



The Persacron are apex predators not on a planetary scale but rather on a galactic scales. More akin to living natural disasters then mere creatures the Persacron feed upon the elemental energies of the spheres of any planet they land upon, destroying ecosystems and causing the collapse of civilizations. However, as they feed the Persacron exude new elemental energy into the planet's spheres facilitating regrowth, evolution, and the rise of new civilizations as well. Thus Persacron are just as much a source of creation as they are of destruction.


Persacron are utterly massive beings on a scale that can be difficult for others to properly understand. No one is sure how big they usually are but reports that give some vague description have described the "deepest part of the oceans reaching their knees while their heads breached the clouds", "a beast that swam from one horizon to the other", and "coiling around a mountain a hundred times". Regardless all Persacron are draconic in their shape with six limbs (with at least one pair being wings), however the exact details of their forms vary from Persacron to Persacron with no two individuals looking alike.

Persacron ate made up of an exotic form of matter that renders their bodies all but impenetrable to most forms of weapon. While their bodies can be damaged if so much as a single cell is left then the Persacron will eventually regenerate, though such can take millennia. All Persacron also have the ability to exert total control over the elemental forces of a certain planetary sphere depending on their purview.



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