
ColorfulCuttlefish's Fiction
Note: All of Cuttlefish's Fiction is going under serious mega revamping reconstruction. Until further notice, there will be serious confusion over what is canon. Also Hello, I'm back.
"I am a very interesting person."
Part of the Fiction Universe

The Shellious (Plural: Shellious, Possessive: Shellian, Selii: Senlius ) are a race of reptiles from the planet Shellis. They are the ruling species of the Shellious Imperium and are known to be the only non-mecholife Wentals in the entire First Gigaquadrant. The Shellious are known to be expert starship builders and astronomers due to their increased intelligence.


Physiology and Anatomy[]

The Shellious are carbon-based reptiles that normally stand around 2 meters tall weighing around 100 kilograms. There is no difference in height or weight between genders and they have very few secondary sexual characteristics. Their genetic code consists of 66 chromosomes. There are no sex chromosomes, and their sex is determined by the temperature around the eggs. Temperatures lower than 28 Celsius result in males, while females are born in warmer environments. Multi-gender clutches of eggs are uncommon.

The Shellious have two large lungs and may hold their breaths for about 2 hours before needing to breathe oxygen. They can absorb oxygen through their skin if wet allowing them to survive underwater longer.





Competition and Sports[]



Notable Shellious[]

  • Edoshai - Former Emperor of the Shellious Imperium
  • Estur Bruni - Current Prime Minister of the Shellious Imperium


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  • The Shellious first appeared in the fiction universe on March 30th, 2011
  • The Shellious went through multiple redesigns.

ColorfulCuttlefish's Fiction
Note: All of Cuttlefish's Fiction is going under serious mega revamping reconstruction. Until further notice, there will be serious confusion over what is canon. Also Hello, I'm back.
"I am a very interesting person."
Part of the Fiction Universe