
When Earth was hit by a large rock, roughly the size of the moon, it scattered molecules and the DNA of living creatures into space. As these "life asteroids" were flung in every direction, some impacted young planets and infested them with new life. One such species, the slug known as Limax Maximus, a large slug from Britian, was lucky enough to get a shot at evolution on the hot, red oceaned world of Brottus where the warm climate favored their growth. Eventually, in only 3 million years, they evolved into apex predators that kickstarted an animal made mass extinction that is still going on today. Over-hunting many species into extinction in a short amount of time, the Brish species still lingers around, sometimes unable to find enough food. But luckily they are omnivores and there is more than enough plants and fruits still left on Brottus, so this may be their triumph card to evolve into intelligent beings. Already highly intelligent, at least as smart as early man, they have shaped their new world into something like that out of a movie. They still show times of their slow and helpless past and new behaviors have emerged also, such as being extremely curious to new things, being terrified of salt, retaining their slug-like shape with a more uptight posture, and instead of going to the bathroom, they throw up slime balls with whatever isn't digestible. The Brish may be smart, but can be outsmarted, but this is rare. Their main prey include large mammals, mainly terrestrial apes and monkeys and occasionally donkey like animals and are known to be cannibalistic to other lesser sub-species of the other 29 forms of Brish known. Other predators stay well away from them. They are also credited with the extinction of almost every epic creature on Brottus and one such attack on an epic was caught on film. One solitary Brish attacked an epic terrestrial shark-like creature that killed the rest of its pack and took the epic down after outsmarting it by means of using the ability known as Kiting, where the Brish stay 100 yards from their quarry and continuously spit with their highly toxic spikes on the tip of their tails. This Brish even got the epic caught between some trees in the forest its pack died in, so killing the epic was a field day for this Brish. Only the epic creature known as "Goat Man" still exists close to the Brish home nest and there is constant fighting between them, usually with the Goat Man coming out as the victor and a pile of Brish meat to eat, although their meat has a disgusting taste due to the poisonous glands in its body. Another planet is suspected to be inhabited with Brish and have evolved along-side the Grox close to the Galactic Core. This has recently been proven to be true and there is a Brish Empire there. They have extremely strong defenses and it is hard to enter their space without being mistaken for the Grox.
