An entertainment building within a colony.
Entertainment buildings are a type of building present in the Civilization Stage and Space Stage of Spore. When placed in a city, entertainment buildings will increase the happiness of the said city. When linked to houses or the city hall, their happiness effect doubles. Likewise, when placed near factories, it will be cancelled out, also creating unhappiness.
Purpose in Stages[]
Civilization Stage[]
The happier a city is, the more likely it will be to celebrate, largely increasing funds. Oppositely, if the city becomes too unhappy, it may revolt and cut production in half. In addition, unhappy cities are much more vulnerable to religious attack than happy cities. Essentially, entertainment buildings serve as a city's defense against religious attacks, like a turret's defense against military attack.
Space Stage[]
If happiness is left too low for too long, the colony may contact the player and claim that their city's workers are overworked. The buildings will start to lose health and the colony will stop spice production.
Exclusive parts[]
Each type of building has parts that can only be put exclusively on that specific type of building. The following are the parts that can only be put on entertainment buildings.
- Lights
- Little Beam
- Orbit Shiner
- Spot Light
- Fire Fly Beams
- Plants
- Daisy May
- Viking Horn
- Sagrada Uva
- Anemone Planta
- Signs
- Cublious Sign
- Mosko Sign
- Lamski Sign
- Ginog Sign
- Stacks
- Bubble Tops
- Old Spewie
- Confetti Blower
- Little Puffer
- When you place them down, you can hear your citizens cheering with joy.