
This page is inspired by a similar page made for the Ascension War by Xhodocto3546.

Quotes from the URC

Representing the New Cyrannian Republic is:
Presidential Message to the URC in regard to the beginning of the war
Will the citizens of Cyrannus know peace? I certainly hope so, but for now, I don't see it. While often considered by others across the Gigaquadrant as being the safest and most orderly galaxy, war can often be found in its roots. Yes, the citizens will know peace, but only after we win.

Representing the New Cyrannian Republic is:
Presidential Message to the URC in regard to the Escape of Admiral Lizaconda
My fellow Cyrannians, of all races. I bring dire news to you all. The dreaded Lizardian captain, Lizaconda has been freed by Confederate forces from a prison complex in Rambo Nation. We already suspect his involvement in the capture of the Star Destroyer, Opel. He is a deadly threat, and I advise caution.

Representing the New Cyrannian Republic is:
Presidential Message to the URC in regard to the Battle and Invasion of Cyroenia
My fellow Cyrannians, an unprecidented attack has occured on the Shipyards of Cyroenia by the largest Confederate fleet withnessed so far in this shameful war. All trade and travel to Cyroenia has from this moment been cancelled until our forces liberate this planet. However, fear not. I have sent an elite Republic Fleet to crush the attackers and once again bring Cyroenia back to the light of democracy.

Representing the New Cyrannian Republic is:
Presidential Message to the URC in regard to the kidnapping of Senator Mirea
I bring sad news. The beloved Senator Mirea has been kidnapped by a bounty hunter known as Ealtar Gauisa. Our intelligence agencies work hard to track her down and return her to safety. However, please join me in wishing her a safe return, and I assure you that those responsible will be delt with in appropriate force.

Representing the New Cyrannian Republic is:
Presidential Message to the URC in regard to the Battle of Caprica
This is an important announcement. Fellow people of Cyrannus, the Confederacy has launched a devastating attack on my homeworld of Caprica in the hope of shattering our resolve. But I will tell you this, Caprica will not fall and neither will our ideals and Republic. This I swear to you! We will repeal the invaders and bring the planet back into our fold.

Representing the New Cyrannian Republic is:
Presidential Message to the URC in regard to the failed truce.
Treachery and hope is a foul mixture. The Confederacy approached us with a truce, only to attack the senate just prior to its inaugeration. Our enemy is more devious then we imagined. But your government, ever your servants, remains strong and true. And we will protect your sovereignty and rights against those who would take it from you.

Representing the New Cyrannian Republic is:
Presidential Message to the URC in regard to the discovery of the library of Apailiana
I bring interesting news to you, citizens of Cyrannus. A library, which appears to be omniscient to the history of the galaxy has been discovered on Apailiana. This artifact has revealed much about the civilizations long before the Capricorn Sector Alliance. Of great wars between good and evil, light and dark, and even some warnings of the Shape of Things to Come.
