
Chomper is a predator-sized Maxis-made cell, first encountered as a predator-sized cell in Level 1 of the Cell Stage. In the easy and normal difficulties, in the middle of the first level, a scripted event causes a predator-sized chomper to kill a Pokey, giving the player the spike part. In hard mode, you must kill the Pokey yourself.


  • Chomper makes an "orrrf" noise when hit.


  • Strangely, before you collect the spike part in Easy/Normal, Chomper appears rarely, but afterwards, they appear numerously.
  • It may be related to Jawhead because of its similar colors, as well as having multiple eyes.
  • Chomper is the second fastest Level 1 cell, the fastest being Goldy.
  • Chomper originally had a slightly different design before being redesigned into its final 2008 design.


See also[]
