
The Stolos Armada is the grand fleet of the Mirusian Theocratic Congregation, under which all nations are required to donate a small segment of their own fleets onto the Stolos as par their membership. While their land forces can deploy overwhelming numbers, weapons and technology upon the foe, their true strength, lies in their fleets. Every officer wishes to one day serve and even command one of these fearsome vessels, and to do so is usually a great sign of experience and diligence in Spode's word.

The Stolos Armada is commanded mostly by the Gardeili, Targarous, Tugian, Karogon and some Kig'tar species, though there are no restrictions to who may yield command of a ship. These vessels are monolithic in size and strength, armed to the teeth, and armored to withstand any foe. Each vessel is smooth and curving in appearance, similar to the vessels used by their creators, the Multus Esse. This is not a coincidence. Much of the Mirusian Congregation's technology was burrowed and repurposed from that of the Creators, giving them an edge over much of their neighbors.






