
Section IV is a military branch of the Brood of War that was formed to prevent and destroy internal conflict within the organization's territory, mainly terrorists and occultists which threaten the Brood's integrity and stability. They do not perform outside of the Brood's territory, although they shall assist the Dragon Battleguard if necessary when dealing with internal threats. Soldiers of Section IV are known for their usual black attire and customized, high-performance weapons which are especially designed for inflicting as much damage as possible, as well as possessing access to experimental weaponry and technology.

Section IV is known for their rivalry with another Brood organization, the Shadow Institute, which deals in the creation and deployment of genetically enhanced and cybernetically altered Zazane supersoldiers. This rivalry stems from the founder's dislike for enhancements and genetic alteration and the fundamentalistic-attitude of most soldiers of Section IV.


Section IV was formed to combat and prevent any form of internal terrorism and unauthorized occultism within the organization of the Brood of War, which serves the purpose of uniting Zazane nations and empires in order to preserve order amongst the Zazane race as a whole and ensure their survival. Section IV is designed to exploit and make use of the physical capabilities of each and every Zazane soldier at their peak, with each and every individual soldier fighting at their maximum strength capabilities. Soldiers are either accepted from specialized military schools or are born into the organization and trained from the youngest age possible.

The culture of Section IV surrounds the base values of Zazane society; strength and preservation. Soldiers are taught to always perform at maximum strength to keep their survival rate at peak percentage, while also taught to not sustain injuries if they are incapable of surviving them. All soldiers of Section IV are placed under vigorous and stressful routines, both in education and daily life, to break or suppress their restrictions and increase their overall health and power. Section IV does not tolerate Essence users or modified beings within their organization, as they see them as both abominations and threats to the Brood's stability although they are forced to tolerate those from outside organizations that are under Brood command. A majority of the Zazane within Section IV originate from Cakathor, the homeworld of Section IV's founder Savas Golge.



Witch Hunters[]

The demigods and prophets that break the laws of the Universe shall be placed into order to prevent further chaos. We not only serve the law of the Brood, but the law of the very cosmos itself. We are the Witch Hunters; we are the god killers.

- Witch Hunter mantra

The Witch Hunters are a sub-organization within Section IV which is specialized in attacking and killing Essence beings and users. The Witch Hunters are a specialized group within Section IV for they consist entirely of Essence-blanks; Zazane that are born without any Descension potential. These Zazane are thus perfect for fighting against Essence creatures, as the effects of most Essences are lowered for they do not possess any Essence for others to conflict with. The Witch Hunters are equipped with specialized anti-Essence equipment and weaponry, designed to negate the effects of Essence attacks and weaken the Essence of a user.

Witch Hunters are highly respected within Section IV although outside of the organization they are seen as abominations to be kept away from, as they are known for their ferocity and total lack of honour. While most Zazane enjoy the act of fighting, Witch Hunters seek only to kill in the most violent and devastating ways possible, not afraid to even rip apart foes with their bare hands if necessary. Witch Hunters often border along the lines of psychopathy or sociopathy due to the nature of their training and the fact they tend to be isolated from other Zazane for the nature of their heritage. Very rarely, Witch Hunters will produce spawn who will also become Witch Hunters in their future.


Hangman Anti-Essence Corps
Witch Hunter Sergeant
Witch Hunter Captain
Witch Hunter Colonel
Witch Hunter Lieutenant
Witch Hunter General

Peace Keepers[]

If a traitor seeks to find peace, he is a fool for there shall be no peace for them within this world or the next. To betray your empire is to dirty your honour and stain your dignity, condemning you to a short lifetime of pain and hate.

- Peace Keeper mantra

The Peace Keepers are a sub-organization within Section IV which is specialized in preventing and destroying terrorist movements within the Brood of War's territory and colonies. The Peace Keepers are the second-largest specialized group within Section IV after the Hangmen and fulfill the role of the Brood's law enforcement, being dispersed across many, if not all, Brood-aligned planets within the Andromeda Galaxy. The Peace Keepers are equipped with technology and weaponry designed especially for killing Zazane.

Peace Keepers are often respected through Brood society as well as within Section IV for they bring stability and unity to the colonies of the Brood, as well as erase any threat to its being and those who would prevent its progress, either through criminal acts of sheer laziness and uncooperation. Peace Keepers are trained to resist prolonging fights and are always ordered to settle incidents as fast as possible, either through standard warnings or through force if necessary as is most cases involving terrorism. Peace Keepers are known to sometimes work alongside Witch Hunters, although most Peace Keepers would rather keep their distance from Witch Hunters due to the nature of the latter. Peace Keepers will also work alongside the Dragon Battleguard if necessary.


Hangman Peace Keeper Corps
Peace Keeper Sergeant
Peace Keeper Captain
Peace Keeper Colonel
Peace Keeper Lieutenant
Peace Keeper General


We are the Hangmen; we are the noose around the necks of criminals and cultists. We perform at our best under fire and under pressure, we are execution manifest.

- Hangman mantra

The Hangmen are the private military force of Section IV and serve as its most numerous sub-organization, being deployed between many colonies to assist both Witch Hunters and Peace Keepers and have many regiments and battalions that serve with both. The Hangmen do not go through the training processes of the Peace Keepers or the Witch Hunters, instead following a near-identical education and training process to most Dragon Battleguard soldiers although they are still more skilled in combat than the average Battleguard trooper, as well as equipped with higher-grade weaponry.

The Hangmen perform at their finest when in immensely dangerous situations and are often deployed to such, for deploying them to easy missions would be a waste of their time and resources and are often settled by warnings from Peace Keepers. Hangmen begin their training during youth and are educated in the purpose of Section IV and the fundamental values that all Zazane should uphold and respect. Hangmen are accurate and precise, capable of causing much damage when in large numbers. Higher members of the Hangmen hierarchy are also skilled strategists and motivators. They are mostly deployed during missions which involve infiltration, sabotage and deep strike assault.


Hangman Private
Hangman Corporal
Hangman Sergeant
Hangman Lieutenant
Hangman Captain

Anti-Essence Corps[]

The Hangman Anti-Essence Corps consists entirely of Zazane which are equipped with anti-Essence weaponry and equipment and serve alongside the Witch Hunters sub-organization. The Anti-Essence Corps are granted technology which disrupts Essence detection, thus making them effetively invisible at a distance to most Essence users, although powerful and adept users are often easily able to detect them. The Anti-Essence Corps often take on the personality of their Witch Hunter allies; they become cold and isolated, with rather violent tendencies towards those who are not part of their Corps or Witch Hunters.

Peace Keeper Corps[]

The Hangman Peace Keeper Corps consists of Zazane that have chosen to expand their education into advanced law and enforcement, thus becoming part of this Corps upon graduation. The Peace Keeper Corps works alongside and within the Peace Keeper sub-organization, enforcing the Brood's law and rules upon those who would dare to break them. They are equipped with modified technology and weaponry which allows them to kill foes easier and, like their Peace Keeper allies, are trained to resist prolonging conflicts and fights in order to settle them quickly with minimal losses.

Mech Units[]



Ranged Weaponry[]

Morph Rifles[]

Peace Keeper Variant
Witch Hunter Variant

Morph Pistols[]

Standard Morph Pistol
Peace Keeper Variant
Witch Hunter Variant

Heavy Guns[]

Solid Slug Gatling Machine
Battery Ammunition Gatling Machine
Peace Keeper Missile Launcher
Witch Hunter Missile Launcher
Standard Semi-Automatic Grenade Launcher
Peace Keeper Semi-Automatic Grenade Launcher
Witch Hunter Semi-Automatic Grenade Launcher

Melee Weaponry[]


Standard Serration Combat Dagger
Peace Keeper Serration Combat Dagger
Witch Hunter Serration Combat Dagger
Standard Throwing Knife


Standard Serration Katana
Peace Keeper Serration Katana
Witch Hunter Serration Katana
Standard Longsword
Peace Keeper Longsword
Witch Hunter Longsword
Energy Blade


Standard Combat Baton
Charged Baton



Peace Keeper Variant[]

Witch Hunter Variant[]

Hangman Variant[]




Experimental Weaponry[]

Tracking Emitters[]





Cakathor is the main recruitment world for Section IV and is the homeworld of Section IV's founder, Savas Golge who is currently the 125th Punisher King of Cakathor and is the world's ultimate authority. Cakathor is a desert-like world that supports a stable economy thanks to its unification by Savas several decades ago and has been in an improving state for its people ever since the start of his reign. Cakathor's education is dedicated to Section IV and produces the strongest ethnicity of Zazane within the organization, due to the planet's harsh environment and climate.

Cakathor is one of the organization's most heavily defended planets for it is Section IV's headquarters and also acts as the primary residence of Savas himself. Defended by anti-ship turrets and many battleships which are equipped with the latest of ship weaponry, Cakathor is considered the most important world to Section IV as well as one of the most noticeable colonies within the Brood organization itself. Cakathor possesses valuable resources below its surface within the great deserts and there are entire settlements dedicated to mining these materials for future expansion and production of weaponry and other equipment.


Ethegor is the main resource world for Section IV and is the first official extrasolar world that was brought under the domination of the Cakathori Zazane. Ethegor is dominated by massive cities and settlements that constantly mine and produce materials to feed Section IV and the Brood with food and ores. Ethegor possesses a small amount of recruitment centers for Section IV although they are rather small and produce a minimal amount of soldiers for the organization.

Like Cakathor, it is a heavily defended world by both battleships and anti-ship turrets. Ethegor is mostly barren and is considered a wasteland planet for its lack of variety on the surface, although below the surface there are many types of materials which are mined and refined for usage. Flora and fauna are often imported onto the world to feed the populations of Zazane and other animal species that reside there, as there is no native fauna or flora and the ecosystem is barely within a state of stability.



Anti-terrorist, you say? Is that what you call your liberators now?

- Althron



