Tips and Tricks[]
- This achievement is fairly easy to unlock. Destroy 1000 buildings while playing adventures in the space stage and you will unlock it.
- Become a warrior and unlock all four parts. Then make a mission with building on-top of each other and set them up to have the weakest health. Then blow them all up. (put as many buildings as you can)
- Like "Auto-Wrecker", the buildings must be directly destroyed by your captain's attacks in order to count. If the buildingsare destroyed via grenades, mines, or any other methods that aren't your own attacks, they are not counted. The Missile Flinger is the best tool for this, as it is the only captain part that does splash damage to buildings and can destroy several buildings at once.
- Like "Dragon Slayer", "Mercenary", and "My Hero", this achievement does not stack. Replaying the adventure will not keep adding onto the 'Buildings Destroyed' counter. You will need to find other adventures to continue grinding if the first one does not supply enough buildings to destroy.