
The Kingsnybrid are a strange race, having undergone several dramatic changes in appearance. The first sentient incarnation (ie: not a cell) was called the Jetslug and resembled a small blob with numerous features crammed onto its small body. The next major incarnation was the Jetsnake, resembling a moderately-sized snake with a Hockitlauncher on its head, wings, some small features on its sides and a small jet on its tail. The Jetsnake went through several changes and became the Kingsnake. The changes included adding curved spikes, upgrading the wings to Megachiraptora, upgrading the spit weapon to a Ziggur-hat and putting curved Ultramegadeer antlers on it so it looked like a crown (hence the name Kingsnake). Then legs were added and it became the Kingsnybrid...

Tribal Stage[]

The Kingsnybrid, after being Omnivore cells and Adaptable creatures, became an Industrious tribe. They made friends with the Brown, Green and Orange tribes, and slaughtered the Lavender and Pink tribes. They were multi-taskers, sometimes getting fishermen to gather fruit and spearmen to fish. Then they became a civilisation...

Civ Stage[]

The Kingsnybrid were an Economic civilisation, making friends and establishing trade routes quickly and efficiently. They took over Akuania without the use of superweapons, simultaneously buying out all the cities but one, preferring to eliminate the resistance with their newly acquired military forces. The Kinsnybrid scientists used the parts from their now-redundant superweapon to realise their dreams of space travel...

Space Stage[]

The fledgling Kingsnybrid Empire started off by making fast friends with the to-begin-with-unfriendly Varlian Spacefarer Empire. More details coming soon...
