The Milky Way Galaxy (also known as the Plazith Rim, Vintergatan, among uncountable names) is one of the major galaxies in the Xonexi Cluster of the First Gigaquadrant. Spanning between one hundred thousand and one hundred and ten thousand light years in diameter, the Milky Way is known as one of the most diverse galaxies in the Gigaquadrant, being the home of many civilisations such as the Delpha Coalition of Planets, the various states of Humanity, the Kicathian Coalition, the Indoctrinate Collective and the nations of the Katar Sector, amongst many others.
With so many varied civilisations, the history of the galaxy is endless. Only the most ancient civilizations know what had happened millenia ago, but rarely share their memories to the younger races, which are nevertheless growing in their own power and prestige. Most extragalactics see the Civilisation as the primary face of the galaxy.
Ancient History[]
The Milky Way is quite possibly the cradle of life in the Onuris Universe; it is believed that its earliest inhabitants, the Quark Life, inhabited the area of the young universe where the galaxy would form. Upon the rise of stars and planets, the Vida'Rra and their Vida'Rranlora assistants would evolve from the Quark Life as the first spacefaring life in the proto-Milky Way, seeding it with life and observing its development. This period also saw the birth of the Corruptus, which led to the proto-galaxy being plunged into the First War of Black Fog, quite possibly the first galactic war of the Milky Way's history.
Over the following billions of years, countless civilizations rose and fell in the Milky Way. The Vida'Rra eventually fell into obscurity following their Final Sleep, leading to other great civilizations of Milky Way Precursors to fill the void they had left. Among them were the beings known as the First Ones, who saw themselves as watchers over the younger races of the galaxy, and the Xyanxes, whose feats included the creation of the Girdo Galaxy and the creation of the infamous living AI planet Fahler, using digital lifeforms to guard it. The Grox Empire of the neighbouring Andromeda Galaxy would also arrive and colonize the galactic core of the Milky Way during this period, turning it into one of their most fortified extragalactic territories.
Star systems such as Sol and Chilius, which would become pivotal in the future of the universe, would start forming around this time as well. By now, life is beginning to flourish in the universe, due to the increasing number of stable main-sequence stars and the production of heavier elements.
Rise of Great Powers[]
In relatively more modern times, the Milky Way would start resembling its modern incarnation with the emergence of new races such as the Kicath, who around 720,000 years ago would become spacefaring as the Kicathian Coalition, becoming one of the oldest extant powers in the galaxy. Other races such as the Gablinus-Avis would also become part of the galactic community around this time, though the Milky Way Precursors remained the ultimate rulers of the galaxy still, watching over its new inhabitants from afar.
About 60,000 years ago, the Dracogonarious and Marinar would join the galactic community as the Dracogonarious Empire, while a portion of the latter race found itself absorbed by the Milky Way Grox and transformed into drones called Marinox, which would be distributed across the Grox Meta-Empire as one of their most infamous weapons of war.
Earth would see much activity in the form of the Ashtar, a race of Denisovans who ascended into space and became a member of the Milky Way Precursors while also serving as the origin of the Greys. Afterwards, Neanderthals would be extracted from Earth and transported elsewhere in the galaxy by the First Ones to save them from extinction, which would make room for Humans to become the dominant species of the planet and later a galactic presence of their own.
At about 700 years before the events of the War of Ages, a number of species from the Delpha Sector would unite into the Delpha Coalition of Planets, who would proceed to become one of the most prominent superpowers of the galaxy through a combination of technological superiority and military conquest. Their influence grew further once they became one of the founding states of the Seven Starr Alliance and following their wars with the Grox, which led to the Meta-Empire losing control of the galactic core to the Coalition.
Meanwhile, Humanity rose to the stars as a spacefaring race, split into two major groups - the unified Allied Terran Republic, and the various independent states collectively known as the Orion League. These Humans would proceed to create the Jovar, who would form the Jovar Empire as part of the Allied Terran Republic. Other races to emerge during this period were the Salsetthe and the various races of the Katar Sector.
A particularly noteworthy moment in history at this time would be the Church of Spode's attack on the galaxy as part of the war instigated by Clericarch Jaharan ae-Zamarros; the Jaharani Crusades, as they became known, left a swath of destruction across the galaxy as the Church attempted to claim territory their claimed as rightfully theirs, though it resulted in Jaharan's defeat and the Church's eventual downfall in the following years.
Modern Wars[]

Terran ships fighting the Congregation during the War of Ages
Unified under the Seven Starr Alliance, many nations of the Milky Way would become involved in the War of Ages, where they joined forces with the Krassio in order to combat the Congregation and later the Samut'angar. During this period, the Delpha Coalition of Planets would accidentally unleash the Nanohorde upon the galaxy before plunging into the DCP Civil War, though it ultimately recovered. Around the same time, the Intergalactic War begins and the Cognatus Alliance launches a massive invasion on the Milky Way, which would be repelled by the efforts of the Allies.

The First Ones and DCP battle the Grox and Daleks during the Girdo Campaigns
The Girdo Campaigns would follow, where the Girdo Empire attacked the galaxy in their attempt to encourage the rise of truly alien life, while the New Grox Wars would begin across the First Gigaquadrant as the Grox Meta-Empire attempted to take revenge against their enemies, including in the Milky Way. The Girdo Empire's campaign was a success, and as a result, the Milky Way Precursors would depart from the galaxy while leaving instructions to the Delpha Coalition of Planets to the foundation of an unified galactic government which would become known as the Civilisation. The Grox, however, would ultimately be defeated for good, leading to the Meta-Empire surrendering and being absorbed by the newly-risen AI Netspace, a collection of artificial intelligences integrated into the Civilisation.
The Second War of Black Fog saw the return of the Corruptus, with many empires across the Milky Way suffering invasions from the Marinoxidiz and their minions. Rallied under the Dracogonarious Empire, however, the Corruptus would be pushed back and defeated, an event which led to the formation of a new superpower in the form of the Indoctrinate Collective. What followed, however, was the Annihilation; an attack by the Xhodocto led to the destruction of vast swaths of the First Gigaquadrant, though the Milky Way would avoid destruction thanks to the efforts of the Delpha Coalition of Planets, leading for them to temporarily vanish from the galactic scene.
The Vyro'Narza would save part of the Ottzello Galaxy, which had been wiped out by the Xhodocto, by creating the Ottzello Sector within the Milky Way, leading to factions such as the Unified Nation of Ottzello, the Third Sovereign Domain and Da Rogue Boyz briefly inhabiting the galaxy. However, hostilities by the Jovar and the Salsetthe Republic, who vied for the void left by the DCP's disappearance, led to the Plazith Galactic War and the Fourth Ottzello War, which culminated in the Vyro'Narza transporting the Ottzello Sector to the Borealis Galaxy instead. While they had succeeded in removing these extragalactics, the Jovar and Salsetthe's machinations ultimately failed due to the eventual return of the Delpha Coalition of Planets, who slowly but surely reclaimed their foothold in the galaxy. Meanwhile, the Indoctrinate Collective would initiate Project Exodus, one of the largest astroengineering projects the First Gigaquadrant has ever seen, where they physically transported most of their star systems from the Milky Way to the Borealis Galaxy, though they still remained a presence in the Milky Way.
The Drakodominatus Tyranny of the Mirus Galaxy, a rapidly expanding hyperpower, later attempted to assert dominance over the First Gigaquadrant. Initially drawn in by the Mineral Conflict, the Drakodominatus Tyranny set its eyes on the Katar Sector and engineered the Great Deceiver Conflict. Total Dominatus contol over the Katar Sector was only averted due to a slave uprising. After quashing the slave uprising, the Tyranny rapidly recovered, which in turn led to the Milky Way Campaign of the Great Tyranny War. Thanks to the efforts of the Delpha Coalition of Planets and the newly-founded Katar Sector Alliance, the Dominatus were pushed out of the galaxy. Afterwards however, the Katar Sector Alliance was itself crippled in the Lightning War and would play no further role of note on the galactic scene. The DCP-Vermulan War occurred during this period as well, which caused a Mantisorac invasion thanks to the war bringing the Milky Way to the attention of the natives in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

The Battle of Farochel, between the DCP, Apalos, Defensive Systems Bloc and Terrans against the Cyrannian Empire
Afterwards, the Milky Way found itself attacked by a massive fleet of Loron from Da Rogue Boyz in the event known as Da Reckoning, where they attempted to take revenge on the DCP and conquer the galaxy in their Milky Way Front. However, the Loron would be defeated by the efforts of the DCP and Apalos. This was followed by the Second Great Cyrannus War affecting the Milky Way due to the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus having its own intentions for the galaxy; as part of the Plazithian Front, the Empire would conquer Farochel in order to block any attempts from the Milky Way's inhabitants from providing reinforcements to the New Cyrannian Republic, and the Allied Terran Republic was conquered by the Empire during the Fall of Terrae, leading it to become a puppet state known as Imperial Terrae. The war ultimately ended with the defeat of the Empire, however, and the Humans would liberate themselves from Imperial control in the form of a new government known as the Systems Federation.
There are over 10,000 civilizations inhabiting the Milky Way (although the majority are Tier 6 to 4, avoid contact or are in the far reaches, and remain unknown). Most are very alien (Tier U), and rarely interact with other empires or are interested in galactic affairs. However, some of the more powerful empires do. Some civilizations do not make it long after their discovery of nuclear energy; this means finding dead radioactive worlds is not too uncommon.
The Galactic Core is rather devoid of normal life, due to the intense radiation, with only the harshest of life forms like the Grox surviving, and the Galactic Halo contains mostly low metallicity old stars, meaning life is also less common. Civilizations tend to exist in certain space environments that are calmer, and thus can form quite closely to each other.
The Milky Way does not have one dominant faction, but does contain very large and powerful empires. The Milky Way is a very big galaxy compared to most, and has over 400 billion stars, so there is lots of room for many, many factions. Because there is so many, it would be very difficult to create one large alliance or even conquer the entire galaxy, although the DCP's territories are expanding more quickly than most.
The most successful attempt at creating an encompassing galactic community in the Milky Way is the Civilisation, though it is not considered as much of an unified government as it is a meta-civilisation where its member factions collaborate towards common goals. The Milky Way is also the birth place of the Seven Starr Alliance, one of the longest lasting alliances in the wider First Gigaquadrant which became famed for fighting against the threat of the Congregation during the War of Ages.
These are noteworthy native factions of the Milky Way, separated by the galactic arm which they originate from.
- Carina-Sagittarius Arm
- Norma-Outer Arm
- Algolurn Popular Republic
- Ceinox Empire
- Defensive Systems Bloc
- Indoctrinate Collective
- JCompany
- New Tadpole Empire
- Phrovan Socialist Republic
- Veatrex Imperial Federation
- Orion-Cygnus Arm
- Perseus Arm
- Scutum-Centaurus Arm
- Orion-spur Arm
- Galactic Core
These are noteworthy extragalactic factions who have colonized the Milky Way, separated by the galactic arm which they originate from.
- Carina-Sagittarius Arm
- Norma-Outer Arm
- Dominion of the Xhodocto
- The Khilai Empire (N-Alpha-1 tip)
- Orion-Cygnus Arm
- Perseus Arm
- Scutum-Centaurus Arm
- Galactic Core
- N/A
These are factions that are extinct, have been destroyed or have reformed into new nations, separated by the galactic arm which they originate from.
- Carina-Sagittarius Arm
- N/A
- Norma-Outer Arm
- Dracogonarious Empire
- Ernai Empire
- Joran Planet Alliance
- Jovar Empire
- Jovar Socialist Republic
- Vengeful Claw
- Orion-Cygnus Arm
- Perseus Arm
- N/A
- Scutum-Centaurus Arm
- N/A
- Galactic Core
- N/A

The 33 supersectors of the Milky Way. Each supersector is defined by being in one of four quadrants (divided by lines running parallel and perpendicular to the galactic bar) and one arm (Norma, Perseus, Sagittarius, and Scutum-Centaurus); one further supersector covers the Orion Spur in the Beta Quadrant. Supersectors in the mid and outer rim of the galaxy are additionally divided into two per arm and quadrant, and have numbers to disambiguate them. Both quadrant lettering and outer sector numbering run spinwards, from the tip of each arm inwards. Many supersectors also have common names based on significant subregions and homeworlds within.
The Milky Way is between 100 and 120 thousand light years across, and contains over 400 billion stars. It is one of the largest and most influential galaxies in the Local group of galaxies (partly because many empires in fiction are within it). The Milky Way completes a full rotation about once every 50 million years. The disk is about 1,000 light years thick and the bulge is about 12,000 light years thick.
The halo that surrounds the disk and arms is 180,000 light years thick, and contains mostly old stars and hypervelocity stars that have been kicked out of the galaxy by the Galactic core. The Halo is a very poor place to colonize and contains few planets with life and fewer colonies than the disk. The Halo also contains globular clusters and some dwarf galaxies that are getting shredded and absorbed into the Milky Way.
Includes real and fictional locations.
- Astronomical Phenomena
Astronomical phenomena |
Nebulae & interstellar clouds - Emission, reflection, dark, planetary and living nebulae
Bok globules, Bassen Rift
Spatial anomalies and regions of instability
Notable star systems
Notable sectors
Notable Plazithian constructs
“A Cyrannian, an Andromedan, and a Milky Wayan walk into a bar. After a few hours, the Milky Wayan puked all over the floor. The janitor started to cry, but the Cyrannian said "Don't cry over spilled milk." Thus the Earthman saying.”
- - An old Quixid joke
“This galaxy became our legacy, and soon we shall reclaim the center for the Old Grox, and destroy our organic enemies for the Ascending.”
- - Overmaster Grell of the Omega Hive