Tips and Tricks[]
- When starting, immediately put all tribe members on food. Have your Chieftain domesticate some animals (Unless you had a full pack)
- Have a lot of practice.
- Attack or befriend as soon as possible. (When attacking, don't let rival tribes prosper!)
- Later, have 2 or more gatherers so food is plentiful for gifts, babies, and if necessary, defense.
- Try to adapt your creatures from the creature stage (wings would be nice) so they can get to places faster.
- Try to enter the tribal stage with maximum posse members of a species other than your own, these will become domesticated.
- Once you have a decent amount of food, take your whole tribe with you when visiting or raiding other tribes, even if they don't have instruments or weapons. It could be a 12 vs 10 if you don't.
- Every single tribe member in a band or raid helps, even if only a little bit.
- Remember you can also get achievements on easy mode.
- Being an adaptable creature helps as you will be balanced in both combat and social.
- Try to ally other tribes rather than destroy because when destroying other tribes, you must destroy the tribe's hut which may take a while.