
The Shemon are a spacefaring race native to planet Noronha.


Creature Stage[]

Shemon's ancestors, the chimpanzees, were introduced into Noronha's biosphere by an unknown ship, presumably coming from Earth or another former human colony.

They started evolving into an more complex, sapient lifeform.

Tribal Stage[]

Shemon evolved and formed a tribe. Since they came from a chimpanzee rather than from, e.g., an Homo habilis, Homo erectus or even an Australopitecus, you cannot expect an human or an human-like.

Yes, you got an chimpanzee-like with human-level QI.

Since they had an above-average intelligence in relation to most tribal species, instead of fighting like idiots, the tribes united themselves and evolved into cities together, skipping the civilization stage.



Shemons body work like any Earth primate mammal.


Shemons tend to be peaceful and welcome new acquaintances.


Unlike most societies, where there is a leader that rules over the population, Shemons' brains are equipped with a small device connected to a central computer which prevents them from breaking rules,and keep them calm and raise their efficiency in battle. Therefore, we may say they are a computer-leadered society.


Since they are descendants of an Earth species, they have a carbon based biochemistry.



Shemons have a intergalactic drive, allowing them to travel through galaxies quickly and faster. It travels at 30kpc/min. Their ship look like a Zeppelin, being called Galactic Zeppelin.


Shemon possesses lots of weapons. Nuclear weapons, antimatter weapons, regular weapons, etc. Almost any weapon you can think, they have. However, they rarely use them, and they only use when an empire declares war on them.

Body Implants[]

Due to a mutation caused by the Core Black Hole radiation, they lost part of their arms and legs, replacing them by implants. Shemons' implants are much more advanced than Grox', due to being much more discrete (only the mechanical limb is needed; Grox implants use an head implant to intercept brain waves; commands processed in abdomen implant, then sent to the wrist pad, then sent to the cyborg hand.
