The Introi are a Precursor Empire
The "Introi" are considered a precursor race, a species that existed in times immemorial, before the founding of the First Gigaquadrant's empires, and now lies exctinct/missing from the universal community in the SporeWiki Fiction Universe.
Type: Land based, vertabrate, warm-blooded Reptile.
Niche: South Erido Chasm Apex predator
Lifestyle: Social Carnivore
Hunt Success Rate: 60% in prehistory, 100% modern day.
Armor: Scales, armour for warriors.
Defenses: Bone spike tipped tail, claw limbs, claws, teeth.
Method of Eating: Tear off chunks and swallow whole.
Reproductive Rate: Reaches sexual maturity at 24 years. Can breed any time after that, though most babies are born in the thid fourth of the year (fall).
Gestation: 2 year gestation.
Number of Offspring: Always one, never multiples.
Offspring Survival Rate (before age of maturity): 70% in pre history, almost 100% modern day.
Tools: Manipulative claws, manipulative tongue, modern tecnology.
Weapons: A variety of space age weapons restricted to the army.
UPAC (Universal personality archetype council) classification: Knight
The Introi are a sapient race of pelycosaurs (reptile-like synapsids) native to the Introa system. They are twelve feet long with a snake like body, a bone spike at the end of their tails, and bluegreen scales. The Introi have heightened senses of hearing, smelling, taste, and sight. They have a lower sense of touch, however (they can only detect significant changes in temperature or pressure on their scales, except for the face and stomach). There is a small ridge above each eye (resembling a stubby horn covered in skin). The Introi tongue serves a dual purpose: It can detect electrical impulses, much like a shark, allowing them to pinpoint electrical energy, even in complete darkness. They have two legs and arms, each having four digits. The fourth digit on their hand faces directly opposite of the middle finger while the fourth on there feet (in the same position as the one on their hands) acts as a stabilizer. They posses a third set of limbs: claw limbs; these are tipped by two scythe like blades of bone. Their nostrils (2), eyes (2), ears (2 semi-internal), and mouth are all located on their head. Their brain is located in the head, but extends down into the spine. They also have two insect like wings which alow them to fly. The males will mate by superheating blood into steam, via a chemical combustion, and then exhaling, and their partner will breathe that in, where it will reach a series of DNA receptors that will send the blood to the womb, where it will begin forming the baby. They have ultra effective digestion, which will break down almost all organic matter. Their life span is abot 200 years. They have a burst of happiness if they are in the chasms or on the Erido grasslands (particularly in the Nyor Valley).
In their expansion across Introa, the Introi have changed in some ways, such as proportions, wing and eye-ridge horn size and shape, and coloration:
Chasm Introi
Introi chasma
The original members of the species, the Chasmal Introi have no differention from the Introi described above.
Glacial Introi
Introi chasma cryo
Originally a group of Gion citizens who revolted against the nation's use of slaves, the Glacial Gions revolted and freed a large number of slaves. Escaping to the Northern Polar ice cap they adapted to the cold (something all other Introi shun), by developing thicker scales to insulate themselves and tapering wings better adapted to the ice. They are more numb to pain, showing incredible willpower in tough situations. They walk slightly differently than other Introi, walking on their claws instead of the soles of their feet (they curve their toes down, elevating themselves above the ground subtly). High Council member Scly Evcoth is a Glacial Introi.
Plains Introi
Introi chasma planus
These are the Introi that spend their lives in the grasslands, especially in the Nyor Valley region. They have muted colors, stubier claws, and longer legs, better adapted to the rivers and tall grass of their homeland. High council member Phendo Macai is a Plains Introi.
Jungle Introi
Introi chasma flora
Introi adapted to the thick jungles that dominate the forested areas of Introa, predominantly in the continent of Jevoit. They have curving claws, feet, and claw limbs, desinged to grip the branches of their aboreal homes. They have almost entirley lost the green pigment in their scales, allowing them to easily blend in with the blue leaves of Mital trees. Kila Macai (wife of High council member Phendo Macai) is a Jungle Introi.
Volcanic Introi
Introi chasma pyro
The Introi living in the Nyor mountains have slowly evolved from their chasm and plains counterparts. They have startling gold and red scales, attributed to radiation that easily penetrates the thin atmosphere above the volcanoes. They have enourmous wings (which are easily grown using their Ash-mushroom rich diet), allowing them to glide rather than buzz around insect style. They also use thermals (risng currents of warm air) to begin flight, instead of painstakingly lifting their bodies into the air.
The Introi are a species devoted to their children and family: To put a loved one in danger is to challenge a 320 pound carnivore driven by love and self-sacrificial-to-protect-their-young-instincts. They tend to be a carefree and fun-loving species, typically living out their lives enjoying themselves and working only to improve their quality of life, or that of another. They are generous with any spare money or goods that they do not use, but enjoy eating food in both high quantity and quality. They are carefree, though not to the point of extreme laziness.
As a species, the Introi seek to become known as an 'Elder race', or one that has become legendary long after they are wiped out, withdraw to their homeworld, or ascend to some higher state of being (Such as the Screebles, the Williousaurs, and the Nauceans, respectivly).
The Introi evolved from creatures into intelligent beings later on in their evolution than most due to their complex bodies. The ancestors of modern Introi moved down from ocean tide pools to the grasslands, and eventually chasms of Introa. About half of the Introa based population still live in cities built in the chasms. Before they became intelligent the Introi lived in packs of twelve to twenty four members, if a pack exceeded twenty four then it would divide into two smaller twelve member packs. If a pack had less then twelve members then it would merge with another, small pack. The male Introi would hunt with their wives unless they had a child: Should the female become pregnant she would devote all of her time attending to the young. The children were raised together so that they would form bonds, and so that everyones' mother would be protecting the entire pack's babys. If an Introi was orphaned then the dominant pair, in charge of the pack, would take them in.
Introi architecture is mainly based on three different shapes: The spire, the pyramid, and the dome. A visitor to Plyn city on Introa stated that it looked like 'a bunch of cathedrals'. The Introi seem to enjoy such a description. There are not many exterior ornaments (carvings, gargoyles, etc.), but the Introi enjoy decorating the inside of their homes with paintings, atriums, and large windows.
The two things they fear more than anything in the universe are asphixiation and starvation. Starving is particularly horrible to the Introi as they have very high metabolisms, and drowning is considered the most horrible way to go.
They have a simple religion where they service the Creator by obeing his laws and spreading life and civilization throughout existence. The Introi holy book (their equivalent of a bible) is based on visions, and contemplations of the early Introi, which spell out the Introi moral code. The history of their religion is documented in the book as well. This religion was the only one of the religions developed on Introa to survive in considerable numbers (Gioni polytheism only has 10% of all modern Introi converted). The religion also has a similar notion of heaven and hell, where those that follow the moral code end up in a glorious afterlife, while those that completly disregard it end up in a empty void. They view any other religion that belives in a single omni-powerful and good god, and follow the same basic moral laws, as another way of practicing belief and treat their members as they would anyone else. Religions that confilct with that are simply deemed incorrect by Introan priests, and are treated the same, though they will make an effort to convert them if the opportunity arises. Religions that are naturally destructive (one that calls for sacrifices of intelligent beings, or the destruction of every other species in the universe),on the other hand, are restricted (the damaging practices are illegal). Simply praying to or beliving in a god or gods of this religion is allowed though.

The Introi alphabet. Words are made by stringing letters together on a line.

The Introi use this system because it is ingrained in their memory early on, although they use a base ten system when dealing with other species.
The Introi holidays represent the celebration of something. Those who don't have acces to whatever the celebration is about (the extremely poor, etc.) will not celebrate. These holidays are:
Origin Day: Always celebrated on the first day of the year, origin day celebrates the family and one's roots. It is like Christmas, as it is a gift giving day.
Gluttony Day: One of the most loved holidays, gluttony day is all about stuffing yourself with as much food (prefeably meat) as possible. It celebrates prosperity, and is celebrated on the first day of the fourth month.
Memorial Day: A very solemn day dedicated to those who have died. Despite the sad mood, the last hour of the day is devoted to a wild party celebrating the afterlife, and how their loved ones are now existing painlessly in the afterlife. Always celebrated on the day of the last death on the Natrian High Council, unless it conflicts with another holiday, where the death before that is used.
Conception Day: Much like your birthday, but much more important to the Introi, as they believe life starts at conception. Gift giving is standard, as well as only inviting your closest relatives. It is considered the real date when you grow a year older, and to be invited to a friend's is an incredible honor.
Naming Day: Celebrates the day you were named (almost always your birthday). Since a name defines one's identity, this day is the celebration of The Introi's life acheivments, and those that they are to acomplish. Much more open then your Conception day, strangers off the street can be invited...if they can bring presents.
"Tlee" is synonomous with "Hunt" to the Introi. Yelling it at the right time will trigger hunting instincts in the Introi genome; Warriors call this out before battle to get themselves into an instinctual frenzy, thus helping them win battles. Tlee is also the name of one of Introa's moons, and during a Tlee solar eclipse the Introi go into a frenzy, causing them to lose control of themselves in a uncontroable rage to protect themselves, and those close to them. When Tlee is eclipsed by Introa, the opposite happens; The Introi just don't have the will to fight, and are unable to feel anger. No one knows why this causes such extreme reactions among the Introi, but theorists belive that since the lunar eclispse only happens in the fall, the time when most Introi are born, it was the signal to prehistoric Introi that it was time to have young, and not go on territiorial battles. A Tlee solar eclipse completly blocks out all sunlight in it's area of effect, not even leaving a halo of brightness around it's rim. This disturbed the wind-rain cycle, which in turn negaivley affected plant life, and thus reducing the number of herbivores. This spured the need to steal food in the Introi, and if they could fight exeptionally well then they would survive.
The most common forms of art is music, although paintings and sculptures are highly prised; they are rare because almost no one knows how to make them. Movies and pictures are also considered art forms. Almost any project can be considered art, a computer program could be considered artistic.
They will marry for life and have no concept of divorce. If one spouse dies then the other will never re-marry.
The Introi take lying very seiriously. The only way it would be conceivable for an Introi to lie to a family meber or trusted friend would be if someone's well being was at stake. To lie out of these circumstances would bring on an intense wave of guilt that would overpower the Introi until they told the truth.
Introi SI[]
A Introan second is 0.4998 of a earthly one. There are 100 seconds in a minute, 50 minutes in an hour, 26 hours in a day, 360 days in a year, ten years in a tey (the equivilant of a decade), ten teys in a tetey (the equivilant of a century), and ten teteys in a tetetey (the equivilant of a milleneum).
A spii(si) is a quadrillionth of a parsec, or 0.019174 miles (101.23872 feet.)
A Orr(orr) is a septillionth of the mass of Introa, or 0.659 tons (1318 pounds)
Temperature is represented in degrees Di, with each degree being two hundreth of the difference between boiling and freezing water, or 0.5 degrees Celsius.
Genetic Engineering[]
This is a very common career choice among the Introi, as they take enormous pleasure in enhancing other creatures genomes. It is a practice that has been going on for centuries, and has greatly improved the Introi lifestyle. Genetics kits are extremely common presents for Introi who are coming of age (around twenty). Creating Sapient life, however, is illegal, and will earn a life sentence.
The Introi are masters of spacefearing and engineering, and have the tech to back it up. They have developed the feared Q.U.AS.O.R. beam weapons: The Quantum Usage ASynchronous Offensive Redbeam. Quasors generate continuous green beams of radiation that deciamate their targets, causing heat and a nuclear holocaust afterwards, making heavy Quasors the perfect orbital bombardment weapon. They also have acess to antimatter and all of its destructive uses: A single mid-sized antimatter bomb can reduce the surface of a planet to glass, and snap-evaporate oceans. Not all of their tecnology is destructive, however: They have developed learning pads, the Introis' answer to educational needs. It is a long flexible plate that covers the learning Introi's spine. Since almost all Introi have a full database of knowledge implanted before becoming a legal adult, the pads simply stimulate the Introis' brain. Most Introi mothers choose to have their babies receive gene-therapy at conception: a simple procedure which removes all potentially harmful genes from a embryo's body. They are masters at terraforming, and almost every world they encounter becomes a lush, ecosystem sustaining world within days.
Most power used by the Empire is generated in Fission to Fusion reactors, though they are currently reasearching Zero-point energy. The reactors consist of two main sections: The Fission reactors and the Fusion core. Superheavy elements, typicaly Biunquadium, are fed into the Fission cylinders were they are broken down into Hydrogen atoms, releasing energy in the process. The Hydrogen gas has all impurities and most heat removed. It is then funneled into the fusion core where Grav-beams compress it to the point of nuclear Fusion, generating miniature stars. While energy is absorbed, the waste Helium is funneled away for commercial purposes.
They are a species renowned for their ability to combine robotic, and biological aspects of life together. For example, robot pets are often seen protecting their owners while they are walking their organic ones.
Space acheivments[]
They are the founding species of the Natrian Empire, and are one of it's three main member species, making up 31% of the total population.
Millitary Starships[]
According to the Introi classiffication, they belong to the family Serpentevespidae.
(Introi is the single, and plural, and adjective form of the name.)