
Kdolga hagga natui*

- KibaKiba Swonagga
  • (roughly translated) Hello there!

Are a space-faring race from the planet Ehrotha, in the Cygnus A Galaxy. When they evolved, they developed most of their stats, the reason why they look very weird. Although they deem peaceful do not mess with them as they do not take lightly to raiders.



When they had evolved as a cell, they started out as a omnivore already, and though most of the time became a tribe and city is unknown, most of their creature and space-faring life was well known.

When they became a space colony, they were mostly laughed at for being too ugly, but that changed one day when a neighbooring system threatend to steal their supply of spice, at the time most of them did not know how to fight so the president at that time sent their entire military against them. It turns out that with so much frenzy,pressure and anger the general had put on their army, they made the invading system was forced to retreat to the farthest part of the arm of the galaxy



When they became a space colony, they were mostly laughed at for being too ugly,this was because when they evolved, their stats were maxed out

