
Blocks of Chance are a set of rare artifacts that can be found throughout the galaxy in the Space Stage of Spore.

The combined value of the Scrolls of Faith is 450,000 Sporebucks and doubles with Bard empires. Having all of them in the cargo hold simultaneously will sell for 4,500,000 Sporebucks.


Name Image Description Value
Block of Chance 1 Block of Chance 1 You want to know the meaning of life? Okay, here goes: Did you hear about the aliens who went into a bar on the moon? They left because it had no atmosphere! Hope that answers all your questions for you. 45,000Sporebucks

(90,000Sporebucks for Bard empires)

Block of Chance 2 Block of Chance 2 Look, we searched for the meaning of life. We tried to find out why we were here, what our purpose was, whether life had value, and what truly mattered. 45,000Sporebucks

(90,000Sporebucks for Bard empires)

Block of Chance 3 Block of Chance 3 Here are the results of our search for meaning: Where do space travelers leave their ships? At parking meteors! 45,000Sporebucks

(90,000Sporebucks for Bard empires)

Block of Chance 4 Block of Chance 4 There is no purpose. There is no value. There is no point. Life is ridiculous. 45,000Sporebucks

(90,000Sporebucks for Bard empires)

Block of Chance 5 Block of Chance 5 The universe is one big joke, and the joke is on us. 45,000Sporebucks

(90,000Sporebucks for Bard empires)

Block of Chance 6 Block of Chance 6 The best we can hope for is entertainment. We'll get along as long as you provide amusement - fighting our wars for us, fixing our worlds, looking for meaning where there is none, and groveling in the dirt to fetch us plants. So keep it up! Just remember that we're laughing all the time. 45,000Sporebucks

(90,000Sporebucks for Bard empires)

Block of Chance 7 Block of Chance 7 And don't forget- Why did the astronauts go to the moon, and then leave? Because it was full! 45,000Sporebucks

(90,000Sporebucks for Bard empires)

Block of Chance 8 Block of Chance 8 The Grox are machines with absolutely no sense of humor! They destroy entire races and never offer an explanation of what it is that ticks them off! 45,000Sporebucks

(90,000Sporebucks for Bard empires)

Block of Chance 9 Block of Chance 9 Even if you bring the Grox a present, they may not like you! 45,000Sporebucks

(90,000Sporebucks for Bard empires)

Block of Chance 10 Block of Chance 10 The Grox kill anyone who tries to approach the center of the galaxy. We never wanted to go there, anyway. 45,000Sporebucks

(90,000Sporebucks for Bard empires)

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