
A creature charging.


Knot the Grawx stunned by a creature's charge.

SporeCharge Charge is one of the four creature attack methods in Spore. As the name suggests, a creature using charge rushes at another creature and headbutts it, stunning the target. The best tactic is to follow this up with a series of attacks, usually Strike and Bite. The Charge ability can be gained through several part types, the most common of which being the two topmost rows of weapon parts. It should be noted that, as with other weapon parts, the top row provides Charge 2-5, while the bottom row provides Charge 1-4 as well as Health 1-4.

Charge can also be acquired through the fish Carnivore mouths, the swine Herbivore mouths, and Creepy and Cute Carnivore and Omnivore mouths. These charges range from 1-3, so weapons are still the best way to gain high-level charges. Charge can also be gained from some feet, particularly the hooves. These charges range from 2-5, and so can make a worthy substitute for Charge weapon parts, if the player intends to save DNA.


Regardless of charge level, a target hit by a charge will always be stunned for 3 seconds. Higher charge levels increase the amount of damage inflicted and decrease the cooldown time between charges.

Level Damage Cooldown
1 1 12s
2 1.5 11.5s
3 2 10s
4 2.5 9s
5 3 7s

In Galactic Adventures, charge has a 1/4 damage multiplier when used on vehicles and buildings.

Parts granting Charge[]

List of parts granting charge
Name Type SporeCharge Charge DNA DNA
Spike Cell 1 10
Slagjawed Mouth 1 75
Barracutie Mouth 2 150
Carcharebear Mouth 3 250
Ungulot Mouth 1 75
Soundersnout Mouth 2 150
Haunchface Mouth 3 250
Chompasaurus Mouth 1 75
Beefteef Mouth 1 150
Maccobjaw Mouth 2 250
Grindah Mouth 1 75
Gnasha Mouth 1 150
Tuskaloosa Mouth 2 250
Autojaunts Limb 1 70
Knee-matics Limb 1 70
Webwaddle Foot 1 25
Backscritcher Foot 2 75
Elevatorclaws Foot 3 150
Raptorclaws Foot 4 250
Clippity Foot 2 25
Cloppity Foot 3 75
Hoppity Foot 4 150
Hippoty Foot 5 250
Suctoped Foot 1 25
Sugerefoot Foot 1 75
Suctopod Foot 2 150
Suctofleur Foot 3 250
Footoon Foot 1 25
Pawed Foot 1 75
Toepick Foot 2 150
Fingerpaw Foot 3 250
Skeletoes Foot 1 25
Talon Paw Foot 2 75
Heeltoe Foot 3 150
Starfoot Foot 4 250
Crushers Foot 1 25
Robokicks Foot 1 25
Pediculous Weapon 2 25
Fawninatrix Weapon 3 75
Ultramegadeer Weapon 4 150
Elkegent Weapon 5 250
Keratinhorn Weapon 1 25
Narwhalicorn Weapon 2 75
Cornutopia Weapon 3 150
Rammer Weapon 4 250


  • Charge requires a running start, so it cannot be executed too close to the target.
  • If two creatures charge each other, the creature with the highest charge ability will stun the other.
  • In Adventures it is possible to add too many creatures with this ability, so that they keep charging you or another creature (which resets the stun timer), giving little or no time to flee or attack. Be careful when using creatures with Charge.
  • This ability is replaced by the Missile Flinger or Hypnomelder in Spore Galactic Adventures.
  • Sometimes, a creature can charge at you, and hit you while making the sound and light effect showing that you should be stunned, but you are not stunned and can keep running away. It will dot deal any damage either.
  • If you spit at a charging creature before it hits you, the charging creature will be stunned instead.
Creature Stage abilities