
The Reddayiaki is a carnivore that has red scales and white stripes. It protects itself with its powerful bite and claws. It charges at a creature and bites, then it jumps, and strikes the creature. It will also use its antlers to charge, too. They socialize with a large fether somewhat like a peacocks on their head, they also do poses with their four claws. They can sing, but arent impressive. Their mating calls sound like barking, and they roar loudly to scare off predators. They are enimies with the Cooble, for eating their eggs and killing one of them. . Its favorite food is Angel Pod. They also spit poison out of their spiked knees from a distance. When watching over their eggs, they will often get bored and throw a stick at it. Sometimes the stick, known by Reddayiakis the "Wonder Stick", makes the egg hatch. Other times, it doesn't. The wonder stick is now Redd Reddayiaki's Cheiftian Staff. They live on planet Migulin and Alton. Alton is blue with green water while the planet their species originated from, Migulin is blue with red water. In the Cell Stage, they were first Fholees cells. Then they evolved to a Redd. Then along the way, came Reddayia. Reddayia had jaws and spikes and flagella, along with cillia on their head, two eyes. Their funny, yet weird cake loving Utahraptor Allies that are Bards, were Alton's best buddies. But those Evil Jet Pack Guys and Club Penguins were annoying the heck out of them. So they are at war with the two empires. Their spaceship resembles their species. In tribal stage, they domesticated some furbies and turtles, and danced around a fire, but cyan village, green village, and brown were getting on their nerves, so they destroyed them! They allied with pink village, and yet, out of bravery, they allied the hostile lavender village. Then came horrible civilization stage, when they had to deal with a epic zombie raccoon. And then they said, "Ah what the heck, lets hack cheat codes and get ICBMS!" So they launched them, and went off to Space. It was pretty boring, but there were awesome looking black holes and stuff like that.

We are some totally awesome warriors! But we pretty much act like diplomats. XD

- Redd Reddayiaki, the first reddayiaki.

Alton Reddayiakis[]

Alton Reddayiakis are reddayiakis that inhabit planet Alton. They wear robotic parts over both eyes, a smarnocker hat, and jetpacks with metal wings. They love the taste of Coobles and their enimies are Angel Pods. They spend most of the time hanging out in their spaceships, the Skylahawks. They have allies that are the Bard Utahraptors, too, and dislike the Grox, much like everyone else! Alton Scientists spend their time studying and doing tests on Migulin Reddayiakis. The Alton Captains abduct migulin reddayiakis and bring them to Alton Lab.


The Wonder Stick[]

The Wonder Stick is used for cracking eggs open when they wont hatch, and perfect for marshmellows. Also the stick can heal wounded Reddayiakis. It only works on Migulin ones, though.


Tribal Reddayiakis[]

In tribal stage, the Reddayiakis were happy, fishing and eating meat while having pet turtles and furbies to keep them company. Cheiftian Redd was holding the Wonder Stick, but the wonder stick was a bit different, it had the skull of the Cooble and the tooth of Galorok on the bottom. It has transformed into Redd's staff! As Redd evolved into Tribal, He had the stick with him, and the stick turned into the Staff!


They were allies with brown village and pink village, when suddenley all of Brown's Villagers dissapeared! The Reddayiakis wondered, "If they arent there, lets destroy them!" So they went off, and destroyed. Same with Cyan and Green villages. Then came Lavender Village, another angry village. Then Redd The Cheiftian thought, "I think if were quick enough, we can ally them!" So they allied. And Redd's village grew largest! They were happy.

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