Complexity Meter
If this meter is full then you have too many parts.
Complexity Meter

Each creation created has a limited amount of "complexity" that can be added to it. This is because the game does not load a single model, instead loading multiple variables that form the creation, therefore limiting the amount of creation variables (type of limb, part size and deformation, location etc.) the computer has to load optimizes performance when using the creatures, otherwise creations would take too long to load on slower computers.

Adding parts (such as mouths on a creature) will increase the complexity of the creation until it reaches the maximum amount, at which point nothing else can be added to the creation. Parts will be coloured red when they cannot be added due to exceeding the complexity limit, similar to if they are too expensive to add.

Creations that exceed the complexity meter will not be pollinated, cannot appear in game and are marked with a red complexity symbol on their Sporepedia card.

The maximum amount of complexity on a creature is 138 points and 148 points for any outfitted creatures. These numbers are not including the starting 2 minimum complexity that the 2 spinal columns give you.

To remove the complexity limits, refer to the Cheats article.


For a creature body with 2 spine segments (the smallest size allowable; each with a complexity of 1), allowing for 138 complexity points worth of additional features on the creature.

In normal game play, creatures will always require a mouth part in order to be saved and uploaded, and by extension played as. This is because a creature requires a mouth in order to eat, and at least one social and combat ability to interact with.

Here are the costs in terms of complexity points that each of the items in the Spore Creature Creator uses:

  • Spine:
5 Filter Mouth 4 Jaw 5 Proboscis
3 Spike 6 Poison 3 Electric
4 Flagella 4 Cilia 3 Jet
5 Beady Eye 5 Stalk Eye 5 Button Eye
10 D'orca 10 Terrorpin 10 CrocKisser 10 Shortensnout
4 Gobsterclaw 4 Handibles 4 Handtennae 5 Pincernaut
7 Manglerfish 10 Slagjawed 10 Barracutie 10 Carcharebear
8 Toucan't 8 Buzzbeak 8 Buzzmuzzle 8 Skexybeast
10 Sauroclod 10 Grinnace 10 Vermillips 10 S'gnarly
10 Simperton 10 Rostrum 10 Worrybeak 10 Amphibitude
8 Leeyotch 11 Gnathognasher 10 Saginaughty 9 Dietrap
10 Mollratt 10 Laardvark 10 Ruminateater 10 Whalephant
10 Swillson 10 Ungulot 9 Soundersnout 10 Haunchface
8 Cantovis 8 Splatypus 8 Snapgator 8 Grubblemaw
9 Masticator (C&C) 8 Chompasaurus (C&C) 8 Beefteef (C&C) 8 Maccobjaw (C&C)
8 Muzzletuff (C&C) 8 Grindah (C&C) 8 Gnasha (C&C) 8 Tuskaloosa (C&C)
8 Mumbly Joe (C&C) 8 Buttonmaw (C&C) 8 Gnawly (C&C) 8 Bucky Buckerson (C&C)
1 Clamps (Bot) 1 Cantop (Bot)
2 Optic Orb 2 Ocubulge 2 Eyebissed 2 Scrutineye
5 LarvEye 5 Seeodesic 5 Eyelien 5 Stemma-addict
2 Empteyes 5 Occulus 6 Wide Eyed 6 Neo-teeny
5 Coygamine 5 Grumpeye 5 Furtive 5 Evil Eye
6 Felizard 5 Wizened 6 Saurian 5 Boneye
7 Stalkgazer 6 Meanstalk 6 Periscoptic 8 Peduncledunk
1 Sporacles 1 Chuffle 1 Snuffle 1 Snortle
1 Mantenna 1 Feelyfrond 1 Segmentenna 1 Ant-ler
4 Hearbear 3 Kitty 4 Elfinmagick 3 Gettineerful
1 Ehhwot 3 Overhear 6 Panhear 5 Batboy
5 Pinhole (C&C) 5 Babybleu (C&C) 5 Blinky (C&C) 6 Alieyes (C&C)
5 Dozer (C&C) 5 Ladeye (C&C) 5 Eyly (C&C) 5 Hubba Hubba (C&C)
7 Necrye (C&C) 7 Soulless (C&C) 7 Celestial Stare (C&C) 7 Wareye (C&C)
1 Binoculeye (Bot) 1 Blinkojo (Bot)
3 Slackwrist 3 Python 4.5 Doubelbow 4.5 Wizardsleeve
3 Meekling 3 Flextor 3 Burly 4.5 Bulgo
3 Deltroid 3 Cutty 4.5 Skrappy 4.5 Gunnshow
3 Brawnysaurus 4.5 Cankle 4.5 Broncosaurus 4.5 Steatopiggy
3 Phatella 4.5 Stompbottom 4.5 Callypigeon 4.5 Yumstick
3 Thundercalf 4.5 Ostrichopath 4.5 Thighstrider 4.5 Qopazcoatl
4.5 Arm Plated (P1.03) 3 Spiker (P1.03) 3 Lesser Tubercle (P1.03) 3 Delta Point (P1.03)
3 Sinew Slug (P1.03) 3 Brawned (P1.03) 4.5 Tendonikes (P1.03) 3 Fleshed (P1.03)
3 Deltoid Tuberosity (P1.03) 3 Humorous Humerus (P1.03) 3 Khoutier (P1.03) 3 Holiarm (P1.03)
3 Locust Leg (P1.03) 3 Plated Muscle (P1.03) 3 Spikependage (P1.03) 3 Armored Bones (P1.03)
3 Bugleg (P1.03) 3 Grouchyspike (P1.03) 3 Centilegs (P1.03) 6 Layered Limb (P1.03)
3 Thighboned (P1.03) 4.5 Grasshopper (P1.03) 4.5 Femur Friday (P1.03) 3 Proprioceptive Flex (P1.03)
4 Autojaunts (Bot) 4 Roto-knots (Bot) 5 Knee-matics (Bot) 4 Mechstensions (Bot)
7 Setaetarsal 6 Amphibigrab 7 Amphibigrip 8 Croak Masseur
7 Nubknuckle 7 Lockpicker 7 Opposabubba 7 Monstrumtalon
5 Trapfist 5 Succulenders 6 Snatchengrabben 7 Dexterrorous
7 Bonestickler 4 Torsionwrencher 8 Prongripper 7 Tearerwrist
4 Phatlanges 4 Badgerbear 6 Ultrarolfer 7 Metacarnal
5 Grubbygrabber 6 Velocigrasper 5 Hookencrook 7 Horrorthumbs
4 Butterbib 4 Mitzy 7 Classic Minion 6 Ectoknight
5 Peppergrabber (C&C) 6 Suctioncup (C&C) 8 Sponge Mitt (C&C) 7 Suckerpunch (C&C)
5 Mittenfists (C&C) 5 Nubby (C&C) 5 Pointy (C&C) 7 Clownfinger (C&C)
5 Evildigit (C&C) 7 Deathclaw (C&C) 7 Fembone (C&C) 8 Extractor (C&C)
1 Claspers (Bot) 1 Sockems (Bot)
3 Stubbtoe 3 Scareclaw 3 The Clawman 3 Dirtchargers
3 Twopaw 3 Threepaw 3 Fourpaw 3 Morepaw
3 Webwaddle 4 Backskritcher 4 Elevatorclaws 4 Raptorclaws
4 Palmwalker 3 Underhanded 3 Hombrenid 3 Sassyquatch
1 Clippity 1 Cloppity 3 Hoppity 3 Hippoty
4 Stumplestilt 3 Buckfoot 4 Slasherknight 4 Scarmaker
1 Suctoped 4 Sugerefoot 3 Suctopod 5 Suctofleur
3 The Geckonator 3 The Geckoning 3 The Froggening 4 The Toadening
4 Taptoe (C&C) 4 Smoosherfoot (C&C) 4 Toely (C&C) 4 Suckerkick (C&C)
4 Footoon (C&C) 4 Pawed (C&C) 4 Toepick (C&C) 4 Fingerpaw (C&C)
4 Skeletoes (C&C) 4 Talon Paw (C&C) 4 Heeltoe (C&C) 4 Starfoot (C&C)
1 Crushers (Bot) 1 Robokicks (Bot)
1 Pediculous 1 Fawninatrix 1 Ultramegadeer 1 Elkegent
1 Keratinhorn 1 Narwhalicorn 1 Cornutopia 1 Rammer
7 Gobstalker 4 Phlegmthrower 2 Problem-Solvent 9 Spraypalm
5 Hockitlauncher 5 Spraybuchet 6 Ziggur-hat 3 Porcupain
1 MaceBall 1 Stessball 1 The Tauntlet 1 SlimSlam Kablam
3 Scimitard 3 Toxic Telson 1 Reapermantis 3 Spurprise!
1 Heycorn 1 Nurple 1 Jellybutton 1 Mackne
1 Pomp Pom 1 Springle 1 Wrottontail 2 Fleurbine
1 Derma Bark 1 Baublewarts 1 Jemite 1 Stealing Crystals
1 Featherbluster 1 Marshcara 1 Peacrock 1 Featherferns
1 Grasstachio 1 Coverleaf 1 Branch Deco 1 Florsage
1 Whipwhick 1 Protubers 1 Hairlagmites 1 Crestacean
1 Shellshard 1 Osteoflippy 1 Hydroxylappetite 1 Triterraflops
1 Bonekneepad 1 Knurl Down 1 Bone Tablets 1 Rockne
3 Sporsalfin 1 Icky-osaur 3 Finneas 1 Pool Party-Foul
2 Antisoptera 2 Fauxry Wings 7 Megachiraptora 5 Cassoworry
1 Flare (C&C) 1 Adoravizor (C&C) 1 Manestay (C&C) 1 Jeweled Rampart (C&C)
1 Whiskertickler (C&C) 1 Twiggy (C&C) 1 Ponytail (C&C) 1 Waddleweather (C&C)
1 Horrorlump (C&C) 1 Deathspikes (C&C) 1 Lifesuckers (C&C) 1 Fleshscooper (C&C)
1 Bot-panel (Bot) 1 Achtung-lid (Bot)

Tips & Tricks[]

  • Each arm/leg segment has a complexity of 1.5. The default graspers/feet have a complexity of 0, excluding the Robot parts which have a default complexity of 1.
  • You can use the Asymmetry tool (Hold the 'A' key while moving a part) to move the singular details of a certain part, this can allow you to create features on the back (such as spines or plates) for half of the complexity and DNA cost.
  • You can use Limb segments as a suitable, lower complexity replacement for a longer tail feature on your creature, and can be used to create splits in the tail for more intricate designs or multiple tails.
  • If you are playing through the Story mode, is useful to attempt to optimise your creation's complexity as much as possible, as this will give you more complexity to add more clothing in later stages.
    • Some parts provide the same or better abilities but with lower or equal complexity ratings, take this into consideration if a specific theme is not a priority.
    • If you have completed the Creature Stage, it is a viable option to downgrade the parts of your creature, or take them off completely, this can notably reduce your creature's complexity, and the abilities of your creature are not as important in other stages. These abilities can also be completely replaced by better abilities in Galactic Adventures.
  • Most Detail Parts have a complexity rating of 1, you can use this to count how much complexity your creation has left before it is full.

Clothing and Captain Outfits[]

In outfit editors accessible from the Tribal Stage onwards, players can add clothing parts to a pre-existing creature, clothing part complexities are added on top of the complexity of the creature being outfitted.


Buildings (in the Civilization and Space stage) require a minimum of 3 parts in order to be saved or uploaded.

Vehicles and Spacecraft[]

Similar to Buildings, vehicles and spacecraft also require at least 3 parts added on the creation in order to be uploaded.
