
The masri are a race of omnivore armored reptilians from the planet of Teirs. The masari are currently divided into three major factions, the Nexus, the Sky, and the Colonists.



The masri's ancient history is all but lost to most of its current members. But what is known is that eclectically five hundred of their years ago their race was dominated by one faction, the stellar Dominion. The dominion was a prosperous and powerful space faring empire, with thirty world under their control. As time went on they were able to infuse machine parts with living beings. They made the first cyborgs, cloned masri mixed with machine intelligencer, connected to each other and to the cities mainframe by wireless signals. They marveled at their new creations and soon put these new cyborgs to work. They were used as virtual slaves, working hard or boring labor that others did not want to do. As time went on some masri were discontent with there creations lack of intelligence, and soon more intelligent modles came out.

Ironically, the Dominion's laziness and corruption proved to be their undoing. The newer smarter cyborgs soon began to question why they were being worked to death with no reason or purpose. They began becoming disobedient and soon some began to call themselves free thinking creatures. Not wanting to give up their work force, the Dominion head council simply decided to scrap the newer models and pay the owners for the inconvenience. However the cyborgs were aided by other masri who thought the actions were wrong or immoral, and helped hundreds of cyborgs escape into the massive sewer systems underneath their cities. The Dominion Council sent dozens of kill teams to eliminate the rouge cyborgs, and as time when on it was clear that they would not find peace hiding the the tunnels.

The masri cyborgs, now calling themselves Nexus because their connected brains made a nexus of connected minds. They formed a small but effective army, which set about attacking the Dominion were they could in small raids, starting the Nexus War. At first the Nexus did not fair well, but eventually they were able to turn the tide and swelled their numbers by turning other supporting masri into cyborgs. They eventually marched on the capital cities mainframe and overwhelmed all the defenders and drove the Dominion leadership, military, and most of the population off of the planet, the remnants of which would latter reform the Dominion on the fringes of Masri space.

As time went on the Nexus redeveloped space ships to travel to the stars, and beat back all Dominion forces that tried to stop their expansion. Eventually however two other factions formed from the chaos of the Nexus revolt. First to form were the Colonist which were, as their name implies, colonies on the fringes of Dominion space. When the Nexus rebelled, the colonist had long been more independent of Dominion rule, and had developed a hard and rough culture after withstanding multiple invasions from other alien races. Because of this, they were not adversely affected by the fall of the Dominion, and formed an effective army against the Nexus. Second to form was the Sky, a band of religious peoples who had long ago fled the atheistic core worlds to live their lives as they wished and settled just on the border with the outer colonies. The Sky was affected by the fall of the Dominion, but they held steadfast against the Nexus invasion, and their determination and sheer force of will held off the Nexus attack and they have survived ever since.


We are united, we are the Nexus.

-Common Nexus saying.

Masri Nexus Citzen

A nexus citizen

Once slaves to their Dominion masters, the cyborgs that would latter form the Nexus rebelled, and cast their former masters into space. Forging their own empire, the cyborg formed the Nexus, a vast network of minds connected to one another. The Nexus is currently the strongest faction by far of the Masri factions, and holds fifteen of the former Dominion worlds.


The nexus citizens are a mix of organic and biological parts, in which there are a wide variate of "modifications" as each citizen can modify their body as they see fit.

The Shared Dream[]

The Masri are connected to each other both when conscious and when asleep. Because of this all nexus citizens experience one shared dream. This dream is called the Never Ending Dream, as long as some masri are sleeping the dream continues. This dream has evolved into a massive continual collection of internal thoughts and memories, and is sometimes approached as a guide or a wise, spiritual being.


The Nexus armies are formed form a variety of masri with cybernetic enhancements. There army is made to be strong, mobile, and adaptive.


The nexus are very practical species, having the bare necessities for each individual in their home. However entertainment is not excluded at the cost of practicality. All nexus can tune into the "net work" of minds and can be used for recreational activities. The nexus, despite what one might think, is not a secular culture, and they have a "god" in a sense (see religion).


The nexus believe that all "gods" are the manifestations of the massed will of a species, and as such they believe that their nexus is the embodiment of their god made "physical". The symbols of this god are a diamond, and all complex shapes.


Masri Colonial Citzen

Colonist Citizen

The colonists are masri who had long lived on the edge of the Dominion and had developed a distinctively hardy and even warrior based society on the harsh border worlds. After the fall of the Dominion the colonists were quick to reform into a separate faction. The colonists have long survived alien invasions, pirates and were able to fight off the Nexus onslaught. They quickly formed an organized, effective fighting force out of their already standing milita and military forces.


The colonists military is built around mobile, infantry forces that wage a mixture of guerrilla and attrition warfare. Individual divisions would fight independently and work to pick the enemy apart with focused pincher assaults and sneak attacks. The colonists tend to be outnumbered by their enemies so they often cannot afford heavy losses, but none the less they tend to fight with a bravado and ferocity with little regard to their survival if it means the death of the enemy.


The Colonists have long developed a strong, hardy, almost bleak society, in which every adult is considered to be fighting fit and ready to be called into combat. Strangely they have little thought to change their harsh living conditions, and make few changes other than preparing for the next battle. This sense of constant battle and hardship make many Colonist act with a bleak outlook on life, and they are generally not pleasant to be around.

The Sky[]

Masri Sky Citzen

Masri Sky Citizen






