
To honor and glory! Our blades shall strike down any that oppose our honorable ways! For chivalry, for the Kingdom!

- Sir Citan D'Corleone

The Confederacy of Cordac is a loosely unified organization of various feudal kingdoms, belonging to the Locar'Gorain. Similar to other races in Mirus, they are still strangely feudal in outlook, just as Zarbanians still have Elected Emperors and Counts, as the Mendel still live in semi-nomadic Clans and answer to chieftains, the Locar still live under the "protection" of Knights and a modified form of feudalism. Their people have, in contrast, barely advanced, and they have just barely accepted the use of powered armor, energy blades and some blasters to face their foes.

Many question how they have not been conquered yet, but the Confederacy still boosts a formidable armed force, many believing they use strange forms of Autogenetic energy and Multus Esse technology to enhance their warriors in battle. Other then that, their feudal economy is barely efficient, and are regarded with irritation by the other powers. Even their allies, in the former Imperium of War and The Zarbanian Powers regarded them with slight irritation.

Though, like Zarbania and the newly reformed Consulate of Praxis, they have joined the people of Mirus in peace and prosperity, they are still regarded as irritating and buffoonish by the rest of Mirus.


Early History[]

The Confederacy of Cordac began on the planet Cordac 12, a world filled with dead and uninhabitable worlds, with this world the only one among the 11 other worlds able to sustain life on some level. Despite only being a medieval society at the time Zarbania was beginning to develop space technology, the Locar are believed to have discovered something deep within the main mountains of their homeworld, the Greyback Mountains, something ancient and beyond understanding. Whatever they contacted, their minds, understanding of technology and even their ability to touch Autogenetic Energy was forever altered and heightened.

The Confederacy began to construct large space ships, many of the engineers hardly understanding what they were building or constructing, simply building that which they drew out and saw in their hands, none able to explain their designs, merely building larger and larger ships, and setting out across the stars, slowly but surely setting down their roots on every world they came across, though their engineering proved subpar, and could carry them so far. Despite this, without even realizing it, they had an interstellar empire. During this, time, they encountered another empire, also advancing and building themselves, called The Zarbanian Powers. Though the two had many cultural differences, the two were able to come together and sign a peace treaty and oaths and vows of alliance and trade with each other.

During their expansion, the Zarbanians came under attack by a foe calling itself the Mendel Pact, who besieged and sacked several of their worlds, before leaving, believing the Zarbanians a threat to the entire galaxy because of Past conflicts they were involved in. After the attack, Cordac, despite not being in a strong position to do so, set as much aid as they could to the Zarbanians, and from then on, whatever battles the Zarbanians fought with the Mendel, later their assortment of allies, the Cordacians would be there with them.

Later, the Zarbanians would come to call many empires their allies, some the Locar found Disturbing, and would call the other their second ally, the Imperium of War. The Confederacy did not trust the latter, but allied with because their allies did, and coordinated together to crush those that were a threat to them.

Throughout, the Confederacy would assist Zarbania and the Imperium in their operations, a Force of Knights partaking in the Crusades in the Milky Way to retake Sodinberg, several other Knights and their auxiliary peasant forces fighting alongside their Zarbanian allies during the Return of THEM, as well as others wars, but they notably declared all neutrality against the Drakodominatus Tyranny, finding them dishonorable and savage, and their leader even contact Ridanax several times to tell him to avoid such beasts.

Ridanax agreed, and their help towards the Tyranny was poultry at best compared to the Imperium. The Confederacy remained neutral the entire war effort, having to not only deal with political unrest from the death of their last ruler, but soon after, were involved in the Great Mirusian Coalition wars, fighting alongside their allies once more, and former enemies, to drive out the hated Xonexi Allies and powers from Mirus and the former Drakodominatus territories. While they received no new territory, even after the peace treaty and the defeat by the French, the Powers agreed to share the new territory Schweliestein-Holstag, and dividing it between the two of them, Zarbania declaring that any great things and marvels that came form the territory would be theirs to share.

The Confederacy later joined the other powers in fighting the rogue Imperium of War, many Knights eager to finally be rid of the beasts as allies. The war was long and brutal,



Highly repressive and controlling, Cordac and it's worlds at first appear beautiful and almost heavenly, like a paradise within the mortal plane. Likewise, the Knights that safeguard them appear to be almost fictional or otherworldly with how honorable, protecting and capable they are on and off the battlefield. This pure, holy image is a lie, or at least hides the darkest aspects of their culture from the public eye. They exist in a brutal class system, enforced by the military might of their knights, and the rest of their people are kept in horrific conditions by it. Due to the strange artifacts or technology they found, their understanding of technology and all has advanced to a considerable degree, but they remain locked in a feudal system, out of the Knightly classes' possessive desire to remain in power.

In fact, only recently where their peasants allowed free movement within their territory, and must seek permission to go to other empires. Before this, keeping their peasants holed up in their hovels and villages lead to the extreme levels of not only poverty, but inbreeding and genetic defects as well. The Knights themselves are often arrogant, and look down upon any who are not of wealth, status or military prowess.

However, despite all of this, they do maintain a number of good traditions and habits. Because of their faith, believes in honor and disdain for decadence has lead to Cordac hosting none, if any Darkling or other forms of corruption (Demonic at least, political corruption is still rife). Likewise, they are known for their dogged loyalty to honor, honoring contracts and agreements to 100% of their word, never trying to weasel or find loopholes. Whenever Zarbania was attacked, Cordac's armies, without fail, would come to their aid, no matter how far it took them to travel.

They do not allow foreigners on their homeworld, and even diplomats must be accompanied by a retinue of Knights. For some reason, the Warriors of Cordac hide something on their homeworld from the rest of the universe. Some whisper it to be the secret of their many powerful knights, others, something that would besmirch their honor if discovered.


What exactly the Cordac people worship is unknown. They are incredibly private and isolationist in this regard, and refuse to share their believes. This partially came about because of their initial contact with Zarbania, their allies wanting to share their believes with each other in a mutual respect, but Cordac refused, not wanting pagan believes in their borders, and as such, outsiders know nothing of what they believe.

They look down upon all religions outside of their own, but seem to hold a special hatred for Spodism, believeing them to be heretics of the worst kind and worthy of only fire and the sword.


Every sector of the Confederacy is ruled by their own Lord, Duke or Baron, members of the Knightly Castes that rule over the Cordacian territory. Each is given undisputed rule and authority to command his realm as he wishes, ruling his people with an iron fist, though are assisted by a number of other Knights, Paladins and couriers that run satrapies, sub-territories and provinces in his name. All are loosely aligned with a Monarch, named king of all Cordac, who rules the homeworld and it's neighboring worlds.


Ground forces[]


Confederate star ships are focused on power and destruction, overpowering their foes and intimidating them into submission. one common strategy is for one frigate to hyperspace into battle, while the other remain invisible to enemy sensors, before going off and antagonizing the enemy. After they are followed, they will lead them to their comrades. Ships are commonly bronze and red.


Green face Allies[]

Together, we will prosper in honor and chivalry!

Blue face Close Relations[]

We will provide our shield. Worry not, fellows.

Yellow face Neutral[]

Tolerable at least.

Orange face Bad Relations[]

Back down.

Red face Enemies[]

Honor and glory to us!

Quotes from other Empires[]

  • add your own!

I conquer them if it wouldn't cause a diplomatic incident. Forcibly introducing some efficiency and social mobility wouldn't hurt them. Of course there's nothing saying I can't pull some cultural subversion... not that I'd ever do anything like that of course.

- Ipsissimus Zuki of the Vanara Houses


  • The Confederacy was originally a goofy idea of races attacked by Spodists banding together to crush their former oppressors, but became almost a parody of militant atheists, without the user meaning to. Later, it was decided to retcon them into something more fitting for the universe.
  • The Confederacy serves as a parody and deconstruction of ZF's tendency to makes empires in the Feudal Future mold, and to show how, if taken to a negative extreme, could be extremely damaging for all involved.
  • The Confederacy was further created to help the balance of power in Mirus, as Zarbania and the Imperium had too many enemies to one side that made it hard for them to face them on an equal playing field.