

Thus is a rare non-sentient barnini. It was created by lizardman scientists trying to make a strong, powerful unit that could sneak into barney bases unnoticed. This experiment failed utterly when too much power and mutation genes got placed in. It caused the creatures to break lose and cause havoc on the planet lazania. They have also got into space ports and have immigrated far off into the universe.

A possible intelligence?[]

Though genetic experiments are risky on these creatures,they seem to share the trait with barneys of a high social level. Packs of these creatures are spotted near purple, stony ravines and jumping onto prey. Some of the Barney-X's stay at the bottom and slash at the prey, usually a gargantuan creature like an alien indricothere or elephant. The question of if they can establish tribes still remains.

Involvement in captain missions[]



Lab loose idiots

Barney gone bad

