
The Tamor creatures have evolved far up the DNA helix. From Cell to Space, they were a very unique bunch. The below tells all about the Tamor's evolution chain.

Cell Stage[]

Like any cell, they were born to eat! The Tamor as cells were a bit stronger than most others, having more protection around it and being a bit more agile. But they were still getting pummled! Not until millions of years later, did the Tamor evolve electric bulbs for more defense. Soon, They would even make a Snorf run away!

Creature Stage[]

When the Tamor emerged from the deep oceans of Reemttris, they were confused and wandered about the continent for years. Tamor has sped all across the continent. The Tamor soon became ravenous carnivores, consuming every other creature they could find.

The Epic's Tail[]

They say that when when an epic creature invaded their nest, hundreds of Tamor teamed up against the epic creature. There were too many, and the monster failed. Even the large creature's tail fed the Tamor for years on end. Wherever they went, nest after nest, Tamor killed and consumed every living thing for hundreds of miles across.


Even after the Tamor reached sapience, they have already formed a language and a tribe. However, they stayed as the ravenous carnivores they were.

Tribal Stage[]
