
SporeBite Bite is an attack ability available to creatures in Spore.

It deals the lowest damage out of all attacks tied with Charge, however, it attacks faster due to a shorter cooldown time. All of the mouths available in Spore grant this ability. Bite does more DPS than a same level strike but isn't as good for multitarget damage or burst damage.


Like all other combat abilities in Spore, the strength of bite is represented by levels 1 through 5, 1 being the weakest and 5 the strongest. The level of bite affects the amount of damage it deals with each use. All bite attacks, regardless of level, have a 1 second cooldown between attacks. The table below shows how each level of bite affects the damage it deals.

Level Damage
1 1
2 1.5
3 2
4 2.5
5 3

In Galactic Adventures, bite has a 1/4 damage multiplier when used against vehicles and buildings.

Parts granting Bite[]

List of parts granting bite
Name Type SporeBite Bite DNA DNA
Filter Mouth Cell 1 15
Jaw Cell 1 15
Proboscis Cell 1 25
D'orca Mouth 2 25
Terrorpin Mouth 3 75
CrocKisser Mouth 4 150
Shortensnout Mouth 5 250
Gobsterclaw Mouth 2 25
Handibles Mouth 3 75
Handtennae Mouth 4 150
Pincernaut Mouth 5 250
Manglerfish Mouth 2 25
Slagjawed Mouth 3 75
Barracutie Mouth 4 150
Carcharebear Mouth 5 250
Toucan't Mouth 1 25
Buzzbeak Mouth 1 75
Buzzmuzzle Mouth 2 150
Skexybeast Mouth 3 250
Sauroclod Mouth 1 25
Grinnace Mouth 2 75
Vermillips Mouth 3 150
S'gnarly Mouth 4 250
Simperton Mouth 1 25
Rostrum Mouth 1 75
Worrybeak Mouth 1 150
Amphibitude Mouth 1 250
Leeyotch Mouth 2 25
Gnathognasher Mouth 3 75
Saginaughty Mouth 4 150
Dietrap Mouth 5 250
Mollratt Mouth 1 25
Laardvaark Mouth 1 75
Ruminanteater Mouth 2 150
Whalephant Mouth 3 250
Swillson Mouth 1 25
Ungulot Mouth 1 75
Soundersnout Mouth 1 150
Haunchface Mouth 1 250
Cantovis Mouth 1 25
Splatypus Mouth 1 75
Snapgator Mouth 1 150
Grubblemaw Mouth 1 250
Masticator Mouth 2 25
Chompasaurus Mouth 3 75
Beefteef Mouth 4 150
Maccobjaw Mouth 5 250
Muzzletuff Mouth 1 25
Grindah Mouth 2 75
Gnasha Mouth 3 150
Tuskaloosa Mouth 4 250
MumblyJoe Mouth 1 25
Buttonmaw Mouth 2 75
Gnawly Mouth 2 150
Bucky Buckerson Mouth 3 250
Clamps Mouth 2 75
Cantop Mouth 2 75



Flub biting another creature

When a creature performs Bite, an animation showing jaws biting is played. The number of times these jaws bite indicates the bite level of that creature.


  • In Spore Galactic Adventures, this ability is replaced by Bladed Knuckles or Toxic Crystal, depending on the player's choice.
  • The number of times your creature bites something corresponds with the level of Bite your creature has. For example, when a creature bites something once, then it only has Level 1 Bite; if it bites twice, it has a Level 2 bite; and so on. When the bite icon is clicked in the editor, the animation shows the creature biting an additional time.
  • Creatures tend to use Bite to attack more than any other combat ability, even if they have other attacks.
  • Since all creatures have a mouth, every creature in the game can use the Bite attack.
Creature Stage abilities