
Kandeo ati gual gabyk gual gatal gnan ati awesh garok. (As it shall turn out, there was hope all along.)

- The Motto of the Aeoneonatrix

The Aeoneonatrix Empire is a relatively average-sized space-faring civilization near the center of Delcath within the Katar Sector. It’s most notable feature is its religious ideology, which permeates every aspect of its government, culture and, most especially, its foreign policy.

This ideology is, in its basics, a combination of immortalism (the worship of ascended beings) and act utilitarianism. Aeoneonatrix immortalism focusses on the worship of the Cleanser, an ascended member of the League of Patrons. Their devotion to his will is absolute and dominates their lives.

The Empire’s government is a pseudo-democratic theocracy. Though an elected president does in theory make most of the decisions on the empire’s rule, all real Aeoneonatrix presidents have been and likely will always be devout Cleanserists who base their policy decisions on their regular correspondence with him. In addition, the Cleanser has absolute power in the Aeoneonatrix government and, though he rarely directly exercises this power in order to maintain the illusion among foreigners that the Aeoneonatrix government is a free democracy, he can institute any policy he wills and veto any policy he does not like. His power in this respect has no restrictions beyond his own self-control.

The Aeoneonatrix are are indoctrinated from birth to always obey the Cleanser’s every command. They sell their souls to him at incredibly young ages, as soon as they may speak the needed words with comprehension of their meaning. By both their and their god’s reckoning, this rite is permission to punish them to correct immoral behavior. This has had certain benefits, as dedicated persons are often prevented by this process from becoming too immoral in character or action. As a result, the Aeoneonatrix species has never had a large-scale slave trade at any point in its history and no person who has gone through the rite of dedication has ever committed an act mass murder outside the context of war.

Culturally, the Aeoneonatrix are often hedonistic and superficial, though not at the expense of others. Their popular culture is permeated with shallow movies and video games whose chief appeal is the sexualization of both male and female characters and the presence of large explosions and action set-pieces. Rarely do the stories have anything of substance to them. Foreign critics usually react badly to their work, at best calling it passable if its action set-pieces are of high quality but more often calling it shallow and meaningless.


Early History[]

The Aeoneonatrix did not reach spacefaring status of their own accord. Instead, in 2760, shortly after the Orniconian victory in the final War of Eneki which united their entire planet under a single government, their homeworld of Ku-Rokti was attacked and invaded by the vicious Mardor Empire. The Aeoneonatrix were unable to fight back and the entirety of their population was enslaved.

The Mardor raped, ate, tortured and worked the Aeoneonatrix for over ten years. All Aeoneonatrix who were not born after this period ended bear mental scars from this period of time. During this time, the Aeoneonatrix’s population prayed to the Cleanser for salvation, and he told them to wait and endure.

In 2772, the Aeoneonatrix were finally rescued by a civilization which their records simply refer to as the protectors who, in the process of a long war with the Mardor, took a very large portion of their territory and rescued a large portion of their slave population. Unable to fully recover from the abuse they endured, and in need of an outside force to protect them from reconquest, the Aeoneonatrix, relocated back to their homes on Ku-Rokti, chose to remain under the governance of the Protectors.

They prospered under the protectors for the next several years. During this time, they integrated into the Protector’s higher technology civilization, learning, over the course, of those years, to live under such circumstances.

Then, in 2788, the Mardor and the Protectors reignited their war, with the Aeoneonatrix now fighting alongside the protectors. The technological and military might of the Protector Empire, aided by the competence of Lingur Wildlight, was able to fight back the Mardor, but not before they were able to engineer and unleash a devastating biological weapon on the Protectors.

They did not create the virus they created for tactical reasons. It was not really ideal for the goals they wished to accomplish. Rather, it was a statement. It was a show of spite, and it won. The Mardor released a virus upon the Empire which was harmless to most species, including the Aeoneonatrix, but wiped out the Protectors.

After the victory which cost them their leaders, the Aeoneonatrix wound up at the helm of the Empire. With the consent of the other species, who admired them for pushing back the Mardor, they renamed it the Aeoneonatrix Empire and began to institute their modern policies, eventually turning the Empire into the theocracy it is today.

The Great Deceiver[]

The Aeoneonatrix were later tricked into believing the Troodontids had attacked several client worlds. The attack on Troodontid territory that resulted was a dismal failure, and once the rouse was discovered, the relations were healed. The Aeoneonatrix went on to help rally several empires for a united attack on the Drakodominatus Tyranny, which succeeded because the more powerful force that had been planned to trap them was distracted by the Dominatus Slave revolt.


The Aeoneonatrix Empire’s government is organized as a pseudo-democratic theocracy. It is designed to appear democratic to the international community whilst not truly being so.

Nominally, the Aeoneonatrix Empire is led by a president, (currently Nuwaro Dreamdusk). This president has the power to propose legislation and a limited influence on which legislation passes. The Empire also has an elected senate, whose members may also propose legislation and who vote on whether a given bill shall become law.

The reasons why the Aeoneonatrix Empire is not genuinely democratic are three-fold. First, the Cleanser has the power to draft any bill and render it law regardless of any attempted intervention by the senate. Second, the Cleanser instructs the citizenry as to how to vote and, because the citizenry are so devout, they almost always follow his instructions. As a result, elections in the Empire are, in practice, a formality. Finally, the officials themselves are just as devout as their populace, so they are usually instructed by the Cleanser as to what they ought to do and obey him.

Because of the above obedience, the Aeoneonatrix Empire does not fall victim to corruption by politicians. Politicians obey the Cleanser and, consequently, to not follow self-interest or the interests of corporate lobbyists. Because of this, the Aeoneonatrix Empire is, by some measures, the most sensible and efficient government in existence in terms of the policies it passes.

Justice System[]

Aeoneonatrix law is heavily influenced by the presence of the Cleanser in the Empire. Though the Aeoneonatrix have a system of laws roughly as nuanced and complicated as that of any other Empire, the Cleanser very regularly intervenes in legal proceedings in the Empire. He will mandate sentences outside of standard guidelines, pardon citizens for crimes, especially theft, and, on some occasions, exercise ex post facto law and issue bills of attainder. The Aeoneonatrix Empire does have police, and the Cleanser does try to ensure that they do as much work as possible for the justice system to ensure it will be stable if he were to die. However, he will not go so far as to allow an innocent to be convicted of a crime or a guilty person to go free, except in pursuit of his own ends, for instance, if he wants to punish a person himself rather than waste resources imprisoning them.

Because undedicated commit the vast majority of crime in the Empire, the justice system uses their violations of the law, however slight, to further pressure them to take the rite. Virtually all Aeoneonatrix prisons lie in the inner colonies, near populated areas. Persons convicted of any crime which justifies a long prison sentence are moved from the outer colonies, where the undedicated are most common and therefore where most major criminals live, to the inner ones. Then, when they are released, the Empire does its best to prevent them from being able to move back, so they are forced to be surrounded by the dedicated, which vastly increases the likelihood that they will take the rite themselves.

In areas unrelated to the issue of dedication, however, corruption in the Aeoneonatrix justice system is non-existent. Because judges and prosecutors are required to be dedicated, none of them whatsoever practice misconduct of any kind, except on the Cleanser's own orders, which are almost never immoral except where related to the issue of dedication. Lawyers on both sides are genuinely interested in finding the truth and doing good and do not care about winning cases.



Though there is no legally recognized caste system in the Aeoneonatrix Empire, there are still hierarchies of privilege, prosperity, and rights in the empire. Some of these are legally enforced, some are the result of history, some are the result of relative wealth, and some are the result of biology making it virtually impossible to grant the same quality of life to all species.

Dedicated and Undedicated[]

Firstly, there is the distinction between the dedicated and the undedicated. The dedicated are those whose souls are owned by the Cleanser, as well as those whose souls are not owned but who meet certain specific exclusions, such as following another member of the League of Patrons. The undedicated are anyone who does not fit this description.

On the legal level, the undedicated are not permitted to vote, hold public office, serve in the military or on the police force. They also face a tax penalty (sometimes called the “soul tax” by critics of this policy). This tax penalty is small for undedicated persons with lower incomes, but increases rapidly as one progresses upward through the tax brackets, reaching 100% at a yearly income of about $250,000, meaning that that is the highest possible income which an undedicated person may achieve, even if one ignores all of their other taxes, including the soul taxes which their income up to that point has incurred on them. Taking those factors into account, the maximum yearly income is about $120,000. The undedicated are also subject to a special sales tax on flights outside of the Empire. This tax is nearly zero under normal circumstances. However, if the person purchases a one-way ticket or attempts to take a substantial amount of currency or property with them, indicating their desire to move, it will be comically high, putting it far outside of the range affordable to persons subject to the rest of the soul tax.

Because it is impossible for an undedicated person in the Aeoneonatrix Empire to become genuinely wealthy, the Aeoneonatrix's business leaders are ethical and altruistic, prioritizing good conduct and benefit to the people of the Empire over profits and bottom lines.

They also must cope with the fact that the public school system, and their society, is constantly attempting to encourage them and their children to take the rite. Discrimination against them by businesses or schools is illegal, but occurs regularly regardless both because the undedicated are distrusted and because the dedicated often wish to apply pressure to encourage them to take the rite of dedication, such as by demanding it for the person to get a job. They must also cope with bullying and harassment behavior, and a difficulty finding friends. Though the Cleanser will put a stop to some particularly brutal harassment campaigns, he allows and even encourages stigmatization of those refusing to take the rite. Some jobs, particularly those involving working with children, are especially hard or almost impossible for an undedicated person to get in the Empire.

None of this is to say that all dedicated Aeoneonatrix are hateful. Most are capable of civil interaction with undedicated persons, especially those who have not been citizens of the empire for very long (unless they were conquered due to their species' aggressive behavior, in which case their treatment is substantially worse). However, most of them distrust the undedicated to some degree and a large portion of them, in excess of five percent, engage in conscious discrimination in violation of Aeoneonatrix law.

Persons successfully pressured into taking the rite of dedication receive equal treatment almost instantly. The rite also allows the Cleanser to prevent the person in question from committing grievous crimes and allows him to grant them eternal happiness upon their deaths.


Secondly, there are distinctions between economic classes. These are largely the result of heritage and accidents of history. Aeoneonatrix who were native to the Republic of Ornico, which correlates strongly to those with blue and teal fur color, tend to be the richest. Aeoneonatrix who lived in the Union of Eneki, which correlates strongly to those with red and pink fur color, tend to be the worst off. They are more prone to being in the working class. Aeoneonatrix who are natives to the Holy Empire of Meethos tend to be in the middle class, tending slightly to the poorer side. Aliens in general tend to be in the poorer class.

Though the government’s socialist policies ensure that the poor class are not starving, they still experience a lower quality of life. They also often have to take more undesirable work to get by. There is significant resistance to the mechanization of various areas of labor which the poor often occupy, as there is concern that the poor might end up largely out of work in an economy which, despite its robust social safety net still operates under the assumption that most people will be employed most of the time.


Third, there are distinctions based on biology, not within, but between species. Some species must cope with their sustenance or transportation being more difficult or expensive. Non-Aeoneonatrix with specific nutrition needs sometimes have to pay high prices for them. Sometimes, specific nutrition a species needs will have to be synthesized. While the government makes efforts to subsidize such foods, the sheer scope of this problem in an empire with so many conquered species living under it makes it unfeasible to eliminate this inequality entirely.

The short-lived Podenka have it especially hard. Because they only live to be about eight months old, they are unable to receive enough education to allow them to perform skilled labor. As a consequence, they can only work relatively low-paying jobs, as they are unable to receive sufficient education to gain higher positions.

They are generally employed not as individuals, but as tribes who live on the site of their work and whose descendants are perpetually guaranteed to inherit the employment of their parents if they so choose. They are subject to the same labor laws as any other citizen and are free to leave the workplaces where they are born. They rarely do, though, preferring to stay with their tribes. Even though they have not been in the empire for a long time for the perspective of the Aeoneonatrix, they have gone through dozens of generations.

There is also social inequality between species. In conquered territories, where Aeoneonatrix are less common and the majority of the population consists of former oppressors and groups the Aeoneonatrix have saved from oppression, there is often a significant amount of conflict between such groups. On one hand, the former oppressors resent the oppressed not only for escaping their oppression, but also for bringing on the Aeoneonatrix conquest. Undedicated members of these species tend to resent other races in the Aeoneonatrix Empire for moving them under a system in which they are second-class citizens, and will retaliate both violently and non-violently against members of other species due to this.

On the other hand, most of the races in the Empire, who subscribe to the Empire’s ideals, despise the undedicated oppressors for what they have done, considering the failure to take the rite to be a sign of unrepentance. As more and more of any conquered population is pressured into taking the rite, the minority who have not become more resentful of their diminishing status. Because the Aeoneonatrix go to great lengths to trick children into taking the rite, this conflict is usually diffused after a single generation, though parents have been known to commit acts of terrorism after learning that their children have taken the rite without their knowledge.

Family Structure[]

Aeoneonatrix romances are often polyamorous. Stable sexual and romantic relationships often occur between any number of males, females, and non-binary Aeons in any and all combinations. These relationships are regularly codified by marriages, though they always remain open nonetheless. Aeoneonatrix have no concept of “cheating.” Marriages are permitted to be incestuous so long as no potentially reproductive sex occurs between close relatives.

Because Aeoneonatrix on one night stands usually contracept or avoid reproductive forms of intercourse, children are still usually born in the contexts of these relationships. Occasionally they are not, and such children are put up for adoption. In any case, regardless of their biological parentage, Aeoneonatrix children are raised to think of all of the adults in their parent’s relationship as parents. Many Aeoneonatrix do not even know which of the men in their mother’s relationship is their father, nor do they care.

These relatively large polyamerous families typically live in a single house separate from the other such relationships but together with each other. The adults in the relationship work together to raise the children, regardless of their parentage. Power and responsibility is split in whatever matter the persons involved find agreeable. Neither women, men nor non-binary Aeoneonatrix are especially likely to be the primary source of income nor primary source of housework or child rearing.

Aeoneonatrix are considered to reach adulthood at 20, the biological equivalent of a 16 year old human. Starting then, they are permitted to leave their parent’s nests to start their own. Relationships usually involve several persons before they progress to marriage. Parents and children, biological or otherwise, usually remain close for their entire lives. In some cases, parents, both biological and not, will join their children’s relationships. In such cases, as stated above, close biological relatives are expected not to engage in reproductive sex except with contraception, though parents and children who are not biologically related are allowed to have intercourse freely.

Education and Upbringing[]

All children in the Aeoneonatrix Empire attend fifteen years of compulsory schooling, roughly from the age of five to the age of twenty. There is no option to drop out of school. Schooling is generalized for the first ten years, but opens up to allow more specialization for the last five. All Aeoneonatrix emerge from their mandatory schooling with a specialized degree. These specializations are broad, and higher education is usually needed to allow individuals to take on highly skilled or technical work. Such education is usually covered by the government.

Aeoneonatrix curriculum is explicitly religious, designed to bestow loyalty to the Cleanser on each new generation of AE citizens. It is also politically tinged. Critical thought on moral, political and some philosophical issues is condemned and discouraged in favor of obedience to the Cleanser’s pronouncements. Only on questions irrelevant to the Way of the Cleanser is freedom of thought encouraged.

The Aeoneonatrix are extremely concerned with arranging that all children, especially the children of the undedicated, take the rite of dedication. Their system of invasion and conversion relies on the assumption that the vast majority of persons in any newly conquered territory will be converted relatively soon. The Aeoneonatrix not only incorporate this goal into their curriculum, but will also attempt to deliberately trick specific children into taking the rite by presenting it as a school activity without their parent’s knowledge. There is no legal means for parents to remove their children from school to avoid this. The system ensures integration of any conquered culture in one generation.

Aeoneonatrix Education includes some information on essence. Though the material is not very in-depth, most Aeoneonatrix can use essence to calm themselves for meditative purposes and those specializing in the mystics have primitive ESP and telekinesis.

Examples of Specialization[]

Below is an incomplete list of degrees one may leave Aeoneonatrix schooling with.

  • Physical Sciences
  • Biological Sciences
  • Astronomical Sciences
  • Sapient Sciences
  • Theology
  • Mystics
  • Domestic Keeping
  • Erotic Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Rhetoric
  • Philosophy


Aeoneonatrix culture is steeped with themes of moral realism. Virtually all Aeoneonatrix are moral realists, meaning they regard moral statements as true or false objectively. Their culture demands conformity to the Aeoneonatrix moral standard, which is, by and large, act utilitarianism. This means the morality of an action can be computed by subtracting the pain it causes from the pleasure it causes. They place no inherent value on autonomy, free will, life, truth, justice or integrity.

One result of their moral philosophy includes their strong sense of individualism, which follows from purely consequentialist ethics not including deontological presuppositions. Their culture has no concept of corruption of blood, even on a subconscious level. Another is their take on egalitarianism. On one hand, they are entirely ready to create hierarches placing the Cleanser and other immortals above mortals because they perceive an omniscient and omnibenevolent entity such as the Cleanser to be a better candidate for making their decisions than they are. They also show no hesitation to allow hierarches between mortals when they are regarded as useful for the good of the sum of conscious beings in the universe. However, because such scenarios are rare, they more often fight for a strong egalitarianism. They also place high value on efficiency.

Aeoneonatrix moral philosophy does not rely entirely on dogmatism to persist. Aeoneonatrix philosophers have attempted to rebut various criticisms, both internal and external, to their views. Many of these are responses to standard criticisms of both act utilitarianism and moral realism in general which are found throughout the universe in places where philosophical ideas are debated.

Aeoneonatrix culture demands that all persons subscribe to their philosophy. More precisely, it contends that they already do subscribe to their philosophy, and that those claiming not to be moral realists and act utilitarians are either consciously or subconsciously lying. There is no recorded instance of an Aeoneonatrix being persuaded that an opponent arguing against their worldview is sincere. At most, they might say that a person, having consciously chosen to delude themselves, has managed to approximate a state of sincere belief, or that they have been so deluded about the contents of the outside world as to believe that their actions really do maximize pleasure minus pain. Still, they would say this person is perfectly capable of reversing this at any time either through failure to actively rationalize in the former case or better information gathering in the latter. The Cleanser, despite knowing better, perpetuates this model because it breeds useful indignation against the Aeoneonatrix’s enemies.

Aeoneonatrix culture is extremely hedonistic. They do not value temperance in and of itself and celebrate self-indulgence. Aeoneonatrix typically become sexually active almost immediately after puberty begins and remain promiscuous through their entire lives. All long-term relationships, including marriages, are open, and there is no taboo about public sex or non-reproductive incest. All Aeoneonatrix are pansexual. Prostitution is legal and recreational drugs are widely available and commonplace, rainbow spice being a drug of choice due to its lack of permanent side effects other than addiction.


Almost every resident of the Aeoneonatrix Empire is devoutly religious. They put their god, the Cleanser, at the center of their lives and identify first and foremost as his servants. They dedicate time every day to prayer. Unlike with most religions, praying Cleanserists can usually count on hearing a response from their god, to which they will usually respond. The resulting act is normally termed a “worshipful conversation.” Because of this interaction, the Aeoneonatrix typically consider the Cleanser a personal friend.

The Empire's citizens are somewhat suspicious of any person who has knowingly chosen not to become a follower of the Cleanser. As they perceive it, the Cleanser is a force for good in the universe, and they cannot comprehend why a good person wouldn’t want to assist the Cleanser. As a result, their tendency is to assume that any person who has refused the rite of dedication has done so out of a selfish desire to live an immoral life. This situation is not made better by the fact that, due to the fact that the Cleanser invariably cleanses any of his own followers if they step too far out of line, it is virtually impossible for any follower of the Cleanser to commit any gravely immoral act.

Aeoneonatrix who decide to remain undedicated get the worst treatment. They are regarded as traitors to their Empire and to their species. They are socially shunned and mocked if they are ever discovered. Though discrimination against them is illegal, it happens regardless and they have a harder time finding jobs, friends, houses, and romantic partners. To admit to being undedicated, for a politician in the empire, is political suicide.


Aeoneonatrix art is extremely propagandistic in nature. Works are usually designed primarily to encourage and increase devotion to the Cleanser. Stories are designed to reinforce the Aeoneonatrix’s black and white morality. They do not explore ideas mutually exclusive with Aeoneonatrix philosophy except in the context of unambiguous condemnation.

Their art also relies heavily on superficial and sensual pleasure along with what is traditionally considered artistic merit. Their works are heavy in fan service, this aided by their culture’s sexual inhibition. They also prefer more easily consumable art, especially music and television, to literature, sculpture and painting. Their love of music is enhanced by the fact that mating songs play a natural role in their biology, meaning that they are especially good singers and that music is inherently erotic and therefore a form of fan service for them.

This is not to say that their work is without artistic merit. On the contrary, well-structured, moving stories and musical tones enhance the propagandistic value of art, which, to the Aeoneonatrix, is art’s main purpose. Several Aeoneonatrix television shows have been syndicated internationally and released to heavy praise, usually leading to the foundation or strengthening of the Cleanserist community in the area of syndication.


Aeoneonatrix are extremely promiscuous. Their culture promotes open non-monogamous relationships. While long-term marriages are common, these relationships are open and married Aeoneonatrix frequently have one-night stands, with partners of theirs never taking offense at this. Aeoneonatrix culture has absolutely no concept of monogamous commitment.

Aeoneonatrix become sexually active at incredibly young ages, though it is not permitted for adults to have sex with young children. Young children do, however, often have sex with each other. Because incest is also permitted by Aeoneonatrix culture so long as reproduction is avoided, incest between young children is a common way for siblings to bond.

Aeoneonatrix have no laws regarding public sex, though especially loud, foul-smelling, mess-making or otherwise disruptive love can be prevented in certain spaces. Because Aeoneonatrix have no concept of monogamy, their sex acts have a greater tendency than those of other species to involve several partners. Prostitution is legal and openly practiced. It is considered a legitimate profession in which persons may receive specialized education or even high level degrees.

Naming Convention[]

When Aeoneonatrix are born they receive a temporary designation. This designation is meaningless gibberish in the Aeoneonatrix language and is used as a title for the child until they receive an adult name. They can receive an adult name at any point in their childhood and must be given one by their parents by whatever the age of maturity is for the member race they belong to, or else they will have to select a name on the relevant birthday and no later. The purpose for this is to ensure that the meaning of their eventual name is representative of their actual traits.

Aeoneonatrix names are common use words in the Aeoneonatrix language. Aeoneonatrix names are the same words which would be used for their meaning in everyday language. This means that when Aeoneonatrix converse they hear others calling them “adventure,” “speech,” “treasure,” or some other such word.

Aeoneonatrix surnames are two words put together. They are formatted like one word when written in the Aeoneonatrix language and thus are formed the same way in all translations. By historical happenstance, it came about that first names are generally transliterated but last names are generally translated. The result is that, when looking at a properly done translation of an Aeoneonatrix name the foreigner sees something like “Lingur Wildlight.” However, because of the fact that Aeoneonatrix names are common use words, many universal translators do not do this properly and give mistranslations, such as simply translating the above as “adventure wild light.”


"Kandeo ati gual gabyk gual gatal gnan ati awesh garok." (Traditional Translation: "As it shall turn out there was hope all along.") (Literal Translation: "[In] the way of being which shall be the result there will have been hope the entire time.")



The Aeoneonatrix language is remarkably simple and easy to learn. Each sound has one and only one letter corresponding to it, and each letter entails one and only one sound. Words never contain silent letters and there are no contractions, abbreviations, or homophones and there are no prefixes or suffixes. Punctuation is limited to one mark, which looks like a period, only in the middle of the line rather than the bottom, and is placed on either side of each sentence.

As it shall turn out there was hope all along 2 lines

The Aeoneonatrix motto as written in Aeoneonatrix

In no case are there multiple forms of a word, rather, in any case where there would be in other languages, there is another, qualifying word to use instead. For example, rather than having any tenses, there exist four adverbs to describe the past, present, perfect, and future tenses. “Gnan” is their word for the past tense, “gual,” for the future tense, and “gatal,” for the perfect tense. Though no two words are identical, words with related meanings often sound similar, such as all of the previous beginning with a “g” sound.

Its simplicity is not always a good thing. Sometimes the language sacrifices clarity because it does not have tools like commas, is easier to misunderstand because it has no tools like question marks, or must be long winded because it lacks contractions and abbreviations. Its simplicity does have one major advantage however. It is easier to learn and, if one is not confused by ambiguity, easier to translate. These advantages are especially helpful to the Aeoneonatrix in particular, because they regularly take in refugees and conquer alien races. The ease of translation means that it will be easier to translate important information, such as legal documents or street signs, for them, and the ease of learning means that new citizens will be able to develop fluency quickly. All refugees, and conquered peoples are required to take the free language classes that the empire provides.

Known Words[]

Ati: Verb meaning “to be.”

Ati - Be


Gnan: Noun meaning “the past,” Adverb indicating past tense, modifying “gatal” to have it indicate past perfect tense, or meaning “previously,” preposition meaning, “before."

Gnan - Past


Gual: Noun meaning “the future,” Adverb indicating future tense, modifying “gatal” to have it indicate future perfect tense or meaning “later,” Preposition meaning, “after.”

Gual - Future


Gatal: Adverb indicating perfect tense or meaning “complete.”

Gatal - Complete (Perfect Tense)


Garok: Noun meaning "The entire time," Adjective meaning "eternal."

Garok - Eternal


Kandeo: Noun meaning “a way of being” or “the way a thing is.”

Kandeo - Way (of Being)


Gabyk: Noun meaning “result,” or “outcome,” Verb meaning “to result.”

Gabyk - Result


Awesh: Noun meaning “hope,” Verb meaning “to hope.”

Awesh - Hope


Lingur: Noun meaning "adventure."

Lingur - Adventure


Callanni: Noun meaning "value," or "valuable item."

Callanni - Treasure


Frozic: Noun meaning “coldness."

Gondoo: Noun meaning "freedom."

Koru: Noun meaning "god." Due to Aeoneonatrix religious beliefs, it is often used to refer to an ascended being, especially an Isio'Nar.

Byssi: Verb meaning “to have,” preposition meaning “with.”

Bycca: Noun meaning “resemblance,” Verb meaning “to resemble,” Preposition meaning “in a manner resembling.”

Atia: Noun meaning "one who does," verb meaning "to do."

Quurb: Verb meaning “to give.”



The Aeoneonatrix Military is designed to be able to conquer and keep territory when the empire deems such a thing necessary, and to defend the Empire against alien races. It is very well equipped to fight short wars with vastly less advanced civilizations and incur minimal casualties. It is less equipped at fighting against relative equals. The size and scope of the military puts a significant strain on the Empire’s economy, and they are limited by their slow ships.


Aeoneonatrix soldiers are trained in defense of themselves and civilians around them first and foremost. Their offensive capabilities are secondary, though not utterly pathetic.

  • Standard Infantry: Aeoneonatrix infantry are armored somewhat lightly to increase mobility. This is because they are less concerned with protecting themselves as they are with protecting their clients and citizens, who they need to get to. This also capitalizes on the Aeoneonatrix's biology, allowing them to use their natural agility to their advantage.

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  • Defenders: Aeroneonatrix Defenders are heavily augmented supersoldiers. They must volunteer, or be volunteered by their parents, by age eight and are trained from childhood to be both important soldiers, and important symbols of hope for planets plagued by frequent attacks. Both the defender’s training and augmentations prioritize speed, agility, and protection over offense and strength.
  • Assassins: Stealthy, cunning, and as close to unscrupulous as Aeoneonatrix usually come. They assassinate figures of import on various planets, including inside Aeoneonatrix territory.

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  • Cropdusters: Planes designed to dispense chemical and biological weapons onto planets.
  • Abduction Vessels: Used when planning an invasion which will involve the Submission Virus or Sleeping Gas. Uses tractor beams to capture subjects for scientific examination. Usually used in remote areas.
  • Beamers: Planes whose primary equipment is a transporter ray which beams individuals to cells on an awaiting Shepherd. Often used to rescue slave populations. Usage limited by the finite amount of space available for any given mission. Given the low number of Shepherds usually available for a petty conquest, it is almost never possible to systematically beam away any sizable population.
  • Blades: Tanks which launch large globs of plasma at opposing forces.

Chemical and Biological Weapons[]

  • Submission Virus: An airborne virus designed to render its target species more docile and less resistant to conquest and conversion to Cleanserism without otherwise causing biological harm. Infected individuals can be made to stay in their altered state for life. The virus must be remade for each new species it is used on, as one species' version will not work on another.
  • Sleeping Gas: A non-lethal gas designed to render victims unconscious for several days with a relatively small dose. Likewise must be redesigned for each usage.
  • Oxidizing Aerosol: Used almost exclusively against very unadvanced populations, this chemical causes rapid rust to ruin metal swords, speartips and armor.


Among the units in the Aeoneonatrix navy are:

  • Hounds: Hounds are the basic Aeoneonatrix battleships. They are armed with two large cannons in front that can be loaded with a wide variety of ammunition from Proton missiles and antimatter missiles.
  • Predators: Predators are bombers used to devastate enemy planets not only by dropping bombs, but also firing lasers, and, in theory, dropping planet busters. The most common thing for them to drop, though, is sleeping gas. Aeoneonatrix will often try to incapacitate very weak populations on a large scale rather than kill their members.
  • Shepherds: Shepherds are the outer space equivalent of aircraft carriers, and that’s one of their major functions. They also house Admirals and drop-ships.
  • Guardians: Guardians, though they have spacefaring capabilities, functionally have more in common with space stations. A grid of them typically takes orbit around a planet, and fires at any approaching aggressor.
  • Prods: Prods are smaller vessels which fire Electro-magnetic pulses capable of crippling technology across a large area of land or space. Because of the damaging effects this has on infrastructure and the number of casualties that can be caused by shutting down electricity on an advanced world, (planes falling from the sky, cars crashing, vital economic information lost, power grids destroyed, all life support machines disabled) they are used sparingly and, when possible, the population of a world is given advanced notice to allow them to get into a safe position.


The Aeoneonatrix use their military for two purposes.

The first is defense. Any nation who attacks the Aeoneonatrix, their clients, or their allies can usually expect to face retribution. If the Aeoneonatrix or its clients have been attacked, the repulsion of enemy forces will be followed by the Aeoneonatrix contacting the attacking nation and attempting to ascertain whether or not they intend to attack again. If the answer is no, then the Aeoneonatrix will evaluate the morality of the nation and proceed accordingly.

The second is offense. This is done when the Aeoneonatrix observes another nation acting extremely immorally, such as by having a slave trade (especially one involving conquered peoples), holding gladiator matches including non-consenting parties, or unjustly persecuting members of the population.

When they judge that a species is sufficiently immoral, and that conquest of them is practical, they will, if the civilization’s practices pose imminent threat to others, enact their invasion protocol, which is to take as much control over the nation as they must to get them to behave morally (and ideally, no more). When invading lesser races, they take great care to keep the number of civilian casualties to a minimum.

If the civilization’s immoral practices do not pose a grave and imminent threat to others, and the Aeoneonatrix's moral standards are so lofty as to ensure that virtually no civilization will measure up to them, the Aeoneonatrix will send missionaries to the population in question. The Cleanser will perform a miracle or two in sight of the effected population and the missionaries will encourage the populace to take the rite of dedication. The Cleanser's miracles and the irreversibility of dedication will cause the religion to spread rapidly and dominate the area quickly. Once the religion has taken over, the population will be allowed to vote as to whether to join the Empire and the Cleanser will command them to vote "yes."

Invasion Protocol[]

On the occasion that it is deemed necessary to conquer and/or occupy a planet, the Aeoneonatrix will, usually after offering a surrender, begin by destroying or capturing any orbital defenses that that world might have, and ensuring that they can repel any reinforcements that arrive.

Once they have completed the above, or, if it is taking too much time, are reasonably certain they will complete the above, they will begin deploying ground forces to begin taking important cities on the planet. As this process is occurring, the leader or leaders of the planet will be offered surrender repeatedly. If they refuse, combat will continue until the planet is under Aeoneonatrix control and the leader has been captured or killed. If they accept, they are expected to not resist full domination of the planet by the Aeoneonatrix and usually, the capturing of its leader. If the Aeoneonatrix are seeking to conquer the whole of a larger empire, they will perform this process on the required planets until the entire empire is subdued and its primary leader captured.

Occupation Protocol[]

After a territory is under Aeoneonatrix control the further actions will vary. If applicable the Aeoneonatrix may seek diplomatic conference with the captured leader to resolve the issues that brought about the invasion. If the problems can be resolved then the Aeoneonatrix will usually leave, allowing a few missionaries to remain to arrange peaceful conversion.

If it is decided that the territory cannot acceptably be returned to the full control of the original owners, which is usually the case, as the Aeoneonatrix usually attack do to underlying moral issues with a society which it cannot or will not simply elect to alter, the Aeoneonatrix will usually force it to accept instillation as full Aeoneonatrix Empire client, which involves forcing the inhabitants to accept Aeoneonatrix morality, at least on a legal level.

Forced Assimilation Protocol[]

If the above takes place and the Aeoneonatrix's missionaries are unable to assimilate the new territory into the Aeoneonatrix culture and the Aeoneonatrix's attempts to prevent violent resistance fail, the Empire may deem it necessary to begin restricting their rights. This will only occur if the citizenry is violently resisting the government or otherwise violating its laws and never in response to legal public protests such as large gatherings of individuals near government structures. Individuals who are accepting of their new rulers will be excluded from these restrictions of rights if they can be identified. First, the citizenry will be given a curfew, new policies will be applied to prevent the offending actions and penalties for the offensive actions will be increased. This will last until either it is deemed insufficient or is deemed to have solved the problem.

If it is deemed insufficient, further restrictions will be levied. This will continue until the lowest possible point it reached, confinement in internment camps. This point can only be reached if all but a negligible segment of the population has continuously refused to avoid very harmful and usually violent resistance to the Aeoneonatrix. As consequence, these internment camps have never actually manifested in reality.

Regardless, once this point has been reached, the persons will not be allowed to leave their camps unless allowed to do so by a government official such as a camp manager. These camps have relatively comfortable conditions and there is usually plenty to do to pass one’s time, not the least of these activities is work which the residents may do for the government. This work is optional, but results in significant benefits. This situation will continue until the problem is deemed solved.

The situation progressing to this point almost requires that the problem be either biologically inherent to the species in question or some cultural problem inherent to the species’ current culture. If the former is the case, the species will remain in their state until it is possible to alter their biology to remove the problem. If the latter is the case the Aeoneonatrix will restrict the parent’s ability to pass on the relevant elements of the culture by controlling what they are allowed to do and say around their children and indoctrinating the children to behave according to Aeoneonatrix standards of morality. Once either of these results in the elimination of the problem, the residents will be granted the full rights of normal citizens.

The long term goal in all of these situations is for the persons in question to be granted full rights and be allowed to function in society as normal citizens. The only reason their rights are restricted is because this has become impossible. This decision would normally be made because the citizenry are, on a mass scale that cannot by any other means be combated, attacking government officials and facilities or lynching citizens who have moved onto the relevant planet. A mere select few terrorists is not enough, the population at large must be behaving like this in order to have their rights restricted.

Because of the individualistic nature of Aeoneonatrix culture, persons will not be included in the restrictions simply due to their belonging to the same species as the persons who are making themselves a problem. Rather, if an entire population does have its rights restricted, it is because all of the members of the population, with the obvious exception of children, are considered to be a danger and it is thought impossible to isolate the individuals who would actually cause problems if allowed the rights of a normal citizen.


The Aeoneonatrix are a low tier three Empire. Their two largest areas of technological prowess are military and medical technology. They put a large amount of resources into maintaining a strong military.


The Aeoneonatrix are currently transitioning from traditional firearms to plasma-based weaponry. Most infantry currently use plasma based weapons while military vehicles are still mostly based on ballistics.


The Defenders are augmented by chemical serums. These augmentations are not permanent, and defenders must be re-injected with these augmentations regularly to maintain their unusual strength and speed.

Member Races[]

The Aeoneonatrix are the namesake of the Empire. The original residents of Ku-Rokti, the Aeoneonatrix Capital planet, they took over and re-branded the Protective Republic of Delcath after the Twenty-second Mardor Genocide.

Because the Empire is controlled by the Aeoneonatrix religion, most anger and hatred by conquered races against their oppressors is directed at the Aeoneonatrix. They are also the international face of the Empire, and its president and the leader of its military are both Aeoneonatrix.

The Dorgitassi are an avian race which has lived with the Aeoneonatrix since the end of 2791. Formerly a dominatus slave race, a population of five million of them escaped the spa planet they were serving on by stealing several yachts. Once they arrived, the Aeoneonatrix harbored them and eventually decided to accept them as a full member race.

Biologically, the Dorgitassi share many similarities with birds. They can fly naturally, though most of them have underdeveloped wings due to the lack of flying during their time as tyranny slaves. Once they overcome this through muscular stimulation therapy followed by physical therapy, they are known to fly around in massive, well-coordinated flocks in a manner similar to avian creatures on earth.

Currently, they are legally equal citizens of the Aeoneonatrix Empire, and discrimination against them is illegal. It still happens on occasion regardless. In particular, Aeoneonatrix employers of time nearer to their joining the empire were known to overwork Dorgitassi employees, taking advantage of their lack of experience as free workers by deceiving them on the extent of their newfound rights. As time has gone on, this has declined as Dorgitassi have become more aware of their rights.

The Necroxi are a naturally servile race created by another race as a form of psychological warfare. Their psychology makes them have trouble functioning unless they perceive themselves as having a master. Most of their master slots are currently filled by the Cleanser. As a result, they are often monks living in monasteries designed to fit their tastes in living space, that is, decaying, run down environments. Others take jobs in the military, where they can use their terrifying appearance and physical prowess to the greatest effect.

Urikaw are a species all but destroyed by the NCKU. Many of them now live in the Aeoneonatrix Empire.

A race partially saved from Tyranny conquest while still tier 6.

A race of noble beings with hair which can be weaved into a fabric softer than any other known.

The Podenka are a mammalian race likewise saved from Drakodominatus conquest. Their most notable feature is their short lifespan, where their average lifespan was about eight months when they were rescued. Aeoneonatrix technology has improved their lifespan, much as advancing technology has for other races, to the point where they now live to be about thirteen months old.

Because this is still insufficient for them to function normally in the Empire, Podenka are instead grouped into tribes and given heritable contracts which allow employment to pass from parents to their children. Aeoneonatrix Employers can find it very difficult to fire their Podenka, due to the fact that the Empire has an extraordinary interest in not having such terminations be common, and therefore passes laws heavily regulating when they are allowed.

Early in their inhabitation of the Empire, few Podenka were literate, narrowing the range of jobs they could take. However, since their induction, public education programs have arranged for them to be taught to read and write in about three months, leaving the last ten months of their lifespan to be out of school. They are still unusually ill-educated. They do not have time to learn mathematics, science of philosophy.


Green face Gods[]

"Our Masters"

Green face Allies[]

"Allies in our constant fight against Evil."

  • Imperial Confederacy of Independent Systems - They seem nice.

Sword&Shield Clients[]

Those empires we protect with our very lives.

Blue face Friends[]

Not formal allies, but they fight for good, and that's what counts.

Yellow face Neutral[]

We have not determined which side these persons fight on

Orange face Disliked[]

We do not like you...

Red face Enemies[]

We will always act to prevent these persons from achieving their destructive goals.

  • Imperium of War - Absolutely Evil to the Core. No good comes from eternal war.

Crossed Swords At war with[]

We are currently Engaging in direct conflict with these forces for Evil, As always, Good will Triumph.

Quotes from Others (Add Here)[]

Well, well. Look at this. They are back from wherever? Most exellent. Extremely, extremely most exellent. Because that means our most valued stock of slaves is back as well. Now if you exuse me, I’ve got a fleet to assemble...to destroy your pitiful empire, you stupid sacks of flesh, you pacifist cowards, you indoctrinating fools, you Aeoneonatrix!

- Imperator Caligustus of the Imperium of War

Just try to invade, occupy and forcibly assimilate us. Come, we dare you. As it stands, you being in Segmentum Draco contradicts with our own expansion plans. Where, you ask? In Segmentum Draco, of course! You stand in our path. You have always stood in our path. We will conquer you and if your soldiers won’t fraternise with our own, not even after we show them our generosity, I will grant them the freedom they deserve trough their sacrifice. Know that, for we will conquer and occupy your territory...and I dare you to stop us!

- Warmaster Fexonatius of the Imperium of War

An ally of the Waptoria are allies of us. We will help you in anyway possible. Just give us a call.

- King Glynn of the Volver Empire

Mess with us, and you are dead.

- Exarch Laurinn Ma'fest

Not all followers of Spode are aggressive. We, for example, are allies of the Waptoria Alliance of Species, and would be more then happy to fight alongside you as brothers.

- The Holy Prophet of Truth of the Brotherhood of Spode

They deserve our respect.

- Steel Vankalian, Great General of the USF

Believing that only your ethics are good narrows your mind greatly and in the worst case it will cause you to fall.

- Praetor La'isran of the Thérenian Dominion

Does not register as a threat. Once we are done with the slaves they will know nothing only pain and at our behest, oblivion.

- Drakodominatus Tyranny Military Evaluation

Hilarious kind...

- The Observer

Filthy Katarians. Indoctrinating, stupidly zealous vermin. Were it not for the protection that the KSA provides, we would turn all their worlds into oceans of molten glass. They are a threat to all free thinking societies within the Katar sector, as they follow their gods orders, no matter how stupid or controlling. Someone needs to do something about it.

- Admiral Ulrac Cale of the United Hegemony of Exterioris

A disturbingly close-minded people, I must admit. And the fact that they're led, or believe that they are led, by an immortal being makes it all the more unsettling and unstable.

- Premier Harponis, head of state for the Drodo Empire


  • The Aeoneonatrix's Anthem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbttZVTSJRU
  • This page lists Aeoneonarix colonies in Bunsen and an Waptoria-Aeoneonatrix alliance, both of which hold no longer true. It also lacks history beyond the Dominatus Slave Revolt, pngs of the Aeoneonatrix' ships and extended soldiery. These pngs were made by Ecoraptor and can be found here.