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== Government ==
== Government ==
The Draconid Imperium is a constitutional monarchy. The entity of government is a bicameral organisation dividing responsibility between the lower '''Grand Senate''' and the upper '''Praetor's Council''' that is managed from {{planet|Alcanti}}.
The imperium's territory is ruled through two different councils, with the paragon acting as head of state and the imperial chancellor as head of government. the Homeland council and the Provincial council.
The Imperium operates as a constitutional monarchy. The head of state, the '''Paragavatus''' (Dracid: ''Master King''), presides over government in a hereditary position normally chosen by the preferral of the incumbent. Managing affairs was head of government is the '''Imperial Chancellor''', who presides over discussions in the Praetor's Council.
=== Vassh'Drakonida ===
=== Vassh'Drakonida ===

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Once you step on the worlds of the Draconid Imperium, you find yourself upon worlds full of history; war, betrayal, unification. The great intricacies of their very being and their ferocity in battle, and mercy to those who deserve it earned our respect many millennia ago. You would be wise to revere such powers, for even I do.

- Kithworto

There is something which the Draconis understand that not many do: the difference between wealth and power. Wealth is the trade route which dries up after ten years; power is the empire that stands for millennia. They have earned their laurels, let them sit on them for a while longer.

- French Prime Minister Alexandre I during a state visit to the Draconid Imperium in 2795

Peace. Pride. Grace. These are the pillars our Imperium has stood on for two hundred millennia. Countless stars, innumerable worlds, billions upon billions of sentiens swear their allegiance to it - and for a good reason. We are the safeguards of order! The paragons of culture and sophistication! As long as we stand, Andromeda will shine as a lone light in the darkness!

- Chancellor Vesperon Maltris

The Sublime Imperium of the Drak'onis (High Dracid: Salpemarga Dominicus'drak'onida; "Sublime Imperium [of the] Draconis". Also known as the Draconid Imeprium, the Imperium of the Draconis, the Imperium, the Draconis and the DI) is an ancient and extensive hegemonic empire extending out from the Andromeda Galaxy. With territories in several other galaxies, its status as one of the founding members of the Andromedan Galactic Commonwealth and the Gigaquadrantic Intergalactic Trade Organization, its massive industrial base, trade network and political relations, the Imperium is arguably considered one of the most prominent political and economic powers of the First Gigaquadrant. It is known throughout the intergalactic stage as a sophisticated civilization that takes immense pride in its artistic and cultural heritage, and is feared for the immense might of its armadas of warships.

In addition to its culture and strength making it a memorable superpower, the Draconid Imperium is also one of the more ancient members of the Commonwealth; with history dating back to well over 250,000 years, the Imperium is perhaps one of the oldest of the known modern powers with a legacy vast and ancient, the remains of past deeds scattered across the cosmos. Headed by purportedly-divine paragavatii or "Paragons" and ministered by the Grand Senate of Alcanti, the Imperium is a behemoth of industry, commerce and military power. Despite the beauty and the majesty that the Draconis like to boast about their empire, the Imperium bears its own dark secrets; for within gilded halls the Imperium has long been a playground for questionable politics and grand games between the noble houses that hold sway over the Imperium's councils and commercial enterprises.


Main Article: history


Unknown to most of the Imperial population, the Draconid Imperium's history is a complex tapestry, much of the earlier history is fragmented or unknown. The imperium's greatness has fluctuated greatly in the quarter-of-a-million years it has been in existence. Technology, social norms and outlooks have varies. Splinter empires such as the Segmentum Draco Federal Union were born from the incidents in these past times. There is presently no true sign of how much the Imperium has changed throughout its long history as explorers discover relics of past ages such as the uncovering of the Drallivians. One constant that appears to be apparent is the dominance of the paragons, who over the years rose to gain a divine reputation amongst the populations.

Noteable past diamond ages where the Imperium had reached a high-point include: The Era of Diamonds, Era of Tunnels and the Era of the Prime Paragons. As far as most know, however, the Imperium has been a unified entity for millenia, with the Royal Academy constantly searching for new fragments of the Imperium's long history or re-discovering the technology of previous eras. With turmoils such as the House Wars and the consatnat flux of political changes from the Imperium's long-established House governance system, it is difficult to say how different the Imperium was in these various eras, with some speculation that even the present-day Imperium is not as great as it once was.

Pre-modern times


Minos'Drakon burns during the First House Wars

The origin of the Imperium dates to c.254,000 BC with an alliance between the Speeder Trade Confederacy and the Alcanti Solar Confederacy. This alliance manifested in the first becoming a province of the second, over the next twenty millenia the two states flourished in a joined union that marked a benchmark for what evolved into the concept of Pax Draconica. This unity flourished until the imperium encountered another species known as the Korkonid. Unable to get along the collapse of tensions resulted in the Janos War which led to the Imperium's first slave race and the formation of the Imperial Talon Navy. The peace that followed was shattered by the death of all the heirs of House Vospus. Confused the noble families fought for supremacy in what would become the First House Wars, a long series of conflicts that ravaged the Imperium as its nobles fought for the throne and leaving trillions dead in the process. Contrary to belief, the wars were not a single continous conflict, but an intermittent series of wars between houses, the fighting broken up by ceasefires brokered by neutral members the Grand Senate to allow sectors to recover or eventually found a lasting peace. The peace they sought was eventually pursued wholeheartedly by an alliance of houses that formed in ID.37,905 by Jasos of House Oskavarum. Through a combination of peace talks and joint operations with the Talon Aetheral Corps, the Oskavarum Alliance eventually brought an end to the house wars by ID.38,230, some 120 years after Jasos' death, with his son Eniris being declared paragavatus to commemorate the end of the wars and the beginning of the second royal dynasty.

The peace that followed led to an explosion in culture and expansion that followed from the rise of House Oskavarum, with another half-dozen empires enslaved after a series of failed invasions on the imperium. In ID.140420 the now-celebrated House Ultanos roughlt 2000 years after the Draconis discover a way to harvest the energy emitted from black holes, triggering an energy revolution and the Imperium's second golden age. Some matters of Imperial history are fuzzy however. It is presumed that the Imperium was engaging in extragalactic exploration long before the current technology was developed. Historians believed that the so-called "Era of Diamonds" might be the zenith of th Imperium's expansion as well as being one of the greatest golden ages of culture, art and science, with fragmented documents of the time indicating that the Imperium of the era was potentially centuries ahead of the present. WHat became of this power and prestiage however, is unknown and the era became a common interest of romantics and speculators, becoming a common subject for writers, artists and fillmakers of subsequent eras.


The Culling of the Senate was a death-knell for House Khaxvis and a catalyst for political reform

In ID.16550 Uriel IV was assassinated along with the dissapearence of the rest of the family. To prevent another power vacuum the senate had strangely chosen House Khaxvis and for over four millenia the Imperium took a much more martial level of development and expansion. When it was revealed that House Ultanos had been kept hidden the Imperium was once again engulfed in civil war, leading to the widespread elimination of anyone a formal member of house Khaxvis in ID.171300 and the return of House Ultanos. The Imperium was divided in half as entire sectors swore alliegence to either their present rulers or the returning House Ultanos in a decades-long conflict known as the Second House War. The intense fighting divided sectors and colonies as it began hurting families and communities, with the Khaxvis paragons using increasingly paranoid and severe measures to cull Ultanos support. One of the most infamous of such incidents being the execution of the entire Grand Senate by the Blood Dragons after they learned of House Khaxvis' hand in the assassination of Uriel Ultanos IV. When this event became public, entire sectors switched sides t osupport House Ultanos, sending House Khaxvis on the run. THe war ended with the public execution of every found member of House Khaxvis in plazas along the Paragon's Promenade in Minos'Drakon. House Khaxvis was not gone completely however, as it was rumoured centuries later that a few of them along with three egg clutches survived the witch-hunts.

Draconis History Precursor Meeting

Rumours persist of dialogue between the Imperium and more advanced powers.

It is commonly agreed by historians that it was roughly 110 years after the end of the Second House War the Imperium had completed and activated it's first wormhole using Senvinus reactors that had been developed several millenia earlier. The immediate result of the advent of this technology was that rhe Imperium's territories were expanded considerably, covering sizeable tracts of Segmentum Draco and small parts of Outer Andromeda. As the technology advanced, the Imperium began to reach further and further out, with the first colony in another galaxy being informally designated "Jumpgate Zero" in the Milky Way Galaxy in ID.183720. Over the centuries, the Imperium established itself as a safeguarding force, taking interest in thousands of planets and like in Andromeda, established observation outposts across the galaxy. Disputed and sporadic claims exist of periods of cooperation between the Imperium and precursors such as the Ashtar and Greys in the safeguarding of species thoughout the galaxy from threats of all kinds both Ancient and contemporary, with attempts to clarify hindered by the Alcanti Royal Acdademy's refusals to disclose details on the matter. Whether it was by the Grand Senate's own decision or an agreement with these precursors, seversal groups of Humanity were transplanted from Earth and to Andromeda, or in some cases, transplanted to other locations in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Recent History

UriMechawasp 01

The Mecha-Wasp War was the catalyst for the ascension of the present paragavatus

While the Imperium has spent the last several thousands years in its present era, its recent history period could arguably be said to have started with the outbreak of what is presently known as a Mecha-Wasp war, a fifteen-year conflict that began in ID.219380 by the actions a faction of locust-like cybernetic insectoids that set out to consume the resources of the Inner rim systems of the Imperium, only coming to light in the Grand Senate after the desolation of hundreds of unaligned systems. Two years in the war claimed the life of then-paragavatus Korr Ultanos V, followed by the ascension of Uriel Ultanos XVI (the was ceremony postponed until the war's end). Despite the best efforts of the Talon Aetheral Corps and the personal interventions of Uriel himself, the war claimed billions of lives and left thousands of planets lifeless or even completely hollowed out, and set the stage for a landmark political decleration that criminalised research into self-replicating nanotechnology out of fear that such a threat could be reborn withi nthe Imperium.

This glory was not to last, the Imperium was eventually overshadowed by the Confederation of Andromeda and due to several statelmates the two powers agreed on a ceasefire, sending the Imperium into an era of isolation and obscurity. The past two decades of galactic history had hit the imperium hard; the fallout of undeath from the Holy Shadow War forced them to give up a sizeable portion of their territory which they are only recently working to reclaim. As they worked to recover what they had lost they were once again driven into war, with conflicts raging throughout Andromeda's inner and mid-rim.

A wave of confidence now resides within the imperium, first emeging from harnessing the ability to build more colonies within other galaxies and their involvement in the formation of the Andromedan Galactic Commonwealth. It is widely believed that the Imperium has entered another golden age as their influence and military strength now spreads across the Gigaquadrant. In almost a decade the Imperium has become one of they key political powers of the gigaquadrant and has had involvement with numerous foreign powers in several galaxies, notably the Borealis the Kraw and Bunsen galaxies. With the conclusion of the Andromeda War the Grand Senate unanamously agreed to set abotu restoring the destruction wrought on the Imperium's territories over the past 30 years and a technological revolution has been set in motion both from internal and external influences.

The rise of the Andromedan Commonwealth catapulted Imperial influence to new heights. The mutually-agreed site of the Seat of Light on Alcanti meant that the Imperial capital enjoyed a boom as it became the heart of galactic politics. With Andromeda's New Dawn in full swing, the Imperium set out to restore planets lost to the events of the previous War of Ages era and repairing the damage. But wile this golen age was underway, a nonviolent movement from the Brood of War. a faction known as Crispy's Insurrection began a chain of events that threatened to topple the leadership of House Ultanos and potentially weaken the bonds of alliance between the Imperium and the Brood.

The Alcanti Triad

The Imperium's leaders meet with dignitaries from France and the TIAF to form a historic alliance

In time, the Imperium extended its contact reach to all corners of the First Gigaquadrant from Rambo Nation to the Delpha Coalition of Planets. Their participation in events such as the Second Borealis Galactic War and the Second War of Black Fog had placed numerous aliens in their debt. And many more became inspired by the expanding prevalence and knowledge of Imperial culture. This cultural boom has largely been accredited to paragon Uriel Ultanos the sixteenth for his efforts on the intergalactic stage.

This initial golden age lasted roughly a decade before the onset of The Shattering. Fracturing the galaxy, the Imperium was heavily affected, with numerous regions isolated form Alcanti by hyperspacial ruptures that prohibited faster-than-light travel across them. It was in the early years of this period that the Imperium became a founding member of a new organisation - the Pan-Andromedan Ecumene. Using the military forces it still had, the Imperium collaborated with other surviving Andromedan nations to restore solidarity in the galaxy, effectively becoming one of the most prolific of the Ecumene's founders in the process. It was under this crisis period that the Imperium entered an emergency state, working hard and investigating ways to reconnect with lost regions of the galaxy.

Great Xonexian Schism

The years preceding the Great Xonexian Schism were where the Imperium's extent reached its furthest with its influence in the founding of the Gigaquadrantic Intergalactic Trade Organization and more clandestinely the Alcanti Triad. Relations between several powers began to strain as the Imperium grew to increasingly support its partners in GITO who were growing dissatisfied with the actions and attitude of the Delpha Coalition of Planets. It was only after the culmination of suspicion from such things as the Halcyon-B incident, the discovery of DCP surveillance technology in its own citizens and the DCP's attempts to control the Kindred Coalition that the Imperium dedicated itself to committing a full-scale war against the DCP in the Great Xonexian Schism.

For the first few months after the Halcyon incident, the Imperium took considerable diplomatic measures to avoid full-scale conflict with the DCP, restricting themselves to small-scale skirmishes alongside subversive actions to erode respect in the Coalition. Formal combat began in the early days of the Battle for the Milky Way when the DCP launched interdiction missions to dusrupt traffic between the Katar and Tholfame sectors, eventually pushing both the Imperium and the Katar Sector Alliance to their respective sectors and fully controlling the trade lane. In march, after several minor skirmshes, the Kindred Coalition used the Goa'Uld Ambigasrus to take control of an Imperial Aedan in Tholfame 22, eventually seizing control of the entire sector. Later skirmishes and the failure of Operation Deviant Rim forced the Imperium to surrender their Milky Way territories to the DCP. When the GITO stock market crashed in April 2802, the Imperial government was able to rely on its robust economy as well as the confidence of its politicians to mitigate the level of economic damage in the remaining imperial territories. Although an executive order from Araveene for the closure of all markets, the word came too late to fully spare the Imperium, plunging it into a recession that had by the time of the closure begun spreading to its trade partners while the Parisian and Galactican markets had completely collapsed, rendering the Mimidian Credit one of the few remaining viable major reserve currencies in the network.

The Imperium gained more success however in the Mirus Galaxy. Originally securing the Desolation sector and a black hole forge during the Scramble For Mirus. Despite their failures in the Milky Way, the Imperium achieved significant success during Operation Rubicon where they were able to secure the Apocalyse Black Hole Foundry and lay siege to the DCP stronghold of Armageddon Prime alongside hundreds of more minor star systems. The efforts of the Imperium, France and the TIAF were successful in disrupting the Coalition's iron grip on the former Dominatus territories. The Imeprium's activities in Mirus however did not to go unnoticed to the natives, with several nations becoming more guarded against their activities. Hundreds of corporations attempted to bridge the gap by establishing trade connections with numerous native powers but this activity unsettled a number of notaries in the Unified Alliance of Enlightenment. Overall, despite their successes in combating the DCP, the Imperium's expansionist policies in Mirus made it somewhat unpopular among the natives.

This conquest was for naught as when under threat from invading forces by the Sovereign Mirusian Coalition, the Imperium surrendered its gains in Mirus with rumour if intent to take them back after the war's end while Imperial forces focused on breaking an increasing stalemate against the DCP. While the Imperium had directed its focus, Alexandre I, emperor of the French Colonial Empire was able to secure these territories, presenting them to the Imperium's representative on the Xonexi Allies Board of Eight as part of an ultimatum that would break the stalemate. The presentation of the ultimatum coincided with the abrupt return of Uriel Ultanos, who secured the territories, France's support and later rallied the major nations of the Andromedan Galactic Commonwealth on an offensive into the Milky Way Galaxy, breaking the stalemate and eventually liberating both Andromeda and the Milky Way galaxy from the Delpha Coalition's occupation.

Shortly after the Schism's conclusion, the Imperium was shaken by the divide caused by the influential praetor Taremanon Valocanus. Paranoid of Uriel XVI's collusion with the Zazane lord chancellor Tyraz Breek, Taremanon orchestrated a revolution, starting in his home sector of Balas 9 and coercing numerous noble houses to join him. The resulting three-year conflict devastated the outer colonies, while the influence of House Ultanos drew a number of the Xonexi Allies into defending the official Ultanos-led government. The Imperium's vital position in the gigaguadrantic economy was a key factor in the goods and finances used to rebuild areas of the Imperium devastated by both the Great Xonexian Schism and the Third House War.

Among the partnerships that allowed for reconstruction, numerous deals were struck with foreign companies to support industries and firms in the outer fringes, allowing for foreign businesses to more easily break ground in the Imperium itself and allowing the frontier territories to compete with the industrially vibrant and historically domestically-dominated mid rim.


In the era of restructuring that followed the decade of conflict, the Imperium extended to restore its commercial and political ties outside of the Xonexi Cluster. Cooperation was established for numerous infrastructural projects to support allied bodies such as the Covenant of Mirus, Pan-Andromedan Ecumene and Rambo Nation. The Imperium under Uriel XVI consolidated its position within the Andromedan Ecumene, ensuring that Draconid culture became a key part of the Andromedan identity. Among the Imperium's more peaceful projects were expedition into the Tuuros Galaxy, establishing ties with the Nijusi Syndicate, a gateway to tap into the resources of the Eastern fringe of the Mirus Galaxy.

In 2814 the Imperium saw the end of an era. After over a century and a half as paragon (a reign considered short by the standards of the paragons), Uriel Ultanox XVI abdicated the thrown, crowning Maxios Telvenum as his successor. With many of his family and billions of other Draconis, Uriel departed for the deep core. What became of them is unknown to the majority of the Imperial population, but rumours creep around to this day that those who embarked upon the journey ascended to a higher plane of consciousness with Uriel himself maintaining a position of leadership among those who were elevated.

The closing years of the second decade of the 2800s were far from peaceful. With the incapacitation of Empress Ramashe and ascension of Rambert_Ramveral to high king, Rambo Nation turned inward and relations with the French Empire soured. Acting as mediators to a resolution, Maxios and a number of his advisors managed to quieten the new Rambo high king despite tensions frequently becoming hostile. Talks concluded after a brief escalation period with a partnership between France and Rambo Nation, with the Imperium retaining an important mediation role. The beginning of the third decade was marked by the renewed contact with the Tuuros Galaxy. Striking an accord with the Nijusi Syndicate, the Imperium worked with other Ecumene members to lay the groundwork for the Tuuros Trading Company; a semi-autonomous that would be responsible for the infrastructure, foreign contact and dealmaking required for a strong trade network between the major powers of the Tuuros Galaxy and the Ecumene.

The decade of expansion was not on all fronts. After the sudden destruction of Mou'Cyran, the Imeprium was among the highlord nations of the Pan-Andromedan Ecumene who believed against retaliation and voted to abstain from the mobilisation of the Ecumene's collective forces to the Cyrandia Cluster, accepting the clause that individual nations would be allowed to intervene if they so wished.


Main Article: Territories
Main article: Provinces


At present the Imperium maintains an estimated ten million colonial and provincial star systems in the Andromeda Galaxy, Bunsen Galaxy, Quadrant Galaxies, Mirus Galaxy and the Cyrannus Galaxy. At one point it also had claim to territory in the Kraw Galaxy, Borealis Galaxy and Milky Way Galaxy.

What is considered "Imperial space" is not a clear territory to define. Instead it is a loosely-arranged collection of millions of star ssytems divided into over a hundred different sectors. These sectors, each one measuring at least a thousand light-years across, consist of a consolidated core region where many of the Imperium's holdings sit and hundreds, in some cases thousands of satellite star systems not in the core territory itself but assaigned to the closest sector to them for adminsitrative purposes. Because these satellite systems can be up to tens of thousands of light-years from their parent sector, especially in galaxies other than Andromeda, what is ocnsidered "Imperial Space" can be very hard to define but can also give the impression of the Imperium being practically everywhere.

The Imperium uses a system called the Gateway Adminsitrative Formula which names sectors based on the distance to the core worlds, the name of the sector is referred to as the development wave (see nomenclature below) while the number indicates how many sectors share the name:

  • One Axah-level Sector
  • Six Ohlon-level sectors
  • Twelve Balas-level sectors
  • twenty-four Tholfame-level sectors
  • Thirty-two Mathist-level sectors
  • Seventy Anasras-level sectors

Sectors in newer development waves tend to be less sophisticated, favouring farmland or wilderness over burgeoning commercial districts. The imperium also controls territories within other galaxies which follow similar formation processes to the Andromedan secotrs, with designations continuing the tradition of using the core worlds as a focal point. For instance Masthist-3 was the oldest Imperial colonial sector in the Borealis Galaxy and served as the site of the Imperium's galactic capital in that sector.


Administrative regions are named differently depending on scale. Sectors are named by expansion phase (determined by how many wormholes must be crossed to reach the homeworld), named by a Dracid word that represents their priority and which connection they are centred around (the connections are numbered based ony how many wormhole entrances in the previous sector were colonised before X). For example the core worlds are labelled Axah-0 while a third sector colonised from this one is labelled Ohlon-3. Subsectors are named after the system the subsector capital resides in along with using the sector name as a prefix, for example Ohlon-2-Alcartin. The sector name is only used when outside the resident sector. Clusters are numbered by what subsector they are in and are named in order of colonisation (e.g. cluster Alcartin-4 when local, formally Ovohn-2-Alcartin-4). Planetary systems are simply named after the star with each planet numbered in order of distance from the star, the initial colony or system capital replaces its number with the word 'prime' and moons retain an individual name. The only exeptions to the naming rule regarding planets are species homeworlds and sector capitals.


The Draconid Imperium is a constitutional monarchy. The entity of government is a bicameral organisation dividing responsibility between the lower Grand Senate and the upper Praetor's Council that is managed from Alcanti.

The Imperium operates as a constitutional monarchy. The head of state, the Paragavatus (Dracid: Master King), presides over government in a hereditary position normally chosen by the preferral of the incumbent. Managing affairs was head of government is the Imperial Chancellor, who presides over discussions in the Praetor's Council.


vassh'Drakonida (High Dracid: vassh; Peace, Drak'onida; [posession of the] dwellers of Lake Drak, Peace provided by the Draconis) or more commonly Pax Draconica or Draconid Peace is the term for the political system of governance of the various alien nations within the Draocnid Imperium. It outlines the various liberties given to provinces within along with affirming the hierarchy to which the heads of state of these nations are placed.

DI Govt

The modern governmental system

Pax Draconica's principles inadvertently define the Imperium as more of a hegemonic domain than a typical autocratic empire. Considered the mainframe of the Imperial governance system, Pax Draconica permits outside species to allow themselves to become part of the imperium as a whole while retaining cultural identity, freedoms, individual laws and even methods of government. Under Pax Draconica, provinces may continue their accepted methods of governance - be it authoritarian, parliamentarian, monarchical or democratic to name a few - and state representatives retain all their positions and influences. The largest change is these authorities are requested to recognise the Grand Senate as a higher authority, but for the most part, the latter is not obliged to interfere with lawmaking or administration save for a few select umbrella laws.

Species that desire to integrate can become a protectorate (where the empire in question can opt for the protection of the Aetheral Talon Body in exchange for military tithes but are not permitted a seat within the Provincial Council) or a province of the Imperium and function like a province in any other empire. However they are considered of lesser priority to Draconid colonies and must accept the Draconis within their governments. The agreement is that in exchange for technology, protection and freedom to learn Draconic values, species that join are required to provide technology, supplies, goods, vessels and even auxillary soldiers to the Imperium.

Both provinces and protectorates have near-complete freedom of expansion so long as they contribute the information of newly-established colonies to Imperial census records. The establishment of "unregistered" colonies can warrant a blockade by the Imperial Talon navy or risk isolation as the Imperium prefers to rely on the competence of provincial members to keep their records up to date and lax record-keeping can lead to the installation of a draconid administration.

As well as offering protection to the states that opt into Pax Draconica, the various space-ways and regions of space between provinces and neighbours to the Imperium are regularly patrolled by the Aetheral Talon Body. In times of strife, the Talon Body has been known to ensure the spacelanes are safe and protected when other nations begi nescalating hostilities between each other. The same is performed within Imperial Space but more by the Royal Agency for Internal and Domestic Security

Territorial Administration

The Imperial administration is divided into several tiers maintained by a Draconis-ruled aristocracy that for them ost part has been the norm for millenia. The highest levels of governance go to the paragavatus and the Imperial chancellor, the former being the head of state and the latter being the head of government and chair of the Grand Senate. In galaxies other than Andromeda, the territories are ocmmanded by an egalavatus (or viceroy) that is hand-picked by the paragavatus in order to command the territories in his or her name. Each egalavatus is head of a council of praetors each one of which is the highest authority of their sctors. These councils can number anywhere between two and twelve praetors depending on the Imperium's extent in a particular galaxy.

Sectors are divded up among numerous Aedens. While a praetor is chosen by the dominant house in a sector, Aedens come from the dominant houses in a subsector and serve as the executors of a praetor's governance. Because they are positioned as advisors in provincial territories and to the local praetor, Aedens hold a considerable degree of intermediate power. Under Aedans, each solar system within Imperial space (excluding provincial star systems) is governed by a prefect. Positions of government are assaigned though internal votes on a meritocratic basis, with the house responsible for choosing it's candidate being democratically selected by the population. Each tier requires a house to have the majority vote an a majority of each repsective level (a star system's planets for prefects, star systems in a subsector for Aedens and subsectors in a sector for praetors)

The Paragon

Our Esteemed Majesty

The believed divinity of Uriel Ultanos XVI has been reinforced with eyewitness claims of slaying powerful supernatural beings in several major conflicts.

A common intepretation for the High Dracid word Paragavatus (High Dracid Parag; Master, and Avatus; King. Master King), the Paragon acts as the head of state. The title is hereditary and those who bear it are considered the chosen of Drakon - the patron god of the Draconis. For the past 120,000 years the Ultanos line has ruled the imperium, with the current paragon being Maxios Telvenum Ultanos I. The past four Paragon families - Ultanos, Vospus, Oskavarum & Khaxvis - have been noted to bear a different scale colour to the norm, in some cases this has been a mutation in others the paragons dyed their scales.

The position of paragon is identical to that of an emperor - The next in line is the eldest and they rule for life - and when a paragon dies black banners are hoisted along the Paragon's walkway (the central and widest road within Minos'Drakon, it leads directly to the imperial palace and is traditionally used for celebrations and parades). In the event of a paragon being the last of their line, black banners are draped from the imperial palace and the senate must choose a new paragon while the chancellor acts as the head of state. Where it differs is that Paragons must pass their proposals to the senate before anything is passed. Upon the ascension of a new paragon banners of gold are draped along the Paragon's walkway, along with banners of the Paragon's house colours. Due to the Imperium's scale, technological capacity, the level of luxury the family enjoys, association with Drakon and the lofty position in the hierarchy, paragons are perceived as godlike by a sizable portion of the population. This varies from minor demigod to rivaling established godbeings depending on the individual's perceptions. Regardless of truth, a firm cult of personality known as "Paragavatus Divinum" has grown from the roots of such belief, which deifies the paragons in a wide variety of ways.

Protecting the paragons are the Blood Dragons, an elite and rigorously trained bodyguard who are equipped with some of the best equipment and most advanced varieties of powered armour available within the Imperium who serve primarily the personal guard of the royal line. Blood Dragons have. Augmenting their ferocity alongside their training is a trait known as "dragonfury", where a Blood Dragon who witnesses the death of a partner or a charge descends into a targeted berserker fury against the Dragon's enemies.

The Grand Senate

The Grand Senate (often referred to internally as the Senate or the Imperial Senate) acts as the Imperium's governing body, where senators both advise and support the Paragon along with running the imperium day-to-day. The territories are run by two administrative councils known as the Praetor's and Homeland councils, both of which act as governance within their allocated territories and answer to the Paragon and their family. Along with this the senate also includes a security council in charge of the imperium's overall military and any planetary garrisons. Each member is elected differently, with members of the Praetor's Council being selected from dominant noble houses and members of the homeland council being of more varied backgrounds to represent adminsitrative divisions. Elected from the Praetor's Council, the Chancellor acts as the senate's head consul and - along with the Paragon - usually has the final say in decisions that could affect the empire as a whole. Most positions apart from the homeland council are for life and council members are taught to respect the position they have gained.

Due to the vast scales of the Imperium, most meetings are conducted through holoconferencing, using advanced 3D hologram technology to temporarily convert even a modest office or an individual's bedroom into a seat within the Grand Senate's rotunda in Minos'Drakon. Some senators, for various reasons ranging from personal beliefs to pragmatic preference, do however prefer to visit the rotunda building itself.

Praetor's Council

The Praetor's Council is the executive branch of the Grand Senate, comprised of the highest authorities of each of the Imperium's administrative sectors, the Praetor's council is the collective body for the various sectors, with each administrative sector being represented by the sector's praetor and two advisers. Because praetors act as the regional heads of government, they are one of the primary sources of legislation and daily discussions revolve around matters that affect multiple sectors of the Imperium. As a forum for some of the most powerful figures in government, it is not uncommon for the Praetor's Council to be the site of debate regarding state matters and is the principle authority in regulating the powers of the head of state.

Because the Praetor's Council is made up of aristocrats and groupings determined by aristocratic house, the broader Imperial population often gauges the amount of dominance of a particular grand house house possesses by the number of seats and alliances on the council. With the most powerful of the grand houses having members in multiple seats within the Praetor's Council. It is the duty of the Praetor's Council to select the Imperial Chancellor, who is niminated by the council and then more publicly confirmed by consensus within the Homeland Council.

Homeland Council

Consisting of meritocratically-selected representatives from the Imperium's administrative sectors and the representatives from each of the Imperium's provincial states, the Homeland Council is the legislative branch of the Grand Senate. The Homeland Council's primary role is the more day-to-day management of the Imperium. While the representatives of the Praetor's Council are decided by dominance of a grand house in a particular sector, representatives of the Homeland Council can include underlords, prominent subsector politicians elected by their sector or prominent envoys appointed by provincial states to represent them. As such, the Homeland Council contains a broader spectrum of diversity in terms of species and background than the Praetor's Council. And this broader diversity, as well as a more distant involvement in aristocratic politics are what entrusts these figures to formulate and pass legislation.

However because many of the Homeland Council are subordinates of or hold political political allegiance to at least one grand house, the Homeland Council is extremely prone to lobbying and influence from aristocratic groups, it is also equally common for members of the Praetor's Council to use contacts within the Homeland Council to push the creation of certain legislation. And in the past numerous proposals have been put forward and ratified to limit the amount of control the Imperium's praetors can have on the Homeland council.


See also: Andromedan species

The Imperium contains hundreds of different species throughout Segmentum Draco and beyond counting up to quadrillions of intelligent inhabitants, however only a few are considered to have a major influence or standing within the imperial government due to contribution or political favour. Some governments like the United Drallivian Republics pledged as a united species to join the Imperium while others, like Radeons and Kraw, pledged to join after breaking off from their parent empires either though occupation or secession.


The Imperium is home to a total population of several quadrillion sapiens, spread in populations of decreasing density outwards from the coreward worlds. However this spread is not uniform due to the provincial system. While it is true that it is common for planets in the coreward sectors to have populations in the tens of billions, this can asol be the case for established frontier-ward provinces whose capitals and central worlds have existed for long enough to be inhabited by billions each. Despite these anomalies however, census records indicate that, in many cases, there is still a progressive decrease in population density per star system the further form the central territories a location is. The extreme age and prosperity of the Imperium makes these coreward sectors however quite comparable ot each other in terms of population size and education. There are also an estimated four quadrillion sapiens living on star-orbiting and interstellar habitats scattered thoughout Imperial space.

While the Imperium is famed across known space for its incredible affluence, it is estimated that only a fifth of the population enjoys the kind of affluence that comes to the mind of outside cultures. This one fifth - mostly concentrated in the coreward systems - live in incredible opulence while much of the Imperial population live in much more modest conditions. With many regional capitals developed almost as enclaves for central populations. This long ternd has resulted in long-lasting tensions between the affluent central populations and the provinces.

The Imperium also plays host to migrants from many foreign empires such as the TIAF who either moved to the Imperium either under choice, a desire for opportunity or had at one time been subject to conquest. There are also numerous aliens who live in the Imperium as sub-citizens - a subgroup that consists of alien populations occupied in wartime but refused to pledge themselves to the Imperium. Due to the industrial capabilities of the Imperium these sub-citizens are treated closer to less-priveliged citiens than property or a substitute for machines. They are unable to live as freely as other species and cannot migrate from certain areas (such as their assaigned planet) without permission from their overseers. Despite this lack of freedom the Imperium does offer sub-citizens food, shelter, contact and a chance to raise offspring, which is regulated by law; seeing enslavement as a blessing for both them and their culture when comapred to the fate of extermination.


Main article: society

The very air we breathe becomes glorious!

- An Imperial patriot

As a culturally diverse empire consisting of hundreds of alien vassal states and thousands of alien species, it is almost impossible to describe the overall culture of the Draconid Imperium. The image that is used most often by many, as a result of the political dominance of the species that developed it, is to describe the culture of the Draconis; who are often regarded as erudite, militaristic and lovers of the fine-arts. The prevalence of Draconid influence throughout many aspects of broader Imperial culture has created a generalisation even within some parts of itself that all of the Imperium's citizens bear an elevated opinion of their society while indulging in the fruits of diversity and high education, which for some such as the Imperium's noble castes is not far from the truth. This is as much a fact that many have considered it comparable to high Cyrannian culture, which like the Imperium is also considered a beacon of enlightenment and sophistication throughout known space. For a long time the Imperium has been a popular gathering location for aspiring artists, musicians and designers looking to express themselves and show their skills to an ever-hungry public or perhaps gather and mingle with patrons from among the galactic elite.

Despite this image of sophistication and sense of aloofness, blood sports such as arena combat, military simulations and game hunting are still popular while there is still a great demand for high-intensity sports such as racing (personal, animal and mechanical), stunt performances and Olympian events such as archery, rifle-shooting, gymnastics and javelin-tossing. Although broad legislation forbids intentional death in all of these, there exists an underground culture where death is a possibility and fewer restrictions exist as to what can be permitted. Naturally, law enforcement also combats these underground rings in the name of personal safety.

Compared to nearby civilisations such as The Divinarium and the Delpha Coalition of Planets, the Imperium is a veritable beacon of liberal education and capitalism. Scattered across Imperial space are branches of the Alcanti Royal Academy and the Alpenix University, galaxy-spanning institutions that both cater and enlighten trillions of students and offer resources and funding to billions of professors and doctorate holders ("illuminates" in Draocnid parlance) every year with millions of smaller institutions that are either a partner of one of them or operating independently of both. Imperial educational institutions act as major contributors to the development of science and technology and have historically been at the forefront of theoretical research such as Essence Theory and the Orovilus Mentlaism Development Program.

The Imperium's open outlook to interior commerce and international business were one of the chief driving reasons for its influence over GITO; their prevalence making Imperial-originated art, business, design and engineering a commonplace sight in physical and virtual marketplaces throughout the First Gigaquadrant. There is an underlying desire for success in many of the Imeprium's societies, which drives the desire for self-improvement and influence in many of its citizens and fosters a celebrity culture of artists, performers, businessmen, scientists and politicians of all kinds of species, some of which gain international acclaim. But the scale of the Imperium means even largely domestic celebrities have audiences of billions and may still potentially pass the ears of international viewers and persons of interest.

In a contrast to the open permissal of cultural proliferation, the judiciary system is infamous for its no-tolerance policy on crimes such as piracy, sapient trafficking and government subversion. However there is only one charge that can be sentenced with execution and that is conspiracy against the state. The no-tolerancep olicy on piracy has fostered a reputation in the Imperium's Royal Agency for Internal and Domestic Security (RAIDS) of being more of a paramilitary organisation than a form of domestic law enforcement due to a reputation of shooting pirates on sight and working alongside the Talon Aetheral Body in pirate-hunting. Those crimes that do not result in death however, are often in the form of "neurosleep", where the prisoner is kept comatose in a personal berth, but aware of the passage of time and given neurologically-inserted stimulus in order to deter idleness-induced insanity.


Main article: religion

Officially, the Imperium has no single official state religion and while there are trillions who are agnostic or atheistic, the public mindset is dominated by several powerful faiths. Institutions such as the Grand Senate and the Royal Academy actively discourage the interference of religion in their internal workings, providing a largely secular environment of management. The Imperium's administration prefers a largely-apathetic opinion and the Imperium's largest organised faith - Commutum Drakon'Mipthum, the official belief system of the Draconis - prefers to accept that there is no singular path to live and no one afterlife. It instead promotes respect for all beliefs, major and minor, both among its followers and among any within the Imperium itself.

Alongside Commutum Drakon'Mipthum, there are other major faiths with may or may not have originated within either modern or former Imperial borders such as Massari. The other key faith - if hardly as organised as either Drakon'Mipthum or Massari - is Paragavatus Divinum, which deifies the Paragon line. In recent years, with the absorption of part of the Drakodominatus Tyranny, Paragavatus Divinum has gained a resurgence as Uriel Ultanos the Sixteenth began advocating its legitimacy in the early months of the Great Xonexian Schism. With the use of the Caltraxa Guard (the remainder of the Sons of Hedon loyal to Uriel} as figurative angels, Pragavatus Divinium is slowly becoming an unofficial state religion within the Draocnid Imperium that is largely held together by the charisma of the paragon himself.


Main Article:Military


The Imperial Talon Navy is one of the largest well-oiled war machines in the galaxy

The Imperium is noteable for having one of the largest military presences in Andromeda. Because of the Imperium's spread thoughout the First Gigaquadrant and the Talon Aetheral Corps' dedication to pirate-hunting and threat evaluation, Imperial vessels, patrols and soldiers are a common sight in many locations thoughout known space.

Military service amongst the Draconis specifically requires a mandatory decade-long tour of duty once the citizen reaches 40 years of age (the age of maturity for Draconis). Along with this, military academies effectively replace standard schools on some planets and settlements and teach a variety of both military and civillian topics. Upon reaching the age of 50 most draconis are already very proficient in combat and all of them own a weapon of personal preference. This provides the Talon Aetheral Corps - the organisational body of the armed forces including the ground army, marines and and navy of the Imperium - with a healthy stock of capable warriors in the event of war.

Within the provinces the level of militarisation varies depending on the species. Some are completely militarised and, as a result, provide common stock troops for the imperial auxillaries. Others will either supply technology or specialists if they cannot provide large armies or are not built for any military specilisation (although the latter is rare). To keep the auxillaries stocked, each protectorate world must provide a tithe of soldiers for the auxillaries (a responsability of the the provincial council). Neglecting this tithe is considered undesireable as the imperial administration steps in to govern the world at every level as opposed to just the highest offices. Under such administration, planets frequently become reorganised considerably in order to meet their assaigned tithe. Alongside the marine corps and the talon ground legions are the Auxillia Corps, who seve as a compliment to the regular armed forces and consist of non-citizen volunteers such as sub-citizens, pro-Draconid foreign citizens and migrant seeking citizenship. Outside of Imperial space, the Auxillia corps are most commonly posted on allied planets and stations, and for some as as much the face of the Imperium as the ground legions or marine corps.


Whether it's imperial made or imported, you can find anything underneath these spires of gold and glass.

- Araveene resident

Due to widespread orbital infrasturctures and huge commercial base, the Imperium's populations are often extremely wealthy in comparison to other civilizations

The Draconid Imperium is a market economy that rates alongside the other Great Gigaquadrant Nations in terms of economic scale and consists of a complex network of intra-empire exchange channels between provinces and sectors to provide for production chains which are supplied by various provincial economies. The diverse nature of the Imperium's territory permits a degree of freedom for each province to specialise in a few economic sectors or even a single one, with the Imperium as a whole being rated as a major importer and exporter internationally.

Sitting at its physical and metaphorical heart, the crown worlds of the Axah and Ohlon sectors are the very centre of commerce in the Draocnid Imperium. Sustained by goods manufactured from automated factory complexes and continent-scale farming operations, the crown worlds of the Imperium enjoy an phenomenal amount of wealth, which serves to service the primary service industry in the region. Having reached a post-scarcity level and with manufacturing done largely be automation, much of the working population in these regions work in the knowledge and finance sectors such as the continent-spanning universities, technology hubs, city-sized banking sectors and deeply-connected creative arts communities. Much of this industry is dynamically exported to the rest of the First Gigaquadrant, with trade capitals such as Araveene at its very heart.

Tourism is also a major economic factor within the crown world regions. The immense wealth of the cities and stations in these regions has generated the proverb "spires of gold and glass" to refer to the elegant, expensive and ostentatious design of the many modern towers that grace their skylines, while a highly refined knowledge of climate maintenance has converted numerous crown world planets into paradises for tourism. Although the cost of living is extremely high, crown world cities are famous across known space for their clean and beautiful streets.


Imperial space is littered with large-scale manufacturing sites, potentially allowing single solar systems to outpace entire small-scale empires

While it's sheer scale makes self-sufficiency theoretically possible, the Imperium is a critical importer of raw materials and food supplies to feed the megacities of the crown worlds and the continent-scale factory sectors that pepper the inner reaches of Imperial space. The outer sectors supply the footprint of the crown worlds while simultaneously supplying each other. Many provinces primarily specialise in a select few industries, supplying their neighbors with what they offer while purchasing what they need to develop. The hundreds of provincial states - many of which joined the Imperium out of an allure for the wealth of the crown worlds, or forcibly overtaken by the Imperium's sheer military might - add an immense diversity to the quantity of goods the Imperium exports. Indeed much of what the provinces produce is either sold to the core worlds or sold internationally.

Much of the Imperium's industries are automated though the use of industrial-scale quantum replicators, sophisticated robotics and megascale manufactories such as Artificial Rings and Singularity Industrial Zones such as Deep Core. The scale and spread of the industrial sector has made the Imperium as a whole notoriously resilient to conquest through attrition. The Imperium is a major exporter of numerous manufactured goods such as starships, terrestrial vehicles, refined Ansite, heavy and exotic materials, weapons, medical equipment and art. Thousands of new commercial liners, freighters and warships are built in orbital drydocks across its Imperial territories. Most of the shipbuilding in Andromeda is performed between a self-competing triumirate of shipbuilding firms known as the Shipwright's Triumvirate; Valle Astroengineering, Domcar Manufacturing and Utopis Fleet Concern. These three are also the source of the vast majority of the Aetheral Talon Body's armaments and warships.

Alongside numerous geoengineering projects, the Imperium's extent and technological capability give it access to rare exotic materials such as monopolium and neutron-degenerate matter. It is not unheard of for stars to be stripped of matter to be compressed to create the basis of singularity cores, to be used in other megascale projects such as Star-orbiting cities or supplying its military. Some of the most ambitious projects undertaken within Imperial space include artifical moons created from lifted planetary material and arranged in gradual layers over the course of decades. Some rumours persist of the existence of artificially-constructed planets the size of Alcanti or larger, made in a similar way to the way the Imperium currently builds moon-like objects. One of the most fearsome sights the imperium has been known to enact is "Solar Execution"; when for whatever dreaded reason, industries are granted the right to utterly deprive all planets and asteroids within a specific star system of worthwhile minerals, microbes, animals and flora. A process that can turn the most luscious systems into ashen wastelands within a few weeks.

The most powerful industrial sites in the Imperium are gravity vortex manufacturia, more colloquially known as Senvinus factories based ontheir location. These manufacturing zones - often located around gateway nodes - served as precursors to Andromeda's Deep Core facility and are some of the most highly prized and high-output facilities in Imperial space, most of which are leased by Black Star Energy.

With the prosperity of the crown worlds as its point of access, The Imperium is a major player in gigaquadrantic commerce, with the colony of Araveene (due to being the nexus of free trade in Segmentum Draco and the economic heart of the Gigaquadrantic Intergalactic Trade Organization) as one of the leading commercial capitals of known space. Alcanti meanwhile - the imperial capital and at one time the financial heart - followed a close second before the Imperium's meteoric return to prominence during the New Dawn. As a founding member of the Gigaquadrantic Intergalactic Trade Organization and host to it's headqaurters and central stock exchange, the Imperial economy enjoys an extreme level of dominance in markets throughout the Xonxi Cluster as well as having notable stakes in the international markets in the Cyrannia and Ikiwa Iropsi clusters that contribute to the Imperium's leading position as a player in international finance and industry. This power over international markets and the freedoms it offers to resident corporations makes Imperium-made goods and cultural items popular in numerous nations throughout the First Gigaquadrant. As a result, the shares of thousands of businesses, corporations and economic ventures from throughout most of the Gigaquadrant are publicly traded on the Araveene Stock Exchange.

Mimidian Credit

The icon of the Mimidian Credit

While the Imperium still uses a form of currency, many aspects of society have reached post-scarcity levels, primarily energy, industrial materials and medicine. The use of trade networks between Imperial provinces means that while there are numerous industrial hubs within the Imperium such as the Kroogvon homeworld of Valle, they are widely placed, making it difficult to shut down the entire industrial sector at once. Most commonly the Mimidian Credit is used as an exchange currency to purchase services and to facilitate external trade. Many provinces and some distinct colonies possess their own currencies in order to streamline local economies and not disadvantage less economically-powerful regions of the Imperium. The transfer of local currencies is largely automatic, with the Mimidian credit being a largely virtual value determined by the Bureaucratic council that is used on the surface so as to alleviate the need to pay businesses and industries with a local currency, especially on the inter-provincial scale. The credit has existed since the Alcanti Solar Confederacy and the lack of a common decimal value is compensated by what are informally called 'sub-credits' - credit values that are not multiples of 10. Because of the Imperium's international commercial influence, the Mimidian Credit has become one of the major international currencies.

Science And Technology

Main Article: Fiction:Draconid Imperium/Technology

As home to leading institutions such as the Alcanti Royal Academy of Science as well as several leading research and development firms such as XenoGenesis, the Imperium is a leading centre for science and technology in the First Gigaquadrant and for a long time has been a major contributor to the gigaquadrantic community. The numerous public and private sector scientific and academic institutions make the Imperium a honeypot for trillions of students and academics annually, who are often drawn to the numerous continent-scale campus networks owned by the leading universities or the city-scale high-technology R&D organisations that settle in Imperial space. The optimistic attitude to scientific development has also drawn the interest of tech companies throughout the Xonexi Cluster, prompting some to move or establish laboratories to take advantage of the incentives provided by the Imperial government.

The Imperium is also a key player in the gigaquadrantic scientific community. Imperial-based institutions, such as the Alcanti Royal Academy, partake in joint research projects into various fields with several of its allies including The Divinarium, the Tybusen Intergalactic Allied Federation and the Indoctrinate Collective.

In terms of technological capability, the Draconid Imperium is immensely sophisticated in numerous scientific fields; particularly materials science, energy, essence theory, spacetime theory, exotic physics, genetics and cosmology. Presently it exists as one of a small number of technological rivals to the Delpha Coalition of Planets, a fact most evidently demonstrated in the Imperium's ability to hold its own against the Coalition's forces during the Great Xonexian Schism. Notable technologies devised by the Imperium's scientific institutions include hyperspace cannons, magnetic drives, quantum replicators, singularity siphons, artificial wormholes and neutron effusion.


The Imperium is a major leader in energy production and is a major contributor in the production of hypermatter, antimatter and ansite in the first gigaquadrant, limited largely by legislation on sustainability that encourages the use development of renewable energy sources such as biofuels, hydrogen, solar energy and Penrose process siphoning. Despite these legislations, the Imperium remains one of the five largest producers of andasium and ansite in the First Gigaquadrant, exporting much of it though corporate firms that are large enough for several of them to posess international holdings. With the onset of the Great Xonexian Schism however, the Imperium ahs been forced to turn many of its exports inwards in order to supply its allies' and its own forces with ansite in order to maintain an even footing with the Delpha Coalition of Planets.

Within Imperial space, Black Star Energy is the single largest holder of singularity siphon facilities and tehnologies within the Draconid Imperium, and holds a state-supported near-monopoly on its production, effectively providing the Draconid Imperium with near-limitless amounts of energy for use in various industrial and commercial practices

Foreign Policy

See relations for more detail.


The Imperium's connections make it a key player in the world of international relations and finance.

With a vast network of diplomats and official representatives along with trade and scientific connections to the majority of the First Gigaquadrant and involvement in coalitions and several intergovernmental organisations, the Draconid Imperium boasts an enormous sphere of influence that encompasses a large portion of the known gigaquadrant with connections to most major political powers. In terms of foreign policy, the Imperium is an empire that is very open to foreign visitors and dignitaries and thrives on an open tourist industry, Imeprial society prides itself on being a centre of education, cultural exchange and foreign business from all corners of the First Gigaquadrant.

As a large gigaquadranticist economy, the Imperium is a major importer and exporter of various goods and services on the gigaquadrantic trade networks, its many firms often buying raw materials and cultural articles with the former to be refined into manufactured goodswhich are then sold on. The Imeprium also advocates itself as a node of economic transfer; where it buys various goods from foreign powers and sells them to more distant regions on behalf of the buying party, with trade legislation ensuring the selling party earns a share in all the transactions. The recent growth of many larger firms to transnational status - Utopis Fleet Concern and Domcar Manufacturing who expanded into the Cyrandia Cluster) acts as a promoter for this form of economic exchange and has been chiefly responsible for the economic golden age it experienced between 2793 and 2802.

Conversely, the Imperium's military presents itself as a major peacekeeping force with military patrols and outposts being very common within international space and in the territories of those it forms alliances with, drawing some criticism of acting imperialistic. With the outbreak of the Great Xonexian Schism however, the Talon Aetheral Corps has become increasingly iron-fisted towards pirates and smugglers as well as groups and factions that seek to harm the Imperium's citizens or allies.



Green faceUnited in prosperity, we will honour the union to the end

Close Allies

Green faceTogether we are indivisable. Unstoppable.


Blue faceYou have earned our respect, a great achievement.

Improving Terms

Yellow faceOn a positive path.


Yellow faceWe tolerate your existence.


Orange faceStay on our good side and things can improve.

Poor Terms

Red face Tread carefully if you value your sovereignty.

At War

Red faceDominicus Vinterva! Dranvamus Vinterva!

Quotes from Others

Feel free to add your own

I have never before beheld an empire of such ethereal majesty, one that streches across the stars as the wings of those beings so far removed from the restrictions of myself, those with the ability to produce anything from anything else, to create and destroy worlds at will. If the Star Dragons are not gods, then gods do not exist.

- Unknown

I find their use of slaves abominable. Besides that, they are an acceptable ally.

- Titrit


- Masuri

They have strange ways, but I sort of maybe like them.

- Hinata

They remind me of the Cyrannians. Both are giant reptiles that think. Both are friendly to a point. Both are somewhat democratic. Interesting, maybe they are a former part of Cyrannus? Doubtful though, Cyrannians stick together.

- Arukas

Their fear of self-replicating nanotech is foolish and annoying. Being made of self-replicating nanotech, I find their fear of me insulting. However, I also know that they are a powerful faction, worthy allies in all things.

- Dylan

Aldrin-Draco's experiments? How interesting.

- Aeropagus

Despite working with our people in past occasions, whether the Imperium is a friend or foe remains inconclusive. I would personally prefer the former, for their achievements are hard to ignore.

- Jerkon


- Fre'kloar

Watch as I turn you against each other... Watch as your worlds wither and burn by the words of the Dark Apostle. You helped cast me down once, and I will never forgive you for it.

- Geltastra

A honorable civilization that we are glad to be apart of. Some people are complaining about the council laws and their fairness though. They are old and powerful, just like us in alot of ways. I couldn't help but notice some way too familiar things about them.

- Emperor Edoshai

I have no idea what Edoshai and the senate were thinking by joining these people.

- Admiral Yixa

We honor you, Draconis, and we believe we could become greater allies in the future. In darkness of the Andromeda War, with Vartekians leaving, our alliance is now the lone light in this war-ridden and tormented galaxy.

- Iovera IX

Beh. An entire empire of posh lizards and their little friends. You remind me too much of the Zoles.

- Torrent

Impressive, in that stuck up, posh sort of way.

- Barda Clett

One week from now, your Kraw Galaxy worlds shall belong to us, for we, the conquerors from beyond, will return.

- Tyrekian

Huh. In many ways, I admire the Imperium, their accomplishments, their attitude. In other ways, they're a bunch of posh, arrogant, unsympathetic, stuck up little twits who have no idea what it's like not being rich and cultured as fuck.

- Falrik Zaarkhun

The Imperium represents the greatest hope this galaxy has of finally achieving peace. My duty is clear - I will fight for them to the last.

- Hel'Bre'K Ce'So'Va, Blademaster of the Fordan Empire

The golden apple tree with its roots soaked deep in blood.

- Supreme Admiral Gravius Gnissenkrassau

Weak, technologically inferior to other superpowers at similar scale. Breath filled with ego and selfishness. Rule one though: you are never to underestimate them. They have other powers, and they are ... old. Older than many.

- Aemonkian

The great and noble Draconid, the main reason war between France and the Rambo was avoided. A great accomplishment that ensures the ever lasting friendship of the Rambo with the Imperium!

- Ambassador Riyo Apanoida

Draconis disgust me... Flaunting their power and influence across the galaxy, while proclaiming themselves "beacons of culture and progress"... Yet look at their depraved society - cannibalism, slavery in all but name. They call themselves liberators, but they are Tyrants!

- High General Key'Tara

Draconis just another silly Imperium, which is violent and their culture is just disgusting for example cannibalism and slavery it's primitive, if I could destroy them I would do this without thinking

- Prince Dryijkin


  • The Imperial anthem[1]
  • This is Monet47's first fiction.
  • The imperium bears several similarities to the Imperium of Man from the Warhammer 40,000 universe.
  • While the protectorate system has existed since the fiction's inception, the idea of dividing the system into 'protectorates' and 'provinces' came from Imperios
  • The Imperium was largely inspired by the Roman Empire.


Monet47's associated fiction
Draconid Imperium
(Pan-Andromedan Ecumene)
DI Emblam V4d
An ancient empire
Old as seasons beyond count
What secrets lie within its boundries?
Shall we find out?
Other Fictions