"Life is to live, not to lie."


"Essance of Life" Our Flag, each spiral represents one of the three times: Future, Present, Past

These proud and mighty people are young, but they have made many advances in their time. They have good values, powerful weapons, and a very strong moral system. They are very trusting, and also very helpful. The only people they don't like are people like are the Grox. They did give the Grox a chance to ally first, then went to war with them.


As a critter, the Cecrop-nopt have very good senses, except that of sight. They are blind, but with very, very good hearing, sense of touch, and sense of small. They only made it to space because they could literally feel the point where they couldn't sense any vibrations anymore. They could, in their way, "see" the edge of the world, as they put it. Outside of that there was nothing. Inside of it their was everything. They wanted to see what the edge looked like, and so created machines that could detect light and convert it into smell. They could now "see" their world. They "saw" the stars for the first time that night. and immediately wanted to go to them.

Cecrop-nopt look like earth beetles, namely larger earth beetles. They have wings, but cannot use them. They have long, thick antenna to smell and feel air vibrations. They cannot sense most creature with smell, at least not recognize them, and rely entirely on their sense of touch to "see" other creatures not native to their planet. They have been known to run over other creatures because they cannot "see" them in time.

The Cecrop-nopt are about 13 feet in length. They are about 9 feet in height, and about 7 feet in with. They are walking, thinking tanks, and you do not want to be between them and something they want. They do recognized that they have this size, and are not afraid to use it. They also have large, poisonous stingers on each of their 4 upper limbs, and their lower 6 limbs end in sharp points. When attacked they can easily defend themselves. Their Upper limbs end in claws with 2 lower fingers and 2 upper fingers. When they use their poison stings the sting comes out of a small opening in the center of their claws. That opening is normally covered with a plate of armor to protect others and themselves from being stung.

Cecrop-nopt (1)

A Cercrop-nopt


Cecrop-nopt history is rather long and somewhat boring at times, but they like to include everything they know into it.

The first Cecrop-nopt to become intelligent is believed to have called herself Digger, for we dug burrows to live in. We do not know if this is true, as there was no writing back then, but that is the most common way the story goes. We then grew in numbers from just a few in a small community to vast tribal empires that covered most of the planet. We evolved in a pangea period, meaning that there was only one continent. There were many islands, but they were small and far apart from one another.

In a few thousand years we were building cities and roads, but we rarely used vehicles, as we could run at about 40 mph far up to 4 days without sleep or rest or even food. All we needed was water, and that was the one thing common all across out planet. When we started using vehicles, they were only to go from one body of land to another. In our written history, the pangea continent broke up and we were forced to use boats fairly often. We learned how to get into space pretty quickly, and very soon we had colonized several other habitable planets in our system.

One of the first planets with aggressive life on it was called Ultimatia. It had a disease that completely and utterly controlled all life native to the planet. The Disease is called Marglettios. It effectively mutated all life on Ultimatia on a molecular basis. Without it the life of Ultimatia would die, but with it alive there is always the chance it would get onto another planet. If it did it would completely destroy the entire biosphere, from the smallest virus, to the largest plants and animals. It is that deadly. Ashaman the Noble went to this planet and gathered samples. He then created a retrovirus that would replicate its abilities, but without its deadliness to non-native life. When he did this we were able to not only colonize the planet, but also to spread the life of Ultimatia to other planets. Marglettios was apparently used as a terriforming devise for an extinct civilization. It is also believed to have gotten out of control of that civilization and wiped them out. Ultimatia has an indigenous population of tribal creatures that start life as grubs, living inside the mothertree; leave and become mammal like creatures that are very mobile and intelligent; and eventually become trees when they die. The mothertree is the center of all life in any give forest, of village, and contains all the children. It is born of a sterile female, and other sterile females guard it with their lives if necessary. The other females will always keep at least 2 of their own alive, for if they were ever to all die the mothertree would never be reborn and the tribe would fade away. When we first found the planet we feared we would have to destroy it and all native life. The natives had learned spaceflight from us, b accident, and were preparing to leave in search of other planets. We nearly wiped each other out. But then Ashaman the Noble saved both species by creating his retrovirus and allowing the natives to leave and not destroy everything. They have sinse become part of our empire and live on many of our colonize.

When we became an interstellar empire we swiftly grew in size and strength, and the first empire we encountered was the Descolda Esparioa. They traded with us and we advanced even faster. We swiftly grew to almost 30 thousand worlds, and then we encountered the Marmon Republic. We became fast friends and Allys, despite having nearly stepped on their ambassador the first time we met with him. We grew to almost 125 thousand systems after that, but before we encountered the Wikan Monarchy. They were friendly and understanding, and they helped us come up with our code of honor. As time went on, we grew and grew, along with the Marmon Republic and the Wikan Monarchy. Eventually we grew to almost 100 million planets in size, bigger then the Wikan Monarchy and close to the Marmon Republic. We then encountered the Warriorcell Dictatorship. They were aggressive, and we shortly declared war with them. After many years of war, we declared truce, because each empire was equal to the other. We have since been able to keep them as "friends" and trade partners. We have also topped out with about 150 million planets, bigger then any other empire, except the Sapo, who live very far away. We have also become an Intergalactic Empire, and look forward to a new dawn of civilization.

Code of Honor[]

  • You will never harm another sentient creature unless it threatens your survival.
  • You will never purposely do something that will indirectly harm another sentient creature.
  • You will never do anything that requires the help of an animal. Sentient creatures can choose to help, animals cannot.
  • You will only use you poison if there is no other option.
  • You will remember to have fun, and enjoy life. You only get one.
  • You will always remember Ashaman the Noble, who died to give us life.
  • You will for now and forever remember that all energy is borrowed, and will eventualy be given back to the universe.
  • You will never take unless you give.
  • You will help those in need.
  • You will forgive, if not forget.
  • You will always try your best, and remember that you are what you want to be, not what others see you as.
  • You will fight dirty, but when you best your enemy you will give them the option of surrender, unless you are in the middle of a great battle between armies.
  • When the time comes you will accept death with honor and grace, knowing that when you die you will be remebered by a Speaker for the Dead, and will never be forgotten.
  • You will be true to yourself and true to other, always.

Speaker for the Dead[]

The equivalent of a human priest, they learn about an individuals entire history, from birth to death, and speak this history, to tell of thing that were kept secret, and things that have been forgotten. It is every Cecrop-nopt's dream to not need a Speaker, because that will mean that they were truly true to themself and to others. Only 3 have ever had that great honor bestowed upon them.


Ships and techniques.

  • Warsloop- The smallest in the Imperial Navy, they are best used as hit and run ships, or in large numbers as clusters and schools so others cannot target any one ship
  • Warcutter- The most often used ship in the Imperial navy, they are best used as escorts for bigger ships, of for patrol, as they are fast and can escape many other ships.
  • Warrams- Are what they sound like. They can cut through any enemy ship yet known.
  • Destroyers- Are the most well recognized ships in the Imperial Navy. They are like a moving battle station, and are very good at taking out large numbers of ship. They are vulnerable to smaller, faster ships; but carry many Warsloops and Warcutters, and even some Warrams to make up for this.
  • Battleships- Are the 3rd biggest ship the the Imperial Navy. They are very good at overwhelming an enemy with sheer size and power. They can outlast most other ships and just keep shooting until the enemy is a chunk of space debris.
  • Droneships- Are factories for making vast numbers of, well, drones. The drones can overwhelm and enemy with sheer numbers, and as long as resources are taken in drone can come out.
  • Starships- The single largest ship in the entire Imperial Navy. They make all the others look small, and are literally moving cities. Their are 100 of these ships in our navy, and each one has the capability to wipe out entire planets. They are factories, cities, landing areas, warships, space stations, forward basses, and staging areas for battles. They can contain up to 100 million of our kind at any given moment, but usually run on about 75-80 million of our kind. A skeleton crew for them is at least 30 million of our kind.

Captians and Admirals[]

  • Captian Qion-Reliable and wise, Qion is known for being a survivor. He is almost 200 years old, the oldest of our captians. He plans on retirering soon.
  • Captian Xian- Xion is smart, strong, and skilled. He is not trustwothy and is easily corrupted. The only reason he is still a captian is cause his father is very wealthy.
  • Captian Tremuji- Skilled and knoledgable with/about all sorts of weapons, Tremuji is more a trainer then a captian, but he does have a ship and a crew that serve under him. He is not a fighter, but is moderately good at repairing weapons and ships and armos, and is invaluble on the battle front.
  • Captian Brenco- If there was ever a contest for the most blunt person in the universe, Captian Brenco would win it. He is blunt, cnever lies, and doesn't care if he insults you, so long as he tells the truth. He is trustwothy, and skilled in the art of war.
  • Captian Zaina- Captian Zaina is a Xhodocto war Vet, and has a deep hatred for them because they killed her mate, Captian Bronchi. The most famus quote she ever made was: "If those Xhodocto ever show their faces in this reality again, I will personaly kick their arses right back out!". She is known to be good on her word, and trustworthy.
  • Captian Nia- Calm and collected, Nia is known for her slogan "think first, act later." and she lives by it. She is very professional, and also hates the Xhodocto. They killed her brother, Captian Bronchi.
  • Admiral Mami- Mami is a very caring person, but able to make stressful choices. She hates to disapoint people, and tries her best to live up to her father, Admiral Galtro, who was one of the 3 people who didn't need a Speaker when he died.
  • Admiral Wartop- Ruthless and ambitious, Admiral Wartop is loyal and orderly as well. He is strong and smart and brave. He is looked up to by almost everyone in the empire. He does not lie, and is believed to be uncorruptable, except with cookies.


  • Sporemaster Alliance
  • Dubbya.
  • Beary (bearrie)


Our homeworld, it is vary large, about twice the size of earth, with 3 small moons. It is an ordinary planet other then its moons and small ring. OH, and other then us, we make it unique and very important. It still looks very healthy, and it IS very healthy. We take good care of our planets and colonize.


We allow tourists to explore our empire. Don't forget to pay the guide a tab, they work hard.

Come and see our empire and its people. Meet Speakers for the Dead, see Ecion, enjoy a day of relaxation in one of our nature reserves. Explore the stars of our empire with our guides, who can take you almost anywhere in the empire, from Ecion itself to all but a few planets and systems. Have fun and try not to get run over.


Still under construction.
