DynaMite is a Maxis-made captain present in Spore Galactic Adventures. It is a sextopedal carnivore.
It possesses the Pincernaut mouth, LarvEye eyes, Segmentenna senses, Dexterrorous grasper, and Stumplestilt feet. It is clothed with Compact Generator, Power Generator, Stam-Booster, and Mega Stam-Magnifier captain accessories.
Galactic Adventures[]
DynaMite is featured in both Maxis adventures: Infestation and the downloadable alternative, Infestation - Dronox Invasion. It is named Mite and they are spawned in large numbers by the Infestation Pods. They act as suicide bombers, grabbing a bomb upon spawning and following the player until the bomb goes off, killing the Mite.