
You shouldn't underestimate the Sabalor. This usually peaceful animal gets very dangerous when disturbed. Its strong arms can crush your skulls and throw your bodies into the air. The muscles on its mouth are capable of mixing saliva with deadly poison fast enough to then shoot it at your face before you even realize what is going on.

- Hud-Vanf Guden

Ckreojhii (Exiacros sabalor), also known as Sabales (plural for Sabalor), are a poison-spitting, hexapedal therapsid species native to Xuz Fareh.




Sabales first appeared and evolved in the planet Xuz Fareh.

The year 950 AI/0 BF, a male Sabalor became well-known due to his participation in Project Fidne's final pilot trials. The Sabalor was captured and presented as a target for the candidates to kill in the final test. Luckily for the animal, candidate Nynn Vandar chose to set him free instead of killing him, allowing the Sabalor to return to the wild.



Sabales measure between 4 and 6 meters in lenght (~13-20 feet), 2 meters in height (~7 feet), and between 70 and 120 kilograms in weight (~154-265 pounds).

Sabales have a long mouth with four crest-like ornaments on the top. It's most distinguishable trait is that it has six limbs: two arms with one thick finger and a smaller one, and four legs with mammalian feet. It's back has fin-like plates on the top and it's tail is short. They're covered in purple scales.

Male Sabales usually have larger head ornament than females, but also tend to be smaller. Young Sabales highly resemble their adult counterparts, besides being smaller.

Traits and abilities[]

Sabales have surprisingly strong muscles, capable of crushing skulls and throwing small predators (such as Stroths) away. They are also fast runners, capable of reaching 20 km/h when galloping. However, their scales don't provide much protection from attacks, and their bulky body prevents them from being agile.

Sabales have poisonous glands inside their mouth, found next to their salivary glands. After being segregated, the poison dissolves with saliva inside their mouths and is spitted out with a surprising strenght and range, making use of the aforementioned strong muscles. This poison weakens the target and several hits can cause death on it.


A Sabalor's favorite habitat is a grassland area, but they also inhabit forests and swamps. Young Sabalor highly resemble their parents, besides being smaller.


Sabales are herbivores that live in rather large herds, though there are also solitary individuals. Their herds often live together with herds of Grinklers and Wistompt. When a predator is spotted, Sabales will tend to run away from it, but if they are surrounded or if they have to protect their cubs, they will use their poison and strong muscles.


Sabales are quite low in the food chain, at the same level as other large herbivores (Grinklers and Wistompt), but still over smaller animals like Watoadzards. They are herbivorous creatures that feed mainly on grass, but can also eat fruits they grab from trees using their hands.

Sabales haven't been greatly influenced by the appearance of a civilization in their planet. The Llurebleg initally tried to tame them and use them as cattle, but due to the lack of greatly useful resources obtainable from them and the danger of their poisonous spit they chose to use the Wistompt instead.


Sabales have been taxonomically classified as therapsids belonging to the Hexapoditherapsidae family. Appearance-wise, their closest relatives seem to be the Gulleps.

Their binominal name is Exiacros sabalor, with the genus word meaning six limbed in greek, and the eptihet refering to the Llurebleg name for the creature.

Notable individuals[]

  • A male Sabalor that was retrieved from the wild and used in the pilot trials. It was part of the last test, which involved killing him, but the kindness of candidate Nynn Vandar saved his life.

Story appearances[]

  • Forgotten Sacrifice: Although never mentioned, Sabales were presumably one of the species catalogued by the Solariean explorers.
  • Wannabe Captain: The male Sabalor mentioned before is captured for the pilot trials, with his death being the purpose of the last test. After being defeated, he is released by Nynn.
  • Expedition: The events from the previous story, including the fight against the Sabalor, are mentioned in the story. Additionally, Sabales are amongst the herbivores that watch the GT-92 leave the planet.
  • A Hard Deal: Sabales are amongst the many animals that flee from Garko after his descension, some of them even breaking into the city.

Quotes on them[]

You shouldn't underestimate the Sabalor. This usually peaceful animal gets very dangerous when disturbed. It's strong arms can crush your skulls and throw your bodies into the air. The muscles on it's mouth are capable of mixing saliva with deadly poison fast enough to then shoot it at your face before you even realize what is going on.

- Hud-Vanf Guden


Downloadable PNGs[]

Other Pictures[]


Behind the Scenes[]

  • Sabales are one of the few creatures by Dinoman972 that were created for the fiction, instead of being a tweaked version of an already made creature.
  • The Sabalor was partially inspired by hadrosaurids, a family of ornistichian dinosaurs that includes several popular dinosaurs such as Edmontosaurus, Corythosaurus and Parasaurolophus.

Other Trivia[]

  • Sabales's body structure resembles that of centaurs.