Soothing Song almost halfway through its cooldown
Cooldown is the term given to the amount of time a tool takes, after its use, to recharge and become usable again. In the Creature Stage, all non-social abilities have cooldown timers, with Bite being least, then Spit, Strike, and Charge having the longest cooldowns. In Galactic Adventures, there is also a similar effect with Captain weapons.
In the Stages[]
Cell Stage[]
Ability | Cooldown |
Call Mate | No cooldown |
Creature Stage[]
Consequence Abilities[]
Ability | Trait | Cooldown |
Siren Song | Herbivore | 5 minutes from use |
Summon Flock | Omnivore | 6 minutes from use |
Raging Roar | Carnivore | 4 minutes from use |
Utility Abilities[]
Ability | Cooldown |
Mating Call | No cooldown |
Jump | As soon as the creature lands on solid ground |
Sprint | 25 seconds after sprint meter depletes or ability manually cancelled |
Sneak | 25 seconds after detection or ability manually cancelled |
Glide | 1 second per flap (if airborne)/as soon as the creature jumps again (if landing) |
Combat Abilities[]
Ability | Cooldown |
Bite | 1 second from use |
Charge | 10 seconds (1-level charge) seconds from use
12 seconds (2-level charge) seconds from use 10 seconds (3-level charge) seconds from use 8 seconds (4-level charge) seconds from use 6 seconds (5-level charge) seconds from use |
Strike | 4 seconds from use |
Spit | 3 seconds from use |
Tribal Stage[]
Civilization Stage[]
Space Stage[]
Archetype Abilities[]
Ability | Archetype | Cooldown |
Soothing Song | Bard | 10 minutes from use |
Static Cling | Diplomat | 20 minutes from use |
Safari Vacuum | Ecologist | 20 minutes from use |
Summon Mini-U | Knight | 2 minutes from use |
Gravitation Wave | Scientist | 20 minutes from use |
Return Ticket | Shaman | 1 minute from use |
Cash Infusion | Trader | 20 minutes from use |
Raider Rally | Warrior | 20 minutes from use |
Fanatical Frenzy | Zealot | 30 minutes from use |
Tool | Cooldown |
All Terrasculpting tools | 20 seconds from use |
Shield | ?? minutes from use |
Cloak | ?? minutes from use |
- If you do not want to wait until the cooldown ends, simply save the game and play it again. This will "finish"/"reset" the cooldown instantly. This is particularly handy when using consequence abilities as it can completely mitigate their long cooldown timers.
- In the Creature Stage, the Sprint ability technically has two cooldown timers: the ability itself, and the sprint meter, which do not refill at the same rate. Using Sprint as soon as it recharges due to the sprint meter depleting will result in having only 30-40% of the normal duration.