Andromeda Galaxy

Note: Monet47's fiction is in bold, TheImperios' fiction is in italics, Hachi's fiction is underlined.
Galactic events
The New Dawn rises.

Andromeda is the galaxy of dawn, where the young rise and the old is discovered.

- Unknown

Here is the codex of the most important Andromedan empires.


Mortal Divin-Ra
  • Tier: 1
  • Kardashev scale: IV+
  • Type: Oligarchy
  • Member species: Venhokwe
  • Alignment: Neutral good
  • Status: Extinct
  • Creator: Liquid Ink

The Venhokwe are one the oldest races in the universe. They evolved without need for weapons, and so they were crippled during the first phase of a massive inter-galactic war, but in the long run, they were able to fight back and defeat their oppressors. Following a religious mass suicide ritual, the entire species dove into a black hole for the unholy destruction caused by the war. Most of the the remaining Venhokwe were destroyed by the Mechanovirus, the Grox, and other species of the Andromeda.

Во славу Тертамского Альянса
  • Tier: 1
  • Kardashev scale: IV
  • Type: Ancient empire, democracy
  • Member species: Tertamians, Timpi, Delly, many others
  • Alignment: True neutral
  • Status: Extinct
  • Creator: TheImperios

The Tertamian Alliance was one of the civilisation who rose shortly after the fall of Venhokwe, inheriting their technology and quickly advancing. Much like Venhokwe, they have left the ancient technology in the Andromeda, and were believed to be one of the greatest empires of this universe. However, after several millenia of thriving, the Tertamian Alliance has mysteriously vanished, leaving nothing but the few artifacts and technology.

It is believed, based on remaining relics, that Alliance was the democratic republic and was at war with the Hydrargyrum Galactic Commonwealth. Nothing is known, however, of why have they vanished.

  • Tier: 1
  • Kardashev scale: IV
  • Type: Ancient empire
  • Member species: ???
  • Alignment: ???
  • Status: Extinct
  • Creator: Medved (Sporepedia.ru)

The Hydrargyrum Galactic Commonwealth is the enigma of Andromeda. Who were they? How was their government run? Who was their leader? Were they fighting for good or for evil? Historians try to find archives, relics of their existence, but with no success. Tertamian archives do tell about this empire, but their propaganda coupled with corrupted data give little information - only that the Commonwealth was the Tertamians' sworn enemy and, in their eyes, evil made manifest.

The Commonwealth's former homeworld, Hydrargyrum, is believed to be located in Segmentum Draco, but its true location is a secret, and historians and leaders all across Andromeda seek it, in pursuit of ancient knowledge and technology of a civilization that could vanquish entire worlds.

The Leader
  • Tier: 1
  • Kardashev scale: IV
  • Type: Ancient empire, hierarchy
  • Member species: Rades
  • Alignment: Lawful evil
  • Status: Extinct
  • Creator: TheImperios

Memfian Imperium was the third most powerful civilization in Andromeda, and unlike other precursors, their society is far. Led by the rodent species known as Rades, these warlike conquerors have enslaved many species in their neverending crusade against the galaxy. Their cold and merciless technocratic regime was logical - logically ruthless, purging those who strayed from perfection and spreading the Rades rule wherever it could, their dominion backed by countless hordes of bio-engineered warriors.

Two species consider themselves to be the true descendants of Rades and bearers of their legacy. Radeons, the masterminds of the Divinarium and Rades' last genetic project, see themselves as their inheritors due to their genetic link. At other side, Rades' homeworld later gave birth to another species of sentients, Artharons, which are fighting Radeons over the dominion of the Rades realm, now known as Twilight Sector.

  • Tier: 1
  • Kardashev scale: IV
  • Type: Ancient empire
  • Member species: The Grox
  • Alignment: Lawful evil (presumed)
  • Status: Extinct

The mysterious Grox Military Empire was the first Grox civiliZation in the Universe, and it is believed that Meta-Empire of the present is nothing but a shadow of the Military Empire's Glory. They were not much different from their modern descendants, destroying and conquering inferiors as they saw fit.

It is believed that the Grox somehow evaded the apocalypse that destroyed other Andromedan precursors, given that unlike others, their empire are still intact and more powerful than ever.

  • Tier: 0 (By 2760)
  • Kardashev scale: V+ (By 2760)
  • Type: Theohierarchy governed by four rulers
  • Member species: Xhodocto 'Species'
  • Alignment: True neutral
  • Status: Unknown
  • Creator: Xhodocto3546

The Ayrai'Shikua, otherwise known as the Xhodocto once inhabited Andromeda from 20,000 years ago up until approximately 25 years ago, and possibly inhabited Andromeda before 2 billion years ago as well. Whilst they were there along with the Congregation, their presence was largely unknown until around 2756. They disappeared when the Congregation was dissolved in 2760. By 2760, they were (and still are) the most powerful race in existence, however their status before year 0 is unknown.

Modern empires[]

Segmentum Mechanicum[]

King Grochius II
  • Tier: 2,0
  • Kardashev scale: III
  • Type: Autocracy
  • System count: Several millions (and rising): around 2 millions in the core, countless millions of planets overrun by Mechovirus
  • Member species: Grox
  • Alignment: Lawful evil
  • Status: At war
  • Creator: TheImperios


Once one of the most active Grox factions in the Gigaquadrant, the Andromedan Grox Empire was a mighty juggernaut, a power that cannot be stopped by convenient means. Thanks to its leader, charismatic and, arguably, insane Grochius II hell-bent on restoring the original Grox Empire in its full might, it was constantly in motion, not hiding in shadows like Borealis Grox, Nexus Grox or the eldritch Neraida, but insteading marching and conquering. This was the ultimate keystone of Grox power in Andromeda - as long as it murdered, it lived. It was, ultimately, what was the key to its defeat during Andromeda War - once the AGE's offensive was stopped on Cathemera, Grochius killed and the Grox superweapons rendered useless, it was swiftly destroyed by united Commonwealth forces.

The greatest weapon in the Grox arsenal was the Mechovirus, a disease that slaughtered millions in the ancient age of Andromeda, bringing everyone and everything into the fold of the Grox empire as mindless assimilated drones - it was a cure to this disease that allowed the Commonwealth and its allies to defeat the Grox. As such, the Andromedan Grox once controlled many systems outside of the Andromeda's central regions with many starclusters devoured by the infection, although the Grox presence was primarily restricted to the Core.

  • Tier: 3
  • Kardashev scale: II
  • Type: Autocracy
  • Member species: Many
  • Alignment: True neutral
  • Status: Extinct
  • Creator: MasterMachine

We are not forgotten.

Wentals are creatures with a tragic fate. Surviving complete destruction of their home galaxy, coming through many perils, their ultimate fate was decided after their forcible transformation into creatures of metal and circuit, the mecholife. Fleeing into Andromeda, they faced even more foes, the whirlwind of deception and schemes resulting in them being eventually trampled by the Andromeda Grox Empire in a series of genocidal onslaughts.

The loss of Wentals is grieved greatly by other Andromedans, who saw their demise as an example of Grox's utter lack of mercy.

Segmentum Draco[]

The Draconid Imperium
  • Tier: 2
  • Kardashev scale: III
  • Type: Constitutional monarchy
  • System count: ~500 thousands, hundreds of thousands of protectorate colonies
  • Member species: Draconis & many protectorate species
  • Alignment: Lawful neutral
  • Status: Expanding
  • Creator: Monet47

For over two-hundred millenia our mighty Imperium has prevailed as a beacon of culture and sophistication within our galaxy. Traitors, rebels, invaders; I swear that so long as we breathe nothing will end our eternal reign.

The Draconid Imperium (Also known as the Draconis, the Imperium or the Andromedan Imperium) is an ancient galactic territory originating from Andromeda's inner-rim. It is one of several vying for dominance within the galaxy and is an empire notorious for it's romanesque style of government along with expanding through the use of Einstein-Rosen bridges. A characteristic trait of their territory - and a result of their unconventional expansion - is that it is is widely spread out in dense clusters across large tracts of the galaxy.

The Imperium itself itself is made up of many dozens of vassal states (reffered to as protectorates) that pay tribute and support to the imperial government in exchange for protection. The empire is also famous for it's policy on slaves - which can be considered a unique caste - and harbour a belittling attitude to those slaves who came from species the imperium conquers.

  • Tier: 3
  • Kardashev scale: II
  • Member species: Drasheril & other member species
  • Type: Oligarchy
  • Alignment: Lawful neutral
  • Status: Active
  • Creator: TheImperios

Liberty, equality, fraternity.

While the Draconid Imperium is indeed the most powerful civilisation in Segmentum Draco, not every species desires to be a mere province ruled by distant and arrogant, if benevolent, alien masters. Those who do not want join the Imperium often find themselves in the Segmentum Draco Federal Union, founded by Drasheril, Draconis' distant cousins. While both civilisations share many traits, such as imperialism and militarism, the Union never had a "leader" species and discrimination and speciesism between its members are frowned upon. Ruled by the enigmatic Fathers, whose identity and species is all but completely unknown, the Federal Union is located in southern Segmentum Draco, bordering both the Imperium's outer colonies and the Coalition of Segmentum Crepusculum.

The SDFU's relationships with the Imperium are shaky at best, and despite knowing each other for millenia, they never were neither trusted allies nor sworn enemies. While trading occasionally and often joining to fight against a common foe, such as the Grox or rogue Artharon clans, the Imperium and the Union often battled with each other, usually over contested territories through proxy conflicts. During the Andromeda War, many Union outer worlds were damaged by Grox invasions, but thanks to a series of military pacts (in which the Fathers did agree to join and fund the AGC campaign), these invasion were finally repelled. Currently, the SDFU is a member of the Commonwealth; this decision was driven primarily by political motifs, but unlike the Coalition and NTA, SDFU is a loyal member of AGC, supporting the idea of a unified galaxy wholeheartedly. As such, many Drasheril can now be found in the ranks of the Guardians of Light.

Alfred Seelenstein
  • Tier: 3
  • Kardashev scale: II
  • System count: ~10,000 minor worlds, one fully colonised ecumenopolis
  • Member species: Human
  • Type: Corporatocracy
  • Alignment: True neutral
  • Status: Active
  • Creator: TheImperios

You would be surprised at how many miracles a man can make through labour, self-sacrifice and efficiency.

Alongside the Solarites in the New Tertamian Alliance, and the vast colonial domains of the French Empire in northernmost Segmentum Draco, the holdings of the Kaiser-Shah Conglomerate constitute the mainstay of human presence in Andromeda. Though the Conglomerate is smaller than both the Solarite Republic and French Andromeda - comprising, in actuality, only one fully colonised world - it was the first to enter intergalactic politics, and its influence and economical power have grown far beyond its size. Technically a subsidiary of the Allied Terran Republic, the Conglomerate is, by the virtue of its distant location and wealth, a de facto independent polity (though its trade routes with Milky Way means that Terrae benefits from Kaiser-Shah businesses anyway) and has a stranglehold on most, if not all, Andromedan worlds under Terran jurisdiction.

The origins of the Conglomerate lie in the first official intergalactic expeditions undertaken from Earth in the 24th century, during which it was first estabilished to support the colonists. Not belonging to any particular human nation, it was mostly funded and supplied by the European Star Republic - especially its Germanic parts - and the newly reformed Imperial State of Greater Iran. As at that point scarcity was a much more pressing issue, the main foothold of the new expedition at the time was the resource-rich world in lower Segmentum Draco that was originally known as Cepheus, but over time, as the world transformed into an ecumenopolis, became known as Ragnabad. With its wealth and a very beneficial trading position, Ragnabad quickly grew into the industrial and commercial heart of the segmentum, synonymous with the Conglomerate itself, while other worlds never developed beyond mere trading outposts or auxilliary factories or farms. Following the formation of the Allied Terran Republic and the spread of replicator technology, Ragnabad lost much of its original power, but succesfully managed to recover by shifting its focus towards the sphere of services, such as transportation, and unique products impossible to replicate.

The Conglomerate's relative isolation from the Milky Way (especially in its early days) means that its culture is quite distinct from that of Terrae, though not as drastically as that of its more exotic member states. It is in many ways based on that of its original suppliers - the Ragnabadi efficiency, militancy, love of poetry and fervent belief in self-sacrifice can all be traced to Germany and Persia - but has also evolved over time, while also being affected by local Andromedan societies. Many would call the society of Ragnabad old-fashioned, or even primitive, but its citizen-employees cling to their customs and treat them as noble traditions. Perhaps the most notable of these traditions is the reverence of the sacred human form: cybernetic enhancements, save for those who are used by the ill, biological enhancements that go beyond the peak of the baseline human potential, as well as any sort of genetic engineering are frowned upon, and in some cases strictly forbidden, on Ragnabad or in any of their subsidiaries. This also leads to strong speciecism, which is considered to be one of the more unsavoury parts of Ragnabadi culture, though their businessmen are at least polite enough not to refer to every Artharon they work with as a "fluffball".

The Conglomerate is, as one would expect from its name, a union of many smaller industries, most of which are usually family-controlled, such as Desertsun Services or Norrigan Solar Sails. The current Chairman of the Conglomerate is Alfred Seelenstein, a 90-year old ailing, but noble man coming from one of the older military dynasties of Ragnabad, but rendered unable to serve due to a rare genetic disease that is slowly ossifying his body. Though on the brink of death, Alfred is determined to steer his business towards a greater future and is as stalwart and noble as his ancestors.

  • Tier: 3
  • Kardashev scale: I
  • Member species: Korkonid
  • Type: Oligarchy
  • Alignment: Chaotic neutral
  • Status: Active
  • Creator: Monet47

The tyrants will fall!

The Sons of Urzgov are a chaotic band of former Korkonid slaves that broke free of the Draconid Imperium. They have declard a vendetta to bring the Imperium to it's knees for its many acts of slavery. In principle their goal is somewhat noble but it is offset by the fact they would simply use this as an excuse to raid and pillage Imperial worlds, frequently bringing them into contact with the Imperial Talon Navy. They are just as happy to raid planets owned by factions the Imperium considers allies.

Segmentum Crepusculum[]

  • Tier: 2,7
  • Kardashev scale: II
  • Type: Monarchy
  • System count: Several millions
  • Member species: Artharons, Szyarthwa, Aqualones, Arnoans, Ferromash
  • Alignment: Chaotic neutral
  • Status: Active
  • Creator: TheImperios

Our goal is simple. Liberation and revenge!

The Coalition is an alliance of unlikely species united into one, sharing only two things: their origin, Segmentum Crepusculum, and their sheer hatred of the Divinarium and Fyrvrtha, both of which they do consider a threat to their freedom and integrity. Their power comes from numbers and sheer extent; they are arguably one of the largest Andromedan empires currently existing. However, this size means that the Coalition's worlds are largely independent from each other and this chaotic amalgamation of nations is fighting against itself as much as against the Divinarium.

However, when united with a single goal, the benemoth of the Coalition is truly awe-inspiring: thousands of spaceships coming and engulfing entire star systems in flames; countless worlds under their control mean that they are stronger economy-wise than even the Divinarium with its superadvanced technology, having immense industrial might.

After losing a war against the Divinarium, the Coalition now exists at uneasy peace with the Commonwealth, but this peace can easily be broken.

  • Tier: 2,2
  • Kardashev scale: II
  • Type: Theocratic monarchy, meritocracy
  • System count: 314,121, ~200,000 of automated colonies
  • Member species: Radeons. Imperions, Fyrvrtha, Telzoc, Sader, Stalkies, Tyrekians, Levenis
  • Alignment: Lawful neutral
  • Status: At war
  • Creator: TheImperios

Law, wisdom, perfection and faith - these are the four pillars of the Holy Empire of the Divinarium. Our path is long and ardous, but we will follow it no matter the cost.

The Divinarium, previously known as the Church of Spode, Masaari Crusade, and, for a short period, as Sanctuarian Masaari Remnant, is a powerful empire of Spode followers and one of the founders of Andromedan Galactic Commonwealth. Guided by mysterious Isio'Nar, bringing the word of Spode to many civilisations all across the universe, surviving through many odds and wars, the Divinarium continues to be one of the greatest nations of Gigaquadrant.

The prime species of the Divinarium are Radeons, rodent-like humanoids with powerful psychic abilities. However, other species exist in the Divinarium, like Imperions, Saders or Telzoc. During the times of Church of Spode it was composed of hundreds of various species, but these days are gone; now, the Divinarium is very cautious about what species to induct.

  • Tier: 4
  • Kardashev scale: I
  • Type: Autocracy
  • System count: ~2000
  • Member species: Ferromash
  • Alignment: Absorbed into the Coalition
  • Status: At war
  • Creator: TheImperios

Stay away from us. The Hegemony does not engage in your petty conflicts... generally.

Ferromash Hegemony is a minor galactic power in Andromeda, and while unimportant overall, it has high industrial capacity due to relatively advanced technology and access to many metal-rich worlds, so called Ferromash great mines, which do compose the bulk of Hegemony. It is an authoritarian regime ruled by the Imperial Chairman and his inner circle of followers originating from the former corporate leaders but now being in charge of everything; the government, however, isn't prone to dictatorial abuses of power and overall is not tyrannical.

Albeit uninterested in conflicts generally, the Hegemony will fight if supported by allies and there is an object of interest that can be achieved through a war such as powerful technology. As such, the Hegemony stood for the Coalition during the Andromeda War, which eventually led to Ferromash becoming its part after the Andromeda War.

ProfAlioth Kar01
  • Tier: 4
  • Kardashev scale: I
  • Type: Democracy
  • System count: ~2,400
  • Member species: Ryketian, Razzit, Val'Kar, Solinkidor, Colmar
  • Alignment: True neutral
  • Status: Active
  • Creator: Monet47

Strength in union, prosperity through cooperation.

The Solonese Confederacy (SolUni, SU, Solon Fed, The Union) Is an alliance of the five major economic powers of the Solona cluster of the Andromeda galaxy. Known as the G5 these states work to build an ever-expanding trade network, gaining influence and sophistication along the way.

Borealis Zazane
  • Tier: 3.3
  • Kardashev scale: II
  • Type: Monarchy
  • System count: Unknown
  • Member species: Borealis Zazane
  • Alignment: Lawful neutral
  • Status: Active
  • Creator: OluapPlayer

Sons and daughters of Borealis, now is our time!

The Borealia Kingdom is a faction of Borealis Zazane who separated themselves from the Brood of War. The Kingdom was formed during the Golden Movement, when the leader of the Borealis Zazane, Kryptkor Talsar, was convinced by Crispy that the Brood of War was as much of an oppressive government as the Borealis Consortium Network. Taking his people with him, Kryptkor declared independance from the Brood of War, claiming several planets for his Kingdom and pledging his allegiance to Crispy's Insurrection.

A monarchy of thieving culuture, the Kingdom will do anything in its grasp to bring an end to Tyraz Breek and his loyalists. How this conflict between the two will end is yet to be seen.

Segmentum Umbra[]

  • Tier: 2
  • Kardashev scale: II
  • Type: Democracy
  • System count: 340,252 colonies
  • Member species: Tertanai, Solarites, Imperix, Anvradaran, Oriito
  • Alignment: True neutral
  • Status: Active
  • Creator: TheImperios

We are the agents of freedom, democracy and justice.

The New Tertamian Alliance is a (self-proclaimed) protector of democracy in Andromeda Galaxy, a federation of worlds spread over Segmentum Umbra, one of the more obscure parts of the galaxy ruled by the vast and omnipresent Grand Council. The Alliance acts as an agent of civilisation in this primarily lawless region, and incorporates many species, most notably the Tertanai; by the very name of the nation it is seen that the Alliance is his creation; the descendants of the ancient proudly declaring themselves the descendants and heirs to the Tertamian Alliance of the old times.

While the NTA seemingly serves the ideals of democracy and pledges its allegiance to Andromedan Galactic Commonwealth, currently the most infulental force in the galaxy, the Alliance is not without corruption and darkness in its heart. Being an amalgamation of many different cultures and species, NTA worlds are not always at peace with each other, and members of the Grand Council, while benevolent, are far from being paragons of purity either; there is still corruption within.

  • Tier: U
  • Kardashev scale: II
  • Type: Hive mind
  • System count: Unknown
  • Member species: Crystallines
  • Alignment: True neutral
  • Status: Expanding
  • Creator: R17RFUNNY


  • Tier: U
  • Kardashev scale: II
  • Type: Dictatorship
  • System count: Unknown
  • Member species: Loron, Loron'Kikra
  • Alignment: Lawful evil
  • Status: Defeated
  • Creator: TheImperios

May our enemies know they face an enemy unlike any other- wait, where are my troops? COME DERE OR ILL SHANK YA

A wild, indominable force of nature, the Legion of Badmanz was a gang of enslaved Lorons under Mali'Nar control. Possessing the same brutal power normal Lorons do but guided by a cruel, eldritch intelligence of Master Br'klakkon, the Legion was meant to conquer Andromeda by manipulating Grox and AGC to get the artifacts so Br'klakkon himself could claim them and take control of Andromeda. Unfortunately (for Lorons themselves), his plan was ultimately foiled when Br'klakkon, turned mad by sheer power he was possessing, was defeated and banished by Iovera IX.

Currently, nothing was left of the Legion of Badmanz other than a number of Loron warbands and gangs in Segmentum Umbra, which are right now being uprooted by New Tertamian Alliance

Segmentum Exterioris[]

Emperor Gnorvi
  • Tier: 2.7
  • Kardashev scale: II
  • Type: Stratocracy
  • System count: ~65,000
  • Member species: Gros, enslaved races
  • Alignment: Lawful evil
  • Status: Destroyed
  • Creator: OluapPlayer

You're either strong enough to survive, or weak enough to serve the strong.

The Stratocracy of Karnagtah was the empire of the Gros. Thy saw themselves as the rightful owners of Exterioris and would attack and enslave any other alien culture deemed "weak" by their standards, unless proven otherwise. Aggressive, rude, abusive and violent were only a few words that could describe the Stratocracy' culture. They were eventually destroyed by Project Adaru, when it activated in the middle of their territory and annihilated their worlds at the beginning of the Shattering.

United Free Peoples Flag
  • Tier: 2.9
  • Khardashev scale: II
  • Type: Emergency Autocratic Government
  • System count: ~50,000
  • Member species: Quaranian, Bironid, Opel, yet to be cataloged...
  • Alignment: Lawful neutral
  • Status: Active
  • Creator:
    The Clanden

The United Free Peoples Coalition, UFPC or FPC for short, is an emergency coalitionary government set in place by freed slaves of the Drakodominatus Tyranny in the Andromeda Galaxy. It contains thousands of former Drakodominatus colonies and a similar number of species assigned to work them. Absolute power over the Coalition is held by the Coalitionary General, a position currently occupied by its founder, Gustavus Ikeben.

Kimar Citizen
  • Tier: Median Tier 4
  • Kardashev scale: 1.15
  • Type: Autocracy
  • Member species: Kimar
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Status: Active
  • Creator: FelizeVize

Led by Supreme Commander Jalima Darum, the Kimar are a hard-working and resilient people, adapted to the harsh desert landscape of their home planet. They are successful and honest traders, which gives them a positive reputation among those associated with them.

Segmentum Ignotum[]

  • Tier: 1
  • Kardashev scale: III
  • Type: Monarchy
  • System count: Countless millions overall, much less in Andromeda
  • Member species: (in Andromeda) Vartekians and others
  • Alignment: Lawful evil
  • Status: Active
  • Creator: Richardson72/Um2k9

In this universe of pain and fire, we play this game which none retire.

The most recent rulers of Andromeda, the Vartekians and their Confederation of Andromeda originally reigned supreme over the entire galaxy, their power rivalling Venhokwe or the Four in the ancient times at nearly the same extent. Vartekians are sophisticated decievers, warriors and schemers, with cultural advancement being equal to that of the Draconid Imperium if not surpassing it. Allying and betraying, murdering and conquering, their withdrawment from Andromeda remains a mystery, the reason enigmatic and uncertain.

Currently, Vartekians remain in the outer sectors of Andromeda, ruling a relatively small but still highly prosperous mass os stars. Their new alignment with the dark Empire from Cyrannus Galaxy and its ruler, Tyrómairon, makes them even more feared.

  • Tier: 1
  • Kardashev scale: III
  • Type: Monarchy
  • System count: Countless millions
  • Member species: Shka'tun
  • Alignment: Lawful neutral
  • Status: Active
  • Creator: Xhodocto3546

The Shka'Tun Imperium is a 50,000 year old empire hailing from the destroyed universe, Universe 66501. Controlling 20 million systems in the Andromeda Galaxy, the Shka'Tun are the largest empire in the galaxy and in the Gigaquadrant. To most races in Andromeda, the Shka'Tun Imperium seem like an untouchable force, and with their technological superiority over the other races, seems so. The extent of their technology is generally unknown but, considering it was reverse-engineered from Vi'Navitum, it is possibly destructive on an intergalactic scale.

Andromeda Galaxy

Note: Monet47's fiction is in bold, TheImperios' fiction is in italics, Hachi's fiction is underlined.
Galactic events
The New Dawn rises.