
Choeber (plural Choeber) are mammal-like birds that live on the planet Lavallia, homeplanet of the Lavacat race. Choeber have also been spread to other Lavacat colonies.



Choeber normally eat a diet of Alorge leaves. On most Lavacat colony worlds that contain Choeber, Lavacats have brought Alorge along so the Choeber can have their usual diet. Some plants on colonies are poisonous to Choeber, so Lavacats have normally kept those away from hungry Choeber.


Choeber, like all birds, hatch from eggs. When hatched, they are 2 feet tall and 5 feet long, and covered with soft, pale blue feathers. At age 6, these feathers are lost and the Choeber begins to grow much faster than it did before age 6. Choeber are mature at 15.
