Dance to befriend other creatures who prefer this social style.

A creature dancing

SporeDance Dance is a social ability, granted by certain feet.

It is used to impress other creatures during the socialization minigame, like SporeSing Sing, SporeCharm Charm, and SporePose Pose.

In Galactic Adventures, Dance can be replaced with Stunning Dance or Graceful Waltz using Hop Gogs and Princely Pad, respectively.

Parts granting Dance[]

List of parts granting dance
Name Type SporeDance Dance DNA DNA
Stubbtoe Foot 1 25
Scareclaw Foot 2 75
The Clawman Foot 3 150
Dirtchargers Foot 4 250
Twopaw Foot 2 25
Threepaw Foot 3 75
Fourpaw Foot 4 150
Morepaw Foot 5 250
Palmwalker Foot 2 25
Underhanded Foot 3 75
Hombrenid Foot 4 150
Sassyquatch Foot 5 250
Stumplestilt Foot 1 25
Buckfoot Foot 2 75
Slasherknight Foot 3 150
Scarmaker Foot 4 250
Suctoped Foot 1 25
Sugerefoot Foot 1 75
Suctopod Foot 2 150
Suctofleur Foot 3 250
The Geckonator Foot 1 25
The Geckoning Foot 2 75
The Froggening Foot 3 150
The Toadening Foot 4 250
Taptoe Foot 2 25
Smoosherfoot Foot 3 75
Toely Foot 4 150
Suckerkick Foot 5 250
Footoon Foot 1 25
Pawed Foot 2 75
Toepick Foot 3 150
Fingerpaw Foot 4 250

Creature Stage abilities