
An Emperor's Liege[]

By the request of the paragon, Emperor Edoshai of the Shellious Imperium had been brought by shuttle. As a contact of the paragavatus himself, he was granted access to the Imperial Palace, escorted by four Blood Dragons, their armour trimmed and detailed in gold while the advanced ceramic plates were a glossy scarlet. He was led into the palace's depths, deep in the heart of the mountain that loomed over the city outside, but not as a prisoner. he was requested to come here, down into the palace's throne room.

The room itself was an enormous gilded chamber, the ceiling dwarfed warehouses, decorated in beautiful gold and painted frescoes, draped between columns of marble engraved with gold were the banners of Grand House Ultanos, and in front of each pillar was a single Blood Dragon. Each one looked at Edoshai, their faces and expressions masked by face-obscuring plates that rendered their look devoid of any emotion. At the very end of the chamber, bathed in shafts of simulated sunlight was a raised throne of beautiful design, with a design that fanned out and made the Draconis sitting in the plush velvet seat at the base appear small, but at the same time it was almost as if the golden structure was radiating from where he sat. Looming its head over the crest of the throne was a golden dragon, its teeth bared and its ruby eyes piercing into the souls of those who stood before the throne. Sitting in the seat of this throne was Uriel, dressed in regal finery befitting his station. Standing vigilant at his sides were Fordan Praetorians, who glared through their helmets towards Edoshai as he approached. Uriel's posture indicated he was calm, but secretly upset with the alien that now stood before him.

Edoshai looked forward at Uriel occasionally glancing back at the columns of the throne room before speaking. It was rare that one would gain access to this chamber, a royal sanctum and the seat of power in the Draconid Imperium.


Edoshai is brought before Uriel's throne.

Edoshai - Hello Uriel. I suppose it was necessary to come here with all that has happened. If I may speak, multiple diplomats of yours died during the attack.

Uriel leaned forward and clasped his hands, sternly looking into Edoshai's large glossy eyes. As a Shellious, Edoshai stood a great deal taller than Uriel, taller even than the Praetorians that flanked the draconic emperor. But the stairway up to the throne's plinth meant that even with this height, Uriel was still able to look down on Edoshai, a symbolic and literal expression of Edoshai's place, despite what the latter thought of his own position.

Uriel - I am aware of the losses. Not just ours, but of several nations. However Lady Lissiana, our ambassador to the Galactic Empire, informed me that the explosives were set up to frame the Cyrannian Empire.
Edoshai - I am aware. But this is hardly the first time that a nation or terrorist group has attacked something and caused a war. The SSA and Gigaquadrantic Council have shown their negligence by failing to prevent it for over 50 years. Not once since the Tigris War has anyone tried to stop the problem before it starts. At least six nations have already declared war on the Milky Way Cooperative.
Uriel - Is this why you threatened to take military action if the Grand Senate refused your request? Because you had become tired of these powers' negligence?
Edoshai - I respect you as Paragon and I respect the Draconis, but I cannot allow yet another war to step on our borders. How many have happened in the last ten years? How many?

Uriel rose out of his seat and glared down at Edoshai from his high position.

Uriel - And tell me if you would be standing here today had the Imperium not been there to calm you and your people down?

Edoshai glanced angrily before calming down to speak.

Edoshai - I'm beginning to wonder what would have happened if we had not gotten your help. And while I am grateful, we have given you the largest supply of resources than any other protectorate in Imperium history. Not even the Speeder federation would have been able to make that claim. You've aided in reconstruction, but the fact that it is done does not excuse you from your duties to protect every single colony.
Uriel - No defence is perfect, Edoshai.

Uriel sighed and slowly sat back down, resting his arms on the velvet rests of his throne.

Uriel - I can understand your concern at the state of affairs. But you of all people should know better than to resort to rebellion. to achieve your goals. But I get the impression that your anger is not only about the atrocity committed on Station Halcyon. It was agents of the Apalos that revealed the explosives were a were a ploy, designed to frame the Capricornians, yet your words indicated you still desired for the Imperium to take action against this new Cyrannian state.
Edoshai - Cyrannus smells of deceit and vengeance. Something horrible is hiding inside those stars. And it most certainly has something to do with you.
Uriel - You accuse me for your ill feelings!?

Uriel sat back, furrowing his brow in irritance. Edoshai composed himself as he spoke again.

Edoshai - I can't see Orbispira. I can never not see a planet. Not a single essence sage can sense life there. What did that demon friend of yours feel when you went there.

Uriel closed his eyes in concentration, trying to desperately recall what he could of the day he had visited Orbispira with Tyraz and Iovera.

Uriel - He kept avoiding the subject on the visit home. But he spoke of Antediluvian as if he were some terrible creature from the Void.
Edoshai - I keep seeing Solinamists trying to find connections to Cyrannus. I'm not entirely sure, Drakon is your god not mine, but I still find the amount of evidence to these theories to be disturbing.
Uriel - Know that the people of the Imperium are largely free to believe what they wish. But I cannot mobilise the navy simply because a location "feels foul". If there is practical evidence to your claim then I will investigate.

Uriel leaned back.

Uriel - Not every species submits to the Cyrannian Empire, although I doubt their senate would be pleased if we began expanding our territory. They are too valuable to lose as political partners.
Edoshai - Why would they not let you into the galaxy. They are too powerful to feel insecure about strategy. What could they have to hide. They removed all extragalactics at once without reason. I understand the lack of evidence, and I would investigate further if I was not preoccupied with the clan's management. I do believe we've gotten a bit off topic. The Shellious Imperium will not have any sort of revolt against the Talon Navy, but I will not allow anyone to enter.
Uriel - What of Imperial citizens? You wish to isolate your province from the rest of the Imperium?
Edoshai - Until further notice all citizens not already in residence will require harsher search treatments in travel. Draconis included.

Uriel turned his head slightly and waved his hand, accepting this decision by the Shellious.

Uriel - Fine. The Senate nor I will oppose this. So long as you can assure me this is a temporary measure.
Edoshai - I will allow travel once this uproar is no longer a immediate threat.
Uriel - Then there is nothing else. Unless there is anything else on your mind.
Edoshai - I want you to consider investigating Cyrannus. Talk to Iovera. Unless you have essence potential yourself, I suggest at the very least sending Inquisition members to detect any dark energies.
Uriel - I will consider it Edoshai. But I make no promises. You are dismissed Edoshai. And I am glad we were able to sort this issue out without resorting to a revolution. However, in future however if you have concerns regarding foreign politics, I advise that you speak to the representative we assigned to you. Senators are becoming tired of your outspoken attitude on international channels.

Edoshai bowed with respect and turned around. He headed towards the door he entered though while under watch from the guards.

As Edoshai left, Valius Galvatorum - Edoshai's representative on the Provincial Council, materialised as a hlogram in front of Uriel. He lowered himself onto one knee and he lowered his head.

Valius - What is your wish, my paragavatus?
Uriel - The province assigned to you appears to be growing restless. I want you to keep a very close eye on it, especially Emperor Edoshai.
Valius - He is becoming an irritance I kno--

Valius stopped short when Uriel lifted his hand to signal for Valius to stop talking.

Uriel - Your opinion of him at this time is not what I am interested in, Aedan. The Shellious province is becoming unstable and I would rather not risk losing it to civil war. You are to do what you can within your power to keep them within the Imperium. Do you understand?
Valius - Yes, my paragavatus. Will I be allowed military support?
Uriel - Not until there is sufficient evidence their use will be effective.
Valius - I acknowledge. And the senate approves?
Uriel - This is a royal request, Valius. I am asking you to keep the situation under control; so this is not something I would rather defer to the Provincial Council to bicker about
Valius - I understand, my paragavatus. I will do what I can to the best of my ability.
Uriel - Good, you are dismissed Aedan.

Valius nodded and his hologram dissolved from Uriel's view, leaving Uriel alone with his guard once more.

A Concerned Uncle[]

Eronius - You cannot be serious in this, nephew. There is no evidence to back up this "suspicion" you've been handed.

Eronius, one of Uriel's direct uncles sat with his belly resting over a recliner while delicately placing walnuts into his mouth and chewing them softly, washing them down with a glass of dark red wine all on a marble-surfaced table in front of him. Opposite to him was Uriel, his mind clearly swimming in thought. Eronius looked at Uriel concernedly as if he had made some gravely rash rash decision. The fading lights of a nearby binary star within the core systems shone though a large screen window tinted with gold.

Uriel - My father always believed in surrounding himself with individuals he trusted for advice and a sound word.
Eronius - Your father was also wary of the words of mystics and clairvoyants.
Uriel - Are you calling Edoshai a fraud, uncle?
Eronius - A fraud? No. A liability? Yes. We are talking about an alien who claims to be more aware of Cyrannus' goings on than the RIA does. Based on what, his mind's eye?
Uriel - Edoshai said it was impossible to "detect any lifeforms" in that galaxy.
Eronius - Mystic udulov-dung Uriel. I am not sure what Edoshai refers to by this but neither of us hatched yesterday so I highly doubt it has become an invisible galaxy.
Uriel - Do you have any animosity towards Edoshai that I should know, uncle?

Eornius sighed and heaved himself up after stuffing another handful of walnuts into his mouth and swilling it down with some more wine, taking a gulp before looking back at Uriel.

Eronius - I question trusting anyone who preaches about destiny as much as he does.
Uriel - Destiny?
Eronius - I see it in those bulging eyes of his. He looks towards you like the Lifefather himself had hand-picked you at birth to save Andromeda from some "encraching darkness" or whatever nonsense mystics love to scare people with.
Uriel - And what makes him different from the other dignitaries who have spoken of similar faith in me?
Eronius - Other dignitaries don't expect you to slay a personified evil to do so. He pointed out in his audience with you that it was your duty to protect every colony under the Imperium's banner.

Uriel sat up as well and let out a heaving sigh as he did so, looking down in thought before turning his gaze with a furrowed brow towards Eronius.

Eronius - Your father was a generous man but he also had to exercise his power on provincial leaders who felt themselves too comfortable in his court. Edoshai speaks to you as though he were your mentor, not a king respecting his place.
Uriel - I trust his guidance, uncle. What is wrong with that.

Eronius quickly stepped up to stand right in front of Uriel and glared into his eyes.

Eronius - Look at yourself Uriel, are you his paragavatus or his student?
Uriel - What are you trying to tell me, uncle.
Eronius - That you are old enough to not be some schoolboy learning the lessons of leadership. Nor are you soem cadet at an academy. Edoshai threatened your authority by that ultimatum of his, remind him that despite his contempt you are still his master. His protests were a misguided attempt to undermine you. And remember this is not the first time he has tried to lead our Imperium into a war with the denizens of Solinami Fretma. Remind him who is in charge of the Imperium.

Eronius huffed and turned around. He took the wine glass from the table and walked out the room with a slight feeling of frustration. Before he left he heard Uriel call him out again, prompting him to turn around with a little more sympathy on his face.

Uriel - You spoke as if a man I trust must be leashed like a krann, uncle. Why?
Eronius - ...Under your leadership the Imperium has never before been so expansive, at least as far as history tells us. With so much under our banner I grow concerned that it can all be enforced. I remember Highlord Breek's words about Deep Core, the words of a man who sees you as a brother, about how this Andromedan Commonwealth has pushed us ever closer towards the league of the gods. I would rather my nephew, the fist paragavatus of this dawning age, not collapse from weakness or overbearance.
Uriel - We have entered an alien age, uncle. I seek the council of aliens to make our hold stronger. SO our Imperium may advance as one united force.
Eronius - Just make sure, my paragavatus, that you do not flip the tables and become become his subordinate.
Uriel - I wil lbe vigilant, uncle.

Eronius nodded with a worried smile and left the room, pushing the door open as he took a small sip of his glass. After he left, Uriel turned to the window to see one of the two suns just touching the horizon. He folded his arms behind himself and smiled enthusiastically as he watched this spectacle. He relaxed himself and lifted his glass for the table, holding it at hip-height as he watched the two suns descend further into the horizon, bathing the room in a brilliant amber light though the tinted windows.

Consultiung the Clericarch[]

The silver-white walls of the High Ecclesial Palace that stood tall on enigmatic Crepusculum were, as always, dimly lit, as it would be expected for a place designed by a nocturnal species like the Radeons. Eternal twilight reigned in these halls - eerily silent, yet beautiful in their own way. Uriel had arrived discreetly this evening. Disembarking a shuttle a few kilometres from the palace he made his way privately to its entrance, supported by two Blood Dragons disguised in civilian so as to not draw too much suspicion, while Uriel himself was hooded. The nature of their dress was clear that this was no state visit, and the three of them did not want to be noticed.

Iovera's Celestian guardswomen stood on their eternal vigil like terracotta states, in perfect concordance, in a circle around Her Holiness herself, sitting upon a black throne - not lavish like the seat of the Ultanoi, yet still magnificent; not because of the throne itself, but rather the woman that sat upon it. As Uriel entered the main chamber he bowed and pulled back his hood t oreveal himself, his glistening emerald eyes looked up towards the Clericarch and an uneasy but wecloming smile spread across his snout. The Paragon's appearance broke the sanctity of the throne room for a brief moment, his footsteps like thunder due to the weight he carried, the burdens resting on his shoulder, but mainly the mass he carried compared to the frail and wiry Radeons. Yet despite the racket, the Celestians did not flinch. Seeing her old friend, Iovera raised her head raised her head, still in a zen-like state - barely acknowledging the presence of Uriel in the room.

Iovera - Futures, possibilities, fates... my destiny, the Isio'Nar, the path to that destiny, ever uncertain. What must I do, what must we do... - Iovera opened her glowing purple eyes suddenly in utter confusion - ...Uriel? Here?
Uriel - My apologies for this interruption, dear Clericarch. But If I may I come with matters I wish to speak with you privately.
Iovera - I... understand your inquiry, Uriel. I felt your sorrow the moment you entered this room - it was like a discordant note in a melody - ...but what burdens you? Is it... politics? Tyraz? War? - Iovera' voice was once again reduced to rambling - ...Fates, futures, possibilities...
Uriel - Am I that easy to read, Iovera?
Iovera - I'm a telepath, Uriel. Remember?

Uriel smirked at the remark, an attempt to break the tension.

Uriel - Then perhaps I should teach myself to better guard my thoughts. Is there somewhere smore private that we may talk?
Iovera - So shall it be.

Iovera stood from her throne and took Uriel into a small chamber in the temple hall. It was one of the many featureless, empty rooms that she used to meditate. Her expression was that of uncertainty, even fear, and her face showed signs of severe insomnia. Once inside the room, Uriel reomoved the coat he had owrn to protect his identity here, now in this sanctuary he no longer needed it as in this room, as not even the eyes of the Divinarium's Surveillant Caste could watch them. Uriel and took a deep breath as he looked towards Iovera, growing concerned for her as evident by the subtle changes in his expression.

Uriel - Iovera, I come because of one of the Imperium's provincial leaders. During a recent talk with Emperor Edoshai of the Shellious he mentioned something that...I do not fully understand, but he hinted you might be able to explain it better.
Iovera - ...It is about the Cyrannian emperor, isn't it? His face is flashing in your thoughts constantly.
Uriel - Edoshai speaks as if a blanket has been cast over Cyrannus, hiding everything. I am unsure if he is trying to tempt me into siding against the emperor or if he is cryptically indicating something more. I have spoken to others; relatives, advisors, they assure me Edoshai speaks nonsense. But the other day Maxios returns from and hands me this.

Uriel reacched into his waistcoat and pulled out an invitation card signed by Guolivian, a cordial invitation to perform a state visit to Cyrannus. He pressed it between his fingers and presented it to Iovera.

Uriel - This invitation reignited my concerns.
Iovera - Edoshai is a madman, Uriel, and you know that. Yet, I have to admit: his ramblings are not ungrounded. It is hard for those not blessed eith vision enough to understand but I'll... try to explain it for you. You see, Cyrannus is... not like the other galaxies. Its essence, its energies - its collective soul - Iovera breathed heavily, trying to come up with terms for her friend to comprehend - It is not like in Andromeda, not like in Borealis, not like in the Milky Way... no galaxy is like it.

Uriel nodded slowly, working hard ot understand what Iovera was indicating. His eyes darted in his skull in contemplation befor efocusingback on Iovera's own.

Uriel - So its nature is unique. I...I do think I understand. Hm, perhaps I am being paranoid in this invitation's nature.
Iovera - It is like... we are heroes of different songs, written by different poets. The story itself is the same, but the verse, the tune are different. In Andromeda, I can read souls like open books - in Cyrannus, in Milky Way... but not in Cyrannus. It's like the galaxy itself is... written in the different language. Other forces are at work there.
Uriel - And yet I hear many speak as if Draconis and Capricornians are distant siblings...
Iovera - Now, Antediluvian... Antediluvian is something else altogether. He... he... when I peered into his soul, I saw nothing. Naught. Void. Darkness. Blackness. Emptiness. ...You get it.
Uriel - Possibly... I believe I do. What would you advise were I to agree to this invitation?
Iovera - Accept it... and bring me with you. I want to bear witness to it, and... keep an eye on the Empire.

Uriel nodded a few times in compliance.

Uriel - Maxios spoke as if their primary interest was in me. If they refuse my request for you to join me, what would you consider then?
Iovera - I would not go there alone if I were you.
Uriel - At the very least, Daviu, My prime protector, would join me. But I sense you do not believe this will be enough?
Iovera - It's not you. It's me. - Iovera sighed - I might sound selfish, but, you see - history is in making in Cyrannus, history of the entire Gigaquadrant. And my destiny as an Isio'Nar is to bring this Gigaquadrant to a higher state of enlightenment... if only I knew how to do that. - Iovera looked down in sorrow.

Uriel stepped closer and reached out, stroking his fingers down Iovera's left arm. His fingers ran down the white spidersilk-soft fabric of her robes an an attempt ot reassure her, for among Draconis, physical contact spoke many volumes, in ways words may not in some cases.

Uriel - The most significant answers in life are never given, Iovera. They are-- They are discovered, earned. If you believe that the gigaquadrant can be lifted, then I have faith you will find some way of acheving it.
Iovera - There has to be a way. So many people have already died or fallen to darkness because of my - my family, my people... - Iovera's voice was almost unnaturally weary - Their sacrifices will not be in vain.
Uriel - An answer will coem one day, I am sure.

Uriel stepped back and lifted his hand from Iovera's arm.

Iovera - Do not take my responsibilities on you. Fulfill yours, Uriel. You have plenty.

Without saying anything else, Iovera left the room, disappearing in the crepuscular half-darkness of the Ecclesial Palace without a trace. Uriel redonned his coat and returned to the main hall, reacquainting himself with his escort before leaving the room, once more plodding like thunder to the delicate ears of his Radeon hosts.
