
You don't understand what's coming. The Gigaquadrant is not prepared for this inevitability - and if it survives in any form we know today, so few will survive. No one knows when the Legion will march forward again, but when it does, any conflict fought afterwards will never match the bloodshed they will wreak upon us.

The Legion of Therus is a Gigaquadrantic-spanning totalitarian theocracy centred in the Tuuros Galaxy, with massive expanses in both the Andromeda Galaxy, Tigris Galaxy and Milky Way Galaxy. A reconstituted dictatorship formed from the remnants of The Congregation, the Legion of Therus is the largest extant territory in the Gigaquadrant that practices the religion of Therusism, and thus is the most prominent territory in the First Gigaquadrant that worships Angazhar as their god. Regarded as a cult, the Legion of Therus has been sanctioned by almost all civilisations in the Gigaquadrant as a colossal threat to the safety of all living beings.

In contrast to the complex order of the Congregation, the Legion of Therus adapts a more simple philosophical grounding that promotes notions of Gigaquadrantic conflict and violence in the name of Angazhar. As a result, the Legion of Therus is infamous across the universe for its acts of violent conquest, extinction of innumerable civilisations and the indoctrination of many more into its malevolent dogma. The Legion of Therus is the largest contingent of the coalition known as the Dominion of the Xhodocto.



The wide-reaching influence of the Legion of Therus entails an exceptionally diverse demographic; with a presence in nearly every known corner of the Gigaquadrant, it is thought that members of almost every species of note within the known Gigaquadrantic expanse can be found as members of the Legion of Therus. It is known that a considerable part of the Legion of Therus' demographic is consolidated pre-FTL species that have been conquered and indoctrinated into the Legion's dogma, originating widely from the Milky Way Galaxy and Andromeda Galaxy.


The Legion of Therus is a de jure totalitarian theocracy, ruled solely by Hez'Kalka who is viewed as the single voice and interpreter of the will of Angazhar. In truth, the Legion of Therus' society is highly stratified; the immediate chain of command underneath Hez'Kalka are seven warlords who oversee their own provincial territories, and in turn have underlings beneath them that work at smaller levels of society. The hierarchical structure of the Legion of Therus is in effect identical to that of the Congregation.

The Harbinger
Seven Warlords


Syncretising forms of a theocratic and kratocratic society, the Legion of Therus practices a form of ritualism that revolves around physical temperance. Surprisingly authoritarian despite its aggressive and violent doctrines, civilians under the Legion's banner live an ascetic and militant existence that places importance on the nature of overcoming and embracing physical suffering. Most of the doctrinal laws that the Legion of Therus follow are appropriated variants of asceticism practiced by the Mahanayan race, codified and encouraged by Hez'Kalka. As hierarchical structures are seen as absolute and god-given, the intrapersonal society of the Legion of Therus is unusually egalitarian, placing no species over another. As asceticism is a governing philosophy of the Legion, personal belongings and luxuries are sacrificed in favour of a strictly minimalistic lifestyle; thus, the Legion of Therus do not typically possess a trading currency and nor would such a currency be accepted in the wider Gigaquadrant.

As Therusism is the religion of the Legion of Therus, the Legion's edict of indiscriminate violence is restricted only to non-therusistic factions as a way of maintaining societal order and coherence. By therusistic doctrine, the Legion's society is perpetually militarised, viewing war as a sacremental absolute. The Harbinger and seven warlords are considered both military and theocratic authority; the Harbinger appointed by Angazhar himself, while the warlords are chosen by the Harbinger to lead upon his principles.


A highly chimerical pool of technology based on native, Zhulultu technology and Samut'angar phenomena, the Legion of Therus' technological advancement is placed almost solely on its military logistics; the interfacing of the bizarre and advanced technologies they posses make the Legion of Therus extremely difficult to classify, as they move in contrary motion to the rest of the Gigaquadrant technologically. While in several ways the Legion of Therus may be considered somewhat primitive in their application of technology, the alien nature of their technology in itself often supersedes or negates the technological efficacies of other civilisations. The use of demonic essence is considered a rare and venerable form of weaponry that is seldom used among the Legion themselves, though the Legion possesses the largest body of knowledge regarding the usage of Samut'angar phenomena of any civilisation in the Gigaquadrant.



Yellow faceThe words of Therus are not words of solace.


Orange faceDeath comes to all eventually.

  • N/A


Red faceAs decreed; not even your dead shall know peace from us.


Purity of mind, purity of purpose. Through discarding the superfluous, the Legion provides where mortal realms fail. One vision - destruction of the impure. One purpose - its eternal propagation.

- Maleus Satronus

When the Congregation collapsed, we thought so too would the threat of the legions of apocalypse. We were dangeorusly wrong.

- Admiral Taros Volantor Anquillat, Draconid Imperium admiral

The only thing worse than a death cult is a death cult with weapons that you'd think wouldn't dent a T-472... then an axe splits one in half.

- Sarec

Principal component of the Dominion of the Xhodocto. Assessment carries over from superset.
Utility: Useless {application of demonic powers not suitable for exploitation; devotion to destroyer god guarantees hostile relationship}
Threat level: Potentially major {intergalactic military capacity; demonic powers}

- Apalos assessment

Rabid animals must be either cured or put down before they bring harm to others. Alas, such a conglomeration is far beyond curing.

- Tarygan Tersly, Indoctrinate Collective Supreme Advisor


- Hagto'Zhl of Da Rogue Boyz

I will come to your worlds, and we shall spar, Therusists! Perhaps your rage will match mine!

- Cairaovén of the Corruptus

Utterly foul and bereft of any purpose but to kill themselves for a nihilistic death god. Any warrior that throws their lot in with them aught to simply slit their throat. It would accomplish the same thing.

- Adikia of the Children of War

Galaxy Colonisation - Closed
