and was far too close to the former to risk them knowing he was here.

His aide, another Bygorian, named Kul'talis, approached. The being was covered in special power armor, designed to be a hybrid between Deutzalanian and Bygorian armor designs. His 3 eyes where alert as ever, and he stood at attention, his old scars glinting slightly in the low light.

  • Kul - Lord Kradik, Sir, do you have a task for me?
  • Kradik - Yes, infiltrate our old empire, the Imperium. Bring a Cadre of Changeling Drones with you.
  • Kul - What is your plan?
  • Kradik - First, we get a colony here. Then, the Changelings will infiltrate the 2 Bygorian empires to keep an eye on them. My hope is, at their weakest moment, I will bring the 2 leaders, Ancreest and Skeeni together, and hopefully make them see things my way.
  • Kul - A wonderful plan sir. High Command will be quite happy.

Kradik smiled to himself, as he waved Kul out. First thing was first. Get a base established. Then, it would be time to act...
