
My life is dedicated to the people of the Cyrannia Cluster. It is the least I owe them.

- Senator Naberrie

Sola Naberrie is one of the leaders of the Cyrandia Alliance and the senator of Apailiana Sector, in the Cyrannian Senate. She is married to Cretacea and is a force of peace and good.


Sola Naberrie was born on the peaceful world of Apailiana located in the Core Worlds of Cyrannus. As a child and later a teenager, she was popular, beautiful, and considered by some to be a complete snob. However, Sola matured with age and became much kinder and more conscientious about others. After leaving school, Sola became the youngest senator ever accepted into the senate, as she felt that she could do a lot for her people.

During her successful early years in the senate, the young Naberrie was seen as the perfect choice for the ambassador to Rambo Nation, after Ambassador Tadgh stepped down. Naberrie was very happy with this new job and out of friendship, Empress Ramashe granted her a luxery apartment and office on the Rambo Capital, where she spends most of her time relaying information about events in the URC to the Rambo Senate.

Her performance as a senator and representative granted her the co leadership of the Cyrandia Alliance, along with Aur'Lumniassa, her good friend of Rambo Nation. She has become famous across the Quadrants and Cyrannus itself for her exploits as one of the Senators of the Senate. Despite having so many important jobs, Naberrie loves what she does, and wouldn't trade it for the world.

During the Intergalactic War, Sola married Admiral Cretacea, and their union has produced a child, Ryo Naberrie, who appears to be following in her mothers footsteps.

File:Desperate Negotiations.png

The Peacefinder approaches the menacing Confederate Fleet over Carindes

Senator Naberrie decided to travel unofficially to the Confederate Capital, Carindes in order to ask her former mentor, Senator Buroa, of the CAS Congress to make a plea to the Confederate Senate to stop the war.

She took her small ship, the Peacefinder to Carindes with her friend, Senator Wag-Taá of the Plumakraz Sector and landed at a small dock in a small town near Senator Buroa's office, when she arrived she was shocked to see that she was greeted by General Da'fona of the Libertus Libertation Force, a rebel group of Libertus that wish to leave the URC, nevertheless, she spoke with him, and he gave her permission to visit the Buroa, while Wag-Taá was required to stay with the ship, uneasy.

Sola made her way across the town and came to the Senator's office, Buroa was in a state of shock and happiness upon seeing Naberrie and greeted her with open arms. The two talked for many hours and eventually agreed upon one thing, they would both request a peace treaty with both of their senates. The two woman departed, conforted in the knowledge that the war may be well on the war to a peaceful ending. Sola made her way to the Cyrannus Senate Chamber, and gave a passionate speech about a truce. However, something dreadful happened next as huge explosions rocked the senate, blaming the attack on the Confederacy, the peace talks ended. She returned, disappointed to Apailiana to investigate the Great Library, which was recently discovered.

Later in the war, she was among the senators held hostage by Zillum, but was later rescued, she returned to Apailiana where she continued her work. However, she found herself under heavy strain, as her friend, the co ruler of the Cyrandia Alliance, Aur'Lumniassa was still in CAS hands, which meant that she was the sole ruler of the Alliance.



Green faceI value your friendship and I promise never to betray it.

  • Admiral Cretacea - My beloved husband, I love him more with each passing day.
  • Apollo - The greatest president in the history of Cyrannus, I am proud to call him my stepson!
  • Aur'Lumniassa - My fellow president of the Cyrandia. She is a close friend, and I hope she is alright.
  • Gianne Inviá - My closest friend in the senate, we almost always agree with eachother, and our homeworlds are closely connected.


Red faceI will not let you destroy all we have struggled to build!

  • None



Quotes from Others

A great senator, of peace and prosperity. She is also a great step mother, despite being only a few years older!

- Apollo

My darling wife, I will do anything to protect you

- Admiral Cretacea

Maybe I could pay her a visit, huhuhu.

- Mar-Júun

Further Reading

User:Um2k9/Cyrannus Template
