
A Mendel colony tends to follow the basic setup of the Pact's ideals, and though there is no centralized standard to their buildings and positioning, all have some basic set-up and workshops centered around the Hold, the central building through which the Clan rules their holdings and Keeps. A Clan can rule anywhere from a small mining colony or several Keeps and Hill Forts, but all have similar buildings in their stylings.

Great Hold[]

Mustering Field[]

Ad hoc barracks are often set up in Colonies and new Keeps. Central organization is a weary thing to the naturally fractious Mendel, who don't often enjoy taking orders. But, training, outfitting and preparation are needed for such a boisterous and warlike people, and the Clan Barracks and Mustering Fields are set up. Simple cots and sparring chambers are set up, so Mendel warriors can practice blade work in a safe area, and marksmenship against their targets. Small rooms are set up for some drinking and heavy eating after a hard day of training and marching, if a war has just been waged, trophies are gathered by the Clan's warriors and great tales are told of how they came to be, the Nutra'gal often adding much more flair to the tale then how it originally was, of course!

Lockout Towers[]

Attached to any military installation for the Mendel is a serious of Lookout points to monitor local space activity for any enemy or unidentified fleets, patrol border territories and the like, and be sent out on marches and prepared for handling the less action-filled events and battles of the Mendel. Each soldier given a set amount of time to do their patrols and inspections, and once completed, are sent into the lower tap rooms to grab hot broth, bread, and some beer from the kettles. Once done, they can wash up, sleep and relax before their next patrol comes up.

Hall of Oaths[]

The Hall of Oaths is a large, often massive structure, each Clan Hold having one dedicated to all the heroes of the Clan who laid their lives down for it's continued existence, as well as the great hero who has said to have founded the Clan. Usually located in the major cities and the capital of a Clan, the Hall of Oaths is wear the Clan Lord or Lady's best warriors gather, and where the Thanes will prep their soldiers for a mighty fighting to be done.

Guild Trade Hall[]

The guilds are the center of business and industry in Mendel society, and although there are many different types, the dominate ones are the Engineer's Guild, the Toolmaker's Guild, Spice Trader's Guild and the Miner's Guild, though there many others. Based on the resources and land of a world or colony, will effect what Guilds choose to make their home there and set up a Guild Hall. For those colonies with large numbers of Guilds and abundant resources, or located on a vital trade route, a Guild Trade Hall is set up within the colony. This depot acts as a place where merchants came with their goods, offload and get paid for them, or trade with the Merchants and guild members on the world one resource for another. Trade Halls are always busy places, full of debating Kulaung Merchants and Kaguran traders, and aliens from across many parsecs and even from other galaxies.

Larger trade Halls have hangars for Caravans and ships to dock and unload their wares, and for ships to carry off excess material for worlds that need it.

Feast Halls[]

As I was a goin' over the far famed Ikhu mountains
I met with Captain Kor'fel and his money he was counting
I first produced my Blaster and I then produced my rapier
Saying "Stand and deliver" for he were a bold deceiver

Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da
Bash fall the Beast-o, Bash fall the Beast-o
There's Jiheer in the jar

I counted out his credit and it made a pretty penny
I put it in me pocket and I took it home to Jai'Ny
She sighed and she swore that she never would deceive me
But the devil take the women for they never can be easy

Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da
Bash fall the Beast-o, bash fall the beast-o
There's Jiheer in the jar!

- Mendel Drinking Song, Jiheer in Jar

Often considered more important then even their barracks, Mendel Feast Halls are considered a sign of how trustworthy a Clan Lord is. If his stools and tables are made of rotted wood, and the food a pinch too cold and his beer a tad too warm, it is usually all it takes for rival Clans to consider him a pretender and unworthy of eating with. When holidays call for large gatherings, or when a dignitary is brought to their Halls, Mendel gather in large numbers to consume their alcohol and eat to abundance. During these raucous celebrations, Mendel will engage in arm wrestling, head-butting contests and even fang-measuring contests, and as the fires roar, begin singing drinking songs. Kulaung are not known for being great singers, but they sacrifice technique for great enthusiasm, and their various allies can't help but join in. While tastes vary, most Kulaung prefer wine, but are not concerning during celebrations, supping down any beverage they can get their claws on, be Volver Beer or Draconis Wine.

When diplomats arrive from other nations, be it Waptoria, New Cyrannian Republic or Persan, the Mendel Clan leader will shepherd them, after they have settled in and rested, to their feasting hall to hold a great celebration, and show their loyalty and respect. Here, the diplomat or dignitary will feast on roasted Sver Buffalo beef, pickled Ratatak liver and various other foods, while slugging down copious levels of alcohol. If the newcomer can't keep up with the feasting and drinking, doubt is cast on the lightweight and the leader may take offense. If they manage to out-eat or out-drink the host, they are celebrated for the rest of their stay.

Kirta, as High Queen, as the grandest Feast Hall on Eire, where she will personally invite Presidents, Chiefs of State, Emperors and others to eat and try to out-drink her, as it is considered a tradition for foreign leaders to make the trip at least once to try and out-drink the High King or Queen of the Mendel.


In every hold there is a Temple dedicated to the Gods of the Mendel and where they gather to worship on holidays, during the day spending their time worshipping and meditating, and during the night, feasting and celebrating. Depending on the riches of the Hold or Keep, and the population, will effect the size of the Temple-Monument, and which one it focuses on will vary, either worshipping the War-God of Destruction and Evolution Kadaii Hoorangiir, the Mother and Chief Goddess Zaraturai, or any number of deities. The Temple will be constructed upon hill, while a few miles out, a great Circle of Standing Stones will be erected, the Priests carefully etching upon their surface the glowing runes of protection and blessing. When carefully tended to, it is said the stones can block the corruption of Darkling, Demonic and other varieties, and fill the spirits of those attuned to better stand against their foes.

The Temples are large, stone structures, simple oaken pews stationed throughout, and a mighty statue of the Chief God they worship erected at the front, while a painting of the whole pantheon stands behind it. A great stone slab, also encoded with Runes, is placed in front of the statue, and the Draiothe and Shamans will stand upon it while tending to their flock. Deeper within, are the simple dining halls and resting areas for the Draiothe and Priesthood of the Mendel, who do not often stay in one place for too long. While these Priests will see to their people and their spiritual and community health, Draiothe wander the stars when not needed, traveling even to other kingdoms to preach, heal, help the sick and ill, be it physical or mental. When they do return home, they often stay within the Temples for a time.

Eire's Temple on Tethras Hill is the largest Temple, as it is dedicated to each and every Mendel God in the Pantheon.
