
The creator (known as an editor before it was changed in the latest entries) is one of the core features in the Spore series. It allows the player to modify most, if not everything, that can be interacted within the game. All editors contain a 3D display of the object that is being edited, several options to add and remove parts from the object, and status-bars that reflect statistics related to the object.

There were seven types of editors shown in the E3 2006 demonstration.

Creators in Spore[]

Cell Editor[]

The Cell Creator is mostly used in the Cell Stage. It is very similar to the creature editor, although it creates 2D organisms rather than 3D ones. These parts improve the cell's chances of survival.

Improved editor

A basic cell editor is packaged with the game, however, a more complex editor can be accessed, with "Run" Command,

C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\SPORE\Sporebin\sporeApp.exe -state:Celleditor

When placed into the Run box, this will access a Cell editor, with 5x the number of options as the regular editor

  • Note, that the cells created in this editor, while able to be saved, cannot be used in-game

Creature editor[]

E3 2006 creature editor

The creature editor as seen in 2006.


The creature-level editor in build mode as seen in 2008.

Main article: Creature editor

The creature editor is the first editor the player will be familiarized with. It is available already in the Cell stage with a few parts for making a 2D cellular creature. As the creature evolves, more sections of the editor will be unlocked, allowing for walking, flying and swimming 3D creatures.

To the left of the editing screen are the seven palettes (categories) containing the functional parts that can be attached to a creature. When you add a body part which moves, it is apparent that it is demonstrated what happens when you creature moves, i.e. when the mouth is put on it communicates, when the eyes are put on, they blink, this is apparent from the 2006 demonstration. Each palette contains up to four columns with eight or nine parts in each. Columns are unlocked by upgrading the creature's brain to a higher level.

Name Description Icon
Mouths Determines the creature's diet (herbivore, carnivore or omnivore) as well as its ability to sing and bite. Every creature must have a mouth; creatures without mouths cannot be saved. SporeMouth
Sensory Organs Eyes, ears, noses, and other organs - only eyes provide sight, the rest are purely cosmetic. SporeSensory
Limbs Contains a selection of differently-shaped arms and legs. SporeLimb
Hands Contains a variety of graspers and manipulators that contribute to a creature's striking and posing ability, and give it the graspers ability. SporeHand
Feet Determines a creature's speed, dance and charge stats. SporeFoot
Weapon Weapon parts, such as spikes and horns. They all provide offensive abilities, such as charging or spitting. SporeWeapon
Details Feathers, leaves, wings etc that do not fall into any of the other categories. SporeDetail

Building editor[]

Main article: Building Editor

The Building Editor is first seen in the Civilization stage. There are four types of buildings that can be created: City halls, houses, entertainment buildings, and factories. A fifth type, farms, was apparently planned as well (and can even be seen in some early screenshots), but was scrapped for unknown reasons. While only city halls are absolutely essential for a city, the other three (or four if you count the farms before they were unavailable) types are also needed for a successful city.

Various shapes for the main body of the building.
Roofs to put atop the building.
Parts used for connecting other pieces to the building, can be used to make turrets or other structures that are "branching off" of the main body of the building.
Various windows to add to the building.
A variety of doors to add to the building.
The parts in this category differ between buildings. (For example, entertainment buildings will have things such as confetti and spotlights, while factories will have things such as pistons and smokestacks.
Parts for decoration.

Vehicle editor[]

Main article: Vehicle Editor

The Vehicle Editor is introduced right after the Building Editor. There are three types of vehicles: sea, air and ground, with ground first to be unlocked. There are three possible purposes of vehicles: military, religion and economy, all contributing to a certain ending.

Vehicle editor toolbar
Different shapes for building the vehicle hull.
Cockpits for the creature piloting the vehicle to sit in.
The means for the vehicle to move around. Differs between land, sea, air, and space vehicles.
Parts to increase the vehicle's military, economic, or religious functionality.
Windows, radar antennae, and lights.
Accessory parts.

Anthem editor[]

Main article: Anthem Editor

The Anthem Editor is a misc editor, that is used to create anthems for an empire in the Civilization or the Space Stage. This anthem will be played in the empires' cities.

UFO editor[]

Main article: Spaceship Editor

The UFO editor will let the player change the looks of the UFO. It contains all parts possible in all vehicle editors.

Flora editor[]

Main article: Flora Editor

The Flora editor is not supported in the Release version of spore, However it is possible to access the editor. The editor contains many unresolved errors due to the fact the editor was not intended for player use.

The flora editor will let the player design various plant life such as trees and flowers.

To the left of the editing screen are the five palettes (categories) containing the functional parts that can be attached to a plant. Each palette contains up to four columns with eight or nine parts in each. Columns are unlocked by...


Before 2008[]


