
Fanatical Frenzy is a socialization tool in the Space Stage of Spore. It is a unique tool obtained with the Zealot trait.

In the Spore Galactic Adventures expansion pack, it's possible to receive this tool as another archetype after obtaining all 4 parts of the "Faithful Zealot" set.


Fanatical Frenzy in use

Fanatical Frenzy being used on a planet

The tool converts another's empire of all cities on all planets in a solar system to the player's without destroying them and keeping cities intact.

On use, the projectile flies quickly towards the ground, leaving a yellow trail behind. Upon impact, the cities on the planet convert to the player's empire, and white lines with notes spewing out of them fly in all directions. At the point where the projectile was shot, the lines form a spiral that continues until the weapon stops. As the lines of notes travel across the planet, above the converted cites appear large holograms of the player's creature. After several seconds, the hologram shrinks and disappears.

The use of this power on a planet breaks the Galactic Code and will cause negative relationships with nearby empires. When using this consequence ability all empires (except the Grox empire) within 10.5 pc of the location where the weapon was deployed will give the player a -100 relation penalty. The tool lasts 30 minutes from use.


  • It is recommended to use Fanatical Frenzy on home worlds.
  • Using this at an alien's empire near Grox territory can both help gain a base inside of the Grox Empire and gain relationship bonus with them.
  • It can be used on Grox planets, which adds the relation bonus by up to +50 for breaking the Galactic Code and is not considered "capturing" their systems.
    • Avoid deploying it anywhere inside a colony, as doing so is considered "Using harmful tools", causing either a huge setback or even war.
  • Although the time to recharge this ability can take more than half an hour, the recharge time can be shortened drastically without delay by saving and exiting the game after using this ability and resuming the game thereafter. Upon loading the game file, the ability should be fully recharged. This can be useful in taking over an enemy star system quickly, especially one with several T3 worlds, though empires within 10.5 parsecs away from affect the relationship with empires, so it should be done taking over their empires or making them friendly again by offering them gifts.
    • The alternative but cheating tactic is to use the cheat SetConsequenceTrait Space_Zealot, and the cooldown timer will automatically reset so then it can be used again.
  • If used on a Grox colony that has multiple cities with maximized turret space and the planet is still T0, leaving the planet will cause all the extra cities and special turrets to be removed, leaving behind only 1 randomly selected city to be left standing, stripped of all its vital economic and defensive infrastructure. Therefore, it is best to terraform the planet to T3 before exiting the exosphere to avoid this collateral damage.


  • Fanatical Uprising is closely related to this weapon. They use the same animation when activated and their effects are exactly the same - convert the planet. Differences are that Fanatical Uprising has to be paid for (and can only be used once) and Fanatical Frenzy has to recharge.
  • Deploying the weapon anywhere within the walls of a colony will apply the negative relation bonus, "using harmful tools".
  • When the cities are captured, notably large holograms appear over the city once a wave of notes flies over the city, and the hologram laughs until the ability ends completely.
  • Using Fanatical Frenzy to convert other planets is not considered "capturing", therefore, this ability cannot be used to obtain or advance the Conqueror badge. If this ability is deployed anywhere inside a colony, it will inflict the "Using harmful tools" relation penalty on the target empire.

