
The Alkolina are a race of tall, strong, and intelligent aliens from the Darius Prime system. They have formed no alliances, as they consider the need or want for assistance weak. This causes them to have almost no inter-species relations. They keep to themselves, and this has kept them from being noticed by galactic superpowers such as the Xhodocto. They believe that a lack of alliances keeps them strong, as they do not share resources amongst allies and instead keep it for themselves.

Both genders are on an equal footing in Alkolinan society, as the intense radiation from Darion Prime has all but erased Sexual Dimorphism in their species. They have large brains, and are very self-reliant as a result. They take pride in their technological independence, and tend to brag about this in meetings with other species.

They are sometimes compared to the Loron both in size and physique. The Loron are far stronger, although the intelligence of the Alkolina species far exceeds that of the primitive, moronic insectoreptilimorphs. They use a territorial structure to govern their colonies, and this has led to a flourishing population spread far and wide in the Milky Way galaxy.


Alkolinan history begins about 7 billion years ago, when a small bulb about the size of Earth was ejected from the core of a faraway galaxy. Bathed in the radiation from its home galaxy's core, it was a superdense object that emitted massive amounts of radiation. It settled in the Suctum-Centaurus arm of the Milky Way galaxy. There, it began to accrete material, and it became the star known today as Darion Prime. Life began on a small planet about half the size of Earth when a comet from an unknown source struck the fledgling world. Eventually, a sentient species, the Alkolina, discovered fire. The tribes of Alkolina developed, and with the creation of the wheel on their planet about 1,000,000 years ago, they formed cities. Development kickstarted soon afterward. Within 100 years, prototype rockets were flying off the surface of Alpha Darion, the species' homeworld. The nation states of Garlakos and Norkaniman made first contact on the surface of the planet's moon, and formed a peace treaty. With brilliant minds working on technology, the species made working cryotechnology in just 200 years, and sent out sleeper colony ships. Some of these ships would go undetected, and land thousands of years later in other parts of the galaxy. Thus began the age of the Alkolina Galactic Colonies. The species would flourish, and many subspecies would develop. Back on Alpha Darion, scientists developed an interstellar drive that would take aspiring captains to the stars. The race would stabilize after that. While the Kilikos system would be lost to rebellion by indigenous species, the Alkolina would remain strong, fierce, and independent.

Era of The Civilisation[]

The Alkolina decided not to join The Civilisation, as they do not believe in unity. They think that the strongest empires are the ones that remain isolated, or keep full autonomy. Technological development continues, and the species remains as powerful as ever. Some Alkolina believed that they would not even be accepted in to The Civilisation. "We are not a central power, but a loose assembly of a common species. Does that really count as an empire?"



Alkolina are a strong, hardy species. Radiation from Darion Prime caused the species to mutate drastically, leading to the asymmetrical design of the species. They can easily pick up smaller species with their right hand, and twist their "Thumb" to do a quick neck snap. They are covered in thick scales, and these scales preform like armor. They can absorb Vibroblade energy, and are extremely hard to penetrate. After millions of years of exposure to Darion Prime's volatile radiation, Darionic Alkolina are nearly immune to genetic diseases like cancers. Sexual Dimorphism (differences between the sexes) are null, with the exception of reproductive organs. Both male and female Alkolina are some of the strongest creatures around. Due to developing in various environments, a Darionic Alkolina will look different from a Sigmaeic Alkolina, one from the Sigma Prime system, and so on. They have very large brain sizes, with the average being 1600 cm cubed at full maturity.


Alkolina are a close-knit species, and it is common for a young one to form tight bonds with one or two other Alkolina. Despite close interpersonal bonds, making friendships with members of other species is frowned upon. This is due to the general philosophy of the Alkolina: Allies expose weakness. Helping them drains time, money, and resources. Alkolina love war, as they see it as a way to expose the weak and promote the strong. Fighting among trios of friends is common, and is a practice used in education. Knowledge is held in high regard, and some of the most famous Alkolinans are scientists. New weapons are churned out often, with the most commonly used one being the pocket Vibroblade, a small knife that can inflict a deadly wound in one strike, although it is too small for use in practical combat. Territorial governors never use bodyguards, as this is considered weak. Instead, they carry small weapons and defense mechanisms in the event of an attack.


Alkolina possess massive strength, and can crush smaller foes with ease. Powerful arm muscles and large size make them ideal for heavy lifting. They are very intelligent, and this is a source of pride. Very often, they use this to gloat.


Alkolinan society is not very structured. However, most colonies follow this template: A young Alkolinan is schooled for 18 years, where he will be taught the sciences and math skills. A general Physical improvement program is also employed. After this, they are free to do what they want. They can work in sciences, run for Territorial Governor, or simply join a policing force. Older Alkolina are expected to teach younger ones, so most teachers are upwards of 150 years old.


Alkolina are fit to live anywhere. If exposed to an environment long enough, they will adapt to perfectly suit that environment. Buildings are built from various metals and blast-resistant materials. Neighborhoods are a safe place for Alkolina to hone their skills, and interpersonal relations between neighbors and surrounding individuals are very friendly.



Alkolina use large Alkolina Dreadnoughts and Lancer Drones in conflicts. Each has a large arsenal and is well equipped for many roles. They use small scout ships and sleeper colony ships in peacetime. The latter lacks an interstellar drive, however.


Weapons include the Electron Blaster, a small pistol that can burn a hole in the chest, and the Pocket Vibroblade, a pocket sized knife that has the power to kill if it is shoved in to a target's gullet.

Defensive Tech[]

The Alkolina Territorial Governors commonly carry a personal shield, a small field that can deflect small arms fire for a few seconds before it needs to recharge. They may also wear armor, which can dissipate energy across the armor plates to be used in a counter-attack. Too much, however, and the armor can crack, releasing approximately one terajoule of energy directly in to the wearer's body. The Alkolina also have scales, providing some natural defense.


A Loron and an Alkolina walk in to a bar. Who knew that drinks were free that night?

- Popular Alkolinan joke