

Clank is a Grox. He, like all Grox, is a cyborge. His right arm, eye, and leg are all made of metal and other machinery. His skin is red like all Grox, but he wears a simple brown robe over his entire body. He cannot live for long on habitable planets, but he can visit them if he so chose. Clank is 327 years old, which is still young for a Wental Grox, and has come up with some... peculiarities since his birth. One of those is that he openly wears jewelry, something no other Grox did before him, and even now few do.


Clank is more friendly then most Grox, friendly enough that he has willingly allied the Wental Grox with the G/LWA's in order to push the Iteok out of Wental. He is a close friend to Arukas and has made deals with mortals and biologicals before in his lifetime. Clank is also known for his mercy, something few Grox have. He shows mercy to those who help him, as well as to his enemies. Clank is the single and only Grox Leader to ever sign a peace treaty with a warring rival empire.


Clank's family is an older one, but he has no close relatives among them. His parents were killed in battle, his sister as well. He was disowned by the rest of his family when he became a peaceful individual.


Clank is the leader and Emperor of the Wental Grox Empire, as well as a skilled politician and a good healer.


Clank's past is mysterious and mostly unknown. All that is known is that he at some point lost his family and was disowned, and at a later point became close friends with Arukas, who helped him reach the level he's at now.
