
Something new gives way to the Legion. And it is not something we should not fear.

- Unknown

High Demon Lord Anzilanarus (Acheronic - Ánzilanárus - Warlord of Shadows) is the current leader of the Legion of the Deathmarch.



Before the events of the universe's creation, Anzilanarus, alongside the High Demons and the minor demon races were without a leader - the Xhodocto, who were sealed in Erratsactum some 1.5 billion years ago. Before that, however, Anzilanarus was a high ranking Demon-Warlord who served the Xhodocto God Kiaz'Hala - and was a leader of the Oscuril'Ilimisi as well as the Cali'Tenem and Sihai'Jianylum. Because of his unique self, Anzilanarus was considered a subordinate to the Xhodocto themselves and one of the highest authorities in Hell. Upon the sealing of the Xhodocto in Erratsactum, Anzilanarus became the Demon King - ruling over Hell and Chaos - until the Xhodocto awoke.

Upon the Xhodocto's release in 18,100 BC, Anzilanarus re-assumed his position as a Demon Warlord. Anzilanarus' authority in Hell was incredibly high - between that of Shu'ulathoi and the Xhodocto themselves.


Upon the Apocalypta's rise to the scene, the Xhodocto took interest into the Apocalypta's actions as a manipulation of the Empire. It is believed that Khazurhal Angazhar and Antediluvian had met and with Anzilanarus being handed over to Antediluvian for service to the Apocalypta until the Xhodocto believe it is time for Anzilanarus to return. Anzilanarus retains his authority as a Legion Warlord but under Antediluvian, his liberty is diminished.

Post Apocalpyta

After the Xhodocto had left this plane of reality, they left the control of the Legion to Anzilanarus.


Personality and Traits

Anzilanarus, like most High Demons, is ruthless, violent and intimidating. Among the Apocalypta, his reputation proceeds him to be the most forefront demon warlord within Hell - making him one of the most powerful demons known to the universe. Anzilanarus' personality however is limited under Antediluvian - not that Anzilanarus fears Antediluvian, but Anzilanarus remains loyal to keep a balance between the Xhodocto and Apocalypta.

Anzilanarus, as said before is one of the most powerful demons within Hell and Chaos - surpassing Shu'ulathoi in terms of authority but power is debatable as of now. Anzilanarus iss the current subordinate commander of the demon forces within Hell and is considered an above-conventional commander of the Cult of the Deathmarch. Anzilanarus has an extensive power over Chaos Energy - although under Antedilvian's control had allowed a diminishing of his power with a fusion of the Apocalyptan energies from Antediluvian.

In terms of Apocalypta powers, Anzilanarus was not the most powerful demon in the Apocalypta although possess powers alike of Krathazhrukhal outside of the Apocalypta. His power was rivaled by Agonânghâsh until he left for the Legion.



Orange face - "Advance in our path. Extend destruction."

  • 21 Races - "I shall command you. Or you shall die."
  • Legion of the Deathmarch - "Serve me."
  • Shu'ulathoi - "Guard Hell. Or die."
  • Zargoth - '"Serve. Or die."
  • Sanktanaar Divin-Ra - "Serve me."'


Orange face - "Toleration of your existence proves...beneficial."

  • Apocalypta - "You serve Antediluvian. Serve him."
  • Antediluvian - "Enough of your control."


Red face - "You will die."

Quotes from others

Pre-Legion control

I am unsure if an alliance with the demons of the Deathmarch is a good idea, but I am sure Master Antediluvian knows what he's doing.

- Meketanor

...DESTRUCTION... DOMINATION... Both meaningless...

- Sanktanaar Divin-Ra

Post-Legion control

I own you no respect...

- Shu'ulathoi

Your Legion would do well to obey you.

- Antediluvian