

Exceptional - This piece of equipment would effortlessly rip to shreds its average equivalent on the market. This rating should be very rare and usually account for the very best piece of technology available to a single nation. Better quality usually implies a higher price.
Good - This piece would have a distinct advantage over the average equivalent.
Average - The average, meaning a piece is neither better nor worse than most other pieces on the market. This rating is not a bad one. In fact, it should be normal.
Bad - This piece has a distinct disadvantage against its average equivalent. Lower quality usually implies lower price and manufacturing cost.
Abysmal - This piece would be useless against its average equivalent, usually due to vast differences in technology or critical design flaws.

The Market[]



Nation(s) Name Year Quality Cost efficiency ECM Role Operates in Superluminal drive?
Flag of France Torrent 2799 Exceptional Exceptional Exceptional omnirole open space, orbital, atmosphere, VTOL hyperspace
KicathianRemnantEmblem 24679-34103-8120 2790 Exceptional Exceptional Exceptional interceptor orbit, open space hyperspace
Flag of France Mirage Roi '96 2796 Good Exceptional Good omnirole open space, orbital, atmosphere hyperspace
DIFlag New Kalaas SO-38 Falcon 2760 Good Exceptional Good interceptor orbit, atmosphere, open space warp drive
POTATO Flag F/A-39A Cloud Hawk 2771 Good Exceptional Exceptional high-altitude SEAD open space, orbit, atmosphere, VTOL hyperspace
POTATO Flag F/A-39A Swallow 2773 Average Exceptional Exceptional low-altitude SEAD open space, orbit, atmosphere, VTOL hyperspace
Flag of France Mirage Roi 2780 Good Good Average omnirole open space, orbital, atmosphere hyperspace
Flag of Hal'Sk RT-40 2800 Good Good Average multirole open space, orbit, atmosphere hyperspace
HumanFlag ECO 2789 Average Exceptional Exceptional omnirole open space, orbital, atmosphere hyperspace
Flag of Hal'Sk RT-35 S 2794 Good Bad Good multirole open space, orbital, atmosphere hyperspace
Flag of France Farengeto Colony Flag4 Hyperfighter Hurricane 2801 Average Good Average multirole open space, orbital, atmosphere hyperspace
POTATO Flag F-180 Super Revolution 2G Retrofit 2767 Average Good Average fighter open space, orbital, atmosphere, VTOL hyperspace
Flag of France Roreinia 2 Mirage Cascabel 2779 Average Good Average omnirole open space, orbital, atmosphere, VTOL hyperspace
European Aerospace Union Eurofighter Hurricane 2787 Bad Exceptional Average multirole open space, orbital, atmosphere hyperspace
POTATO Flag Flag of France Mirage I 2775 Bad Exceptional Exceptional interceptor, recon open space hyperspace
Eldarisian Flag Scoutian-07 2795 Average Average Average recon, light assault open space, orbital, atmosphere warp drive
POTATO Flag F-92 Super Macaw 2773 Average Average Average fighter-bomber open space, orbital, atmosphere hyperspace
CometFlagV2 Farengeto Colony Flag4 Innovator 2800 Average Average Average interceptor open space, orbital, atmosphere hyperspace
Flag of Hal'Sk RT-35 2792 Average Average Average multirole open space, orbital, atmosphere hyperspace
FjordLeagueFlag Sky King 2778 Average Average Average interceptor orbit, atmosphere none
Ierim flag ISV Sentinel-HE G3 2788 Average Bad Average multirole open space, orbital, atmosphere hyperspace
United Free Peoples Flag Eagle 2796 Average Bad Good multirole orbit, atmosphere jump drive
Flag of the Orion League HF-4 2788 Bad Average Average omnirole orbit, atmosphere, open space hyperspace
United Free Peoples Flag LAF Falcon Mk.2 2794 Abysmal Exceptional Average multirole fighter drone orbit, atmosphere jump drive
United Free Peoples Flag LAF Falcon 2792 Abysmal Exceptional Average multirole orbit, atmosphere jump drive
Ierim flag ISV Sentinel-IN G6 2775 Abysmal Good Average interceptor open space, orbital, atmosphere none
DIFlag New Domcar F-504 Hyperjet 2712 Abysmal Good Bad multirole orbit, atmosphere none
Flag of France Mirage Voltigeur ERS '73 2773 Abysmal Average Average low-altitude SEAD orbit, atmosphere, VTOL none


Nation(s) Name Year Quality Cost efficiency ECM Role Operates in Superluminal drive?
Flag of Hal'Sk RT-45 2792 Exceptional Exceptional Good tactical bomber open space, orbit, atmosphere, VTOL hyperspace
Naakjiflag02 Maa'tiins 2799 Exceptional Average Exceptional medium bomber open space, orbit, atmosphere, VTOL hyperspace
Flag of France Super Mirage 3 2782 Good Good Average bomber open space, orbit, atmosphere, VTOL hyperspace
FjordLeagueFlag Harrier Hawk 2778 Average Good Good light bomber orbit, atmosphere, VTOL none


Nation(s) Name Year Quality Cost efficiency ECM Size Operates in Weapons Defenses
POTATO Flag B-75 Kaguya 2779 Exceptional Average Bad Very large orbit, atmosphere, hover, VTOL
POTATO Flag B-64 Lunar Wolf 2779 Good Good Average Small orbit, atmosphere, hover, VTOL
Flag of France As Volant II 2783 Good Good Average Medium orbit, atmosphere, hover, VTOL modifiable light shield, light armor, flares
Flag of Corsica Flag of France E-16 Agamemnon 2785 Average Exceptional Average Small orbit, atmosphere, hover, VTOL, hyperspace modifiable medium shield, light armor
Flag of France As Volant 2766 Average Average Average Medium orbit, atmosphere, hover, VTOL modifiable light shield, light armor, flares
JCompany JMilitary Air Civilization Stage Good Good Bad Medium orbit, atmosphere, hover, VTOL, hyperspace Trident Ray, Planet Sniper, Duo Blaster light armor


Nation(s) Name Year Quality Cost efficiency ECM Type Speed Weapon Defenses
Roreinia 2 EE-T12 Osório 4 2790 Exceptional Exceptional Exceptional main battle tank 80 km/h Lançamento 2780, autocannon, ATGM heavy shields, strong medium armor, active ECM
Roreinia 2 EE-T12 Osório 4A 2790 Exceptional Exceptional Good main battle tank 80 km/h Lançamento 2780, autocannon, ATGM heavy shields, strong medium armor, passive ECM
Flag of France C-41 Ulysse A2 2792 Good Good Good main battle tank 120 km/h ERT A-2000, autocannon, ATGM heavy shields, medium armor, active ECM, anti-missile missiles
Flag of France C-41 Ulysse A1 2786 Average Average Good main battle tank 120 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon, ATGM heavy shields, medium armor, active ECM, anti-missile missiles
Flag of France C-41 Ulysse 2779 Average Average Good main battle tank 120 km/h ERT A-1500, autocannon, ATGM heavy shields, medium armor, active ECM
Roreinia 2 Flag of France Ulysse 2778 Average Good Average main battle tank 130 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon, ATGM heavy shields, medium armor, passive ECM
United Free Peoples Flag LMC Lancer 4 2800 Good Average Average main battle tank 60 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon, ATGM heavy armor, medium shield
Flag of South Africa Oliphaunt Mk 2 2785 Average Good Average main battle tank 85 km/h rotating turret canon, anti-infantry guns medium shields, medium armor, passive ECM
United Free Peoples Flag LMC Lancer 3 Mk.2 2798 Average Average Average main battle tank 80 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon heavy armor, medium shield
United Free Peoples Flag LMC Lancer 2 Mk.2 2796 Average Average Bad main battle tank 60 km/h rotating turret canon, HMMG heavy armor, medium shield
United Free Peoples Flag LMC Lancer 3 2795 Good Bad Bad main battle tank 80 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon heavy armor, medium shield
United Free Peoples Flag LMC Lancer 2 2794 Bad Good Bad main battle tank 70 km/h rotating turret canon, HMMG heavy armor
Roreinia 2 EE-T41 Ulysse 2 2790 Good Good Average fast main battle tank 155 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon, ATGM heavy shields, light medium armor, active ECM
Roreinia 2 EE-T41 Ulysse 1A 2785 Average Good Average fast main battle tank 155 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon, ATGM heavy shields, light medium armor, passive ECM
Roreinia 2 EE-T41 Ulysse 1 2779 Average Good Average fast main battle tank 150 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon, ATGM heavy shields, light medium armor, passive ECM
KicathianRemnantEmblem 88992-67402-8129 2797 Exceptional Exceptional Good light tank 370 km/h rotating turret cannon, autocannon heavy shields, light armour, active ECM
Flag of France C-39 Impérial 2802 Good Exceptional Average light tank drone 140 km/h ROL-5 Mk.5, autocannon, ATGM medium shields, reactive armor, medium armor, passive ECM
Flag of France C-39B3 2793 Good Average Good light tank 140 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon, ATGM medium shields, medium armor, active ECM, anti-missile missiles
United Free Peoples Flag LMC Lancer 1 Mk.3 2799 Good Average Average light tank 200 km/h rotating turret canon, ATGM light armor, medium shield
Flag of France C-39B2 2784 Average Average Good light tank 140 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon, ATGM medium shields, medium armor, active ECM, anti-missile missiles
United Free Peoples Flag LMC Lancer 1 Mk.2 2795 Average Good Average light tank 200 km/h rotating turret canon, HMMG light armor
Roreinia 2 EE-T57 Equis 3 A 2789 Average Good Average light tank 140 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon, ATGM medium shields, medium armor, passive ECM, anti-missile missiles
United Free Peoples Flag LMC Lancer 1 2792 Bad Exceptional Bad light tank 200 km/h rotating turret canon, HMMG light armor
Flag of France C-39A2 2760 Average Bad Average light tank 140 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon, ATGM medium shields, medium armor, active ECM
Flag of France C-39A 2760 Bad Good Bad light tank 160 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon, ATGM medium shields, light armor, passive ECM
Flag of Hal'Sk L-25 2797 Good Good Bad light-tank 160 km/h rotating turret canon, autocannon, ATGM Light-Shields, Light-Armor, Passive ECM
Flag of Hal'Sk TD-40 ERTA 2796 Exceptional Average Average tank destroyer 120 km/h ERT A-2000, ATGM medium shields, medium armor, passive ECM
Flag of Hal'Sk TD-40 HG 2795 Exceptional Bad Average tank destroyer 120 km/h G-35, ATGM medium shields, medium armor, passive ECM

AA Systems[]

Nation(s) Name Year Quality Cost efficiency Stealth Type Size Defensive systems
Flag of South Africa G6 Longbow 2793 Good Good Average surface-to-air-missile

Large passive ECM, light armor, medium shields
Roreinia 2 Surucucu 2L 2789 Good Bad Good surface-to-air-missile Medium passive ECM, light armor
Roreinia 2 Surucucu 3 2785 Average Average Good surface-to-air-missile Medium passive ECM, light armor
Flag of France Maxin 3A 2781 Average Average Average surface-to-air-missile Medium passive ECM, light armor
Roreinia 2 EE-89 Micrurus 2 2783 Average Average Good missile-to-missile battery
anti-aircraft gun
Medium active ECM, jamming, light armor
Flag of France Maxin Protecteur 2783 Average Average Average missile-to-missile battery Medium passive ECM, light armor
Roreinia 2 Surucucu 2 2774 Bad Average Bad surface-to-air-missile Large passive ECM, light armor
Nivenian Nivenian Flak Artillery Mk. 8 7 NE Exceptional Good Abysmal anti-missile flak artillery Medium-Large Usually relies on shielding present in the stations and ships where it is attached


Nation(s) Name Year Quality Cost efficiency ECM Type Size Range Firing speed Accuracy Caliber Suspension Defenses Speed
Flag of South Africa G6 Mk 2 2794 Exceptional Exceptional Good heavy artillery Large Long Medium High Large tracked heavy armor, shields, passive ECM 53 km/h
Flag of France C-39 Batterie Volante 2780 Average Average Good flying battery Medium Medium Fast High Medium tracked light armor, passive ECM 150 km/h
Flag of France VAB-88 OUCH 2767 Average Good Average light infantry mortar Small Short Very fast Medium Small wheeled light armor, passive ECM 170 km/h
Drodo Empire Flag 2745 Imperial Field Gun, mark 4 2789 Good Exceptional Bad Light howitzer/field gun Medium/Small Long 15 shells/minute Medium 75mm Wheeled none n/a
Algolurn Popular Republic Draki 24 MLRS 2789 Average Good Good mobile launcher
standard rocket launcher
Medium Long Can fire all rockets simultaneously, in salvo(s) or individually Good N/A (rocket launcher) 2 sets of tracks light armor, passive EMC, stealth, can fire AA missiles 150 km/h
Algolurn Popular Republic Pakli-Draki 2 2793 Average Good Good mobile launcher
standard rocket launcher
Medium/Small Long Can fire both rockets simultaneously or individually Good N/A (rocket launcher) 4 wheels and 2 sets of tracks light armor, passive EMC, stealth, can fire AA missiles 180 km/h
JCompany Heavy JMilitary Land Civilization Stage Good Good Bad heavy artillery Medium Long Medium Good Large wheeled light armor 53 km/h

Light Vehicles[]

Nation(s) Name Year Quality Cost efficiency ECM Type Speed Suspension Weapon Defenses Transport capacity
Flag of Australia F-22 LAV 2778 Exceptional Exceptional Good light armored vehicle 180 km/h 8-wheeled rotating turret socket light armor, passive ECM 10
Flag of France VAB-88 2765 Average Good Average light armored vehicle 170 km/h 6-wheeled, amphibious none, modifiable light armor, passive ECM 10
Flag of Hal'Sk APC-15 AT 2794 Good Average Average light armored vehicle 190 km/h 4-wheeled Rotating ATGM Missile Pod, ATGM light armor, passive ECM 8
Flag of Hal'Sk APC-15 2793 Average Average Average light armored vehicle 190 km/h 4-wheeled rotating turret, autocannon light armor, passive ECM 8
Flag of France VLRA 2790 2790 Average Average Bad logistics truck 150 km/h 4-wheeled none, modifiable unarmored 10,000 kg
Flag of Central African States Proton 2790 Average Average Bad truck 150 km/h 4-wheeled none, modifiable unarmored 8,000 kg
Drodo Empire Flag Cuirassier-class 2790 Excellent Average Average cybernetic horse 120 km/h 4-legged none light armor, shield 1
Drodo Empire Flag Dragoon-class 2790 Average Good Average cybernetic horse 140 km/h 4-legged none light armor, shield 1
Drodo Empire Flag Lancer-class 2775 Good Average Average cybernetic horse 180 km/h 4-legged none light armor, shield 1
JCompany Light JMilitary Land Civilization Stage Good Good Bad light armored vehicle 190 km/h 4-wheeled bombardier light armor 1


Nation(s) Name Year Quality Cost efficiency Role Size Armaments Defenses Drive
Flag of South Africa Mandela-class 2778 Bad Bad dreadnought 5 km turbolasers, antimatter cannons, MAC cannons,
missile pods, PD guns, plasma cannons,
rail guns, particle disruptor beam cannons,
pulse cannons, energy projectors, relativistic launch
cannon, magnetohydrodynamic cannon
titanium plating,
plasma shields,
energy shields,
phasic shielding
Flag of South Africa Geyser-class 2797 Bad Bad heavy carrier 2.7 km turbolaser, antimatter cannons, MAC cannons,
missile pods, PD guns, plasma cannon batteries,
rail guns, heavy particle disruptor beam cannons,
pulse cannon turrets, energy projectors
titanium plating,
heavy plasma shields
EU Flag Ériu-class 2791 Exceptional Exceptional ship of the line 2.5 km quantum torpedo launchers, phaser banks, turbolasers, high velocity canon shields, heavy armor hyperspace
Flag of France FjordLeagueFlag Céleste-class 2781 Good Good ship of the line 2 km quantum torpedo launchers, hypermatter turbolasers shields, heavy armor, advanced utilities hyperspace
Flag of South Africa Soweto-class 2797 Bad Average ship of the line 2 km turbolaser, antimatter cannons, MAC cannons,
missile pods, PD guns, plasma cannon batteries,
rail guns, heavy particle disruptor beam cannons,
pulse cannon turrets, energy projectors
titanium plating,
heavy plasma shields
Ierim flag Andol-class 2776 Good Bad ship of the line 2.4 km turbolasers, antimatter cannons shields, heavy armor hyperspace
Flag of South Africa Tambo-class 2797 Average Average line frigate 1.7 km turbolaser, antimatter cannons, MAC cannons,
missile pods, PD guns, plasma cannon batteries,
rail guns, heavy particle disruptor beam cannons,
pulse cannon turrets, energy projectors
titanium plating,
heavy plasma shields
HumanRepublicSymbol Bestride-class 2773 Good Good Ship-of-the-line 1.5 km tricobalt torpedoes, gloop-delivered torpedoes,
turbo-plasma cannonsubatomic disruptors,
transphasic quantum torpedoes
non-phasic shields, nanomorphic armour, extend shields hyperspace, wormhole key
Flag of France Orleans-class 2788 Good Good line carrier 1.5 km point-defense turrets, AA missiles, large hypermatter cannons shields, heavy armor hyperspace
Flag of South Africa Khathrada-class 2794 Average Average line frigate 1.5 km turbolaser, antimatter cannons, MAC cannons,
missile pods, PD guns, plasma cannon batteries,
rail guns, heavy particle disruptor beam cannons,
pulse cannon turrets, energy projectors
titanium plating,
heavy plasma shields
EU Flag Jove-class 2796 Exceptional Exceptional line frigate 1.4 km quantum torpedo launchers, phaser banks, turbolasers, high velocity canon shields, heavy armor hyperspace
Ierim flag Tilead-class 2772 Average Average line frigate 1.3 km turbolasers, MAC cannons shields, heavy armor hyperspace
Flag of France Cassiel-class 2768 Average Average line frigate 1.4 km quantum torpedo launchers, turbolasers shields, heavy armor hyperspace
Flag of South Africa Umkhonto-class 2795 Average Average line frigate 1.1 km turbolaser, antimatter cannons, MAC cannons,
missile pods, PD guns, plasma cannon batteries,
rail guns, heavy particle disruptor beam cannons,
pulse cannon turrets, energy projector
titanium plating,
heavy plasma shields
Flag of South Africa ANC-class 2795 Average Average line frigate 1.1 km turbolaser, antimatter cannons, MAC cannons,
missile pods, PD guns, plasma cannon batteries,
rail guns, heavy particle disruptor beam cannons,
pulse cannon turrets
titanium plating,
medium plasma shields
Flag of South Africa Namacurra-class 2795 Average Average frigate 1 km turbolaser, antimatter cannons, MAC cannons,
missile pods, PD guns, plasma cannon batteries,
rail guns
titanium plating,
medium plasma shields
Flag of France Hercule 2790 Average Average transport
heavy landing craft
845 m none shields, heavy armor hyperspace
Flag of France Hercule BOAM 2790 Average Average mobile forward
operating base
845 m none shields, heavy armor hyperspace
Flag of South Africa Warrior-class 2795 Good Average frigate 816 m turbolaser batteries, MAC cannons, missile pods,
PD cannons, plasma cannons, rail guns
titanium plating,
medium plasma shields
HumanRepublicSymbol Hydrobane-class 2773 Good Good support corvette 660 m subatomic disruptors, transphasic quantum torpedoes fighters, advanced systems (sensor jam, power drain) hyperspace
Flag of South Africa Valour-class 2794 Good Good light frigate 576 m turbolaser batteries, MAC cannon, missile pods,
PD cannons, plasma cannons, rail guns
titanium plating,
light plasma shields
Flag of South Africa Heroine-class 2794 Good Exceptional heavy corvette 477 m turbolaser batteries, MAC cannon, missile pods,
PD cannons, plasma cannons, rail guns
titanium plating,
light plasma shields
HumanFlag Coalition-class 2770 Average Exceptional corvette 160 m two missile launchers, two blaster turrets, can load superweapons non-phasic shielding
regenerative ablative armor
hyperspace, wormhole key
Drodo Empire Flag Chaser-class 2779 Average Exceptional corvette 250 m two light turbolasers, hypermatter missile tube light plating, shields, cloaking device hyperspace
FjordLeagueFlag Helsinki-class 2784 Good Good corvette 127 m hypermatter beams, quantum torpedoes ablative plating, non-phasic shields hyperspace
Klingon Empire logo Bird-of-prey
(many variants)
Good Average corvette 110 m, varies three torpedo launchers (quantum or antimatter),
four disruptor cannons (either disruptors,
plasma-beam weapons, or polaron)
Starship Manoeuvres, power drain,
photonic fleet, warp shadows, mask energy field,
feedback pulse, light armor, cloak, shields
hyperspace, wormhole key
HumanRepublicSymbol Sentinel-class 2773 Exceptional Good mobile base,
long-range support,
planetary assault
3 km dual-relativistic kill vehicle launchers
ion-turbo-plasma cannons, subatomic disruptors,
transphasic torpedoes, nanoliquid cutting beams
non-phasic shielding, rotate-shields,
fighters, a hangar-bay
hyperspace, wormhole key
Drodo Empire Flag Impaler-Class, Mk IV 2750 Mk I, Mk IV 2793 Good Bad Flagship/Ship of the line 2.5 km Turbolasers, antimatter missiles, railguns, flak cannons, autocannons, hangar bay of Imperial Mirage Roi fighters. Ray shielding, energy shields, phasic shielding, chaff countermeasures, point-defence miniguns, regenerative durasteel armour plating, 50. caliber gauss cannons for deck defence. Hyperspace
Naakjiflag02 Eekliit-Class 2793 Exceptional Good torpedo corvette 223 m any type of medium/large-sized torpedo automatic defensive countermeasure AI
double-layered shielding, railgun turrets
emergency overload discharger, adaptive body
Mardvaeli Beekbane-Class 2791 Good Good frigate 850m any type of medium/large-sized torpedos, railguns double layered shields, medium armor, advanced utilities, AI, cloaking device
JCompany JSpaceship Space Stage Exceptional Exceptional Various (civilian, merchant, patrol, fighter, cruiser, flagship) Various (medium to huge) Mega Laser, Mega Auto Blaster, Mega Pulse, Mega Proton Missile, Mega Bomb, Anti-Matter Missile, Anti-Matter Bomb, Planet Buster, Summon Mini-U (Knight only), Gravitation Wave/Mini Gravitation Wave (Scientist only), Raider Rally (Warrior only), Static Cling/Mini Static Cling (Diplomat only), JCure (against Eco Disasters) Cloaking Device, AOE Repair, Rally Call, Shield, Repair Pack, Repair Mega Pack, Energy Pack, Energy Mega Pack, Safari Vacuum/Reverse Safari Vacuum (Ecologist only), Cash Infusion (Trader only), Soothing Song (Bard only), Fanatical Frenzy (Zealot only) Interplanetary Drive, Interstellar Drive, Wormhole Key, Return Ticket/AOE Return Ticket/Departure Ticket/AOE Departure Ticket (Shaman only), Void Ticket (Void Shaman only), Pure Ticket (Pure Shaman only), Intergalactic Warp Tech, Velocity Augmentation System (VAS), Warp Wrinkles technology
Nivenian Dragon-Class 96 BNE Average Exceptional Titan 8.0 km Mainly fusion missiles of various sizes, narrow-beam protium fusion drive 15 TJ/mol QCD shields, 24.0 m CANI-TI armor
Protium Fusion Rocket
NivenianNullian Hydra-Class 25 NE Exceptional Average Titan 7.5 km Gamma-ray lasers of various sizes 90 TJ/mol QCD shields, 8.0 m CANI-TI armor
Kugelblitz-powered Photon Rocket
Nivenian Griffon-Class 75 BNE Average Exceptional Battleship 3.0 km Mainly fusion missiles of various sizes, narrow-beam protium fusion drive 15 TJ/mol QCD shields, 16.0 m CANI-TI armor
Protium Fusion Rocket
Nivenian Phoenix-Class 14 BNE Good Good Battleship 2.5 km Fusion missiles, relativistic inflatable bombs, narrow-beam protium fusion drive 35 TJ/mol QCD shields, 8.0 m CANI-TI armor
Protium Fusion Rocket



Nation(s) Name Year Type Bulk Reliability Effectiveness Firing speed Ammunition type Penetrates Optimal Range Misc
Drodo Empire Flag X8-95 2795 Assault rifle Light Unbreakable Exceptional Fast 5.56×45mm rounds light vehicle armor medium range/close quarters
DIFlag New RM-710 2740 Assault rifle Light Unbreakalbe Good Fast 2.3x30mm rounds light vehicle armor medium range/close quarters twin-linked firing mechanism
CometFlagV2Farengeto Colony Flag4 MV-FT-01 2801 Assault rifle Light Very reliable Average Fast 4.83×37.02mm rounds infantry armor medium range/close quarters
Farengeto Flag 3D I-R303 2798 Assault rifle Light Reliable Average Fast 4.83×37.02mm rounds infantry armor medium range
Flag of France FASAT-01 2778 Assault rifle Light Reliable Bad Fast 5.56x45mm infantry armor close quarters/medium range
KicathianRemnantEmblem 034-11-00-57 2792 Precision rifle Medium Unbreakable Exceptional Medium Particle beam infantry armor mid-long range
KicathianRemnantEmblem 035-12-08-44 2792 Anti-materiel rifle Heavy Unbreakable Exceptional Slow Hypermatter heavy armored vehicle long range
DIFlag New HB2900 2796 Anti-material rifle Medium Unbreakable Good Medium 4×40mm AP rounds medium vehicle armor long-medium range
Flag of France ML-55 2793 Anti-materiel rifle Medium Reliable Average Medium 7.62x51mm cartridge medium vehicle armor long-medium range semi-automatic, designed to shred through heavy infantry armor
KicathianRemnantEmblem 040-04-04-04 2796 Multi-purpose gauntlet Light Unbreakable Good Varies Varies varies upon ammunition various
KicathianRemnantEmblem 040-11-00-57 2795 Anti-personnel gauntlet Light Unbreakable Exceptional Medium Particle beam heavy infantry armor mid-long range
KicathianRemnantEmblem 059-86-01-69 2785 Anti-materiel cannon Heavy Unbreakable Good Medium Hypermatter heavy armored vehicle long range
DIFlag New ABS-120 2620 Shotgun Medium Very reliable Good Medium 8x45mm airburst shell light vehicle armour short range/close quarters built-in computer can alter point of mid-air shot deployment
Drodo Empire Flag Berak M87 2745 Pistol Very Light Very reliable Exceptional Medium .45 caliber bullets infantry armour close quarters
DIFlag New PL-210 2650 Pistol Light Very reliable Good Medium 150MW battery medium infantry armour short range/close quarters
Drodo Empire Flag Bellier .45 Revolver Mk. 15 2791 Revolver pistol Very light Very reliable Good Fast .45 Rounds infantry armour close quarters Nonstandard pistol; A favourite of officers for over three-hundred years.
Drodo Empire Flag Kirik Armouries
Jurir Rifle, Mk. 16
2780 Breechloading rifle Medium Very reliable Good Very slow rifle rounds light body armor medium/long range Ancient breechloading infantry rifle. Used by Drodoian police as riot
weapons using tranquilizer rounds, rubber bullets, and other types of shot.
Drodo Empire Flag ML-87 2767 Grenade launcher Light Very reliable Average Very Slow 40mm grenades medium vehicle armour medium-long range
Algolurn Popular Republic Klak L. 25 2794 Assault laser rifle Medium Decent Average Slow Energy Cards (laser) infantry armor medium/long range semi-automatic only
Algolurn Popular Republic Klak L. 26 2796 Assault laser rifle Medium Reliable Average Better Energy Cards (laser) infantry armor medium/long range semi-automatic only
Algolurn Popular Republic Klak L. 27 2798 Assault laser rifle Medium Very reliable Good Medium Energy Cards (laser) heavy infantry armor medium/long range semi-automatic only, contain a kinetic bayonet at the forehead of the weapon
Algolurn Popular Republic Klak L. 30 2802 Assault laser rifle Medium Exceptional Exceptional Medium/Continuous Ray Energy Cards (laser) heavy infantry armour and light armour medium/long range semi-automatic and continuous ray
Algolurn Popular Republic Klak L. 45 2804 Assault laser rifle Medium Exceptional Exceptional Medium/Continuous Ray Energy Cards and Andasium Cards heavy infantry armour and light armour medium/long range semi-automatic and continuous ray
Algolurn Popular Republic Revolted 1 2801 Assault rifle/Submachine gun Heavy Average Abysmal Medium 5.53×55mm bullets (46 per clip) infantry armor medium/long range reputed for it's expensive to manufacture bullets, somekind of prototype who saw service only because of circumstances
Algolurn Popular Republic Revolted 2 2802 Assault rifle Heavy Average Average Medium 5.53×55mm bullets (70 per clip) infantry armor medium/long range reputed for it's expensive to manufacture bullets
Algolurn Popular Republic Revolted 3 2804 Assault rifle Heavy Average Good Very High 5.53×55mm bullets (70 per clip) infantry armor medium/long range reputed for it's expensive to manufacture bullets
Algolurn Popular Republic Tro Klak L. 75 2797 Sniper laser rifle Medium Reliable Good Slow Energy Cards (laser) infantry armor/light armour long range semi-automatic only
Algolurn Popular Republic Tro Klak L. 95 2801 Sniper laser rifle Medium Exceptionnal Exceptionnal Medium Energy Cards (laser) infantry armor/vehicle armour long range semi-automatic only
Algolurn Popular Republic Kaganov Energy Rifle 2802 Tesla Gun Medium Good Good Slow Andasium Cards infantry armor short range semi-automatic only
Algolurn Popular Republic Centarion Rifle 2805 Rifle Light Excellent Good Fast 5.56×45mm rounds light vehicle armor medium range/close quarters semi-automatic only
Nivenian GR-02 602 BNE Infantry Coilgun Medium Decent Average 4 Hz 5×67mm rounds ~25mm steel; light-medium vehicle armor; heavy infantry armor long range Projectiles are composed of iron

Heavy Infantry Weapons[]

Nation(s) Name Year Type Bulk Reliability Effectiveness Firing speed Ammunition type Penetrates Optimal Range Misc
Algolurn Popular Republic Oblikerate Rocket Launcher 2732 Rocket Launcher Medium-Large Reliable Good Medium Oblik Rockets heavy armour medium-long range
Nivenian Atomic Blaster 334 BNE Fission-Plasma Gun Large Bad Exceptional Slow High Explosive/Plutonium rounds 5-10 meters steel medium range This weapon works by using parabolic QCD shields to funnel the plasma from a sub-kiloton plutonium bomb forward. A high explosive charge is shot out of the back to keep the kickback from destroying the weapon and its user.

Vehicle-mounted weapons[]

Nation(s) Name Year Type Bulk Reliability Effectiveness Firing speed Ammunition type Penetrates Optimal Range Misc
Flag of France ERT A-2000 2790 Tank gun Extremely heavy Unbreakable Exceptional Medium Large caliber rounds very heavy vehicle armor long-medium range
Flag of Hal'Sk G-35 2793 Tank gun Extremely heavy Unreliable Exceptional Medium Large caliber rounds very heavy vehicle armor long-medium range prone to misfires
Roreinia 2 Lançamento 2780 2780 Tank gun Extremely heavy Unbreakable Good Medium Large caliber rounds very heavy vehicle armor long-medium range
Flag of France ERT A-1500 2778 Tank gun Extremely heavy Very reliable Good Medium Large caliber rounds very heavy vehicle armor long-medium range
Flag of France ROL-5 2789 Tank gun Very heavy Reliable Good Very fast Medium caliber rounds medium vehicle armor long-medium range
Roreinia 2 Uoi-2778 2778 Autocannon Heavy Unbreakable Exceptional Fast Plasma cartridges medium vehicle armor long-medium range
Flag of France IPAS 2790 2790 Autocannon Heavy Reliable Average Medium Plasma cartridges medium vehicle armor medium
Flag of France IPAS 2770-2 2790 Autocannon Heavy Reliable Average Fast Plasma cartridges light vehicle armor medium
Flag of France OUCH '90 2790 Light mortar Medium Reliable Average Fast Mortar shells light vehicle armor long range
Drodo Empire Flag Golar Industries MP-255 2787 Grenade launcher turret Heavy Very reliable Average Fast 40mm grenades Medium vehicle armour Medium-Long range Belt-fed


Nation(s) Name Year Type Bulk Reliability Accuracy Speed Guidance type Penetrates Optimal Range Misc
Flag of France Modèle 105 2790 Long range air-to-air Heavy Exceptional Exceptional Fast Subspace aircraft armor extreme long range
Flag of France Maxin II 2790 Anti-air Medium Average Good Fast Infrared light aircraft armor long range doubles as an anti-missile missile if target is big enough
POTATO Flag AIM-90 Trailblazer 2778 SEAD Medium Exceptional Exceptional Fast SEAD light vehicle armor extreme long range
Flag of France Météore 2785 ATGM Heavy Average Average Slow Infrared heavy vehicle armor long range
Flag of France Super Promec II 2790 Anti-ship missile Very heavy Good Good Fast Subspace medium ship armor extreme long range
Flag of France TIAF Flag Angelfire 2798 Hyperspatial missile Very heavy Average Average Fast Subspace heavy ship armor extreme long range able to operate in hyperspace and realspace
Flag of France Harpon 5 2792 Hyperspatial missile Extremely heavy Average Bad Fast Subspace heavy ship armor extreme long range enormous; able to operate in hyperspace and realspace; has trouble tracking targets in hyperspace
Flag of France Harpon 4 2784 Hyperspatial missile Extremely heavy Bad Abysmal Fast Subspace heavy ship armor extreme long range enormous; able to operate in hyperspace and realspace; deviates from target at slightest provocation in hyperspace
Xonexi Allies Angelfire I 2801 Hyperspatial missile Very heavy Good Average Fast Subspace heavy ship armor extreme long range able to operate in hyperspace and realspace
Algolurn Popular Republic Plasma-Burning Mk. 1 2798 Anti-Shield/Anti-Infantry Light/Medium Good Average Medium Subspace N/A (energy shields) medium/long range modernized "napalm" missile
Algolurn Popular Republic Ghost torpedo 2804 Anti-Ship Heavy/Very Heavy Good Good Medium Subspace heavy ships armor medium/long range
Nivenian Nivenian Fusion Missiles 160 BNE Anti-Ship All sizes Exceptional Good Medium to Very High* Radar extremely heavy armor, light-medium plasma shields medium/long range† *8-1200 km/s, larger missiles can go faster

†10-30 Gm


Nation(s) Name Year Type Bulk Material Length Penetrates Misc
Drodo Empire Flag 2775 Drodo Imperial Cavalry Sabre, Mk III 2775 Vibrosword Light Durasteel 890 mm (length of blade) Infantry Armour and light vehicle (jeep and other transport vehicles) armour Vibrosword designed for use from horseback.
Drodo Empire Flag 2786 Drodo Imperial Power Lance 2786 Power Lance Medium Durasteel 3 Metres Infantry armour and light and medium (Jeep, transport vehicle, and APC and related vehicles) armour. Cavalry Lance designed to attack vehicles and infantry.
Drodo Empire Flag 2795 Imperial Sword Bayonet, Mark 1 2795 Sword Bayonet Light Durasteel 45 cm Infantry Armour Sword bayonet for use with the X8-95 and other Drodoian service rifles.
CometFlagV2 2770 M-LS-Vibrosword-02 2770 Vibrosword Light Durasteel 100 cm Infantry Armour, light vehicles Long Sword designed to attack vehicles and infantry.
CometFlagV2 2789 H-M-Vibromace-04 2789 Vibromace Heavy Durasteel 90 cm Infantry Armour, light & medium vehicles Mace designed to attack vehicles and infantry.