
This galaxy is a center of peace and prosperity for all. But it will not always be that way. This peace is transient. It will float from our grasp if we neglect it for even a moment, and only when we fight for it with every ounce of our beings do we reap its fruit. We must always be vigilant, on watch for anything that threatens the fragile balance.

To those who would plunge the galaxy into turmoil for their own nefarious ends, I have only this to say: go to hell.

- James Lorrelas

The Bunsen Galaxy (Tybusenic: Bonn'senas - "Celestial Home") is a relatively large spiral galaxy in the Xonexi Cluster of the First Gigaquadrant. Though the galaxy itself is nearly as old as other major galaxies in the Gigaquadrant, interstellar civilization in Bunsen is relatively young in comparison to other galactic communities. Bunsen is only beginning to have a presence in intergalactic politics with the current generation of interstellar civilization, led by the five major galactic powers of the Tybusen Intergalactic Allied Federation, the Grand Spodist Church, the Argexantine Warrior Alliance, the Levisala Confederacy, and the Bunsen Grox Republic. With the formation of the Allied Bunsen Galaxy in 1829 SY, the Bunsen galactic community is slowly but surely reaching a level of political and economic power on par with the most influential galaxies in the Gigaquadrant.

Bunsen's late arrival to the intergalactic stage can be attributed to its early cosmological history, which was characterized by an anemic rate of star formation and a low population of heavier stars for terrestrial generation. Ancient intergalactic civilizations would be inclined to label Bunsen as a lenticular galaxy, and it was not until billions of years after the galaxy's formation that its star formation accelerated to that of a proper spiral galaxy. The Bunsen Grox would become the first major interstellar civilization in Bunsen nearly half a billion years ago, though they were not natives of Bunsen. Over the next 500 million years, numerous generations of interstellar civilization would rise and fall, until eventually finding stability in the two latest generations, labeled the Old Powers Era and the New Powers Era.

In the present day, Bunsen is a vibrant center of prosperity and culture, enjoying an enhanced profile in Gigaquadrantic politics and a sense of fraternity through the Allied Bunsen Galaxy that has been unparalleled by any other era in the galaxy's history. However, the harmony of the present hides the scars of a series of wars that ravaged the galaxy no more than 30 years ago, and the increasing power of the galaxy's great powers invites ambition and lust that may threaten to unravel the delicate balance which upholds this historic order and tranquility.


Formation and Early Cosmological History[]

The Bunsen Galaxy is believed to have begun forming around the same time as its closest neighbor, the Milky Way Galaxy, approximately 13.6 billion years ago. The early galaxy had a poor rate of stellar formation, with few large stars to support the propagation of heavier elements and terrestrial planets capable of supporting complex life. There is no known record of any interstellar civilization in Bunsen in the contemporary era of many of the Gigaquadrant's known ancient civilizations, and it is believed that Bunsen would have likely been classified as a lenticular galaxy by most ancient astronomers.

Some time after the end of the height of the Gigaquadrant precursor empires, it is believed that the young dwarf galaxy Adriana collided with Bunsen. The collision of the two galaxies is widely theorized to be the main catalyst in transforming Bunsen from an anemic lenticular galaxy into an active spiral galaxy, with the impact transferring a significant portion of Adriana's mass and energy to Bunsen and sparking increased generation of heavy stars. The remains of the Adriana Galaxy that were not stripped away in the collision are believed to have become the Adriana Nebula, the lenticular dwarf galaxy that orbits Bunsen in the present day.

Early Interstellar Civilization[]

Due to the cosmological time scale separating the beginning of terrestrial generation in most modern spiral galaxies and the beginning of terrestrial generation in Bunsen, the development of sentient life and interstellar civilization in Bunsen significantly lagged behind that of other galaxies. In a time period where most of the Gigaquadrant's ancient civilizations were beginning their declines or ascensions, civilization in Bunsen was only just beginning to emerge from their planetary atmospheres for the first time in the galaxy's history. None of the species from this ancient era have survived in any form to the present era, though a handful managed to leave tangible records that have endured billions of years to confirm their existence as the first known historic generation of Bunsen interstellar civilization.

What little can be gleaned about the early historic era of Bunsen civilization indicates that a major galactic power never emerged that was able to leave a lasting or noticeable mark in ancient interstellar histories. Most early Bunsen interstellar empires became local powers in their star clusters at best, with records indicating little knowledge of the astrography beyond their native star clusters and neighboring interstellar formations. The relatively transient nature of these ancient civilizations precluded the development of any interstellar network spanning more than a handful of star clusters. This lack of cohesion is believed to have contributed in turn to the instability of ancient Bunsen civilization, with most empires collapsing after exhausting their ability to exploit their local cluster and lacking the means to obtain resources from elsewhere in the galaxy.

Bunsen Grox Colonization[]

Approximately 500 million years prior to the present era, a fleet of Grox colony ships arrived in what is now the central Core Sector of the galaxy. These Grox were exiles of the Grox Meta-Empire, sent on what was believed to be a hopeless mission to establish a colony in Bunsen after they attempted to introduce liberal ideals to the Grox collective consciousness. As no major galactic civilization ever developed in Bunsen prior to the Grox colonization, many contemporary Gigaquadrantic civilizations (including the Grox) believed Bunsen to still be a dead galaxy incapable of supporting meaningful civilization despite the acceleration of Bunsen's stellar formation after the Adriana collision. These Grox exiles would found the original incarnation of the Bunsen Grox Republic on the planet Calrino, and became the first highly-developed civilization in Bunsen (albeit not a native civilization).

Over the course of the next few hundreds of millions of years, the Bunsen Grox would colonize most of the Inner and Mid-Core Sector, establishing contact both with native species in the Core Sector and outlying empires in the Core Rim regions. The advanced technology of the Bunsen Grox made them a highly sought-after trade empire for those aware of the Republic's existence, and soon the Bunsen Grox were the centerpiece of the earliest form of the lucrative Core Rim Network, the first major economic network in Bunsen. Though the Republic itself would eventually fall into a period of decline and disorder, the Core Rim Network would prove to have a lasting impact on the history of Bunsen civilization. The first zenith of the Bunsen Grox provided Bunsen with its first centralizing galactic power, and the Core Rim Network served as the means by which the prosperity and advancements of the Republic would begin to propagate outwards into the galaxy. With the blessings of shared Bunsen Grox technology and a large interstellar trade network, native Bunsen civilizations began to find stability and communication that they had previously lacked, which would pave the way for the sustained development of Bunsen galactic civilization as a whole that enabled the rise of Bunsen's modern superpowers.

The Feudal Galaxy[]

While the Core Rim Network laid the foundation for stable, lasting civilization in Bunsen, it certainly did not guarantee the development of a strong unitary galactic state, especially as the centralizing influence of the Bunsen Grox evaporated as the Republic declined and eventually split into feudal states. The rest of the galaxy fell into a pattern of waxing and waning regional influence, with some empires at times briefly achieving local power status before falling to internal collapse or external invasion. In addition, the stability provided by the early galactic network only went so far as to preserve the records and achievements of those connected to the network; indeed, many species and civilizations were still completely wiped out during this feudal period and only live on through historical archives and archaeological findings. There are no known species in the present other than the Bunsen Grox that originate from this era of history.

Much of the activity in this period of history still only occurred in the Core Rim and what would later become the Tangenta regions of the modern Bunsen Grox Republic. While some stable isolated interstellar communities developed in areas such as Anthalti, such instances were exceptions rather than the rule and continuous Bunsen galactic civilization was still concentrated around the Core Rim. Regions neighboring the Core Rim, such as Erion and Kylessa in the Janus Sector and Parvorand in the Delta Sector, began to join the "civilized" galaxy, though the species of the Core Rim's periphery continued to establish relatively short-lived civilizations which were unable to leave lasting contributions to the growing sense of a Core Rim civilized "canon". Though the Bunsen Grox remained a veritable force when in a united, stable state, repeating patterns of collapse and reconstruction prevented the Bunsen Grox from reestablishing true galactic pre-eminence on the scale of the first zenith, keeping the door open for other species to make their mark. However, it would not be until after hundreds of millions of years of perpetual cycles of petty empires that definitive galactic powers other than the Bunsen Grox would emerge.

Old Powers Era[]

Approximately 100,000 years ago, an unknown alien species is believed to have seeded the terrestrial Janus Sector world Novaterra with specimens of Homo sapiens collected from Earth, for unknown reasons. This would be the origin of the Novaterran species, which would become one of the major species in the Old Powers Era. The Old Powers Era saw for the first time the rise of large, stable sector-spanning civilizations, the first empires that could be considered native Bunsen great powers. The Novaterrans of the Janus Sector, the Vosig of the Corwell Sector, and the Neiberin of the Odwalla Sector established hegemony in their respective native sectors, no small feat in the era of feudal empires. Approximately 50,000 years ago, the three species became widely recognized as galactic powers alongside the Bunsen Grox, marking the beginning of an age of prosperity and advancement under what are known today as the Old Powers.

While early cooperation between the three Old Powers and the Bunsen Grox yielded important revolutions in the development of Bunsen civilization as a whole, the Old Powers were not always concordant. The Novaterrans and Vosig were notorious for their ideological clashes, which eventually led to a long series of Novaterran-Vosig Wars that came to define the later Old Powers Era. The Old Powers Era would definitively come to an end when the Great Cataclysm struck approximately 25,000 years ago, a disaster which saw the devastation of countless worlds and the extinction of many contemporary interstellar species by the sudden invasion of the demonic Skal'Vokra (or Skelewalkers, as they are called in historical accounts). While the Old Powers were eventually able to defeat the Skal'Vokra roughly 21,000 years ago, four millennia of arduous conflict against the demonic hordes had left much of the civilized galaxy in ruins and the Old Powers reduced to shells of their former selves. Seeing the destruction, the Novaterrans, Vosig, and Neiberin joined together in colony fleets seeking a place to start anew, while the Bunsen Grox retreated into reclusion under a newly-established Bunsen Grox Empire.

Galactic Silence and Reawakening[]

The devastation of the Skal'Vokra, the departure of the Old Powers, and the indifference of the Bunsen Grox left few interstellar species to pick up the pieces and restore the galactic networks. The galaxy was marked by an eerie silence in comparison to the Old Powers Era and the numerous generations of civilization of the Feudal Era, with the remaining species struggling to stay together or outright collapsing in their isolation. There are very few species in the modern galaxy that can claim to have interstellar history spanning the entirety of what became known as the Galactic Silence.

The silence would not last for too long, however. By 15,000 years prior to the present day, some of the first new interstellar species emerged on terrestrial worlds untouched by the Skal'Vokra scourge, becoming the first species of the modern generation of interstellar civilization. Discovering the ruins of the past generation through exploration or contact with surviving remnants, the early species began to rebuild the regional networks in the period known as the Reawakening. Core Rim species began to once again establish their wealthy mercantile empires, especially those along the Janus-Odwalla-Delta routes. The Bunsen Grox, having become suspicious of outsiders in their multi-millennium isolation, became a feared imperial force along the Core Rim, now using the threat of military force as their means of influence over Core Rim trade rather than economic soft power. The galaxy slowly began to take on a familiar shape as a new era in galactic history was about to arrive.

The New Galactic Network[]

The forces which would lead to the rise of the New Powers were already set in motion by the emergence of new interstellar species in the Galactic Silence and the Reawakening, though not every piece was set on the board until the Tybusen became interstellar in 0 SY. The Tybusen would be the last of the major founding species of what would become the galaxy's next and current generation of great powers, known now as the New Powers. The Tybusen Intergalactic Allied Federation of the Janus Sector, the Grand Spodist Church of the Kereo Sector, the Argexantine Warrior Alliance of the Sola Sector, and the Levisala Confederacy of the Mormea Sector would arise as the nascent hegemons of their home regions, coming into direct contact with each other in the 600s SY and becoming generally recognized as great powers by the 800s SY.

The discovery of Wormhole Key technology by the TIAF in the 1000s SY greatly increased the efficiency of interstellar communication and transportation, bringing every part of the galaxy closer together than ever before. Wormhole transit became an integral part in the development of the modern Galactic Network, which saw both increased cohesion between the various societies of central Bunsen and increased friction between the rapidly expanding and developing New Powers. Ideological differences between the TIAF and LC developed into a bitter rivalry not unlike that of the Novaterrans and the Vosig, while the Bunsen Grox grew increasingly anxious about Tybusenian, Pazumiri, and Argexantine expansion into the Bunsen Grox sphere of influence in the Core Rim. Conflicts such as the Core Conflict and the Caigiancia War were symptomatic of the growing tension, though it would not be until later that the consequences of the international friction would be fully realized.

Intergalactic Contact Era[]

By the 1600s SY, interstellar travel had improved to such a point that the New Powers were becoming capable of conducting the galaxy's first intergalactic expeditions. While expeditions to nearby Adriana proved to be modest successes, the most important expedition of the era was a TIAF expedition to the Milky Way Galaxy, where contact was established with the Delpha Coalition of Planets and the Seven Starr Alliance. This monumental voyage linked Bunsen to the developing Gigaquadrantic network, putting Bunsen on the intergalactic map for the first time in its long history. Societies and economies throughout Bunsen shifted as intergalactic politics began to make their way into Bunsen discourses with the beginning of Bunsen's accession to the intergalactic stage.

This era was not without its conflicts, however; in fact, this era saw some of the bloodiest conflicts in the entire New Powers age, with wars such as the First Bunsen War and the Second Bunsen War seeing galaxy-wide devastation and more localized conflicts such as the TIAF Civil War and War of Redemption creating further chaos. In addition, as Bunsen civilizations began participating in intergalactic politics, they also began participating in intergalactic wars, with the TIAF especially sending numerous expeditionary forces to fight in a variety of extragalactic conflicts.

Divine Era and Present Day[]

The Annihilation marked a definitive end to the Intergalactic Contact as the Xhodocto wiped out most galaxies in the Gigaquadrant. While Bunsen initially seemed doomed as the Vi'Navitum Ark assigned to Bunsen was destroyed before arriving, the timely intervention of the Illia'Akes saw Bunsen being spared from the destruction as the galaxy was pulled into the Divine Realm, a pocket universe home solely to the Illia'Akes and their counterparts the Vodra'Ta. Many of the civilizations of Bunsen subsequently participated in the Divine War in order to assist the exhausted Illia'Akes against an opportunistic attack by the Vodra'Ta. Succeeding in holding off the Vodra'Ta invasion and receiving advanced Illia'Akes technology in return, Bunsen arrived in the reborn universe riding a wave of progress and prosperity.

In the present, the New Powers have seen an unprecedented period of peace and tranquility in the galaxy, as the success of international cooperatives such as the Allied Bunsen Galaxy has strengthened ties between the peoples of Bunsen and the continuing expansion of Bunsen powers into the intergalactic scene has opened new opportunities for prosperity. However, as the intergalactic ambitions of the New Powers continue to grow, only time can tell how long this peace can last before new tensions arise.


Bunsen Sector Map 2800AD

The Bunsen Galaxy is divided astrographically into what are known as Sectors. Sectors span roughly a third of a galactic arm, with the borders usually defined by existing political divisions or patterns in interstellar topography. Most Sectors are also further divided into star clusters, though in unexplored or lesser-known areas of space there may not be sufficient knowledge of the topography to make such divisions.

The Sixteen Sectors[]

The Bunsen Galaxy is divided into 16 distinct Sectors. Each of the five galactic arms is divided into three Sectors, and the Galactic Core and the surrounding region is considered a Sector in of itself. Sectors can vary greatly in terms of size since their boundaries are defined by political and astrometric measures, though Sectors closer to the Core tend to be shorter and wider than other Sectors due to the shape of the galactic arms.

  • Core - Core Sector
  • Larson Arm - Janus Sector, Mellus Sector, Toomes Sector
  • Merna Arm - Odwalla Sector, Kereo Sector, Marko Sector
  • Omega Arm - Delta Sector, Alpha Sector, Beta Sector
  • Almari Arm - Sola Sector, Deteron Sector, Polaris Sector
  • Roswell Arm - Corwell Sector, Mormea Sector, Horkua Sector

Spiral Expanse[]

A treacherous region spanning parts of the Delta and Alpha Sectors, the Spiral Expanse is a gravitationally unstable zone where spacetime anomalies are reported to be common. As a result, wormholes are relatively numerous in this region, with some of the Expanse's wormholes connecting to extragalactic locations, such as the Jora Wormhole which connects to the former Jovar territories in the Milky Way Galaxy. Advances in Allied wormhole technology have opened up new avenues for the use of the Expanse's wormholes and anomalies, and may allow Bunsen powers to project their influence on a much wider scale than was ever believed feasible.

However, even as the Expanse begins to be tamed by the power of science and technology, it remains a dangerous region for interstellar travel. Ever since the earliest days of interstellar society in the Delta and Alpha Sectors, the Expanse's wild anomalies have been responsible for the deaths of countless explorers or travelers who either did not realize where they were, or who underestimated the dangers of the Expanse. Even today, the gravitational fluctuations of the Expanse make it risky for hyperspace travel, and the safest paths through the Expanse remain wormhole routes that bypass the Expanse in its entirety.

Galactic Core[]

At the very center of the Bunsen Galaxy appears to be a supermassive black hole, which most, if not all galaxies are believed to have. Its powerful emissions bathe most of the Core Sector in various forms of radiation, which makes the Core Sector hazardous to enter for most Bunsen species without proper protection. However, the radiation hardly bothers species like the Bunsen Grox, who happen to be one of the very few species that call the Core Sector home. The Core's radiation effects begin to fade into the background outside of the Core Sector, so species outside of the Core Sector usually have nothing to worry about from the Core's emissions.

However, the Galactic Core is not merely the central axis of the galaxy. It was discovered after the Annihilation that the Core obscures a portal that links the Bunsen Galaxy to the Divine Realm, where the Arturnias and Veidatras reside. The Core is in fact a wormhole that connects the two realms. The portal is known to be operable only from the Divine Realm side of the aperture or by Arturnias and Veidatras; an Arturnias commonly referred to as Steve resides in the void between the worlds that exists when someone enters from the Bunsen aperture when the portal is not open. He is usually there to turn back unwitting travelers or to relay messages from important Bunsen figures if the message or messenger is deemed to have important business.

Satellite Galaxies/Star Clusters[]

Portea Galaxy[]

The Portea Galaxy is an small satellite galaxy of the Bunsen Galaxy. This is the home of numerous smaller empires who have yet to achieve prominence as well as numerous colonial sectors for the Allies. They have benefitted greatly from their obscurity by being able to avoid major powers from other galaxies from attacking them. The only known active routes into Portea are from Bunsen, though in the past Portea had a connection to the Cyrannus Galaxy (which was destroyed as a result of the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus' expulsion of all extragalactic influences). This obscurity and exclusive accessibility makes it very easy for nations who reside or have colonies here to defend themselves, although the lack of any major center of galactic power makes pirates in Portea much more problematic than in Bunsen.

Adriana Nebula[]

An unusually large nebula in the galactic halo that is suspected to actually be a protogalaxy, Adriana has gained a reputation as a breeding ground for both stellar matter and criminal activity. The Nebula's gases cause all sorts of problems for most modern Bunsen spaceships, from electromagnetic disruption to outright exploding on contact. However, many of the Nebula's gases also have valuable applications in modern machinery and technology, and some entrepreneurs have decided that the gaseous riches of the Nebula are worth the risks. Along the edge of the Nebula, harvesting colonies primarily from the TIAF and GSC have cropped up, and colonial recruiters advertise Adriana as a bold new frontier right on Bunsen's doorstep.

However, the colonists are not alone in the Nebula. The various native species of the Nebula, who adapted their technology to the volatile conditions, seem to enjoy preying on unfortunate travelers who end up lost or stranded in the Nebula for one reason or another. Many Adriana species have joined forces as the Adriana Pirate Alliance, a formidable organized crime force that terrorizes the harvesting colonies and also sometimes conducts activity closer to the central regions of Bunsen. The inaccessibility of their center of operations - deep in the heart of the Nebula - makes them difficult to root out. The presence of the Vespan Federation of Planets, who assist the Pirate Alliance in exchange for being allowed to base themselves in the Nebula, further complicates matters.

Neighboring Galaxies[]

Bunsen has always been on the outer edge of what is usually considered the First Gigaquadrant, having few major neighbors in the pre-Annhiliation era and even fewer neighbors after that. However, that is not to say that Bunsen is a totally isolated galaxy; it just happens to not be as centralized as galaxies such as the Milky Way or Cyrannus. Listed here are some of the notable neighbors of Bunsen.

Milky Way Galaxy[]

The Milky Way Galaxy is Bunsen's closest non-satellite neighbor and is considered to be one of the singlemost influential galaxies in the entire modern Gigaquadrant. Bunsen and certain areas of the Milky Way are heavily interconnected thanks to efforts from Bunsen natives with allies or colonies in the Milky Way. The Star Bridge of Delpha, constructed by the TIAF between the edge of the Larson Arm in Bunsen and the edge of the Scutum-Crux Arm in the Milky Way, is among one of these feats accomplished due to a demand for quick transportation to the Milky Way (although the Star Bridge has become virtually obsolete with the advent of the Hyperspatial Revolution and the discovery of new transgalactic wormholes).

Ottzello Galaxy[]

The Ottzello Galaxy was formerly a fellow member galaxy of the Local Group. Ottzello was destroyed as a result of the Annihilation, although most of its residents managed to evacuate and survive, with many now residing in the Borealis Galaxy's Ottzello Sector. Most Bunsen races had little to do with the races of Ottzello while the galaxy itself existed, as Ottzello was a hostile and divided galaxy that Bunsen diplomats considered not worth their time. The greatest extent of Bunsen-Ottzello interaction prior to the Annihilation would be the arrival of the Bunsen Loron early in the Intergalactic Contact era, and even then the Bunsen Loron did not have strong ties to their Ottzelloan brethren.


Bunsen Political Map 2800AD

Allied Bunsen Galaxy[]

The five galactic powers and many other inhabitants of the galaxy are members of the Allied Bunsen Galaxy, an international galactic organization designed to promote peace and solidarity throughout the Galaxy. The ABG serves a variety of functions in the modern galaxy, serving as a forum to allow members to settle disputes peacefully, a commonwealth organization to share some of the prosperity of the great powers with those in need, and a center of international scientific and cultural studies. Allied efforts are cooperative, and members of the ABG are encouraged to contribute as much as they can as often as they can. The ABG is always trying to continually expand its influence into newly-discovered frontier regions of the galaxy, though their presence is not always welcomed. Inhabitants of Bunsen are not forced to consider themselves members of the ABG, but there are many benefits that come with doing so.

Major Powers[]

There are many resident empires in the Bunsen Galaxy, but five stand out and have been defined as the galactic powers.

Tybusen Intergalactic Allied Federation[]


The most prominent resident of the galaxy, the TIAF is by far the most powerful civilization in Bunsen and holds an overwhelming amount of influence in the galaxy. The TIAF is a federal democratic republic which dominates the Janus and Delta Sectors and parts of the Mellus and Alpha Sectors. Given their stature both within the galaxy and outside of it, the TIAF is considered the main representative of Bunsen as a whole in the intergalactic community. Holding the largest military in the galaxy and being the largest civilization in the galaxy (not counting their intergalactic territories), the TIAF is widely considered to be the most important nation in Bunsen.

Argexantine Warrior Alliance[]

AWA Flag

An alliance originally consisting of only militaristic members, the AWA is surprisingly peaceful and non-confrontational, preferring to exercise their formidable military force only in self-defense. The AWA is a democratic oligarchy primarily situated in the Sola and Deteron Sectors. AWA space is one of the most secure areas in the galaxy, thanks to their unrivaled military tradition and defensively-oriented military doctrine. Their defensive nature also makes them somewhat isolationist in foreign policy, being wary of dragged into international actions that don't align with their own interests. The AWA boasts the second-largest standing military in the galaxy and is the third-largest in terms of territory.

Grand Spodist Church[]

GSC Flag

Comprised entirely of Spodist theocracies, the GSC is almost universally considered the main authority of Spodism in the Bunsen Galaxy. The GSC is a theocratic constitutional monarchy residing in the Kereo and Odwalla Sectors. As to be expected from the country considered the leader of Spodism in Bunsen, the people of the GSC are very devout. Unlike what one might expect from a theocratic empire, the Church does not usually spread their faith aggressively. The Church operates under the ideology of Idenza Sepodia, seeking dialogue with other faiths and seeing if their belief systems can be reconciled and integrated into the Pazumiri Church. The GSC has the smallest military of the five major powers and is only the fourth-largest in territorial expanse, but one should not underestimate their tenacity when pushed.

Levisala Confederacy[]

Levisala Flag

Historically a very antagonistic civilization, the Levisala Confederacy has been a fierce rival of the TIAF and the Allies for over a century. The Levisala Confederacy is a federal republic situated in the Mormea and Corwell Sectors. They are very committed to science and the advancement of technology, though they do not always use this technology for peaceful purposes. Their militaristic culture and renowned tactical and strategic skill makes them dangerous even to numerically superior foes such as the TIAF. Their major losses in the two Bunsen Wars have largely gutted the Confederacy's economic power, but many believe that if the two wars never happened or even resulted in Levisala victories both times, the Levisala could be the heads of Bunsen as opposed to the TIAF. The Levisala command the third-largest standing military and have the smallest territorial expanse of the major Bunsen powers.

Bunsen Grox Republic[]

BGR Flag

The Bunsen Galaxy faction of the Grox, the Bunsen Grox try to dissociate themselves from the Grox Empire as much as possible, even going as far as to genetically re-engineer their entire race in order to create a biological difference. The Bunsen Grox Republic is a democratic republic centered around the Core Sector of the galaxy. As descendants of the Grox, they have a strong affinity for science and technology, rivaling the Levisala at times for this zeal for research. Unlike the Grox, however, the Bunsen Grox understand the value of peace and cooperation over war and assimilation. Though they were feared by many as the Bunsen Grox Empire, much like the Grox, they have slowly but surely rehabilitated their image as the Bunsen Grox Republic. The Bunsen Grox have the fourth-largest standing military and have the second-largest territorial expanse of the major powers.

Notable Minor Residents[]

There are some nations that reside in the galaxy beside the five major powers that are worthy of notation. Some of these are a result of extragalactics colonizing the galaxy, or are significant nations but not among the five major galactic powers.

Theian Technocracy[]

Hailing from a distant future, the Theians are the survivors of a cataclysmic event many millenia in the future. They have settled in the Beta Sector, and while not aligned to any of the major organizations in the galaxy, they are said to be on good terms with the TIAF. They have a mysterious past that they prefer to keep secret, though what is known is that they are the lone survivors of an event in their past (which is the future to us) that nearly extincted their race.

Shellious Imperium/Draconid Imperium[]

The Shellious inhabit the Jacoba Star Cluster in the Delta Sector. They have maintained a colonial sector there since the end of the Second Bunsen War, in which they were allowed to stay there under the circumstance that they would not raise any more than a defensive military garrison there unless ample reasoning was given. The colonies have since shifted hands to the Draconid Imperium due the Draconis having taken in the Shellious as a commonwealth. A demilitarized zone exists there between the colonies and TIAF space in the Delta Sector from a mutual agreement between the Draconis and TIAF before the War of the Commonwealth that Bunsen would not become a front of that war. Since then, the area slowly became open again thanks to improvements to Draconis-TIAF relations.

Eldarisian Empire[]

Eldarisian Flag

A severely religious and honor based Empire, the Eldarisian's are the founders of The Religion of Cuth and wish to spread him to others. The Eldarisian's are known to be very distant and mysterious at times along with their actions which can be fairly natural or drastic. They will defend their ally to the sword, but their trust will be hard to gain and is the first step in becoming allies with them. Betray them and many years of hate and bitterness will be found. Ally Eldarisa if you wish, but they will always be a mystery to the universe.

French Bunsen Colonies[]

A small colonial sector set up by the French in the Alpha Sector, the French Bunsen Colonies are becoming well-known in the galaxy as a flourishing center of human arts, with its seclusion from much of the hustle and bustle of French territories in other galaxies attracting aspiring artists. They are also noted for being the first human faction to colonize the Sol Nova region, a special area of the Alpha Sector designated by the TIAF as a colonial zone for human nations hailing from the Milky Way.


  • The name "Bunsen" is, in fact, a reference to the Bunsen burner, a relic of a long-gone time when CaptainTybusen had very unoriginal naming conventions.
  • The Spiral Expanse was originally called the Intergalactic Rift. It was changed to avoid confusion with the term used to describe the darkspace between galaxies, also called "intergalactic rift".
  • The TIAF and the AWA were the first two major empires to have been created for the galaxy, while the Divine Realm races are the most recent to have been created.
Bunsen Galaxy (Adriana Nebula)
We are a galaxy of peace and prosperity for all.
Anyone who wishes to disrupt that may kindly go throw themselves into Inferno Realm.
Are you ready to ROCK?!
We're taking the multiverse by storm!
Divine Races of the Twin Galaxies
There are things beyond your comprehension...
...that are like simple math problems to us.
Portea Galaxy
We welcome you to the Portea Galaxy.