
The Imperial Navy is as vast as the space in which it patrols, the largest armada in the history of the galaxy and a symbol of the Empire's virtually limitless power.

- Encyclopædia Cyrannica

The Imperial Navy, also known as the Imperial Fleet or the Imperial Armada was the naval force of the Cyrannian Empire's military. At its height, it was the largest navy in the Cyrannus Galaxy's history, fielding millions of vessels capable of projecting Imperial might throughout the First Gigaquadrant, from massive Star Dreadnoughts, Battlecruisers and Destroyers to smaller frigates, corvettes and starfighters.

The origins of the Imperial Navy can be traced back to the combatants of the Great Cyrannus War, the United Republic and the Confederacy of Allied Systems, both of whom struggled for control over the galaxy. When Tyrómairon declared the end of the war and the dissolution of both into a new Empire, the galaxy at large welcomed it with open arms, celebrating the inauguration of a new era of peace. However, while many hoped that such an era would be devoid of the weapons of war which had devastated the galaxy, the Emperor decreed a massive military build up. While Confederate vessels were scrapped, Republic ships and technologies were re-purposed by the Empire, which fired up the vast shipyards of Cyroenia, Ezduiin, Sluia Vas, Dusavali, and elsewhere, to provide a constant influx of warships capable of policing the vastness of space.

During the New Cyrandia Wars, the Navy played a crucial role in combating the Cyrannian Imperial State, blockading key Vasubandian worlds in the southern Outer Rim and preventing the rebellion from spreading into the Empire's interior. Though much of the Navy was deployed in Cyrannus during this period of strife, significant fleets continued to reinforce the Empire's expansive extragalactic colonial sectors, while other fleets were deployed to Endless Space, where the Navy was instrumental in conquering, and later holding, the mysterious Finduila Sector. Almost a decade later, the Navy was faced with its greatest challenge when the Second Great Cyrannus War began, pitting the Empire against the New Cyrannian Republic. Though the navy grew from strength to strength in the conflict, it splintered following the Empire's crushing defeat at the Great Battle of Orbispira in 20 NE, with its remnants being systematically defeated over the course of the next six years by a vengeful Republic. Following the end of the war, the material of the Navy was divided up among the Empire's remnants, such as the Legatus, the Second Imperium and the New Empire.

The Imperial Navy was commanded by the Galactic Emperor Tyrómairon, as well as the equally mysterious individual known only as the Imperial Overseer. While their control over the Navy was largely nominal, their word—particularly that of the Emperor—was inviolable. Under the Emperor served Imperial High Command, a body of joint chiefs that provided overall command structure to the vast armada, as well as strategic planning during wartime. Heading High Command were the Empire's highest ranking Grand Admirals, such as Carandial and Tector Decimius, though individual admirals and commodores were bestowed with considerable autonomy in directing their fleets—a consequence of the vastness of the Navy and the space within which it served.


Rise of the Empire (01 NE - 03 NE)

By clandestinely laying the foundations of the Empire during the Great Cyrannus War, the newly elevated Galactic Emperor Tyrómairon quickly moved to build on these foundations, his eyes fixed on the vast military armadas of the fallen Republic and Confederacy. By purging the Navy of those deemed loyal to the old orders, Tyrómairon ensured absolute loyalty to the Empire and the New Imperial Order ideals upon which it was built. In the opening weeks of the Empire's rule, the Imperial Navy was directed to oust potentially oppositional extragalactic territories in Cyrannus, as well as slavers and criminal syndicates arrayed in the lawless Outer Rim. With the bulk of the Empire's new fleet made up of former Republic vessels such as Venator-class Star Destroyers—stripped of their Republic red colouration in favour of monotone grey—the Empire engaged in the pivotal New Ramhall Campaign against Rambo Nation, a prelude to the coming conflict which would later see the signing of the Nim-Glaré Concordat, which dominated politics between the two powers for much of the subsequent two decades.


Mass produced beginning in 01 NE, the Imperator-class Star Destroyer quickly formed the backbone of the Imperial fleet.

Inheriting the vast wartime shipyards of both the Confederacy and the Republic, the Empire nationalised corporations including the Cyroenian System Staryards and Cortellier-Ordvestar Engineering, pumping a galaxy's worth of raw materials into the construction of a vast armada the likes of which had not been seen since the days of the Oikoumene. Emblematic of this new era was the Imperator-class Star Destroyer, conceived by Tira Mizio of Cyroenia for the Republic and re-purposed to serve the Empire's new fleet. Embodying Tyrómairon's ruthlessness and sheer martial power, these mighty vessels, though soon joined by larger and more powerful vessels, became ubiquitous throughout Imperial space—its appearance over a world served as a potent reminder that it had earned the Empire's often baleful attention.

Less than a year after the establishment of the Empire, the Imperial fleet rallied against the newly established Confederacy of Free Planets, a rebellion consisting of members of the Old Confederacy which sought to overthrow the Empire. The leader of the Free Planets, the Adlapuspino Taros Cassynder, rallied what remained of his forces, crossed the Void of Arathamaii and established a capital on Honlen. When an Imperial armada led by Admiral Tyrant attacked, however, the Confederate holdout was forced to flee into the depths of the unknown space beyond the western fringes the Rimward Curve. There, they launched infrequent attacks on Imperial holdings at Dusavali, Tega and Arathamii before committing the bulk of their forces to the Carindes Campaign, a symbolic effort to re-establish a galactic confederacy on their former capital. Though the rebels managed to make significant inroads during the opening stages of the conflict, they were repelled by the Empire's superior numbers.


The Battle of Carindes raged between the Empire, the Confederate holdouts and the Capricorn Remnant Alliance in 02 NE.

Though the Confederacy remained a threat in the Empire's territories in the Outer Rim, their defeat at Carindes ended their ambitions toward a Great War-style conflict of liberation of the galaxy's interior—the likely result of the introduction of new Imperial gargantuan, such as the Executor and Nemesis-class Star Dreadnoughts, designed to terrorise the Empire's enemies into total submission. Simultaneously, the Navy continued to expand inexorably throughout the First Gigaquadrant, sparking conflicts with the Hutter Kingdom and the Regellis Star Empire, though it faced its greatest challenge when Grand Admiral Zillum defected to the newly formed Cyrannian Imperial State on Vasuband, sparking a conflict which would come to be called the New Cyrandia Wars.

New Cyrandia Wars and Aftermath (04 NE - 14 NE)

During the opening stages of the New Cyrandia Wars, the Imperial Navy found itself besieged on multiple fronts, though primarily in the galaxy's expansive Outer Rim. In the south, the hidden fleets commanded by the self-proclaimed Basileus Imperator Tyermaillin rallied from the Basileusi throne worlds to strike against Imperial targets in the Syvehil, Atrithrillia and Sluia Vas Sectors. Across the galaxy, in the Northern Outer Rim, the warlord Zillum, who had defected to the Cyrannian Imperial State besieged Moreuse, Tyranikkus and Carinateron, carving a bloody swath through Imperial territory. The conflict began to turn in the Empire's favour, however, upon the introduction of both the flagship Imperatore under Grand Admiral Carandial and the Cyrannic Imperial Battlestation—an armoured battlestation with the capacity to destroy entire systems. In the southern theatre of the war, the Imperatore was first deployed upon the crushing Imperial defeat at the Battle of Abrion, managing to destroy an entire Imperial State armada during the campaign to retake Vasuband.

Meanwhile, the Navy under the command of Grand Mandator Taev Vosaetiur managed to retake vast regions of space which had fallen under Zillum's iron boot, ultimately ejecting them from Moreuse toward the end of the conflict. The New Wars finally came to an end in orbit over Vasuband, with the Imperial Navy fighting alongside the New Cyrannian Republic and Rambo Nation to defeat the Imperial State. With the conflict concluded, the Navy returned to expansion and patrol, with new ship designs such as the Judicator-class Star Battlecruiser and the Harrower-class Star Destroyer introduced to replace older models.

Battle of Coruaan

The Empire and the Republic battle for supremacy over the critically important world Coruaan.

Simultaneously, the Navy faced renewed threats in the form of the Cyrandia Resistance and the Capricorn Remnant Alliance—conflicts which were increasingly seen in reference to the Cyrannian Cold War with the Republic. Throughout the Cold War, the Navy became increasingly dominated by the Empire's greatest tactician, Grand Admiral Tector Decimius, who had masterminded the Empire's successful invasion of the United Lanat Empire in previous years. Under Decimius' command, the Navy continued to increase in strength to the point where it could be challenged only by the Republic Navy—a rivalry which Naval High Command was keen to extinguish.

Second Great Cyrannus War (15 NE - Ongoing)

Though many naval officers were involved in the 'Operation' preceding the Mou'Cyran Cataclysm, more than a few allowed themselves a smug smile upon the destruction of the Imperial Battlestation during the Battle of Cadian, thus sparking the Second Great Cyrannus War—a conflict which would doubtlessly be decided by control of space. During the opening stages of the galactic war, a massive Imperial armada led by Admiral Tharnak Adraci launched an invasion of the Republic's core territories in Coru Secundus, while simultaneously, Imperial battlefleets throughout the Gigaquadrant moved to blockade wormholes leading to the Empire's main territories—referred to as Cyrannica Dominata.



Though technically under the command of the Emperor, the Overseer and the Admiralty, Grand Admiral Tector Decimius is the true power in the Imperial Navy.

Operating under the supreme aegis of the Galactic Emperor Tyrómairon, the Imperial Navy is subordinate to a number of figures and groups, most of whom operate such authority in the shadows. Directly beneath the Emperor's authority is the Imperial Overseer, who directs much of the Empire's long term strategies. Officially however, Imperial High Command is the highest authority over naval matters, with much of the navy's power being directed by Grand Admiral Tector Decimius—a military genius widely regarded as the Empire's greatest tactician. Unofficially, Grand Mandator Deoclet Caesarius, in his position as the head of the Imperial military, exerts similar power over the Admiralty, though ultimately, the Emperor maintains total and absolute authority.


Headquartered on the Imperial capital world Orbispira, the Imperial Navy is the most powerful extension of the Empire's reach and capabilities, stretching from the galactic halo of Cyrannus, to touch far-off galaxies, casting the shadow of the Empire across all of known space. Much like the Republic Navy, the Imperial Navy is composed of several organisational units consisting of a certain number of starships. The smallest operational group is referred to simply as a 'squadron', usually under the command of a Fleet Captain, or an Admiral. A squadron, in the sense of capital ships, usually consists of at least one Star Destroyer, as well as several smaller support ships and starfighter squadrons. A notable example, formed during the Second Great Cyrannus War is Raptor Squadron.

Formed in conjunction with the Imperial territory Legatus Finduilica, Raptor Squadron is under the command of Mandator Camron Dar, and consists of a single Yurrus-class carrier, five Arquitens-class light cruisers, four Gozanti-class cruisers and a squadron of elite ASP/in Interceptor pilots, the Empire's Fury, under the command of Commander Vitiian Rax.

Consisting of several squadrons, a battle group typically numbers over one hundred starships of various sizes, under the command of an admiral, with the honorific title of Commodore. Similarly, while there are thousands of different fleet alignments in the Imperial Navy, the official classification of a 'fleet' is an armada comprising of a number of battle groups. Fleets can be classified as an assault fleet, a superiority fleet or a defence fleet, depending on its purpose, and are usually commanded by a Fleet Admiral, with the power to coordinate naval movements throughout entire galactic regions. Sector fleets, responsible for the defence of an entire sector, are also commanded by Fleet Admirals, who tend to hold more organisational power within the naval than their expeditionary fleet counterparts.

While Sector Fleets are the highest official group within the Imperial Navy, oversector and regional command structures consist for massive armadas under the direction of a single Grand Admiral, such as Grand Admiral Decimius' command over the Grand Expeditionary Fleet, and Grand Admiral Carandial's command over the First Fleet, from the Imperial flagship Imperatore.

Notable Fleets

Fleet Admiral Flagship Status
ImperialEmblem Grand Expeditionary Fleet DecimiusMini Grand Admiral Tector Decimius StarDestroyerChimaera Chimaera CyraBattleIcon Active
ImperialEmblem First Fleet CarandialMini Grand Admiral Carandial NemesisClass Imperatore CyraBattleIcon Active
ImperialEmblem Second Fleet LibertusMini Grand Admiral Valindor Palenix Executor-class Star Dreadnought Executor CyraBattleIcon Active
ImperialEmblem 1010th Fleet MiniMortalagueis Grand Admiral Mortalagueis JudicatorSD Judicator CyraBattleIcon Active
ImperialEmblem 10th Plazithian Defence Fleet SiruliulusMini Grand Admiral Daeron Siruliulus ImpProcurator Sovereign CyraBattleIcon Active
ImperialEmblem First Battlefleet AdraciMini Fleet Admiral Tharnak Adraci Imperial-class Inexorable CyraBattleIcon Active
Legatus FinduilicaInsignaLarge Legatus Finduilica Navy Imperial Admiral ApticyusLarge Admiral Apticyus RAMIMOONLARGE Garkarg CyraBattleIcon Active
ImperialEmblem Tenth Outer Rim Defense Fleet SiruliulusMini Vice Admiral Lucaevon Pierea Imperial-class Eviscerator CyraBattleIcon Active




A male Libertus captain, in standard issue 16 NE uniform.

Imperial naval uniforms have varied considerably throughout the Empire's existence, from a distinctly un-Imperial level of personal customisation in the early years of the Empire's reign, to the striking and regimented uniforms of recent years, required of all naval personnel on active duty. The origins of Imperial uniforms, like the navy itself, lie primarily with the naval uniforms of the United Republic of Cyrannus, which began to become standardised during the Great Cyrannus War under the aegis of influential admirals such as Deoclet Caesarius. These uniforms, which represented the diversity of the Republic, remained in use by the Empire in the period leading up to the outbreak of the New Cyrandia Wars, which heralded a new design philosophy leading to the introduction of a new style of uniform characterised by dark colourations, and striking uniformity.

While uniforms naturally vary based on the physiology of the officer in question, a standardised uniform, introduced during the closing years of the Cyrannian Cold War dominates the Imperial Navy. While some variation exists between officers serving the core of the Imperial Navy, and those who serve in fleets deployed in the outer Gigaquadrant and Endless Space, uniforms share many distinct characteristics.

The most common uniform variation consists of a dark grey or black high-collared, double-breasted tunic, with red embellishments, broad black shoulder pads which extend to the centre of the chest, black trousers and knee-high black boots. In general, though not always, the colour of the officer's uniform donates rank within the Navy: junior officers wear darker colours, while those of a higher rank wear successively lighter colours, to the infamous pure white of Imperial Grand Admirals, and Grand Mandators such as Deoclet Caesarius on the field of duty.

Though excessive individualism is frowned upon in the Navy, whose leaders aspire toward a group of individuals serving a single focus and with a single goal, namely the furtherance of the Empire and its goals, some officers have been known to add their own personal touch to their uniforms. Capes, either single or doubled, are increasingly common in the highest ranks of the Empire, though medals and ribbons have no place on the tunic. However, officers are free to wear a brimmed cap emblazoned with the Empire's crimson and gold seal.


Imperial rank insignias, specifically those of Legatus Findulica.

All officers are required to display their rank on a rank insignia plague on the tunic's breast, consisting of circular, coloured tiles in rows. Cadets display their rank with a single blue tile, while ensigns display theirs with a red tile placed above a blue tile. Sublieutenants show thier rank with a red tile alongside a blue, above two blue tiles, while standard lieutenants are distinguished by two red tiles over two blue. Subcommanders add two additional blue circles, while full commanders replace the third blue circle with red.

The trend continues with higher ranks, with the rank of captain signified by four red circles over four blue, Commodores with five of both colours, and admirals with six. Imperial Mandators in command of forces, display their unique rank with six blue circles above four red and two gold, while Grand Admirals typically display their supremacy with two rows of three blue circles, next to three gold circles on top, and three red below. Finally, Grand Mandators wear three red and gold circles each above six blue circles.

Notable Officers

Grand Admirals
Tector Decimius Sarcophoneus Daeron Siruliulus Carandial
Mortalagueis Valindor Palenix Vastæ Scaeva Ivin Traynira
Fleet Admiral Jora Camarelur Fleet Admiral Apticyus Fleet Admiral Tharnak Adraci Fleet Admiral Irenwen
Admiral Rela Loupál Admiral Anten Rh'vaurek Admiral Gaius Prentus Vice Admiral Lucaevon Pierea
Commodores and Captains
Commodore Tethis Marrgrev Captain Hurst Ademan Captain Rhén Caentaris Captain Marquar Cuinn
Captain Titus Dromaeo Captain Delin Lassiter Captain Henera Medé Captain Mornauó
Captain Nirndal Captain Veloci Onychus Captain Sorondil Captain Nanda Tessala
Other officers


Star Dreadnoughts

Executor-class Star Dreadnought

The Executor-class Star Dreadnought is a 32,115 metre long warship utilised by the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus, designed to be so powerful that the mere threat of its retribution would pacify rebellious sectors of space. Commissioned by the two-week old Empire in the wake of the Great Cyrannus War, the Executor-class was the first Star Dreadnought class to be unveiled as part of the top-secret Nemesis Project pursued on a myriad of worlds including Orbispira, Antemurale and Cyroenia. When the prototype, the Executor, finally left drydock over Cyroenia a year later, nothing in the galaxy could hope to survive an encounter with it.

While overshadowed by the gargantuan Nemesis-class Star Dreadnought, the Executor-class are far more common within Imperial space, with up to thirty of the dreadnoughts believed to have been built since the introduction of the class during the Dark Times. Indeed, New Republic strategists are constantly vying for information about potential design flaws, knowledgeable that nothing in the Republic Navy could match it.

Executor-class Star Dreadnought


Manufacturer: Cyroenian System Staryards
Length: 32,115 metres

X-12 Displacement Cannons
2-1x Light Matter Cannons
Heavy dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defence dual laser cannons
Heavy proton torpedo tubes
Vortex torpedoes


ASP-series fighters and bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers
Internally docked light frigates



Imperium-class Ultra Star Dreadnought

The Imperium-class Ultra Star Dreadnought is the largest vessel currently deployed by the Imperial Navy, with the sole vessel of the type—the Sovereign—serving as the flagship of the Galactic Emperor Tyrómairon himself. Constructed in secret in the oort cloud of the Cyroenian system, it is believed that development of the Sovereign began prior to the establishment of the New Cyrannian Republic in 03 NE, and was subsequently completed at some point in the next twelve years. At over 100 kilometres in width, the Sovereign outclasses all known Cyrandian vessels, and acts as a mobile capital from which the Emperor presides over his vast dominion.

Like the smaller Nemesis-class Dreadnought, the Sovereign is large enough to accommodate several Executor-class starships and dozens of Star Destroyers and Battlecruisers, acting as a mobile shipyard and factory ship capable of mass producing the arsenal of the Empire's vast war machine. Upon being unveiled to the Empire, it was revealed that the vessel houses 2,000,000 personnel, the majority of whom are housed in a central city-like structure at the centre of the Sovereign's wings. At the centre of this vast complex sits the command bridge and the Emperor's throne room, where Tyrómairon plots the next stage of his plan for Gigaquadrantic domination.



Manufacturer: Cyroenian System Staryards
Length: 22,378 metres
Width: 102,334 metres

X-12 Displacement Cannons
2-1x Light Matter Cannons
Heavy dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defence dual laser cannons
Heavy proton torpedo tubes
Vortex torpedoes


Executor-class Star Dreadnought
Eight Judicator-class battlecruisers
ASP-series fighters and bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers
Internally docked light frigates



Mandator II-class Star Dreadnought

The Mandator II-class Star Dreadnought is a class of warship developed by Cortellier-Ordvestar Engineering during the Second Great Cyrannus War, designed primarily for fleet support and coordination roles. An evolution of the smaller Mandator-class Dreadnought utilised by the United Republic of Cyrannus during the First Great War, the Mandator II-class is distinguished by its flat surface, and two massive orbital deplacement cannons located on the hull, designed for heavy artillery, as well as extreme orbital bombardments. The topside of the Dreadnought is dotted by dozens of turbolaser and point-defence turrets, allowing the Dreadnought to ward off New Republic fighters and bombers, which proved the end of more than one Imperial Star Destroyer and Battlecruiser.

The deplacement cannons, while designed primarily for orbital bombardment, can double as devastating ship-to-ship weapons, and while they are slow to recharge at full power, a single blast was capable of destroying a Republic Liberator-class Dreadnought, as demonstrated during Admiral Irinwen's test of the weapons during the Battle of Hosniaal in Dekemurios, 16 NE. Nevertheless, while equipped with heavy weapons, and unlike its larger Dreadnought cousins, the Mandator II-class is not designed for operations outside a defensive fleet, and can become prey to smaller and more maneuverable vessels, quick enough to evade the thunderous fire of its cannons.


First Order Dreadnought

Manufacturer: Cortellier-Ordvestar Engineering
Length: 12,963 metres

X-45 Orbital Displacement Cannons
2-1x Light Matter Cannons
Heavy dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defence dual laser cannons
Heavy proton torpedo tubes
Vortex torpedoes


ASP-series fighters and bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers
Internally docked light frigates


Artillery Ship

Nemesis-class Star Dreadnought

The Nemesis-class Star Dreadnought is a class of super star dreadnought fielded by the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus—the product of a long-running Imperial effort to create capital ships of such fabulously gargantuan proportions that the mere threat of their existence would pacify the both Empire's foes and potentially rebellious galactic regions. As such, the Nemesis-class functions primarily as a psychological terror weapon, by way of a menacing synthesis of world-smashing weaponry and continent-darkening enormity.

Most Nemesis-class Dreadnoughts reach sixty kilometres long, with some, such as the Imperial flagship Imperatore exceeding that. Regardless of size however, all Nemesis-class dreadnoughts are designed to overpower entire battlefleets, with the primary coaxial matto-hyperlaser of the Imperatore once destroying an entire Imperial State fleet in a single shot. The formal revelation of the Nemesis-class Star Dreadnought, during the first campaign of Grand Admiral Carandial on the Imperatore received equal measures of awe and shock in the Imperial Navy. Some naval traditionalists, already aghast at smaller dreadnoughts such as the Executor-class, regarded these newly introduced vessels as the product of the imperialist ambitions of individual Grand Mandators, rather than that of a coherent military strategy.


Nemesis-class Star Dreadnought

Manufacturer: Cyroenian System Staryards
Length: 60,000 metres

Displacement Cannons
Light Matter Cannons
Coaxial Hyperlaser
Rapid-fire Superlaser
Space-time metric weapon system
Heavy dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defense dual laser cannons
Heavy proton torpedo tubes
Vortex torpedoes
Hyperspatial torpedoes


ASP-series fighters and bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers
Internally docked Star Destroyers



Star Battlecruisers

Allegiance-class Star Battlecruiser

The Allegiance-class Star Battlecruiser is a larger variant of the Imperator-class Star Destroyer, designed to function as a heavy-hitter in any fleet. Though visually similar to the Imperator and the now-retired Victory-class, the Allegiance-class is built for combat only, lacking the ventral hanger bay found on the other two classes, making up for it with heavier armour and more destructive weaponry, essentially being built to destroy what the Imperator-class could not.

Led by the type's flagship, the New Order under Captain Titus Dromaeo, the Allegiance-class was introduced in the opening stages of the New Cyrandia Wars, though unlike most other Imperial ships, they are primarily produced by Ezduiin Shipyards in the Unknown Regions. Though powerful, the Allegiance-class remain rare in Imperial space, with production having since been redirected to the far more versatile Judicator-class Battlecruiser. However, the success of the New Order during the Second Great Cyrannus War has convinced Imperial tacticians that the class warrants further development.


Imperial-class Star Destroyer

Manufacturer: Cortellier-Ordvestar Engineering
Length: 3,550 metres

Heavy dual turbolaser turrets
Medium dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defense dual laser cannons
Ion cannons
Superlaser projectors
Matter cannons
Heavy proton torpedo tubes
Vortex Torpedoes
Hyperspace Missile Launchers


ASP-series fighters and bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers



Judicator-class Star Battlecruiser

The Judicator-class Star Battlecruiser is a highly advanced model of Star Destroyer developed and introduced by the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus during the Cyrannian Cold War. Introduced a decade after the unveiling of the Imperator-class Star Destroyer, the Judicator-class represents the latest in Imperial shipbuilding, being twice as large and fielding more advanced technologies. Reflecting a renewed appetite amongst Imperial tacticians for capital ships that double as super carriers, vessels of the Judicator-class carry five full wings of starfighters, squadrons of replicating drone fighters and a full complement of assault ships.

While the sheer size of the Judicator-class reflects an evolution of Imperial Star Destroyers, the class also recalls certain design aesthetics of the venerable Venator-class, including a dorsal flight-deck as well as port and starboard hangars, allowing for quicker fighter launch times. Reflecting design evolution from the Imperator-class, the Judicator-class has a less prominent bridge, thus incorporating lessons learned from the New Cyrandia Wars.


First Order Star Destroyer

Manufacturer: Cortellier-Ordvestar Engineering
Length: 4,924 metres

Heavy dual turbolaser turrets
Medium dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defense dual laser cannons
Ion cannons
Superlaser projectors
Matter cannons
Heavy proton torpedo tubes
Vortex Torpedoes
Hyperspace Missile Launchers


ASP-series fighters and bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers



Praetor-class Star Battlecruiser

The Praetor-class Star Battlecruiser is a 4,800 metre long vessel designed by Grand Mandator Garlboz. The first vessels of the class were put into development at the Shipyards of Rowar of Rambo Nation soon after the signing of the controversial Nim-Glaré Concordat to serve the new union between the Rambo and the Empire. Due to the exorbitant expense of the class, they function as flagships of large Imperial armadas, designed to accommodate various Rambo technologies such as holodecks and increased scientific facilities for long-range exploration missions. Due to their size and heavy firepower, the Praetor-class act as the flagships of the Imperial fleets in the Quadrants and likewise serve command roles in Cyrannian taskforces.

However, relatively few Praetor-class ships were commissioned by the Empire in Cyrannus itself, with Imperial tacticians considering them to be more expensive and less versatile than the smaller Imperator and Harrower-class Star Destroyers, while not instilling the same abject terror as the far larger Star Dreadnoughts. As such, Praetor-class vessels are most often seen in defense fleets in the Core, though some lead armadas on missions on the very fringes of Imperial space, far from the influence of the Empire's military might.


Praetor-class Star Battlecruiser (1)

Manufacturer: Cyroenian System Staryards
Length: 7,550 metres

Heavy dual turbolaser turrets
Medium dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defense dual laser cannons
Ion cannons
Superlaser projectors
Matter cannons
Heavy proton torpedo tubes
Vortex Torpedoes
Hyperspace Missile Launchers


ASP-series fighters and bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers



Procurator-class Star Battlecruiser

The Procurator-clas Star Battlecruiser is a 3,500 metre long warship used by several Cyrannian governments since the design's initial introduction by the United Republic of Cyrannus during the Great Cyrannus War against the Confederacy of Allied Systems. Though produced heavily by the Shipyards at Cyroenia, most Procurators are now either constructed at the Imperial shipyards at Imperaqui in the Outer Rim and the Republican shipyards at Coruaan, with the two variants differing in their colouration alone. Though seen as the predecessor to the visually similar Imperator-class Star Destroyer, the Procurator-class is larger and boasts a more impressive arsenal and shield arrays.

Like many Republic ships, the Procurator-class continued service in the Imperial Navy, with their primary construction site being located at the newly created shipyards over the Outer Rim planet of Imperaqui, a newly colonised Imperial world. Serving as the bridge between the smaller Star Destroyers of the Imperial Navy and the much larger Star Dreadnoughts, the Procurator-class are relatively more common in the Galactic Core, which continues to feel no effects from the ongoing New Cyrandia Wars, which has been largely isolated in the lawless Outer Rim, nevertheless, the Procurator-class is still seen in trouble spots in Cyrannus and beyond, with famous ships including the Sovereign, the flagship of the 10th Outer Rim Defense Fleet under the command of Admiral Siruliulus and the famed Emperor, the flagship of the 1st Quadrantia Fleet under the command of Grand Admiral Ramandros.


Praetor-class Star Battlecruiser (1)

Manufacturer: Imperaqui Engineering
Length: 3,500 metres

Heavy dual turbolaser turrets
Medium dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defense dual laser cannons
Ion cannons
Superlaser projectors
Matter cannons
Heavy proton torpedo tubes
Vortex Torpedoes
Hyperspace Missile Launchers


ASP-series fighters and bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers



Star Destroyers

Autokrator-class Star Destroyer

The Autokrator-class Star Destroyer is a 1,050 metre long star destroyer, designed by the Grand Mandator of Legatus Finduilica, Rector Provinciae. Used to great extent in Legatus Finduilica space, the Autokrator-class are the main battlecruisers of the province, used where Imperator-class Destroyers are comparatively rare. It serves as the icon of the Imperial might in Finduilica, feared and often involved in the most important events.

The class is equipped with a single squadron of fighters, it has larger accommodations and quarters compared to other Imperial vessels and is perfectly equipped for long range patrols or deep space exploration and maintaining itself. With eight engines on either sides two "wings", it has greater stability in both orbit and hyperspace, allowing it to reach higher speeds and greater manoeuvrability. They also provide better stability when in the vicinity of spacial anomalies. It is heavily armed and has strong shields. Though Legatus Finduilica is isolated from the rest of the Empire, the success of the design led to its introduction to Cyrannica Dominata, with several Autokrator-class Destroyers seeing service during the Coru Secundus Campaign of the Second Great Cyrannus War.


Autokrator-class 01

Autokrator-class 02

Autokrator-class 03

Autokrator-class 04

Manufacturer: Garkarg Engineering
Length: 1,050 meters

Heavy dual turbolaser turrets
Medium dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defense dual laser cannons
Ion cannons
Hyperspace Missile Launchers


ASP-series fighters and bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers



Harrower-class Star Destroyer

The Harrower-class Star Destroyer is a type of Star Destroyer utilised by the Imperial Navy of the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus. Ostensibly introduced to replace the ageing Light Cruiser design of the same name, in reality the Harrower-class was put into production to strike fear into the hearts of the Vasuband Rebellion and to prove that not all Basileus had rebelled against the Emperor. The primary individual behind the creation of this fearsome destroyer was Lord Venatorius, who merged Basileus and ancient Phaedric ship designs to create a Star Destroyer destined to become, along with the Imperator and Venator-class, one of the foremost symbols of the Empire's naval supremacy.

Put into active service in the opening months of 05 NE, the first Harrower-class was christened the Dominator and placed under the command of Commodore Tethis Marrgrev, who began his ship's maiden voyage by targeting the closest rebellious planet sympathetic to Vasuband and annihilating the largest population centre with a displacement cannon volley, forcing the rest of the system to capitulate; a stark warning against those who would dare defy the Emperor's inviolable will. After the New Cyrandia Wars, the Harrower-class would become ubiqitous throughout Imperial space, serving in support and command roles, as well as specialised operations. In 14 NE, hundreds of Harrower-class destroyers were equipped with Ecimaex superweapons, capable of sniping enemy vessels from hyperspace. However, during the Battle of the Ecimaex Wall, all such vessels were destroyed by the New Republic.


Harrower-class Star Destroyer

Manufacturer: Imperial Sluia Vasi Shipwrights
Length: 1,800 metres

Heavy dual turbolaser turrets
Medium dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defense dual laser cannons
Ion cannons
Hyperspace missile launchers
Concussion missile launchers


ASP-IV Starfighters
ASP/b Bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers
Imperial shuttles
Imperial Wardroids


Capital Ship

Imperator-class Star Destroyer

The Imperator-class Star Destroyer is an iconic class of Star Destroyer utilised by the Imperial Navy, representing the inviolable might and will of the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus. Developed toward the end of the Great Cyrannus War by the United Republic of Cyrannus, the chief designer of the vessel, Tira Mizio sought to echo the great spacefaring cruisers of the ancient Phaedric and Nagith Empires, as well as the First Republic, seeking to restore a sense of grandeur and scale she felt had been lacking with more modern vessels. However, with the rise of the Empire, the vessels came to embody the strength and naval superiority of the Empire.

It is estimated that the Empire currently deploys over thirty thousand Imperial Star Destroyers throughout the First Gigaquadrant, with the vast majority located in Cyrannica, with smaller Star Destroyers being more common in the Empire's extragalactic territories.Indeed, while the Imperator-class is no longer the largest vessel in the Empire's arsenal, it remains the most iconic, as well as the most feared, with its dagger-like profile casting a long shadow over the free worlds of the Gigaquadrant. Though primarily a battleship, the Imperator-class is also a capable carrier, carrying a large complement of starfighters, generally of the ASP line, shuttles, heavy and light ground assault walkers and replicating drone fighters. In keeping with Imperial Naval doctrine, however, their role as ships of the line supersedes such considerations, being designed to force entire systems into submission through their mere presence.

While Imperator-class vessels are common vessels along the spacelanes of Cyrannus, they remain a vital resource for the Empire, with the loss of a single vessel often proving to be headache for sector command staff. As such, standard Imperial fleet formations observed by the New Republic have noted that Imperator-class ships tend to remain close to the centre of flotillas, protected by frigates and waves of Starfighters. Nevertheless, individual ships such as the Accuser under Gaius Prentus, the Chimaera under Henera Medé and the Inexorable under Tharnak Adraci have proven to be nigh-unstoppable forces in battle, their names cheered across the Empire.


Imperial I-class Star Destroyer (3)

ISD Relentless

Manufacturer: Cyroenian System Staryards
Length: 2,704 metres

Heavy dual turbolaser turrets
Medium dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defense dual laser cannons
Ion cannons
Hyperspace missile launchers
Concussion missile launchers


ASP-IV Starfighters
ASP/b Bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers
Imperial shuttles
Imperial Wardroids


Capital Ship
Command Ship


Flagship Variant - Chimaera


Prototype Variant - Relentless

Cruisers, Frigates and Corvettes

Acclamator-class Assault Frigate

The Acclamator-class Assault Frigate is an Imperial assault ship, originally designed by Rambo Nation. A relatively small ship by Imperial standards, the Acclamator-class is essential to the Imperial warmachine, often functioning as a large troop transport, equipped with large engines capable of cruising through space at very fast speeds, as well as a corona drive allowing it to quickly traverse the galaxy. The Acclamator-class originated as a design shared by the Cyrandia Alliance and as such, many similar ships are often found in the Rambo starfleet, with the Imperial variant boasting an all-grey colour scheme and powerful weaponry designed to hold its own against enemy ships. Nevertheless, they are unsuited to fleet engagements and instead arrive on the battlefield when much of the fighting in space has concluded.


Acclamator-class Star Destroyer

Manufacturer: Garkarg Engineering
Length: 752 meters

Light dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defence dual laser cannons
Ion cannons
Concussion Missile Launchers


ASP-series fighters and bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers
Imperial Troops



Arquitens-class Light Cruiser

The Arquitens-class light cruiser is a warship deployed extensively throughout the Empire, though the current model was designed primarily within Legatus Finduilica, being the most common Imperial ship in its usage. Often deployed on border patrols, leading small task forces and to intercept those crossing Imperial borders, the ships are feared for their ambitious officers and its impressive weaponry. Relatively agile, the ship can match and keep up with most shuttles, and can carry at least three ASP-fighters as part of its complement.

In the Imperial Starfleet, the Arquitens-class is often seen backing up larger Star Destroyers and can take and deal a lot of damage in a battle with its non-phasic shields and reactors as well as its many weapon emplacements. Though retired in the New Republic, the Arquitens-class is among the most common vessels in the Imperial arsenal and are deployed extensively by Imperial provinces such as Legatus Finduilica, where Star Destroyers are a rarity.


Legatus Arquitens-class (1)

Manufacturer: Garkarg Engineering
Length: 549 metres

Quad dual turbolaser cannons
Dual turbolaser batteries
Heavy proton torpedo tubes


3 ASP fighters



Altor-class Replenishment Vessel

A massive Imperial support ship; the Altor-class replenishment ship is a frequent addition to Imperial fleets, being used to resupply allied ships between battles. They are also capable of refuelling, repairing and even functioning in battles, equipped with extensive facilities capable of providing resources and fuel simultaneously to Battlecruisers and Dreadnoughts. The Altor-class is also equipped with four drydocks for frigates to undergo repairs in deep space. Though equipped with powerful sublight engines, for safety reasons, the hyperdrive is less advanced than the current Imperial standard, and thus Altor-class vessels are deployed several parsecs behind main battlefleets, moving in once any engagement is past. As seen during battles of the Second Great Cyrannus War, however, desperate Imperial admirals have been known to self-destruct Altor-class vessels in combat, consuming their enemies in vast hypermatter explosions.


Manufacturer: Cortellier-Ordvestar Engineering
Length: 5,300 metres

Dual light turbolaser batteries




Supply Ship

Gozanti-class corvette

The Gozanti-Class cruiser is a slow but heavily armoured starship deployed by the Imperial Navy. It can both be deployed as a cruiser, freighter and as troop transport, making the vessel ideal for both patrol and interceptions as well as transporting cargo and material around the area. It can carry at least two walkers underneath it when it acts as a transport, or at least four fighters when carrying out patrol and intercept tasks. It is armed with two turbolaser batteries and has strong shielding and hull plates. With its three engines it is rather slow and not that agile though its powerful armour allows it to take a punch.


Gozanti-Class cruiser

Manufacturer: Cyroenian System Staryards
Length: 106 meters

Dual light turbolaser batteries
Proton Torpedo Tubes
Light point defence lasers


ASP-IV Starfighters
Imperial Light Walkers



Leviator-class Heavy Cruiser

The Leviathor-class heavy cruiser is a starship type designed and jointly operated by Imperial Intelligence and the Imperial Navy of the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus. Borrowing heavily from Rambo Nation starships due to the Nim-Glaré Concordat, the Leviathor-class shares a similar design to the Rambo Constitution- and Excelsior-class starships, and while it is equipped with facilities required for long-range operations in deep space, it was designed primarily as a warship.

The Leviathor-class was designed to be operated with minimal organic crewmembers, with much of the ship's vital systems being operated by a highly advanced artificial intelligence system known as NAIA. In terms of weaponry, the Leviathor-class is highly experimental and while it is known that they lack the raw firepower of the Empire's Star Destroyers, Imperial Intelligence has spared no expense in ensuring the ferocity and deadliness of their flagship vessels.



Manufacturer: Cyroenian System Staryards
Length: 1,500 metres





Reconnaissance vessel

Vengeance-class Light Cruiser

The Vengeance-class star frigate was originally designed by Imperial shipwrights at Sluia Vas, in the Outer Rim, though during the New Cyrandia Wars, the prototype vessels were stolen by the Cyrannian Imperial State, which fielded the battleships to great extent against the Empire during the final year of the conflict. The Vengeance-class Light Cruiser was considered to be the most deadly warship in the State's fleet, being built primarily for hit and run attacks on Imperial targets, a mandate it excelled at thanks to its advanced shields and powerful weaponry unusual for such a relatively small ship. The Vengeance-class is often used by important commanders as a flagship and boasts impressive firepower to the point where only a few weeks after their initial introduction in 05 NE they were considered the workhorse of the fleet.

When the Wars ended, the Vengeance-class was repurposed to serve the Imperial Navy, becoming a relatively common frontline battleship, often serving where need for a Star Destroyer is low.


Terminus-class Destroyer

Manufacturer: Imperial Sluia Vasi Shipwrights
Length: 1,150 metres

Heavy dual turbolaser cannons
Point-defense dual laser cannons
Hyperspace missiles
Heavy proton torpedo tubes


ASP-series fighters and bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers
Imperial Troops



Yurrus-class light carrier

The Yurrus-class light carrier is a carrier in service to the Imperial Navy, which began production as an experimental Lizardian design dating back to the Second Galactic War in 10 BNE. The design was eventually sold to the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus and adopted into service and produced on a larger scale since 15 NE to allow the larger Star Destroyers from patrol and guard duties along borders and planets to active combat against the New Cyrannian Republic and its allies. Though it is equipped with shielding technology, the vessel is not build for combat, but rather for support and cannot hold on long against battle cruisers. As such it requires an escort of either the Arquitens or Gozanti-classes. It size and design make it a perfect carrier, though it is slow in manoeuvring. Its massive lower shuttle bay can house over 80 starfighters.


Yurrus-Class (Imperial)

Manufacturer: Imperial Sluia Vasi Shipwrights
Length: 780 meters

Point-defense dual laser cannons
Heavy proton torpedo tubes


ASP-series fighters and bombers
Imperial Light Walkers
Imperial Heavy Walkers
Imperial Troops




ASP/ln starfighter

The Advanced Space-Superiority Platform/line Starfighter, commonly known as an ASP fighter, is the mainstay space superiority starfighter utilised by the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus. The descendant of the ASP/i starfighter utilised by the Empire during the early days of the Dark Times, the ASP/ln fighter is the product of continual evolution in starfighter design. Though less advanced the New Republic's X-15 starfighter, ASPs, when deployed in large numbers, are deadly foes. Though initially produced by Cyroenian Fleet Systems, upon the end of the New Cyrandia Wars, the Empire awarded the primary contract to the newly established Cortellier-Ordvestar Engineering in the Outer Rim. Nevertheless, even the smallest Imperial shipyards have facilities to mass produce the fighters. ASP fighters are ubiquitous throughout Imperial space, even in distant territories such as Legatus Finduilica. However, lacking a hyperdrive, they are equipped only for short-range missions, though unlike previous models of the ASP line, on-board deflector shields are installed on each, with further technological innovations being considered as the Second Great War drags on.

ASP Interceptor

TIE Fighter

Manufacturer: Cortellier-Ordvestar Engineering
Length: 12.2 meters

2 lxf-1 light laser cannons
Proton torpedo tubes



ASP/in starfighter

The Advanced Space-Superiority Platform/interceptor Starfighter, commonly known as an ASP interceptor, is an advanced starfighter design introduced during the first year of the Second Great Cyrannus War. Considered to be one of, if not the, fastest starfighter in the Cyrannus Galaxy, the ASP interceptor is a marked improvement over the ASP fighter, and is thus generally entrusted only in the hands of the Empires most seasoned pilots. The most famous starfighter squadron in the galaxy, the Empire's Fury, led by Commander Vitiian Rax, consists of ASP interceptors.

ASP Interceptor (in)

TIE Interceptor

Manufacturer: Cortellier-Ordvestar Engineering
Length: 9.5 metres

2 lxf-1 light laser cannons
Proton torpedo tubes



ASP variants


Korvalus-class Sentinel-class Zeta-class
Imperial Shuttle SentinelclassLargeShuttle Imperial Cargo Shuttle

A lightly armed multi-purpose shuttle craft, the Korvalus-class Shuttle was introduced in 02 NE as an evolution of similar shuttle designs developed by the United Republic of Cyrannus during the Great Cyrannus War. The Korvalus-class has a luxurious interior, designed to cater for the needs of the Empire's highest lords and dignitaries, including the Emperor himself. Though lightly armed, it is by no means defenseless, being equipped with both forward and rear-facing particle cannons.


The Sentinel-class, also known as the Imperial landing craft was a large scale troop transport issued by the Legatus Finduilica, and later the Empire as well. With its folding wing configuration it was based upon the Korvalus-class shuttle. In addition to its heavy armor plates it is also equipped with four deflector shield projectors. Though rather large and heavy weight the class remains quite agile and fast.


The Zeta-class shuttle is the Empire's foremost design of cargo shuttle, utilised on a ubiquitous scale across the Empire's production centres. Designed primarily for plying the Empire's trade lanes, the Zeta-class can also be used in battle, armed with two powerful laser cannons capable of rupturing enemy shields with ease. Nevertheless, the bulky weight of the craft limits its effectiveness, and thus Imperial commanders are generally content to keep such shuttles away from the front lines.


For all their power, the Empire will be defeated. It must. There is no other alternative.

- Helo Roslia

The bane of countless star systems. Only when the Imperial starfleet is disbanded, and Tyrómairon's reign comes to an end will Cyrandia know peace.

- Apollo

The navy is an ocean, it is endless, unforgiving and capable of turning even the most imperishable rocks to sand.

- Grand Mandator Taev Vosaetiur

Our fist. May it crush all those who oppose the Grand Plan.

- Thaurlathrón



  • As with the Empire itself, the Imperial Navy is primarily inspired by the navies of both the Galactic Empire and the Sith Empire in Star Wars.

Further Reading

Factions and Figures
Galactic Chronicles
Each of these conflicts is but one tiny piece of a larger whole, a war endless and inestimably larger.
The galaxy of order and prosperity.