
JGrox is a bipedal carnivore. It will also appear as a tribal, nation or empire creature, as well as a cell.


Cell Stage[]

The JGroxs originated on JGrox homeworld, when a comet, coming from the Galactic Core and carrying the JGrox cell, fell into the planet.

The cell survived in the seas of the planet by feeding itself with cells of other species.

Creature Stage[]

After evolving for around 1.2 billion years, the JGroxs emerged from the sea and scattered to the land.

At this stage, the JGrox creatures managed to become a very successful predator, causing the extinction of many other species on the planet.

Tribal Stage[]

After evolving for more 200 million years, the JGroxs managed to develop sapience, among other things, and started to organize themselves into tribes.

As tribals, they soon started to befriend other tribes, and became known by their friendly behaviour.

Civilization Stage[]

After around 2 million years, the JGrox tribes started to organize themselves into cities, and to create vehicles.

The Green JGrox tribe founded the JGrox City, and decided to deal with the other nations of the world via religious takeover, harnessing the power of words and ideas to convert other nations to their way of thinking.

After dealing with enough nations, the remaining nations merged with the Green Nation through Fanatical Uprising, giving birth to the JGrox Empire.

Space Stage[]

After around 7 thousand years since the foundation of the their JGrox Capital, the JGrox Empire decide to reach the stars, and spent many years exploring the JSector, establishing contact with other spacefaring civilizations and starting wars with lesser spacefaring civilizations whenever the Empire needed resources. The JGrox Empire also managed to ally with the Grox Empire. After the Grox Empire was defeated and absorbed into the Civilisation, the JGrox Empire lose most of its strength and suffered several losses to its enemies.

When the JSector was taken over by the JWar, the Empire decided to join the JHorde until the end of the war, when both the JAlliance and JHorde got merged into the JCompany.

Void Shamanism[]


In Creature Stage, it possesses D'Orca mouth, Eyebissed eyes, Kitty ears, Croak Masseur graspers, Dirtchargers feet, Deltroid and Thundercalf limbs, Ultramegadeer, Porcupain and Reapermantis weapons, and Florsage, Rockne and Cassoworry details.

In Tribal Stage, it is clothed with Oba Shaka Mask, Tiki Gamba Mask, Charm Plate and Singuard chest.

In Civilization Stage, it is clothed with M. Poly hat, Leather Back, Col. Primer chest, Circumgear, Rankhatchings and Snokelicious symbols, and Bolt and Metal Cap details.

In Space Stage, it is clothed with Beam Helmet, Waspen Jet Pack, Radio Way Plate, Tinker Ticket, Crested Pear and Knexit symbols, and Twirlpellar and Eyebot details.

Voidmaster JGrox, the captain and leader of the JGrox empire, is clothed with Singuard chest, Waspen Jet Pack, Eyebot, Bladed Knuckles, Plasma Pulser, Compact Generator, Compact Battery, Invigorator, Stam-Booster, Glider Pack, Protecto-Shell and Danger Reductor.

In Cell Stage, it possess Jaw, Beady Eye, Jet and Spike, Poison and Electric weapons.





  • The JGrox is made from the Grox creature, switching its forbidden parts by parts allowed to normal gameplay.